
Friday, July 27, 2012



Tom Cruise invited a tabloid reporter to witness his reunion with Suri

Posted: 27 Jul 2012 09:08 AM PDT

Tom Cruise

This week’s tabloid extravaganza has slowed a little bit (and just in time for the lip-biting scandal of the century, right?) in regard to the TomKat divorce. Mainly, Star and In Touch are both running with the story that Tom is playing the full-court press in an effort to spoil the hell out of Suri to the point where she’ll eventually request to live with him instead of Katie. It’s a blatantly unfair tactic that occurs in many divorces, but it’s particularly egregious when Daddy just happens to be an A-list action movie star and one of the richest men in the world. Of course, Katie is nowhere near living a decrepit, poverty-level lifestyle herself, but she’s definitely on a budget, you know? She can’t afford to blow around $200,000 on a two-day trip, but Tom can and will do so on a repeated basis.

Anyway, the title to this post might have been slightly misleading, but Tom was indeed overly warm and welcoming to a Star reporter who went swimming with he and Suri at the Greenwich Hotel. While the reporter didn’t technically identify himself (according to the details revealed in the story), I think it was pretty obvious that Tom knew it was a member of the press, and he fully intends to play the media just like he’s accused Katie of doing. He can’t help himself from grinning at the paps like he’s the best father in the world because he took a few days away from his hectic schedule to acknowledge his daughter’s existence. Just look at how differently Tom treated the reporter and another bystander in this account from Star:

Tom Cruise

It was 98 degrees in NYC, the kind of day when New York kids hole up inside or, if they’re lucky, find some water to play in. The Greenwich Hotel had the best of both options, and indoor pool. That’s where Star’s undercover reporter found Tom and Suri.

“How’s the water? Is it warm?” our reporter asked Tom as she entered the pool room. Other than a security guard posted outside the door and a lifeguard, no one else was there.

“Yeah, it’s pretty warm!” he called back.

“Are you guys going to be here awhile? I don’t want to disrupt your alone time together,” she said.

I don’t know. Suri, are we going to be here awhile?” he asked his daughter.

“Yes,” she chirped.

“Don’t worry about it,” Tom said. “Come on in!”

Our reporter chose not to interfere with their reunion, but for the next hour and half would up swimming and hanging out with Tom and Suri. He and his daughter played “catch,” where Suri would paddle around the pool on a foam noodle as Tom chased her. They also played a game where she was always safe on her “sea horse.” He also taught her how to shoot water out of the foam noodles and blow bubbles in the water.

Towards the end of their pool time, another couple entered the room. When the woman realized who he was, she became excited.

“So you’re the reason all the paparazzi are outside!” she declared. “Someone told me all this commotion was over Mary-Kate Olsen.”

“Can we please not talk about this?” Tom said. But she kept rambling about how she couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t just leave him alone. This time, Tom raised his voice and said,” Please, let’s not talk about this, OK?”

Our reporter was left with an overwhelming impression of an extremely doting father and a daugther who trusted him implicitly.”

[From Star, print edition, August 8, 2012]

See? Tom knew right away that the fawning bystander should be dealt with accordingly, but the “undercover” reporter had pretended not to even know who Tom is. And since everyone (for better or worse) in New York City would recognize Tom (and his lifts, which I hope he removed before entering the pool — shrinkage), anyone who acts so casually around him should automatically tip him off that it’s a member of the media trying to get some dirt. Tom may have issues with reality (as evidenced by Xenu worship), but he’s not a stupid man. I really think that Tom knew this person was a reporter, and he played it up immensely.

Of course, I’m not saying that Suri doesn’t adore her father, and she obviously does. I just think this is yet another way that Tom is going to make things difficult for Katie in the long run. At this point, she needs the public’s sympathy on her side because it’s the only real advantage she has over Tom, and now he’s trying to take that away too. He’s such a tool.

Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Pacific Coast News

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Madonna offers weak non-apology to Marine Le Pen, gets booed by audience

Posted: 27 Jul 2012 08:14 AM PDT

Madonna didn't actually say the words "French politician Marine Le Pen is a Nazi" but she did say it with her visuals during her MDNA tour. During Madonna's show, she does a "video morph" thing of various international politicians and leaders, and when Marine Le Pen's photo comes up, it morphs into a swastika. Incidentally, when I was looking up my previous story on this subject, I just typed in "Madonna Nazi" thinking it would bring me to the story – it didn't. You know why? Because Madonna also defended King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson, claiming that they weren't Nazi sympathizers, when in truth, there is a lot of evidence that proves that they were. Basically, Madonna only uses Nazi imagery when it suits her purposes, and she will defend real, genuine Nazi sympathizers because they were "romantic".

Anyway, these are photos from Madge's Paris show last night. The last time she was in France, she pulled the Marine Le Pen-swastika trick, and Le Pen made a lot of noise about suing (although I don't think she's actually sued yet). So Madonna tried to apologize while on stage. Except she didn't really. Just FYI, this Mail story cracked me up:

Madonna appeared to make a public apology to France’s far-right nationalist leader Marine Le Pen last night after depicting the politician with a swastika across her forehead. It comes as the leader of the National Front prepares to sue the pop queen for associating her with Adolf Hitler’s Nazis.

In an eccentric performance in front of 2,500 fans in Paris, Madonna said: ‘I know that I have made a certain Marine Le Pen very angry with me. It’s not my intention to make enemies.’

Madonna then went on to praise France for its tolerance and the welcome it had shown to black performers.

She said: ‘Before the civil rights movement in America, African American artists were not allowed to perform in America, but France opened its arms to Josephine Baker, Charlie Parker, to people of colour and people who were different. Minorities felt welcome in France. If we don’t learn from history we will just repeat it. So the next time you want to point the finger at somebody and blame them for the problems in your life take that finger and point it back at you.’

Despite her emotive words, there were boos when Madonna, who turns 54 in August, performed for just 45 minutes, after fans paid up to £200 to see her.

She also raised eyebrows when she said: ‘I have a special affinity with France, and I have for many years. It could go all the way to Napoleon because I think of myself as a revolutionary.’

The pop queen was attacked for only singing for around 30 minutes – and spending 15 minutes ‘wittering on about politics’. As she left the stage, the curtains closed behind her with a message reading ‘I love you’. But when she did not reappear for an encore, audience members began jeering, booing and pelting the stage with bottles. Ticket prices for the sold-out gig started at £60 rising to £200, but were exchanging hands on the black market for up to £1,000.

Concert-goer Guillaume Delaval said afterwards: ‘The show was OK but it only last 45 minutes, and she spent 15 minutes of that wittering on about politics and tolerance. We didn’t come to hear that. It was a concert, not the United Nations.’

Madonna’s staff were not available for comment today on why she ended the gig so abruptly.

The National Front has already lodged a formal legal complaint on Madonna for the Nazi stunt, which she pulled at another concert in Paris earlier this month. Florian Philippot, the FN’s vice-president, said the party could not accept ‘such an odious comparison’, adding: ‘This is just another provocation in Madonna’s world tour so that people will talk about her. Marine Le Pen will defend not only her own honour but her supporters and the millions of National Front voters.’

Ms Le Pen, 43, threatened prosecution when Madonna performed the same stunt in Israel, saying: ‘We understand how old singers who need to get people talking about them go to such extremes.’

Other sources in the National Front, which has frequently been linked with anti-Semitism and racism, said Madonna had offended all of its members.

‘We are not a Nazi party, and object to being depicted as such,’ said a source in the party, which won a fifth of the popular vote during the first round of presidential elections in April. ‘If you accuse the National Front of being anti-Semitic and racist then you accuse a fifth of the French people of being anti-Semitic and racist.’

