
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Can YOU Sing??? These Folks Can!

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 01:02 PM PDT

Our "Can YOU Sing?" covers competition is one of the best things we've ever done!

We love this! LOVE love love this!


Perez personally watched every single entry! And we thank so much everyone who entered our Lady GaGa cover competition for Marry The Night!

And the winner is....

Joe Bissell! Check it out (above)!

Of all the entries, we think this is the one GaGa would love the most! We do!!!

Joe really captured the spirit of the song and made it his own! We love the rockier interpretation! We love his voice on it! We love everything about it!!!!

AND, check out the runner-up and honorable mentions.... after the jump! Plus some thoughts from us on why we like each one!

Coming in 2nd place is.....

Savannah Outen!

SUCH a pretty and sweet version! Great voice! Lovely all-around!

Check it out (below)!

And the honorable mentions are....

Kim Petras!!!

Kim actually came in 2nd place in our Adele cover competition! And she almost came in second here too with her awesome cover of Marry The Night.

She's so talented! Love her!

Check out Petras' take on GaGaloo's song (below)!

Emma Fitzsimons!

Her voice is so unique! Very special!

Check it out (below)!

Kathleen Dobs!

Her playful take on Marry The Night's reminds us of GaGa's own piano-version of Pokerface.

We love the homage! We love this cover!

Check it out (below)!

Amy Beyler!

Her take on the song is like a cross between Jewel and that Pompaloose duo on YouTube!

We likey a lot! And we also appreciated her outfit! Ha

Check it out (below)!

Rebecca Davis!

Hello GaGa clone!

It was a little unsettling to see her get all Single White Female on GaGa, but there's also something really creepily captivating and effective about this!

Check it out (below)!

Missy Modell!

Dancier! Poppier!

We like it a lot!

Check it out (below)!

New Breaking Dawn Sneak Peek! New Scenes From The Wedding!

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 12:50 PM PDT

Move over Kate Middleton! Sit yourself down Kim Kardashian! Your weddings may have been the stuff of fairytales this year, but in just 29 days, the world will finally get to see the real wedding of the year.

You're cordially invited to watch this new sneak peek at The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (above), featuring the cast talking about one of the most pivotal parts of the series: Edward & Bella's wedding!

There's some never-before-seen shots in this, so Twi-hards - brace yourselves. Also, make sure you stick with it till the end. Trust us!

Watch The First 9 Minutes of Once Upon A Time!

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 12:40 PM PDT

Wait till Sunday? Hell to the no!

If you've been paying attention to the TV, radio, billboards, buses, the Internet, etc. you know that ABC will premiere its new fantasy series, Once Upon A Time this Sunday and we'll finally get the chance to live the modern-day fairytale that the network has created.

We thought you would enjoy a taste of what is to come, so here for your enjoyment is the first full nine minutes of the premiere!

Simply put, it's magical!

Ch-ch-check it out! (above)

Karmin Releases Their First Original Single!

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 12:30 PM PDT

It's been a long time coming, but now ... here it is!

Check out the debut original single from Karmin, Crash Your Party!

Perhaps those of you coming to our party TONIGHT will get to hear them sing this LIVE!


Believe It Or Not….New Cranberries!!!

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 12:20 PM PDT

Been a VERY long time, but it's good to have them back!

Check out The Cranberries' newly-released single Show Me The Way (above), from their new studio album Roses!

Do U think they've still got it after a decade without releasing any new music???

Don't Worry, Lindsay! The El Lay County Sherriff Says He'll Make A Special Place In Jail For You!

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 12:10 PM PDT

And finally, the world justice system has thrown their hands up with Lindsay Lohan's outright REFUSAL to cooperate!

In light of the hard-pAArtying former actress once again blowing off her scheduled community service at the El Lay county morgue, and then releasing her latest bull shit excuse that's already been debunked via her representative and her Twitter, there's pretty much no question that she's heading back in the slammer.

And just in case she thinks she'll slither out early because of overcrowding, the El Lay County Sheriff Lee Baca has confirmed that regardless of this reality, he will ENSURE that LiLo serves time!

He explains:

The Lindsay Lohan case, as we all know, is an example of the perils of drug abuse, and she's a very sick lady. The question is, if she came to jail, would we be able to help her recover from her addiction? Now we do have programs, but she would have to be in there for a lengthy period of time, perhaps 60 days or more. And of course, as you know, we had Robert Downey Jr. about ten years ago in the system. It took a while for him to recover, but it really speaks to the larger issue, as far as I'm concerned, and that is: are we handling drug addiction in a way that's more significant to the recovery process than the punishment process?

