Reese Witherspoon in Vogue: “I mourn the loss of my privacy” Posted: 11 Apr 2011 09:02 AM PDT  As I previewed yesterday, Reese Witherspoon is the cover girl for the May issue of Vogue, all to promote Water for Elephants. CB and I, both Reese fans, are in agreement about this: Reese is overselling this bitch. It's all too much, and Reese looks… kind of desperate. Desperate for a hit, desperate to justify her paycheck, desperate to work with the best people… I don't know. I don't like this version of Reese. I also dislike this Peter Lindbergh photo shoot - I mean, we get it. She's in a movie with an elephant. Her blonde looks frazzled and her makeup looks Christina Aguilera-esque. The styling just sucks, overall. The full Vogue article is here, and here are some highlights: Tabloid attention: "It usually heats up during, like, pregnancies or babies or marriage. It's the drama of real life. . . . It's interesting to people. Readers want to know! I was talking to an actress the other day who is pregnant right now, and she was like, 'What is it? What's the deal?' She said, 'Oh, maybe once I have the baby no one will pay any attention,' and I was like, 'Bwah-ha-ha-ha!!!!' " She exaggeratedly tosses her head back. "'Oh, yeah. They will leave you alone after you have the baby. Suuure. That's exactly how it works.'" How she handles fame: "I get hugged a lot," she says. "Which is fun. Mostly it's all good, positive energy that comes to me. I like people. And at the end of the day, we're all just people, you know? We're all just going through it. Nobody's life experience is all that much different than anyone else's. We've all had our share of heartbreak. It's the universal language of life." On Jim Toth: "He's wonderful," she says, beaming. "He's just a really great guy, and I feel really lucky. It's so cute: Over the holidays I was at a department store in L.A. with my friends, and these three women from Oklahoma came up to me, and they said"—she lays on a thick Southern drawl—" 'Reese. We are so happy for yeeew. We liiike this guy for yeeew.' And I said, 'You do?!' 'Yes, ma'am. We think he is a niiice man. We think he is going to treat you well and be good to yeeew.' I was like, 'Really?' So sweet! And I told them my mother likes him very much, too." In a good place: I had been hearing from people who work with Witherspoon that she is in, as they say, "a good place." When I mention these reports, she looks at me with one of those faces she is famous for, a look that telegraphs surprise tinged with irritation. "I mean . . . it sort of indicates that at other times I was not in a good place." She laughs. "Which is true. I have had my share of heartbreak. But I think your friends really know when you are at your happiest. Even though I am nervous and excited and all those things people feel when they are about to get married, I think I am mostly very calm right now. Usually, I'm a little bit of a squirrel. I have a squirrelly energy. Like, you don't know where your next nut is gonna come from?" She stares at me with those unblinking blue eyes. "At the moment I am not buzzing around all squirrelly and nervous. I just feel really lucky to be with someone who cares so much and is so kind and loving. You know? It's a really nice thing to finally have that." Preparing for Water for Elephants: "About three months before the movie started, I went to circus school," she says, "doing trapeze and acrobatics with Cirque du Soleil performers. A lot of it is flexibility and learning to bend your body backward. I had been a gymnast when I was little, so getting that flexibility back was really fun." Then she went to a ranch to train with Tai [the elephant]; she was slightly nervous the first day. "She could crush you with her jaw, but she knows the exact right amount of pressure with which to pick you up but not hurt you. It's really incredible. I trust her more than any other animal I have ever been around." Hollywood life: "You know, it can be a crazy life. Sometimes you feel like you are on a speeding train and you just don't know where it's going. You can start to lose your identity and what it is that you are really working for." Like a lot of working women, she's constantly looking for the right balance. "I don't wake up to make movies. I wake up to have a wonderful family and to cultivate the best life for all of us, and it's great to now have a partner in that. We have a lot of family meetings. 