Saturday, October 9, 2010



The Man Behind Daughter Slayer Condoms

Posted: 09 Oct 2010 08:43 AM PDT

Are you the kind of guy who likes to slay ladies in the bedroom? Well, there is now a product for you: Daughter Slayer Condoms. It’s a simple premise. The condoms are black. They say Daughter Slayer on them.

The Crushable team ran into the creator of said condoms in the wild. As you’ll notice from the face on Crushable’s Liana Maeby above, we were very confused. We had some questions. For starters, who is the demographic for said product? And moreover, what would make such a seemingly innocuous man create such a thing? So we asked. And he answered. (Perhaps unsurprisingly, he asked that his name be kept out of this.)

Crushable: Are you a daughter slayer?
Daughter Slayer: Not really. It’s an aspirational brand. One day I might be a slayer.

What made you create these things?
A friend was telling me about how his girlfriend’s parent were over at her place, and were taking the trash out. And I guess out of the trash can fell one of these Costco bulk boxes of Trojans, and it was sort of an embarrassing situation for some reason. So I was consoling him that they were just regular condoms, not something weird. Like, I don’t know, Daughter Slayers. And thus they were born out of his shame.

And I just loved the name. I thought about it for a month or so, and decided to try it out. I’ve made a bunch of dumb, profitless web sites, and it was about time to make a dumb, profitless real word product.

You advertise these on Facebook? Do they work better with metalheads or frat guys?
Facebook ads are pretty amazing. You can target people so specifically by a ton of parameters, including interests. But I suspect that frat kids don’t actually put “frat” into their interests as much as people who are into Korn talk about Korn. So, the FB ads probably weren’t being seen as much by the frat guy community. Or maybe the metal logo was too much for them, I should have branded it with some Greek letters or something thing.

Also, the condoms are black, and black latex already has a rich history in the metal community. And there’s the Slayer bit as well. It’s a natural fit.

Have you gotten any negative attention since starting to sell them?
Dudes who have daughters usually don’t think it’s as funny. And it’s probably a 50/50 love/hate ratio among females. No one’s been too pissed off. I’ve got a Formspring page  and haven’t received any serious hate yet.

Any other important questions we forgot?

Oh, also, I totally forgot about this, but I once tried making a patriotic condom, back when I was all jazzed up about the possibilities. It never took off, but here was the concept: The Great American Penis.

Do you have a weird product you think Crushable would like? Send an email to tips(at) with “Product” in the subject.

Post from: Crushable

The Man Behind Daughter Slayer Condoms

Posted: 09 Oct 2010 06:05 AM PDT

Our Buried giveaway, featuring a movie poster signed by Ryan Reynolds, ends tomorrow! One of our Facebook fans is going to win a Buried poster signed by Ryan and director Rodrigo Cortes along with an entire Buried prize pack. Enter before tomorrow at 5 p.m. EST by clicking here and hitting the “Like” button.

Post from: Crushable

Join Crushable For 'Sunday Night Live'

Posted: 08 Oct 2010 03:27 PM PDT

We’re pairing up with our friends at College Candy to bring you the best in shared weekend television viewing, this Sunday night at 9 p.m. There will be live blogging of television, and probably some drinking going on.

Help us figure out what shows we’ll be watching:


Post from: Crushable

Join Crushable For 'Sunday Night Live'

Celeb Tweetup: You Nasty

Posted: 08 Oct 2010 02:42 PM PDT

Seriously you guys? Gross. We’re trying to enjoy a nice, brisk Friday while eating our borsch and contemplating Comic-Con this weekend, and then we have to see this kind of trash on our Twitter. Honestly.

Man, if this is what Katy Perry (@KatyPerry) and Russell Brand (@RustyRockets) are willing to talk about in public, can you imagine how much they have to up the ante for their dirty talk?

Cari Dee English (@CariDeeEnglish) is right. It’s a government conspiracy. Trust no one.

Nick Holmes (@narcissusholmes), you are one creepy dude.

That’s it, Samantha Ronson (@samantharonson). We’re back on Team Lindsay.

Post from: Crushable

Celeb Tweetup: You Nasty

Crushable Commenter of the Week: Inkhuldra Defends Keanu's Honor

Posted: 08 Oct 2010 01:43 PM PDT

When we expressed surprise over Keanu Reeves unexpected eloquence during his Vulture interview (in which he used terms such as re-contextualize and conceptualize), we thought we were paying the sad actor a compliment! Apparently not: there is a strong community of “Save Keanu” fans that believe the Bill and Ted thespian should be allowed into Mensa. We’re wary of urls sent in our comment sections, but congratulations to user Inkhuldra for introducing us to WhoaIsNotMe.Net, which has provided us with minutes of entertainment.

