
Tuesday, October 11, 2011



Crushable Quotable: True Blood‘s Alexander Skarsgård Explains Why Swedes Have So Much Sex

Posted: 11 Oct 2011 11:39 AM PDT

Our beloved A-Skars recently sat down with Swedish filmmaker Jonas Åkerlund to do a tag team interview with Out Magazine. Over the course of the interview, they discussed many interesting facts about their icy homeland, but the most delightful part came at the end, when they explained why Swedes have such a lax attitude towards sexuality:

Skarsgård: Also, I think part of the reason why there are so many musicians coming out of Sweden is you’re encouraged to play an instrument, or to sing and be creative, from a very early age, and it’s free. It’s a combination of a good school system and the long, dark winters. Because that means people sit in their garages and play music for five months because it’s too cold and dark to be outside.

Åkerlund: That’s the boning season. [Laughter] And then it’s spring, and that’s also boning season. And summer’s the best boning season.

Skarsgård: And that’s also why we’re so liberal and so cool with our sexuality — because we fuck a lot [laughter].

Åkerlund: How much time can you spend playing the drums?

Skarsgård: When you’re bored, just have sex.

I feel like there are lots of people out there who would not at all mind having boredom sex with A-Skars, during the boning season or not. I’d also like to take a second to appreciate the fact that Out Magazine seems to have similar taste in men to us here at Crushable. Congrats on your excellent taste, Out.

(Via Out Magazine)

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The Daily WTF: Occupy Wall Street Condoms Exist

Posted: 11 Oct 2011 11:06 AM PDT

Hey, apparently everyone’s fucking at Occupy Wall Street. Also, shitting in the streets, which is sure to effect either mass change or mass vomit. To address the first thing, the company Condomania has released these special, revolution-approved contraceptives. Here’s the statement from the Occupy Condoms folks:

“Occupy Condoms! Why? Whether or not you agree with the ‘demands’ of the Occupy Wall Street movement that is sweeping the U.S., one thing is for sure; lots of people out there are tired of feeling screwed. Occupy Condoms say it all in a neat little package while affording young protestors the protection they need to stay safe in the passionate frenzy that is social protest.”

Protest! Semen! America! The condoms are free — request some of your own over at Condomania.

(via BuzzFeed)

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: Beyonce Should’ve Used One Of These Movies’ Fake (And Indestructible) Baby Bumps

Posted: 11 Oct 2011 11:01 AM PDT

For someone so rich, Beyoncé sure was a cheapskate when she bought her fake pregnancy belly. The thing deflated when she did something so simple as sit down for an interview! (Also, in .gif form.) Whether Bey was faking it until her surrogate popped out a baby or what, she really should’ve gone the movie route and invested in a reliable fake belly. Consider the faux-baby bumps in our gallery—these have survived the slapstick of rom-coms and fight sequences in epic fantasy films. They could’ve made it through an eleven-minute interview.

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Paz De La Huerta Considers Herself ‘One Of The Rare Artists That Are Left’

Posted: 11 Oct 2011 10:57 AM PDT

Paz de la Huerta wants people to take her seriously. She might do tabloid-y things like fall down drunk at awards shows and assault other fameballs in bars, but at the end of the day, she is the Best Actress Of Our Generation, and she is not shy about telling us.

In a recent interview with, she said as much. When asked about the media’s “witch hunts and spectacles,” Paz had this to say:

I feel sorry for people these days. The media really feeds off of sensationalism. I work incredibly hard. I've studied acting since I was 15. I consider myself one of the rare artists that are left—especially of the young actors. It's unbelievable what some people consider great now.

How dare we mock her for the ridiculous things she says and does! Poor Paz was just minding her own business rubbing honey on her tits in front of reporters and spewing T.M.I. about her sex life, and us sad, jealous haters had to go and sensationalize it.