'Mom's going to be away and coming home on the weekends. How does everybody feel about that?' It's always military operations around here. Lots of different moving parts. I have my moments when I feel like I'm just going to collapse and I can't do it anymore and I'm failing at everything. Like, you're kind of good at a bunch of stuff but not really good at anything." On being 35 years old: "I've had some really kind of sad moments lately. You don't go backward! And I think 35 for a woman is a big thing. I remember when I was a little girl looking up at my mother at 35 doing her hair in the mirror, and I thought, my mother has never been more beautiful. She had years of wisdom you can't erase. And now I feel the same way when I look in the mirror. You can't pretend you are an ingenue. You can't pretend you are wide-eyed and innocent. It's on your face! It's in your body. It's in your voice. It's in your reactions to things when people say, 'I just did the most morally corrupt thing I've done in my life' and you literally don't blink." She laughs. "You've either done it yourself or you know someone who has." The difference between 26 and 35: Because I first met Witherspoon eight years ago, when I interviewed her for this magazine, I ask her, What does 34 know that 26 didn't? "I definitely know now that I know nothing," she says. "When I was 26 I would have told you a lot of things that I thought I knew really, really well," she says. "I was a little more shut down in my 20s. I was really scared of a lot of things and a lot of people. I have gone through so many changes since then. Obviously, being divorced and having a couple of relationships. I'm much more open than I was. I think with life experience you go: I have no idea what's next. The unexpected doesn't surprise me anymore. It really shocked me then. [I was] really blindsided. I was always shocked about finding out things or behavior or people's attitudes toward things. You just realize that you don't know anything about love or relationships." On privacy: But one thing that hasn't changed is that she is as private as ever. Indeed, she seems almost constitutionally unsuited for the level of fame she has to live with. At one point, I ask her what is the worst thing about being Reese Witherspoon, and she pauses for a very long time. Finally she says, "I mean, I feel like an ingrate for even thinking anything isn't good. I'm very, very, very lucky. But . . . umm . . . probably that I parted with my privacy a long time ago. We went different ways. And sometimes I mourn it. Sometimes I will sit in the car and cry. Because I can't get out. That's the only thing: I mourn the loss of my privacy." [From Vogue] Yeah, people who sell their wedding photos to People Magazine and Hello Magazine don't really have the right to whine about their privacy. But those are the only comments I really took issue with. My favorite exchange is actually a little aside by the author, who says that Reese has a habit of finishing his sentences, with hilarious results. He started a sentence, "People who love fashion often . . ." and Reese finished it with " . . . Lack perspective?" Ha! That's the Reese I love.    Photos courtesy of Vogue.  |
Lindsay Lohan hid in her closet while her dad tried to break into her home Posted: 11 Apr 2011 08:33 AM PDT  Another day, another cracked-out shenanigan. Yesterday, the Lord's Day (LMAO), Lindsay Lohan was cracked out of her skull and hiding in her closet. Was it a particularly bad trip? Could be. But the official reason, via TMZ, is that Linnocent was "hiding" from her father. Michael Lohan came to the front door of Linnocent's Venice beach condo, and when Lindsay didn't answer the door, Michael started "staring in the back windows of her Venice apartment, trying to spot Lindsay inside, and began banging on the windows." Michael eventually left, and Linnocent did not call the cops, probably because she A) wasn't sure if it actually happened or if this was all yet another crack hallucination or B) She didn't want to go through the trouble of hiding her crack stash in case the cops wanted to do a look-through of her place. In other Linnocent news, Radar has an interesting story about the upcoming preliminary hearing for the Crack Trial of the Century: Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Danette Meyers is warning her witnesses to expect “grueling cross examination by defense attorney Shawn Holley,” as she preps for the first step in the criminal trial against Lindsay Lohan, has learned exclusively. The preliminary hearing, to determine if there is sufficient evidence to order Lohan to stand trial, is scheduled for Friday, April 22. Meyers had originally planned on calling only the investigating officers to testify. But because of a legal technicality that could have resulted in Lohan being sentenced for being in violation of her DUI probation at the conclusion