I think whoever wrote the article above should spend some time at, read some of Keanu's interviews, and then possibly revise his/her preconceived ideas regarding Keanu's intelligence.

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Commenter of the Week: Inkhuldra Defends Keanu's Honor

Star Shrinking: 'Teen Mom' Amber Is A Self-Serving Menace

Posted: 09 Oct 2010 10:54 AM PDT

In the last few weeks, one of the stars of MTV’s Teen Mom has won herself a lot of attention. And not for good reasons. Amber Portwood has verbally abused her daughter’s father Gary Shirley, throughout the airing of the show, and during a September 26 episode, she was actually seen punching him in the face. She’s now under investigation for domestic abuse and could lose custody of her daughter as a result.

This week, she got into an even sketchier debacle on the show. On a date with a man she met at Wal-Mart, she learned that he was an ex-convict. Today we found out he’s also a child molester.

In light of that news, we decided it was time for a chat with Dr. Gilda, our favorite celebrity psychologist, about Amber’s poor decision making habits.

For starters, this could all be tied into her dramatic weight loss (Amber lost 65 pounds over the summer). According to Dr. Gilda:

“When somebody loses weight, often the weight comes off, but the issues that cause the weight to come on in the first place are still evident.”

Amber’s behavior in this area is rather typical:

“So often of people who have lost weight have not done the neccessary work to find out what was behind the weight gain to begin with. She got rid of the symptom but never got rid of the cause.”

But Amber’s anger issues are getting out of control. Viewers of the show may have noticed this week that her toddler freaks out when Gary leaves the house. But when Amber leaves? She gets nothing.

Eventually, all the rage Amber unloads is going to have a serious effect on her daughter:

“This is what happens. The baby will grow up thinking that people have relationships that are based on screaming and yelling and disrespect. That's how this little girl is going to format the rest of her relationships, because that's what she's learning.”

And that’s before we even got around to discussing Amber’s new beau. Does she actually care about him?

“No of course not, he's being used as a symbol of something to her ex. ‘Look how well I can do with a skinny man who will pay attention to me in a whole different way. You in comparison are a loser.’

“This excon doesn't realize it but he's being used as a symbol, rather than being accepted for who he really is.”

There’s one major snag in Amber’s plan. The new guy is a child molester. According to Dr. Gilda:

“The rate of recidivisim for child molesters is very high. Chances are, unless he's had a million years of therapy, he will continue that behavior.”

She wants to put her own child in harm's way for the sake of being able to rub the nose of her child's father in the dirt. Her agenda is totally self-serving.”

“People who are so self-serving ought not be parents. I feel for their children.”

You can learn more about Dr. Gilda on her website

Post from: Crushable

Star Shrinking: 'Teen Mom' Amber Is A Self-Serving Menace

Posted: 08 Oct 2010 01:19 PM PDT

Next Harry Potter move fails to make its 3-D release date – Is this a blessing in disguise? Because of scheduling issues, Deathly Hallows Part 1 will have to come out in 2-D. Fair enough, Warner Brother. We’re not shedding any tears over here. (NY Times)

Post from: Crushable

Mariah Carey's Guide to Pantsless Halloween Costumes

Posted: 08 Oct 2010 12:50 PM PDT

Want to look sexy yet original this Halloween? Already have that perfect idea in mind? But oh no, what if your costume requires pants? Don’t fret, Mariah Carey has got you completely (er, semi-completely) covered. This glittery diva is a Halloween pro and she knows how to coax any costume in the world out of its slacks.

Post from: Crushable

Mariah Carey's Guide to Pantsless Halloween Costumes

Sex On the Wire: Dirty, Dogging Brits

Posted: 08 Oct 2010 02:06 PM PDT

• We know where we plan on taking our next vacation: Puttenham, England, a quiet little town that’s become a popular spot for “dogging” (aka sex in public). Best part? It’s barely illegal! (New York Times)

• Once again, a study has confirmed what we’ve already assumed to be true: Overweight women are hired less, and generally take a salary cut, over their skinnier counterparts. (Lemondrop)

• Is having sex with gay dudes a new trend? We feel like we’ve heard a lot about this lately. (The Gloss)

• Take a look at the Ryan Gosling/Michelle Williams feature Blue Valentine…which is slated to get an NC-17 rating. (The Frisky)

• Congrats to all the young kids out there having sex, who know how to wrap it up. Shame on the adults, who are less likely to be using protection, according to this new study. (Blisstree)

• Here’s a male sex expert telling you how to have a female orgasm. Hmm…we might stick to advice from someone who actually shares our genitalia. (YourTango)

Christina Hendricks says women hit on her. If this counts as news, we’re glad that there is literally nothing else in the world going on today. (CBS)

Post from: Crushable

Sex On the Wire: Dirty, Dogging Brits


Post from: Crushable

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