Marine Le Pen pledged to reform the party after taking over the leadership from her notorious father, Jean-Marie Le Pen last year. He is a convicted racist and anti-Semite who has in the past denied that the Nazi Holocaust actually took place during World War II. Despite this, he came runner-up in the French presidential election in 2002, proving that he had widespread support. Ms Le Pen has toned down the party’s extremist views, but regularly pledges to limit Muslim immigration, and to clamp down on Islamic culture in France.

Ms Le Pen won just under 18 per cent of votes in the presidential election but failed in her bid to become an MP in France’s National Assembly.

[From The Mail]

So, long story short, she didn't apologize, she yammered on and on about race and politics, and she barely "performed" for 30 minutes after charging everybody roughly $300-ish for the pleasure. CLASSIC MADGE.

PS… I’m including a slightly NSFW photo at the bottom. Because I LOVE YOU. Madge Biscuit Attack!!

Photos courtesy of WENN.
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Justin Theroux’s skinny jeans at LAX: unflattering for his disproportionate body?

Posted: 27 Jul 2012 07:30 AM PDT

These are new photos of Justin Theroux arriving at LAX, having just flown in from New York City. His lover Jennifer Aniston is still filming in North Carolina. I really, really wonder why he's not at her side. And yes, Pity Party Patrol, I KNOW that couples don't have to be joined at the hip forever and ever. I'm just saying – JustJen really are joined at the hip normally, and it feels like they haven't been together in a week, which is longer than they seem to go without seeing each other usually. Take that with the fact that Justin seemed to be living his old Heidi-Bivens life in NY and hanging out with his hipster bachelor buddies like Uncle Terry Richardson… it's weird. It's probably nothing. But I do like to analyze every little detail.

It wasn't until I saw Justin Theroux in motion on Ellen DeGeneres's show that I realized what a strange body he has. Not "strange" as in "he's a freak of nature!" – more like "strange" as in "how did I never notice how small he is in general, and how he has really short legs?" You know why I never noticed? It's because his top half is decent – he has nice arms, a decent build above the waist, and a big head (literally!). But his bottom half is disproportional. And it's not being helped by his insistence on wearing these weird skinny jeans and too-tight, close-cut leather pants and whatever the BIEBER HELL he's wearing in these photos (skinny sweatpants?). I like that Justin owns his slim (disproportionate) body, but I've got to ask – isn't there a way for him to wear nice, flattering pants? He's 40 years old. He should be able to find a good pair of pants by now.

Also – that's HIS Louis Vuitton bag. The Asian(?) man is his driver, I think, and that's why the dude is carrying Justin's precious LV bag. I'm also including a photo of the back of Justin's head – WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS BALD SPOT?!? Is that a hipster comb-over or did he get some plugs?

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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Is Scarlett Johansson “too flirty” with her married ‘Avengers’ costars?

Posted: 27 Jul 2012 06:17 AM PDT

I really, really hope this post brings out some wailing Avengers fan-girls. First, let me ask you: does Scarlett Johansson seem like the kind of woman who would be overly friendly with your husband? Yes. I think she would. I'm not saying she would actually bone a married dude (Am I? I don't even know), but I do think she would be one of those women who just flirts with every dude, regardless of his single-or-married status, regardless of whether you're shooting dagger-eyes at her as she leans in and bats her eyes at your husband. Anyway, this Enquirer story definitely plays into that image that some of us have of Scarlett. According to sources, the "wives" of some of the Avengers are not happy with their husbands' close friendships with ScarJo. I guess Black Widow's special power is jiggling AND flirting.

Scarlett Johansson loves driving men mad as much as any girl, but she's also a babe who likes to pal around with guys, just like one of the boys – which makes the wives of her "Avengers" co-stars CRAZY!

"ScarJo's buddy-buddy friendships with their husbands has really rubbed some wives the wrong way – especially Chris Hemsworth's wife, Elsa, and Robert Downey Jr.'s wife, Susan," said the insider. "Their husbands text back and forth with Scarlett, call her and giggle on the phone – and when they rave that Scarlett is 'like one of the guys,' it really grinds the girls' gears! They think it borders on being flirty. And there's an 'Avengers' sequel in the works, so the problem's ongoing."