of the trial and not at the end of the preliminary hearing, Meyers is calling the jewelry store owner and the female employee who was working the day of the alleged theft to the stand. If the judge finds there is enough evidence to send Lohan to trial, that in itself will result in a probation violation, and Meyers wants to make certain that Lindsay will be sentenced immediately following the hearing. A source close to the case tells us: “Meyers has met with the store owner, Sofia Kaman for at least two hours. Meyers has also met with the female employee, and is preparing both of the witnesses for what is expected to be grueling questioning from Lindsay’s attorney." Much of the preparation is being spent on Sofia’s testimony, because she made the decision to sell the surveillance video. But Meyers believes Sofia will be an excellent witness for the prosecution, the source reveals. She has yet to see one dime from the sale of the video. Meyers expects Shawn to grill Kaman about her motivation for selling the surveillance video. Holley will seek to raise doubts about Sofia’s credibility, the source adds. The preliminary hearing is expected to last two to three days, and at the conclusion, Judge Stephanie Sautner will determine if there is enough evidence for the case to go to trial. If she does, our source tells us, “Meyers will ask that Lindsay be remanded into custody immediately for the probation violation.” [From Radar] That's interesting, isn't it? I hope Meyers gets what she wants, and Linnocent has to go back to jail for the probation violation(s). She should have been in jail a long time ago, but if this crack trial goes how I think it will, the crack tears will be flowing and it will be delicious. No more strategic leaks about being up for big parts, no more crack hustling, no more hooking. I can't wait.   Photos courtesy of WENN.  |
Arthur bombs at the box office, is Russell Brand over? Posted: 11 Apr 2011 08:19 AM PDT  Just how badly did Arthur bomb at the box office this weekend? To the tune of a mere $12.6 million, which landed the remake at a very distant second place behind Hop, which scored $21.7 million in the second week of its theater run. Yes, both films star Russell Brand, but (aside from a cameo) he’s only heard but not seen in the latter film, wherein he voices the Easter Bunny. His presence meant very little to the success of Hop, and I’d bet that the vast majority of viewers neither knew nor cared who Brand is; and the disappointing returns of Arthur would confirm that U.S. audiences don’t register him as a leading man at all. Admittedly, I’ve got a love-hate relationship with Russell Brand. On one hand, I find him rather amusing in certain late-night capacities, such as his explanation of monarchy and the royal wedding on a recent Conan O’Brien episode. However, when the subject arises of Brand attempting to break into the U.S. mainstream, I’m reminded of the fact that he was sacked by MTV UK for dressing up as Osama bin Laden on September 21, 2001. To be fair, the guy was doing heroin at the time and has since cleaned up his act quite a bit, but the fact remains that he doesn’t fit neatly within mainstream American sensibilities. For certain, most critics turned up their noses at the Arthur remake, with the movie scoring a mere 25% approval rating at Rotten Tomatoes. Now, Time has already begun to celebrate the cinematic end of Brand: Can we stop thinking about Russell Brand now? Britain’s bad-boy comic, who scored a vocal hit last week as the teen bunny in Hop, looked to parlay his animated success by starring in a remake of the 1981 Dudley Moore comedy Arthur. But audiences decided they’d rather hear Brand than see him. The holdover Hop, which dropped 42% from last weekend’s winning tally, won the battle of the Brands. Its $21.7 million earned it the top spot in North American theaters, according to early studio estimates, while Arthur grossed just $12.6 million, well below expectations, in its opening frame. Total theatrical revenue was down about 6% from the same weekend last year, with box-office earnings still running a parlous 30% below 2010’s. Hop and Arthur were supposed to be the one-two punch that would transform Brand — known to American audiences for a supporting role in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, a co-star turn in Get Him to the Greek and his husbanding of Katy Perry — into the next bankable comedy phenom. Here was the ideal match of new star and old property, with the ex-druggie Brand as the dipsomaniacal playboy whom Moore had made both famous and endearing. Instead of pruney John Gielgud as Arthur’s veddy proper valet, Brand had Oscar- and