Here’s an idea: if you don’t want the negative attention to distract from your very important work as an actress, maybe stop trying so hard to get attention? I can’t speak for other people, but I don’t make fun of Paz because she’s sexy. I make fun of her because she tries way too hard to be sexy, while at the same time proclaiming that this makes her some kind of avant-garde intellectual. You know who’s good at acting? Meryl Streep. We know this because she’s done a lot of fine acting, not because she told us. I guess 15-year-old Paz was too busy making sex eyes at everyone to pay attention on the first day of acting class when they went over “show, don’t tell.” Or maybe she thought “show” meant “show your boobs”? Who knows.

(Via Flaunt)

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Tareq Salahi Is Selling Michaele Salahi’s Used Underwear

Posted: 11 Oct 2011 10:16 AM PDT

Would you buy fame-pariah Michaele Salahi‘s used underwear? Because her cuckolded estranged husband Tareq Salahi is selling them — supposedly for charity, although that may be a bit of a sham. Meanwhile, Michaele continues to live the high life with her new boyfriend, Journey guitarist Neal Schon.

Tareq claims he’s donating the proceeds of the underwear sale to charity, but in reality only 10% of the what he earns will go to Make A Wish Foundation and Comic Relief, his charities of choice. So it looks like Tareq is actually just trying to make a quick buck — but will he even be able to do that? Who actually wants to own Michaela’s underthings? Selling off her used, vagina-scented unmentionables implies this some sort of aura of sexiness around Michaele, which, frankly, isn’t what’s notable about her. People pay attention to her (to the degree that people pay attention to her) because of her outlandish antics and not because she’s some sex symbol with magical pheromones.

Maybe I’m wrong and hundreds of people will bid on the undies. More likely, Neal Schon will snatch them up (ugh, pun not intended) as yet another way to one-up his nemesis.

(via HuffPo)

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Questionable Choices: Katy Perry’s Pre-Halloween Skeleton Makeup

Posted: 11 Oct 2011 09:41 AM PDT

Katy Perry is not someone who messes around with her pre-Halloween festivities. Last weekend she joined some friends at Knott’s Scary Farm, and went all-out with skeleton face paint. She even managed a cheeky tweet – Be honest with me, do I look tired? – probably poking fun at the Twitpic that husband Russell Brand posted a few months ago of Katy with bedhead and without any makeup.

So is this a desperate attempt to make herself (yet again) seem really relatable to her fans? To be honest, I actually like it. For one, the makeup is excellently done, so we know she’s not half-assed about it. More than anything, she just seems to be having fun without worrying about being perfectly costumed and bubbly; I can’t begrudge her that. Here’s another photo of her with her friends, who also got into the Halloween spirit:

This could be the preview to a really awesome Halloween costume.

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Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills Barbie Recap: Kim Is A Zombie

Posted: 11 Oct 2011 10:39 AM PDT

Monday night's episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills spiraled into the first real fight of the season and set up conflict for the next several episodes. But we had to wade through a lot of bullshit to get there. (Does anyone care about Lisa's daughter's storyline? Exactly. And that's why I'm not including it.) Here's a look at "Let the Games Begin" dramatically reenacted by Barbies.

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Beyonce’s Face Has Not Changed At All In 5 Months Of Pregnancy

Posted: 11 Oct 2011 09:24 AM PDT

Now that we have reason to suspect that Beyonce‘s a pregnancy-faking liar, we’re seeing clues to her charade everywhere. How come she hasn’t gained a bit of weight anywhere but in that impressive belly? Because really, her face has stayed exactly the same throughout the entirety of this alleged pregnancy.

The image above shows a morph between a photo taken last May, around the time Beyonce would have gotten pregnant, and a photo taken about two weeks ago, well into the period when Beyonce had been sporting an impressive baby bump. (Ugh, is there any term worse than “baby bump”? Sorry.)

Is this necessarily proof that Beyonce’s faking her pregnancy? No, some pregnant women simply don’t gain as much weight in other areas of their bodies. However, the degree to which Beyonce’s face stays exactly the same is rather alarming — if not because it proves she’s a pregnancy-faking nut, but because it proves she might be a robot.