But "Innocent" ScarJo, happily settled in with ad exec Nate Naylor, "doesn't see herself as a femme fatale – she's never broken up a marriage or anything. She just likes being one of the boys!"

[From The Enquirer, print edition]

From what I know of Susan Downey, she really doesn't seem like the jealous type. She has RDJ's heart, and she knows it. She probably thinks it's cute that Robert flirts, but I also buy the idea that Robert knows his limits, and he would never do anything to harm his marriage, you know? As for the Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky stuff… hahahaha. I can't wait to read the comments on that one. Oh, and ScarJo better not try anything with Mark Ruffalo!! She can have Tom Hiddleston, though. I think he's single. Shhh…. Do you hear that? That was the sound of all of the Hiddlestoners screaming "NOOOOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOO!!"

Photos courtesy of WENN.
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When Lip-Biting Gets Real: Kristen Stewart is “not blaming anyone but herself”

Posted: 27 Jul 2012 05:22 AM PDT

The Great Twihard Meltdown of 2012, also known as "The Kristen Stewart Scandal: When Lip-Biting Gets Real" is still going on. And like the third or fourth day of any news/gossip cycle, the hard(er) news aspects of the story are falling away and it's just becoming a free-for-all of tabloid coverage and "inside sources" and various outlets going through their archives to declare "exclusive" signs that Kristen was always going to cheat on Robert Pattinson. And additional parties have begun to (allegedly) chime in too. So… let's get to it!

*Charlize Theron now hates Kristen Stewart. Allegedly! Charlize is friends with Liberty Ross, and a source tells Radar, "Charlize is absolutely fuming with Kristen for having an affair with Rupert. She is very tight with Liberty, has often socialized with the family over dinner and cannot believe Kristin has done this. When they were filming Snow White and the Huntsman, Charlize felt like an older sister to Kristin, and they were always sharing advice. Charlize confided to her new pal about her adoption plans. She even asked Kristin if she wanted to be her baby Jackson's godmother – that was how close they were. But Charlize had no idea what was going on between Rupert and Kristin and now feels completely betrayed by the whole incident. It's certainly left Charlize between a rock and a hard place, because she feels great sympathy for Liberty and the kids and yet, she has a sisterly love for Kristin."

*Radar also points out that two months ago (in late May), Kristen took Rupert's daughter out for ice cream during the SWATH press junket. Radar is billing this as some kind of "proof" that Kristen and Rupert were a lot closer than previously thought, especially with a source claiming, "During the press junkets for Snow White and the Huntsman, Kristen was already close to Rupert's kids. She treated his eldest daughter to ice cream in Los Angeles when there was a break in her press interviews back in the latter end of May. At that time no one suspected anything was up – there was no reason to – but looking back at it now it seems pretty suspicious. The affair could have started back then – and everyone was blindsided. Why else would you take out a married man's kid for ice cream?” Um… of course, it does seem like a cold thing to do in retrospect ("Come and have ice cream with daddy's mistress!"), but really… I think Kristen was just being nice to a kid, you know? Eh.

*Rob Pattinson is "deeply depressed" and "He doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know if he should forgive her or not.” This according to Us Weekly's sources. Rob is also "beyond devastated. He’s so heartbroken. He’s shocked she could hurt him and humiliate him this way.” Additionally, Kristen is "very angry at herself. She’s really not blaming anyone but herself.”

*Hollywood Life has a source who says: "Rob is not taking Kristen's calls and he isn't much of a texter as they don't text each other. Not only has he left the house they share but he is leaving the situation all together cold turkey to have time to himself and deal with it on his own terms. He currently wants to be as far from Kristen symbolically and physically right now while he deals with what has happened." It's believed that Rob is still in California, and that he will be staying in America for the time being. I guess he's staying with friends?