Emmy-winner Helen Mirren; it was the two stars’ first picture together since their (SARCASM ALERT) plangently poetic teaming last year in Julie Taymor’s take on Shakespeare’s The Tempest (total worldwide gross: $302,110). Arthur made no happier impression than did Mirren’s hosting gig on last night’s lackluster and lack-laugh episode of Saturday Night Live. Even British dames — and dudes — can get slapped with the wet sock of failure. [From Time] To be certain, this is a huge (and possibly fatal) blow to Brand’s budding fim career. In the grand scheme of things, Arthur means very little to Helen Mirren’s well-established career, and Jennifer Garner still has that ridiculous Mrs. Marple reboot franchise to fall back upon. If Brand fails to score any more plum leading-man roles, I could see his marriage to Katy Perry falling into even more dangerous territory than its current tenuous state. After all, Katy Perry is a self-declared superstar and would never stay married to anyone less worthy, and as much as Kaiser would love to see Brand’s hands and mouth all over Helen Mirren in a remake of Arthur 2: On The Rocks, it shall never happen in a sequel. But behind closed doors, who knows?       |
Liam Neeson’s cameo was cut from Hangover 2, boo! Posted: 11 Apr 2011 07:56 AM PDT  Last fall, there was a major controversy when Mel Gibson was hired for a brief cameo in The Hangover 2. Director Todd Phillips had thought that Mel's involvement was going to be something fun and silly, like Mike Tyson's extended cameo in the first Hangover. But when Mel's casting was announced, several cast and crew members revolted. Zach Galifianakis even went public with his dislike of Mel's casting, and it's believed that Bradley Cooper had words with Todd Phillips as well. What made the story especially awesome was that at the last minute, Bradley organized his A-Team costar Liam Neeson to take over the cameo role. Liam was said to be thrilled to fly to Bangkok and film for a day or two - but now it seems his cameo was left on the cutting room floor: The replacement has been replaced. Liam Neeson, who stepped in to film a cameo in The Hangover 2 for a role first given to – and then taken away from – Mel Gibson, has now been replaced due to scheduling conflicts. The scene filmed by Neeson, 58, was cut out of the movie and is now being re-shot with actor/director Nick Cassavetes playing the role – but it’s not personal, director Todd Phillips tells Variety. Phillips says that he cut the scene immediately following Neeson’s cameo while editing The Hangover 2, creating a gap in the sequence of events. Phillips decided to re-shoot the scene – but Neeson was already busy in London shooting the follow-up to Clash of the Titans. “We were in a complete time crunch, so I called Nick [Cassavetes] and asked if he would do the part,” Phillips says. “He came in and crushed it, and that is the scene that you will ultimately see in the film.” With Cassavetes, 51, now teaming up onscreen with the Wolf Pack (Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis and Ed Helms) in the role of a Bangkok tattoo artist in the Thailand-set sequel, which arrives in theaters May 26, Phillips says he’s excited for fans to see the film. “It turned out great,” he says. [From People] I couldn't pick Nick Cassavetes out of a lineup, so that makes this less of a cameo and more like "some dude coming in to play a small part." Poor Liam! He was so pleased that he got to work on the second film. Oh, well. They'll probably end up making a third film with the exact same premise, only this one will take place in… Africa! The North Pole! Or maybe Australia. God knows. And Liam will get a part in that one. Here’s Nick Cassavetes:   Photos courtesy of WENN.  |
Pregnant Kate Hudson in Brazil with Matt Bellamy “I’m just starting to pop!” Posted: 11 Apr 2011 07:50 AM PDT  Pregnant mom Kate Hudson is currently in Brazil with her boyfriend, Muse frontman Matthew Bellamy, while his band is on tour in South America. As PopSugar reports, she’s expected to return stateside soon to promote her latest POS romcom Something Borrowed, out May 6. Then we’ll be hearing much more from her. The Daily Mail has some quotes Kate gave to British TV host Graham Norton about her pregnancy and whether she has plans to marry Bellamy. She sounds pretty sensible about the whole thing and says that marriage isn’t “necessary” and “I just want to be happy.” These quotes may not be new but they’re new to me. Kate and 32-year-old Matt have not revealed the sex of their impending arrival, but the actress says she is enjoying watching her body change through pregnancy. In a recent interview with BBC programme The Graham Norton Show, Kate joked: ‘I’m just starting to pop!’ We have a couple of names but we're not telling anyone. People tell you so much (about being pregnant) it drives me nuts.’ ‘It feels like a girl, but I don't know. Ryder (my son) thinks it's a girl.’ But while the couple are starting a family together, Hudson insisted they weren’t rushing down the aisle. She explained: ‘No, no, not that I know of! I don't like putting that sort of pressure on it and I don't feel it necessary to get married. ‘I am 31, I already have one child and have had one divorce so it is not necessarily the golden ticket. I just want to be happy.’ [From The Daily Mail] Kate has had her share of short-lived romances, but I hope this one works out for her. I wouldn’t have been as nice last week when those photos came out of her sipping wine while she was pregnant. I think I would have taken the passive aggressive stance described in this Today Show article. “Maybe it’s alright for her, but I wouldn’t have dared.” Then again, she could have just been having a Pepsi. Photo credit: Fame Pictures    |
Tori Spelling covers up her dented boobs & bump: improving or still gross? Posted: 11 Apr 2011 07:26 AM PDT  So… Tori Spelling is totally pregnant. It's odd that she and Dean McDermott haven't announced it yet. These are photos from last night's GLAAD Awards, in which - no joke - Tori and Dean were some of the biggest names there. The gays need to get some better talent, right? Tori covered up her gross, dented boobs, thank God, although I'm not sure what to think of this black gown. I think the too-large "bead" neckline detailing on the dress is what kind of ruins what could have been a rather chic look. Tori's CrazyFace doesn't help either.   Kirsten Dunst was also at the GLAAD Awards, wearing Proenza Schouler Spring 2011. It reminds me of the Gucci dress that Anne Hathaway wore yesterday too, although I think it's just this shade of purple. I have to say, Kiki has been looking really, really great lately. I think she's making an effort to get her career back on track, and she's putting some effort into her red carpet looks lately.   Photos courtesy of WENN.  |
Natalie Portman is no longer vegan, or comparing eating meat to rape Posted: 11 Apr 2011 06:49 AM PDT  Natalie Portman has been a vegetarian or a vegan for many, many years. She was always very vocal about it, even writing about it in a now-infamous Huffington Post essay regarding Jonathan Safran Foer’s book Eating Animals back in 2009. Natalie was criticized back then for the essay because while she defended her veganism in particular and Foer's book in general, she took a novel approach - comparing meat-eaters to rapists. For. Real. Here's the relevant passage: I say that Foer’s ethical charge against animal eating is brave because not only is it unpopular, it has also been characterized as unmanly, inconsiderate, and juvenile. But he reminds us that being a man, and a human, takes more thought than just “This is tasty, and that’s why I do it.” He posits that consideration, as promoted by Michael Pollan in The Omnivore’s Dilemma, which has more to do with being polite to your tablemates than sticking to your own ideals, would be absurd if applied to any other belief (e.g., I don’t believe in rape, but if it’s what it takes to please my dinner hosts, then so be it). [From Portman's Huffington Post essay] So, someone with such strong beliefs - strong enough to compare the non-vegan lifestyle to rape - should be able to stick with it even while pregnant, right? Wrong. As it turns out, while Natalie is pregnant, she's been giving in to all of her rape fantasies about dairy: Natalie Portman is giving into her cravings. The 29-year-old Your Highness star — who is expecting her first child with fiance Benjamin Millepied later this summer — is no longer a vegan. “I actually went back to being vegetarian when I became pregnant, just because I felt like I wanted that stuff,” she said during a Monday phone interview with the Q100 Bert Show in Atlanta. “I was listening to my body to have eggs and dairy and that sort of stuff.” “I know there are people who do stay vegan,” she added, “but I think you have to just be careful, watch your iron levels and your B12 levels and supplement those if there are things you might be low in in your diet.” The Oscar-winning actress — who became a vegan in 2009 after reading Jonathan Safran Foer’s Eating Animals — doesn’t regret her decision to become a vegetarian again. “If you’re not eating eggs, then you can’t have cookies or cake from regular bakeries, which can become a problem when that’s all you want to eat,” she laughed. “I actually wanted