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Snooki Emerges Victorious From Twitter Fight With Her Favorite DJ

Posted: 11 Oct 2011 09:05 AM PDT

Today, in unfortunate Twitter feuds: Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi was just minding her own business, watching a documentary about cyberbullying (a topic no doubt near to her heart), when her favorite DJ/producer decided it would be a good time to cyberbully her a little more. In what may or may not have been a tweet mandated by her contract with MTV, she tweeted this bit of promo:

Because he is so cool and cynical, Deadmau5 responded with this witty retort:

Low blow, DJ bro! But not unlike a short, orange Jesus, Snooki responded by turning the other cheek:

Indeed, she has oft spoken of how much she lurves fist-pumping to Deadmau5′s mixes up in the cluuuurrrrb, even name checking him in the book she “wrote,” A Shore Thing. He didn’t respond directly (although he did mumble some nonsense about his edgy truth-telling) because what can one say to that? “You do not deserve to listen to my high artsy club mixes, ye who got punched in the face on purpose”? And correct me if I’m wrong here, but isn’t it a wee bit hypocritical for someone who wears a giant mouse head everywhere he goes to call someone else out for attention-seeking behavior?

Reading through some other things Deadmau5 has said, it seems he would like to distance himself from all those talentless cluuuurbgoing DJs and place himself in a category of high art. Guess what, dude? You make house music. Guess who listens to house music? People like Snooki. Maybe don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

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Space Relations: 19 Technology Resources For Roommates

Posted: 11 Oct 2011 08:51 AM PDT

It's no secret that my experiences with roommates haven't always been pleasant. Personality conflicts, lack of communication, and inconsiderate behavior are all factors that created rifts in roommate relationships I've had, and I think those types of issues will continue to be at the core of most roommate disputes for years to come. But one thing that's changed in a big way since I first started sharing a home with roommates is technology.

My first roommate situation (in my freshman college dorm) was in 2000, and I didn't even have a cell phone. We really did make use of the dry erase board on a daily basis, and for years after that my roommates and I relied on passive-aggressive notes, chalkboards, sticky pads, and the occasional in-person chat to discuss things like bills, rent and who was moving out when the lease was up. Suffice it to say, we were pretty old school when it came to determining who to live with and how to keep track of who owed what on the gas bill.

Today, though, there are countless ways to reduce stress—at least some of the time—by using technology that's designed to make living with others "virtually" hassle-free. Of course, no roommate situation is ever a hundred percent perfect, but with the help of several apps and websites, we've entered a time when finding a compatible roommate and quickly managing shared bills are real possibilities…without ever leaving the couch. Here are 19 resources to help you in your quest for roommate bliss:

Note: I haven't used all of these services and don't recommend paying for any service without triple-checking that it's valid, useful and a good fit for your needs.

To Use When You're Looking For a Roommate or Place to Live

1. RoomBug: RoomBug is a customized software application that utilizes Facebook to allow students to search profiles and identities of potential preferred
roommates. It's pretty popular and used by lots of students.

2. Craigslist: An excellent resource to finding the good, the bad, and the ugly, and there's always plenty of roommate and housing options.

3. College Admissions Facebook Pages: Most of these pages link up to RoomBug (above), but it's always good to do a search to see whether your college (or potential future college) participates and encourages incoming students to utilize the tools to help you find a roommate.

4. Room Surf: This site seems to be on hiatus, but it's billed as "the leading Facebook-based college roommate matching application used by over 150,000 students at 800 colleges nation-wide!"

5. EasyRoommate: A matching service for roommates and rooms for rent. Plus it has the word "easy" in the title, so how hard can it be? Amirite?!

6. RoomSync: Billed as "Creating Connections. Reducing Conflicts," this Facebook app "empowers residents to select their own roommates, which reduced roommate conflicts and increases retention." It's especially good for incoming college students.

7. HotPads: A map-based rental housing and real estate search engine that allows users to search for housing using a graphical map. HotPads has its own mapping application and is a place to find rentals (or housing for sale).

8. A roommate matching service that manages to hold down the coveted "roommates dot com" URL.

9. Roommate Express: "Helping people find their compatible roommates since 1986!" This site seems rather sketchy.

10. Roomster: "Offers the most features & largest community on the web for Roommates, Shares, Apartments & Sublets." That's a pretty tall claim but hey, maybe it's true!

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