*Brandi Glanville has chimed in! Brandi tweeted, "I’m not happy with this K stew BS. 2 close to home. Same story, friends with the wife and kids & f**k the husband when we think no one is looking. My last quote of the day on this subject- Home-wreckers come in pairs #ittakes2."

*Hollywood Life's screaming headline: "Robert Pattinson Leaves Kristen Stewart — Who's Keeping Bear?" Bear is their dog. I hate myself for actually wanting to know who has custody of poor Bear.

You know what? I'm guessing that People Magazine has an exclusive story this afternoon in which Rob Pattinson's publicist comes out and says Rob dumped Kristen. That's just my theory/bitchy-Cassandra-prediction.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
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Bruce Willis calls his daughters ‘spoiled & selfish’ for ignoring their mom

Posted: 27 Jul 2012 05:10 AM PDT

In our coverage of the news that Demi Moore’s daughters are refusing to contact her, the comments have been divided between considering it tough love for an addict and finding the girls self-centered and spoiled for refusing to get in touch with their mom. It seems that Demi’s ex, Bruce Willis, is in the “spoiled” camp. He’s allegedly chastised the girls and threatened them with being cut off from his money if they don’t make up with their mom. That’s one way to get your daughters to fall in line. Here’s more:

Since Rumer, 23, Scout, 21, and Tallulah, 18, distanced themselves from their mom to get away from her emotional meltdowns, Bruce has let them know their behavior is unacceptable. “Bruce is very disappointed in them, and he’s been calling them spoiled and selfish. He doesn’t understand why they are turning on their mom when, for the most part, she’s been an incredibly supportive parent.”

The girls supported Demi through the split from Ashton Kutcher and her stay in rehab, but now they feel she should get it together on her own. Bruce, however, feels differently. “He thinks they are being way too hard on Demi,” says the source. “He still really loves her, but he has a new wife and baby to look after so it’s not as though he can do much for her.” But Bruce has a trump card to bring the girls in line: Shape up or no more allowance. “If he cuts them off, they will all be in serious trouble. None of them has money saved, and they all rely on Bruce and Demi to pay their bills. The sad thing is this means that Demi’s girls have to be paid to be nice to her.

[From Star Magazine, print edition, August 6, 2012]

There’s got to be a way for the girls to talk to their mom and set limits on how much they’re willing to be drawn into her drama. They’ve probably tried that, but let’s face it they’re all under 25 and likely have a very low tolerance for Demi. She’s partied with them, hit on their male friends, and reportedly acted like more of a “little sister” than a mom. It’s up to Demi to fix some things before she can repair her relationship with her daughters. If you believe the latest (PR-planted) reports, Demi has a hot new romance with a younger actor who could really use the publicity. Things are looking up for her and maybe she’ll be able to get her act together. If that story is a fake romance, at least she’s saving face in the media after seeing her ex so loved-up with Mila Kunis. She’s better off without the douche, but she still doesn’t seem to have realized it.

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Bruce is shown in Cannes on 5-16-12. He’s also shown with daughter Rumer and wife Emma on 10-11-10. He’s shown with Demi and Rumer on 3-24-11. Demi is shown with her new “boyfriend” in a recent candid, thanks to Life & Style. Credit:

Prince Harry & Duchess Kate are still incredibly flirtatious with each other, Part II

Posted: 27 Jul 2012 04:46 AM PDT

Since it went over so well the first time I mentioned it, let's do it all over again: Prince Harry and Duchess Kate seem really close these days. Especially close. Like, if you didn't know who you were looking at, wouldn't you assume that Kate and Harry were the married couple? I'm including new photos of Harry, William and Kate "waiting outside Buckingham Palace to receive the Olympic Torch as part of the final leg of the relay in London, England." Kate is wearing bright blue skinny jeans, wedges and a flirtatious smile for her brother-in-law. She also seems to be ignoring her husband completely. Obviously, Harry is definitely a more interesting conversationalist, plus he's just hot. But smile at yo' husband too, girl! I'm also including some additional Waity 'n Harry photos from earlier in the day yesterday, when the three young royals were opening up that sports complex. Once again… Harry and Kate seem so tight.

