Friday, September 3, 2010

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Sammi Sweetheart Is Full Of Shiz!

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 01:00 PM PDT


When it comes to Jersey Shore, we expect explosive fights, grenades and landmines, RonRon juice, and spray tan…but one thing we DON'T anticipate is all of this bullshit!

Sammi "Doormat" Sweetheart has finally noticed what a fool she's making of herself by continuing to get back with her on/off boyfriend, the scumbag Ronnie - who has repeatedly been caught cheating on the reality star - so now she's trying to do damage control and justify her idiocy!

She says:

"I don't think I wanted to believe it. I feel embarrassed now. I feel like I just leeched on to the person who was hurting me. I think he is actually really trying to show me the good instead of the bad. That's what I hold on to all the time."

Oh no, no, bb!

You hold on because you're insecure and he manipulates you!

But like we said - if you can't accept that for what it is, then you're just as pathetic as he is!

MOVE ON, bb!

[Image via Pacific Coast News Online.]

LiLo Gets A Savior For Her Career!

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 12:50 PM PDT


Earlier in the week, Lindsay Lohan was spotted with Brit-Brit's former manager Larry Rudolph and now, sources are reporting that she has officially signed him as her own manager.

Larry is no stranger to working with wonky, wild actresses - he was around when Britney took a buzz to her goldie locks.

Word is that LiLo is ready to jump right back into the game and is eager to take any and all projects presented to her.

But a close friend explains that Larry Rudy isn't letting that fly. He is insisting she stay on "lockdown" for a bit so they can evaluate her future plans.

Smart man!

[Image via WENN.]

Tom Cruise To Do A Horror Movie?

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 12:40 PM PDT


Tom Cruise isn't really known for acting in horror movies. Do we really want him to start now?

Guillermo Del Toro, the man who famously bailed on The Hobbit movie, is thinking of casting Cruise as the lead in his 3-D feature film adapation of H.P. Lovecraft's classic horror novella At The Mountains of Madness.

The drama cometh! Universal Studios, the production company backing Del Toro's project, is interested in James McAvoy as the lead role, while Guillermo would prefer Tom Cruise.

Both actors have high profile projects on the horizon, which could make them solid, pertinent draws for this movie. Cruise will be starring in Mission: Impossible 4, while McAvoy will play a young Professor X in X-Men: First Class.

Del Toro has done some wonderful work and he's an extremely talented filmmaker, but we're not sure if we can take his side on this one.

Neither Cruise nor McAvoy have backgrounds in horror, but McAvoy is a young, ambitious actor who we're just getting to know, and Tom Cruise has kind of overstayed his welcome.

Would U prefer to see Cruise or McAvoy in Del Toro's new horror film?

[Image via WENN.]

MileyBird Makes A Guest Appearance On Twitter

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 12:30 PM PDT


Someone must not have told Demi Moore how MileyBird swore off Twitter many moons ago because she was too "edgy" for that shiz!

So, last night, which seems to have been an off-night from filming Lols, Demi posted up this Twitpic of herself and her film daughter, along with the film's director and her BB girl!


PS. CLICK HERE to "follow" Perez on Twitter!

Mike Comrie To Play For Pittsburgh Penguins’

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 12:20 PM PDT


Hilary Duff's hubbie Mike Comrie has signed a one-year contract to play for the Pittsburgh Penguins.

Looks like Hilary will be spending some extra time on the east coast!

The contract is for $500,000, which is a lot less than is $1.25 million contract with his old team, the Edmonton Oilers.

His agent said he signed the contract because he felt he could help the Penguins become a better team.

We think you picked a good one, Duffy!

[Image via WENN.]

Michael Lohan Announces He's Going To Leave Lindsanity Alone!

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 12:10 PM PDT



The day Michael Lohan stops his famewhoring and exploitation of daughter Lindsay is the day that the universe implodes in on itself!

The douchebag, who was recently served with a cease and desist letter from LiLo's lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley, for attempting to sell her old diary entries, is now claiming that he's going to leave his little meal ticket alone!

And, of course, a whole lot of denial and other worthless bullshit.

He says:

"Why would she [Holley] do that at a time like this when she knows it's going to drive a further wedge between my daughter and I? Especially when she knows it's not true. I can verify that I did not try to sell these things. They were sent to me from an unknown person from a fake address in Salt Lake City, Utah. There were 14 different entries and only two of them related to what I think Lindsay is going through now. Because Lindsay was in rehab, I thought it was an important issue and that's actually why I did come forward and discuss them. If I blame anyone now it's myself, because maybe I shouldn't even have gone and tried to make a point of this in the public eye. But at the same time, you know what? It's an important issue.

I'm not going to tell Lindsay what to do anymore. It's not my business. One mistake I've made in the past is that if Lindsay chooses to be around certain friends, I'm not going to get between them. If she wants to go out until 12, one, or two in the morning, that's her business. I have to put myself in that position because it's created some problems for me in the past. It's said in AA and life in general that if we've had trouble with different people in the past, or if certain places bring back bad memories or if things we've done have had negative effects, then we should do our best to avoid them. But if Lindsay is smart, she'll handle herself and she'll be fine."

We don't see what the big revelation is here!

Lindsay's never listened to a word he's said (nor should she!) regardless of whether he's speaking to the press or not about her!

Either way, there's no way he's keeping his mouth shut. We give it another 12 hours before he's talking to the press about her again.


[Image via WENN.]

Katy's FIERCE German TV Commercial!

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 12:00 PM PDT


Check out the commercial for the German TV channel ProSieben's "Star Force," featuring Katy Perry as she performs Teenage Dream!

We almost wish she had gone with this look for her actual music video!

She looks unbelievable! We LOVE it!


T.I. Ordered To Return To Atlanta!

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 11:50 AM PDT


Oh shiz!

Now it's getting real!

T.I. aka Clifford Harris, Jr. has been ordered by his probation officer to return to Atlanta.

The rapper and his wife Tameka Cottle were arrested earlier this week for drug possession in West Hollywood, CA and were released on $10,000 bail each.

T.I. is still on probation after spending six months in jail on gun charges. According to sources, "The probation office is in the process of determining what happened and will make a recommendation regarding Mr. Harris when they have all the facts."

With T.I. being summoned back to Atlanta, things aren't looking good. He just may end up back in jail!!

[Image via WENN.]

You're Not Looking So Good, Jay Leno!

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 11:40 AM PDT


In the ratings, we mean.

Though he is still kicking David Letterman's ass big time, Jay Leno is severely lacking in viewers ages 18-49.

Sources are reporting that Jay hosted the lowest-rated The Tonight Show ever this summer, as he has 23% less viewers in that key demo compared to Conan O'Brien.

Sucks to be you.

Wonder if NBC still wakes up kicking themselves on this one?

[Image via WENN.]

Ali Larter Is Having A Boy!

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 11:30 AM PDT


So cute.

While promoting Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D, actress Ali Larter let it slip that she was having a baby boy.

She said:

"I'm not a gamer. I'm not someone who can sit at the computer and figure out these games — it takes a different kind of genius to get to the different levels and get through the different doors. Possible gamer? Well, after watching these movies and hearing all the gunfire I don't know what he's — it's — going to turn out like."


We'll be excited to meet him this winter.

[Image via WENN.]

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