Wednesday, February 1, 2012



Channing Tatum pranked Rachel McAdams with a prosthetic “pee pee” on set

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 09:14 AM PST

ET Online has interviews (you can watch the videos here, the embed wasn’t working right) with the stars of the upcoming romantic amnesia movie, The Vow. It’s about a young wife (Rachel McAdams) who suffers amnesia after a car accident and has to get to know, and date, her husband (Channing Tatum) all over again. It opens February 10 and it definitely looks cheesy but I’ll probably see it with my best friend at the movies. I not-so-secretly loved Dear John, and while you know exactly what to expect with these type of movies I still enjoy seeing a good romantic film. (Note: I assumed this was based off a Nicholas Sparks book, but it’s not, it’s roughly based on a real story.) Plus Channing Tatum is just so nice to watch and he’s old enough that I don’t feel guilty finding him hot.

The best story that Channing told on ET is about how he pranked Rachel McAdams by having a prosthetic dick made and surprising her with it during a scene. Channing was characteristically low key when he described this story, and then the interview cut to a segment with Rachel, in which she explains that he planned the prank a full month in advance with the props department. What’s more is that Rachel’s genuine reaction to the prop peen was captured on camera and will be used in the movie. (Probably when her character sees her husband naked for the first time. I would say spoiler, but come on, we all know the ending.)

Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams must rediscover love after an accident causes Rachel’s character to lose her memory in The Vow, and Channing tells ET that he decided to pull a practical joke on her during a nude scene!

“I did have a stunt pee pee that I had made for her for her reaction,” says Channing of the scene in which Rachel is surprised by her naked co-star walking into their bedroom. “It was a little prank that I pulled on her. It’s in the movie – her reaction was spot on. I didn’t have a lot of faith in her reaction because it was cold that day, and I didn’t want her to be laughing and pointing. I wanted her to be shocked.”

“A prosthetic, yes, that’s all true,” says Rachel with a laugh, recounting how Channing went to the prop department ahead of time to fabricate “a piece to terrify Rachel with.” She adds, “But it was great because I didn’t have to pretend … it was funny and got a genuine reaction out of me.”

Channing adds, “I’m not shy about being naked, obviously, as you can see in most of my movies.”

[From ET Online]

I would say this is creepy, but it sounds like it was called for in the scene and like she’s fine with it. It obviously lead to a good reaction for the shot.

Later in the interview, they ask Channing for a moment in his life that he never wants to forget, and he tells the story about how he first said “I love you” to his wife, Jenna Dewan, in an offhand way and got really embarrassed. I thought this story was so adorable and you could see how much he loves her.

On being romantic
“I don’t think it’s that hard to show someone that you care. To come in and be like ‘how as your day?’ Make it about them. Do something cute… draw a picture or a story and put it in her purse or something.”

On the moment he never wants to forget
“The first time that I accidentally told her that I loved her I didn’t mean to. I was on the phone with her, I was like ‘alright cool, love you… that’s awkward I’m going to hang up now.’”

Jenna and Channing are great together and I hope they make it last for a very long time. I also hope this movie is somewhat decent and does well at the box office. Both the leads are just so damn likable.

Update: I just saw this story on Buzz Sugar that Channing Tatum is going to host SNL this weekend for the first time. They had this preview video with Fred Armisen (below), but it doesn’t get good until the very end.

Here’s the trailer. My favorite comment on YouTube is this one “if you woke up and channing tatum said he was your husband… YOU DONT QUESTION THAT SH*T!”

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Photos via AllMoviephoto

Demi Moore tried to hook up with Zac Efron, but he thinks she’s a “creepy cougar”

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 08:43 AM PST

CB already covered People Magazine's cover story this week – Demi Moore and her "dangerous desperation" to stay young and skinny. And now Us Weekly has revealed their cover story – which is also about Demi being desperate, this time about really young guys. According to Us Weekly (and HL), Demi has been trying to hook up with her daughter's friend (and rumored boyfriend) Zac Efron. Poor Zac finds Demi "creepy" though. Hollywood Life also repeats that gross story about Demi "grinding" on Victoria Justice's boyfriend’s ass. Fo' real. You know who has my sympathy at this point? Rumer. That poor girl.

The night of Demi Moore’s Jan. 16 911 call was even scarier than it sounded.

“Everyone thought she was going to die,” a source tells the new Us Weekly of the emergency, in which Moore, 49, collapsed, and was “convulsing” after smoking an unknown substance.