Is anyone else actually concerned? Do I think that Harry and Kate are actually having some torrid affair? Not really. But I am concerned about the optics, and I think the Palace should be too. There are already stories about "William is kind of over Kate already" and now we've got "Kate and Harry are always flirtatious with each other." It doesn't look good.

But maybe we should just focus on the continuing rumors that Harry has a new girlfriend? A week ago exactly, we were discussing the possibility that Prince Harry might have found himself a 23-year-old, blonde, beautiful, bluebood girlfriend/hook-up. Her name is Cressida Bonas, and her mother is some kind of famous 1960s "It Girl" who got married and divorced a bunch of times and she had a bunch of (now adult) kids. Cressida has a half-sister, Isabella Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe, who briefly dated Prince William. It was believed that William was really, really into Isabella and she shot him down. Isabella is beautiful too – and Cressida looks a lot like her sister. Anyway, In Touch had a recap of what we already knew:

Prince Harry definitely has a type. After calling it quits with his on-again, off-again girlfriend of seven years, Chelsy Davy, he's spending time with a new blonde! Cressida Bonas, 23, and Harry, 27, hit the town on July 18 after catching a flick.

According to an insider, Bonas and Harry were "kissing in a corner" at London's Salon nightclub. Here's the twist: Cressida is the half-sister of Isabella Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe, who many insiders believe is the girl Prince William fell head over heels for years ago – and wanted to marry. Rumor has it she wasn't fond of living the royal life, opening the door for Kate Middleton.

Family dinners would certainly be awkward, should things ever get serious.

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition]

E! News also has some royal sources who claim,“They are definitely dating, but it is not serious. They have known each other a while, but only recently has it turned into more than friendship. They are not exclusive though, just having fun. They met through [Princess] Eugenie, who is friends with Cressida… Cressida is really smart, very naturally pretty and just a really cool girl to hang out with. It’s hard for Harry to date as there are so many opportunities out there, but Cressida is someone he knows he can trust as she is already in his circle. She’s already passed the test of being discreet.” So discreet that her friends are speaking to E! News. Allegedly. Oh, well. I'm guessing Cressida will last for a month or two (maybe) and then Harry will be back with Chelsea Davy. Why can't Harry get it together and find a nice girl? Maybe he already has… judging from these photos with his sister-in-law.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.
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Kim Kardashian wants Kanye’s baby via surrogate so she doesn’t ruin her figure

Posted: 27 Jul 2012 04:45 AM PDT

I keep saying that I'm waiting for/expecting Kim Kardashian to get pregnant with Kanye West's baby. It just feels… right, doesn't it? Like it's the next logical step in the famewhore game: get pregnant and reap the rewards, let the pregnancy publicity blitz wash over you like a steady stream of… nevermind. Well, I forgot one thing: Kim Kardashian might be too much of a narcissist to get pregnant. And before you hit "publish" on your "I can't believe you're calling surrogacy narcissistic, you f^&#@" hissy fits, let me explain: The Enquirer claims Kim doesn't want to have Kanye's baby because she doesn't want to ruin her figure. I have no problem with surrogacy in general or specifically to help couples with fertility problems. But going the surrogacy route JUST because you don't want to ruin your figure? I'm sorry. Narcissistic. Of course, I don’t want to have a baby because I think I’d be a terrible mother and I want to projectile vom when I think about childbirth. So maybe I should just keep my mouth shut?

KIM KARDASHIAN has come up with the perfect plan to have a baby with KANYE WEST and still keep her massive assets – hire a surrogate to carry the child for her!

According to a close source, Kim, who's been dating 35-year-old rapper Kanye since early April, would like to have a young woman in her mid to late 20s "with a calm, soothing demeanor, a lot of patience and a posi­tive outlook" to serve as a surrogate.

The curvy 31-year-old reality star would also prefer a woman who has siblings and is married with a happy home life, added the source.