Yes, we do have room for her...I think that the Judge is expressing what she should in that is frustration with not knowing what to do with someone like Lindsay Lohan. You know, she missed nine volunteer service appointments that she was supposed to make to show that she's on the track of recovery, and yet it speaks volumes to the fact when someone has the kind of problems that she does, she may not even be reliable to even focus on the things that she's supposed to focus on. It does seem to me like her addiction is overwhelming for her.

Yeah - that's the understatement of the decade!

We're just finally glad that all parties involved in her sentencing are realizing that she is actually INCAPABLE of not fucking up or getting into trouble, and are ready to lay down the law - whether she like it or not! Enough is enough!

We still think Judge Stephanie needs to section 12 this mess and have it extended past three days.

CLEARLY, nothing else has worked!

What do U think?? What would U do with La Lohan and her ridiculous, pathologically dishonest shenanigans?

[Image via WENN.]

Prince Harry Got Comfy With TWO Girls In VIP Area At Solana Beach Bar!

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 11:50 AM PDT

Really seems like Prince Harry's having the time of his life out here in Cali!

Earlier this week, we heard all about Prince Harry's pAArtying experience in Solana Beach, California, and it sounded like he had an absolute blast!

Now, we're hearing even more about his experience in Solana Beach, where he got comfy with TWO girls in the VIP area of the Belly-Up Tavern. What a stud!

Prince Harry was reportedly spotted "kissing a pretty brunette" while flirting with another girl and indulging in a tequila shot AND a beer.

Here's what the bar's manager Meryl Klemow had to say about Harry's visit:

"He stayed until 1:15am, and we put the World Cup Rugby on for him and his friends. He was very nice and didn't really party too hard."

No surprises here! The Prince may like to party, but it sounds like he's pretty much always a gentleman about it, which we definitely like to hear!

Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself, Harry!

[Image via WENN.]

Remember, It's Spirit Day!

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 11:40 AM PDT

Today, we honor our friends, family and loved ones who have suffered injustices and ridicule for being exactly who they were born to be. Wearing purple today shows support for gay youth and take a stand against bullying.

Here is The Talks Sara Gilbert's message to the masses about commemorating Spirit Day. (above)

Wear purple! Equality for all!

Facebook Encouraging Us To Purple-fy Profile Pictures For Spirit Day!

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 11:30 AM PDT

It's Spirit Day everyone!

Thanks to Brittany McMillan, October 20 is a dedicated day of LGBT support and youth suicide awareness.

Even corporations are engaging in the awareness this year! From LAX lighting up purple to Viacom, Pepsi, American Airlines, and Delta employees wearing purple, it really seems to be catching on!

One major company, one we're all familiar with, is making it real easy to show your support online by purple-fying your profile picture!

Yep, Facebook teamed up with GLAAD to make the color change possible. By clicking here, you could purple-fy your pic in an instant!

Facebook's diversity page recently updated their status to:

On Thursday, Oct. 20, we encourage you to wear purple as a sign of support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth and to speak out against bullying.

This isn't the only act of open acceptance displayed by Facebook. Earlier this year, they added civil union and domestic partnership to their list of relationship statuses.

Thanks, Mark Zuckerberg! 'preshade it!

Coroner Calls BS On LiLo's Excuses And Turns Her Away, She Is NOT Good To Go At The Morgue!

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 11:20 AM PDT

Uh oh, LiLo!

It looks like Judge Stephanie isn't the only one calling you out, girl!

As we just reported, after arriving at the morgue twenty minutes late, Lindsay's rep claimed it was due to the media and just not knowing where the entrance was. Lindsay's rep also said everything was good to go.

But LA County Asst Chief Coroner Ed Winter says no way that's true:

She did not show up at 8am. We notified the volunteer center that she was a no-show. And they in turn will let the judge know.

At approximately 8:40, she did show up at the back of our building and was turned away and is not working today. It will be up to the judge if she is in fact able to return.

She's been here before and she was given directions and as far as we know, she knows how to get here, and we told her to get here before eight.

OH. wow... 8:40?? That's not twenty minutes late, that's forty! And "good to go" isn't exactly synonymous with being turned away.

Ooooh, Lindsay Lohan....

[Image via WENN.]

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