
Monday, June 24, 2013

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Justin Bieber Placed On A No Fly List For Bad Behavior!

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 12:51 PM PDT

Looks like the Biebs is STILL misbehaving!

This time, Justin Bieber has gotten himself BANNED from Las Vegas Indoor Skydiving! He's been placed on the facility's no fly list FOR LIFE!

We hear Biebs and his crew rolled up to do some inside soaring just MINUTES before the skydive center closed. They agreed to let Justin in and showed him a good time.

When it came time to pay, they gave Bieber the option to settle up his $1,600 tab OR put a pic up of himself flying on Instagram. Justin agreed to Insta it up, but the picture NEVER came!

One witness even says Justin FAKED taking a picture! Is it so hard to post a pic, JB? We've seen you do it PLENTY of times before!

The photo above came off the indoor skydiving center's own Twitter feed, so at least they got to take some shots with the pop star before he split! They have since DELETED the pic. Maybe because they're so mad???

Do the right thing Justin! Pay up or post up!

P.S. CLICK HERE to "follow" Perez on Twitter!

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[Image via Twitter.]

Rihanna Goes Rated R On Instagram!

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 12:42 PM PDT

Rihanna is obviously just as naughty as ever!

A self-proclaimed Bad Girl, RiRi is welcoming her fresh days as a single lady with VERY scandalous Instagram photos from way back in 2009 during the release of her HIGHly successful Rated R album.

Clearly Ri doesn't give a f**k between these and her recent weed-themed Amsterdam photo diary, but that's nothing new!

Hey, as long as gurlfriend isn't claiming to be a role model, then we're all for a few eye opening snaps.

After all, this is America: Land of the Free!!!

Long live sex, drugs, and rock n' roll!

[Image via Instagram.]

Demi Lovato Is Made In The USA! Listen To Her NEW Single HERE!!

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 12:21 PM PDT

Just when we thought she couldn't get any better...

Demi Lovato has just released her second single, Made in the USA, off her fourth studio album, Demi. Not only is it absolutely AH-MAZING, it's also a great follow up to the star's first single, Heart Attack!

What's more, it's just in time for July 4th! We're all about that red, white, and blue patriotism!

Ch-ch-check out her track ...AFTER THE JUMP!!!

Way to go, Demi!

[Image via Dominic Chan/WENN.]

Jim Carrey Slams His Own Movie! Says Kick-Ass Sequel Is 2 Violent!

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 12:16 PM PDT

Jim Carrey may once have been comedy box office gold, but this time the joke's on his own movie!

The fierce gun control advocate has officially pulled his support from the upcoming Kick-Ass 2, decrying it as too violent! He tweeted:

Executive producer and Kick-Ass creator Mark Millar responded with shock on his own site. He wrote:

"As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun-control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago.

Yes, the body-count is very high, but a movie called Kick-Ass 2 really has to do what it says on the tin. A sequel to the picture that gave us HIT-GIRL was always going to have some blood on the floor and this should have been no shock to a guy who enjoyed the first movie so much."

We have to agree with Mark here. There's no way Jim didn't know what he was getting into with a sequel!

And we understand that Jim is shocked every time there is another shooting. So are we!

But does he really think that movies are to blame? Isn't it that kind of taking the onus off of the gun lobbies thing he usually fights against?

P.S. CLICK HERE to "follow" Perez on Twitter!

P.P.S. CLICK HERE to "like" Perez on Facebook!

[Image via Universal Pictures.]

Will Smith Is Too Pricey To Save The Planet Again; WON'T Be In Independence Day 2!

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 12:09 PM PDT

Looks like the aliens might stand a fighting chance this time around!

That's because they will NOT be up against Captain Steven Hiller in Independence Day 2 as the sequel can't AFFORD to pay Will Smith to return!

The director of both the original and the next installment, Roland Emmerich, said:

"Will Smith cannot come back because he's too expensive."

As one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood, Mr. Smith demands a hefty payday for any flick he stars in, usually upwards of $20-25 million!

But it sounds like Emmerich isn't all too upset about not having Willy back to kick some extraterrestrial ass:

"…he'd also be too much of a marquee name. It would be too much. We have, like, maybe half of the people that you would know from the first film and the other half people who are new."