In exchange for having for having the power couple's baby, the surrogate could stand to collect a whopping $200,000 to cover medical bills, ex­penses and the surrogacy fee.

"As far as Kim's concerned, this is the answer to her dreams," divulged the source. "She desperately wants a baby with Kanye, but she doesn't want to gain weight like her oldest sister Kourtney did!

"Kim actually said, 'I won't ruin my body by getting pregnant.'''

"Kim doesn't want to go through the pain and heartbreak that Khloe has endured," said the source, referring to the two frustrating years that Kim's younger sister has suffered in her still-fruitless attempt to have a baby with Lamar Odom. "While Kourtney has had no problems getting pregnant, Kim's seen how miserable Khloe has been trying to conceive – and that's the last thing she wants to go through."

But the main reason Kim is opting for surrogacy is because she's concerned about her weight.

"Kim loves food and packs on pounds easily," explained the source. "She's been on an organic diet and has been working closely with a trainer to trim down – and it shows…. Kim knows that if she gets pregnant, all that hard work goes down the drain and her famous butt with expand. She'd also have to take a break from modeling and advertising, which is where she makes most of her money."

As for Kanye, he seems to be happy to let Kim handle the decision.

"He thinks she would look absolutely beautiful pregnant," the source said. "But if Kim wants someone else to carry the baby – that's cool with him too."

[From The National Enquirer, print and online editions]

I can understand how Kim looks at what Khloe's going through and thinks "Dear God, I wouldn't be able to handle that." But Kim doesn't even know if she can conceive! It's not like she's trying – that we know of. She could be as fertile as Kourtney. And yes, I know this is the Enquirer, etc, etc, and maybe it's not true. But doesn't it sound so… Kardashian? It sounds Kardashian to me. I kind of think Kim doesn't want to admit that she's kind of ambivalent about pregnancy and babies too.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.
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Prince Jackson: “I’m really angry and hurt,” my grandmother “was lied to”

Posted: 27 Jul 2012 04:40 AM PDT

The insane amount of details and breaking news on the Jackson family saga has been calming down now that Katherine Jackson has been returned to her grandchildren. It’s of course still not over. We’ve heard Katherine, 82, say that she wasn’t kidnapped by four of her adult children, and that she went to Arizona on her own accord. While Katherine read this statement to ABC news she was surrounded by four people and the single journalist who was there wasn’t allowed to ask a single question. TMZ described it as a “hostage situation.”

Now we’re hearing from Michael’s oldest child, Prince, 15. Prince backs up his sister Paris’ version of events, and even tweeted a screenshot of a text message conversation with three of his aunts to prove that he and his siblings were blocked from contacting his grandmother. Here’s what he wrote on Twitter, and I was impressed by how well written it was:

I would first like to start off this tweet by thanking the fans that have always stood by me and my family, my dad really appreciated your support and I still treasure it to this day. As I am sure everyone is well aware of the events that have been going on. I have been holding off on backing up my sister and her tweets avidly because I was waiting for the time to reveal my side. As long as I can remember my dad had repeatedly warned me of certain people and their ways. Although I am happy my grandma was returned, after speaking with her I realized how misguided and how badly she was lied to. I'm really angry and hurt. The following image is of a group chat I had started to several family members. This group text message I had started was replied to but they didn't know that I could see the responses. For this whole time, they denied us contact to our grandmother. "If you continue with your lies I will continue with the truth"

[From Prince Jackson's Twitter]

There was a story that Prince’s Twitter account was “hacked” to post this message, but Paris claimed on Twitter that this tweet from Prince is genuine, and that the message claiming he was hacked was actually someone with unauthorized access trying to discredit him. She wrote:

the thing my brother tweeted last night was the last true thing he tweeted.. he was hacked saying what we tweeted was false..

These poor kids.