eggs at the beginning and then they grossed me out after awhile.” Food cravings aside, Portman added that she doesn’t know the sex of her unborn child — and she has no plans to find out any time soon, either. “People can say a lot of things and they have a 50 percent chance of being right,” she laughed. “I’m Jewish and I think in Judaism, there’s a lot of superstition around not doing too much before the baby comes.” [From Us Weekly] Look, she has every right to eat whatever she wants while pregnant (and not pregnant, for that matter). It's good she cares more about giving in to her cravings and getting the necessary nutrients rather than trying to adhere to veganism's limitations. And hey, it's not like she's actually eating meat again - she's just given in to dairy! Still, it's kind of funny considering what a big friggin' deal she made about becoming a vegan. And I just love the phrase "raping dairy" now.   Photos courtesy of WENN.  |
Evan Rachel Wood in Jill Stuart at ‘The Conspirator’ premiere: chic or fug? Posted: 11 Apr 2011 06:19 AM PDT  These are photos from the Washington, D.C. premiere of The Conspirator, the story of what happened immediately after Abraham Lincoln was shot at Ford's Theatre. The film stars Robin Wright as Mary Surratt, one of the "conspirators" to the assassination, who was (spoiler) tried and convicted, and then hanged. Robert Redford directed the film, which follows the trial of Mary Surratt. Evan Rachel Wood plays her daughter, and I believe James McAvoy plays Surratt's lawyer. Anyway, Robin wasn't at the premiere, but McAvoy, Redford and Wood made it. Guess where the premiere was held? Ford's Theatre! Where Lincoln was shot, for those who don't know. According to Page Six, the premiere almost had to be called off because Ford's Theatre is a federally protected historical site, and the potential government shutdown might have closed it down. Anyway, Evan Rachel Wood in Jill Stuart. I thought this was vintage at first, but it's not. It still feels very dated, and I think the fabric is fug as hell… and yet ERW kind of pulls it off.  James was adorable, as always. He's wearing his favorite pair of jeans - the same ones he's been wearing for the past six months or so. The boy CANNOT dress. I love it.   Mm… Redford.  Here's the trailer for The Conspirator. I always thought that Clive Owen should play John Wilkes Booth if they ever made a movie just about Booth. If you look at the old photos, there's definitely a resemblance. UPDATE: Robin Wright was at the premiere, I just missed the photos! Whoops, my bad. Here she is in a horribly cut grey suit:  Photos courtesy of WENN.  |
Matthew McConaughey on the paparazzi: “that check’s already been written” Posted: 11 Apr 2011 05:54 AM PDT  This story is from the April issue of Cigar Aficionado magazine with Matthew McConaughey on the cover. It’s been on newsstands for a while, but I picked it up in my local CVS and was pleased to see some new quotes I had read yet from McConaughey, who was recently unnecessarily bashed in Esquire by a journalist with a chip on his shoulder. (Thanks to all of you who pointed out that this was the same guy who made Brooklyn Decker look like an idiot, which she very well may be, but still.) The story in Cigar Aficionado is the one that McConaughey deserved in Esquire, because he comes across as thoughtful, introspective and grateful for his success in life. They quote people close to him who praise his career moves and talk about what a great guy he is. This is the impression I get of him in every interview and while I understand that he can be up his own ass sometimes, he’s a harmless stoner and they have that tendency. There’s no reason to paint a skewed picture of the guy because of it. There are a lot of gems in this interview and it’s a shame they haven’t been more publicized. I love McConaughey’s take on the paparazzi particularly. He sees it as part of his job, and he’ll work out deals with them to leave him alone after they get their shots. Here are some of my favorite quotes from this article, and I would recommend you pick up the March/April issue of Cigar Aficionado if you’re a fan. It’s a very interesting and well written piece. On public opinion making the law “Public opinion is the tail wagging the dog, which is the law. It should be inverted. We elect these people because they supposedly know the law. Experts supposedly make the law. Judges are judges because they’re supposed to know the law. But when the public shouts first, public opinion creates a verdict before something even gets to court. On Michael Vick “Look at the Michael Vick thing. The NFL didn’t go hard on him, until public opinion said, ‘Hang him.’ Then the feds and the NFL stepped in. I don’t think the penalty would have been what it was until the public’s outrage was expressed. I’m not saying he shouldn’t have served time. But look at all the high profile people who’ve been allowed to stay free while doing heinous things to other people. But you create any kind of smoke and a team or an institution is going to say, ‘We don’t like this attention,’ and they’ll fire him.” On how he deals with the paparazzi “I was tired of getting pissed off. It was legitimate but I was tired of it. I though, well, am I ready to move to a place where they weren’t? No, not for good. Was I ready to build fences or tall walls around my house? No. So I just shook hands with it and dealt with it. “So, say I’m taking my kids to the beach. And the photographers are there. I just talk to them and say, ‘OK, go ahead and take your picture. And then move on.’ How many pictures do they need of me running on the beach? So far, they’ve mostly respected that. But you’ve got to have a relationship with that kind of thing if you go out in public because that check’s already been written. Sure, I feel intruded upon. But I don’t feel it’s unfair. I can’t do anything about it unless I move on or imprison myself, and I don’t want to live like that.” On whether he’ll marry Camilla “Marriage isn’t something I’m against. My parents married each other three times - and divorced twice. I know a few older couples who have been married a long time and are happy; I’ve been around healthy marriages. I knew I wanted a family and I found a woman I love and felt was right for me. I thought, ‘That’s the woman I want to make a family with.’ But marriage - it’s not something we feel we need to be complete. It doesn’t mean we won’t do it. “It doesn’t make my mom that happy that we’re not married. But it doesn’t make her mad either. Of course, I was raised to believe that you don’t have sex until you’re married. So there you are.” [From Cigar Aficionado, print edition, April 2011] There’s a lot more in there about how McConaughey got his start in Hollywood. He was discovered by a producer on Dazed and Confused in a bar in Austin, Texas. Then he went out to LA and started auditioning, earning his first leading role in Grisham’s A Time To Kill when he was up for a part of a Klansman and told the director he thought he should be the lead. They let him audition and then Grisham picked him personally for the role. McConaughey described the moment when Grisham called him personally with the news. “After I hung up, I went out and howled at the moon. That was big. I understood what that meant.” I’ll be a Matthew McConaughey fan until he makes a dick move. Considering that he hasn’t done that in his 15 years of fame and has been nothing but low key, mellow and gracious with the press and even to the paparazzi that hound him, that probably won’t happen.  Above photos are scans from Cigar Aficionado magazine, where there are more. Photos of McConaughey running below are just from the month of March. Credit: Fame Pictures     |
Anne Hathaway in Gucci & oversized glasses: dorky or cute? Posted: 11 Apr 2011 05:50 AM PDT  I've been extremely near-sighted for as long as I can remember. I used to wear contacts all of the time, but as I get older and work from home every day, I just wear my fug glasses since no one is going to see me. I desperately need new frames, but I have the worst time, historically speaking, picking out frames that will flatter my round face. I always end up choosing glasses like these, the frames Anne Hathaway is wearing. While the frames are - on their own - kind of cute, on Anne they seem too big, right? Anne is just like me: she struggles to find frames that will flatter her face too. Funny, that just makes me like her more.  So here's Anne at last night's premiere of Rio, wearing her dorky, oversized frames and a rather pretty Gucci Spring 2011 dress. I tend to think this is Anne's appeal, at least her appeal for women - she's very pretty (sometimes a tad squirrelly) but she reminds us all of the friend we have who could be very pretty if only she would just wear her contacts and wear something flattering. Anne is totally that girl. Women look at her and we picture ourselves giving her a makeover during a sleepover. After the makeover, we'll watch The Notebook and eat popcorn. Totally.  Shoe porn… I don't really like the shoes, though. And they are WAY too matchy-matchy with the dress.  And just a touch of Rodrigo Santoro, licking his lips. In case you wanted your biscuits to tingle this morning.  Photos courtesy of WENN.  |
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