Independence Day 2 is set to blast off into theaters July of 2015. With no Will Smith though, will YOU still line up to see this movie???

[Image via 20th Century Fox.]

Justin Bieber Vs. Keyshawn Johnson & Suburban Neighborhood: Who Will Win??

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 11:53 AM PDT

Justin Bieber and his neighbors REALLY don't get along.

And with rumors of Justin's wild parties, face spitting, fast driving, and reckless friends, we can understand why!

But apparently the Biebs has gone too far of late, and the Home Owner's Association in his Calabasas neighborhood is finally getting involved! Their moves have occured discreetly, of course, because they wouldn't want a herd of young Beliebers toilet papering their front lawns and whatnot.

So, in order to keep from get their own hands dirty, they sent out a vague neighborhood letter targeting the international heartthrob:

"The storyline concerns one of our celebrity residents confronting another celebrity resident over alleged dangerous driving."

If there were a less discrete version, it would probably read as follows:

"Remember that time Justin Bieber pissed off our boi, Keyshawn Johnson? Well that's what this letter is about."

In case you were unaware, Keyshawn was upset because someone in Justin's white Ferrari was driving too fast near his children. Anyone else would probably have been equally peeved!! Keeping kids safe is a no-brainer!

The rest of the letter basically tells Bieber's neighbors to call the cops on him and his bestiez if they keep speeding, and also reminds citizens that they are subject to fines for violating HOA rulez.

Who do U think will win this battle, Justin or his neighbors??

[Image via Instagram.]

Monsters University Scares Up Second Biggest Pixar Opening Of All Time!

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 11:43 AM PDT

Pixar has done it again!

Monsters University rampaged across box offices this weekend, earning $82 million! Disney VP of distribution Dave Hollis said:

"The consistency of the quality that comes from Pixar and John Lasseter and his team is extraordinary. This movie had to live up to a very high bar, and it did."

We guess putting Mike and Sully in an institute of higher earning worked out- this was the second biggest Pixar opening weekend of all time, only beat out by 2010's Toy Story 3!

And it's not just good news for MU! It's good for movies in general! Between World War Z's huge $66 million and Man Of Steel's strong $41 million, this was one of the biggest moviegoing weekends in history!

We guess it's a good time to be a superhero OR a monster!

[Image via Pixar.]

Lindsay Lohan Can't Make Rehab Easy!

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 11:27 AM PDT

MORE drama!!

Justin Bieber Takes An Epic Fall Down A Flight Of Stairs!!!

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 11:21 AM PDT

Clumsy Bieber!

Justin took a tumble moments before a photoshoot this weekend, AND has the Insta-vid to prove it!

The Biebs teased fans with this tweet:

Then, the 19-year-old singer posted a video explaining his klutzy moment. In the clip, Bieberoni explains:

"So I decided I was gonna fall down the stairs, and so I did! So that's exactly what I did!"

You can see a nice close up of some scratches on his neck.


No doubt lil' Biebs hit that floor hard!

At least he has a sense of humor about the snafu, right?

Justyy tweeted this hashtag along with the video:

"#whyigottafallandcutmyneckbeforeaphotoshoot fun."

Ch-ch-check it out (above)!

[Image via Instagram.]

Josh Hutcherson Loves Some PDA With His GF, But Is She A Better Kisser Than Jennifer Lawrence?

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 11:08 AM PDT


On the heels of Josh Hutcherson announcing on Ryan Seacrest's radio show that he gets a "stirring" whenever he kisses Hunger Games co-star Jennifer Lawrence, Josh was out and about with his real life girlfriend Claudia Traisac on his motorcycle.

And if he had to explain that comment, we're sure it was a prettaaaaay long ride, probably leaving him shaken and very much not stirred.

However, after the two hopped off, they ate at the sandwich shop Mendocino Farms to end their own hunger games, and even shared a kiss. Ch-ch-check 'em out (above)!!

Josh and Claudia met on the set of Paradise Lost, and all indication shows that there's no trouble in their paradise. PHEW!

And while every kiss DOES begin with "K" (and maybe ends with "atniss"), we're sure that Claudia is a great kisser as well.

[Image via Premiere/FameFlynet Pictures.]

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