There’s of course a lot of other news in this case, and I’ll briefly include it here. A staff member for the Miraval resort where Katherine Jackson was staying last week has issued a statement claiming that she had full access to a working phone at all times. It looked to me like they comped part of her stay in exchange for the free publicity. (Their PR person was with them during Katherine’s statement and Katherine mentioned their name several times.) They probably realized that the circumstances made them look complicit in cutting Katherine off from the outside world.

Katherine is said to have had an “emotional reunion” with the kids with the youngest child, Blanket, 10, “especially traumatized by Katherine leaving because he is extremely close to her and was absolutely lost without her.” She’s since met with her lawyer about working to have her guardianship of the children reinstated after it was temporarily awarded to their cousin, TJ, in her absence. Katherine’s lawyer also denied reports that she suffered a stroke.

So what’s next for this incredibly dysfunctional family? How is Katherine going to serve as an effective guardian for the children when she seems to be so easily controlled by the faction of Jacksons working to take over Michael’s estate? Will safeguards be put in place to ensure that the kids aren’t separated from her again? It sounds like they’re trying to make sure that happens, but this lady is 82. She’s not going to be able to watch those kids forever. Hopefully she’ll be able to care for them until Prince is 18 and can legally stand on his own. We’ve seen that those kids definitely have the wherewithal to stand up to their greedy aunts and uncles.

After I wrote this story, the news broke that La Toya, the one sibling of Michael Jackson’s who had yet to take sides, has told TMZ off the record that she wants her family to work out their issues in private and not through the press. Who would have thought that La Toya would be the sane one?

Does Kate Hudson hold an ‘incredibly petty’ grudge against Scarlett Johansson?

Posted: 27 Jul 2012 04:27 AM PDT

Kate Hudson

Over the past decade or so, Kate Hudson’s acting career has progressed from promising, Oscar-nominated darling to a chick who starred in far too many terrible romcoms. Her last movie, A Little Bit of Heaven (which honestly should have been named Hot Lovin’ & Colonoscopies) even went went straight to video-on-demand. According to a story in this week’s issue of Star, Kate hasn’t been blaming her career downfall on poor film choices. Instead, she’s focusing her ill will on “longtime frenemy” Scarlett Johansson, and Kate is allegedly furious that Scarlett has suddenly made it so big as a result of her Black Widow role in both Iron Man 2 and The Avengers. Here’s the story:

Scarlett Johansson

Nothing can decimate a star’s ego like watching a rival’s stunning career success. Ever since Scarlett Johansson’s movie The Avengers exploded at the box office — rewarding ScarJo with a $20 million paycheck for the sequel — longtime frenemy Kate Hudson has been seething with jealousy.

Scarlett and Kate’s rivalry began years ago, when they were competing for Justin Timberlake. Now that Scarlett’s career has skyrocketed while Kate’s has stalled, the Something Borrowed actress has been plotting a jealousy-fueled comeback that she hopes will dethrone ScarJo as the queen of Hollywood.

Says a source: “It’s incredibly petty, but she still bitches about Scarlett to this day. Every time Kate gets an endorsement deal she Googles to see Scarlett’s deal so she can compare. Kate hasn’t had a major hit in ages, but she’s letting it be known that she’s ready to break out of her mold and become the It Girl in Hollywood again.” We’ll see…

[From Star, print edition, August 8, 2012]

Honestly, I think the biggest surprise in this story is that Scarlett will be pulling down $20 million for an Avengers sequel. That figure can’t be accurate, but I’m sure she received a substantial raise from the first movie. Actually, scratch that — Movieline has confirmed the salary rumor, but I still think it’s an overstatement.

Here’s the thing though: Scarlett has played her cards quite well with Black Widow, and she reportedly got her foothold with this character by accepting a lowball salary to play the role in Iron Man 2. It was a risk that paid off in spades (plus, she was great in The Avengers), and there’s no way in hell that Kate Hudson could ever pull off that kind of career move.

In any event, it’s not like Scarlett really has to look over her shoulder or anything because Kate’s not going to be catching up with her anytime soon.

Scarlett Johansson

Kate Hudson

Photos courtesy of WENN

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