It was the culmination of months of self-destructive partying (and drug use) for the newly single star, struggling to make sense of things as she nears 50 without husband Ashton Kutcher, from whom she split late last year.

“She’s been really down, and she’s surrounding herself with young people to make her feel better,” an insider tells Us of Moore, who’s been obsessed for years with staying young and thin.

“She’s been mixing pills and Red Bulls, among other things,” another source says.

One of Moore’s favorite young stars to party with — and flirt with — is daughter Rumer Willis’s longtime friend Zac Efron, 24, a hunk nine years younger than Kutcher, 33. Not only has Demi Moore, 49, "literally inserted herself" into 23-year-old daughter Rumer Willis' social circle, but she's even trying to hook up with 24-year-old Zac Efron!

"She calls him and texts him a lot, but he's not interested at all," a source tells the mag. "He thinks she's a creepy cougar."

A wired, gaunt Moore “tracked down” the High School Musical star at a party in L.A.’s Venice neighborhood, an insider tells Us. “She seemed out of her mind at this party.”

Meanwhile, People reports that Demi has yet another younger guy in her sights — Victoria Justice's boyfriend, 27-year-old Ryan Rottman!

"She found ways to touch him all night, and at one point when he was in front of her, she was grinding on his butt," an onlooker said of Demi and Ryan's behavior at a Jan. 11 party. "His shirt came unbuttoned, and she started tickling his bare chest playfully."

For additional details on Moore’s spiral — her calls and texts with Efron, how her three daughters are coping, her ongoing obsession with staying young, and what’s next — pick up the new Us Weekly, on stands Friday.

[From Us Weekly, Hollywood Life]

I don't even know what to say about this mess at this point. Demi clearly has significant issues, and this has gone beyond a simple public-relations problem, although I do think the root of Demi's problem might be the dichotomy of how she views herself (hip, cool, young, relevant) versus the reality of who she is now (sad, desperate, kind of pathetic). I don't think it's as easy as saying "Demi needs to act her age." This woman has mental health issues, and a good publicist can't fix the crazy.

So what's my armchair advice to Demi at this point? Go away for a while. Take a year or two off, don't work, go back to Idaho or something. Don't tweet. Don't give interviews. Get clean and sober. Wear sweatpants for a while and stop messing with your face. Eat real food. And then, after some time has passed, come back. Relaunch yourself as smart and effective producer who still dabbles in acting. Give a few interviews, but only to the major outlets. Write a tell-all book, and really TELL ALL.

… But she won't follow my advice, will she?

Photos courtesy of WENN.
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Gwyneth Paltrow talks Beyonce, feminism & infidelity with Harper’s Bazaar

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 08:12 AM PST

Gwyneth Paltrow is the cover girl for the March issue of Harper's Bazaar. The photo shoot was done by Terry Richardson, and… I don't really care for it. It's like Goop is trying to look all shiny and glitzy/sexy, with maybe some hints of rock-star-trashy. And that style simply doesn't work for Goop. That being said, I think the subscriber's cover (the one where you don't see Goop's face) is intriguing and interesting. Mostly because you don't see her face. You can see the full Richardson photo shoot here (and the full online interview too). Here are some highlights from Goop's Bazaar interview:

She doesn't like Botox: “I’ll take my wrinkles,” she says. “I don’t like the Botox thing.” But she does enjoy sunshine for the vitamin D, despite “my dermatologist yelling at me.” (She admits to “little things, like lasers” and regular facials, often with the London-based Vaishaly Patel.)

She still trains with Tracy Anderson: Today, like every other weekday morning, she has spent an hour and a half with her trainer, Tracy Anderson, doing dance aerobics and a precise series of exercises that changes every 10 days. The aim, she says, is “that you’re muscular, but you don’t get used to anything.”

She's detoxing too: Right now, the dedicated eater (see Gwyneth chowing on a bocadillo with Mario Batali in Spain or on fried chicken while filming Country Strong down South) is also on a 12-week detox program. “I have a lot of inflammation in my system, so I’m not having anything I’m allergic to—no gluten, no dairy, no sugar.” The trigger for these seasonal detox sessions, she says, is recognizing her physical symptoms: “I’ll wake up exhausted; I can feel my adrenal cortex being really high. When I get into bed, my heart will pound, my skin won’t be good, I’ll feel cranky, and then I’ll just know it’s time.” But such consciousness has an emotional impetus as well: She cites the death in 2002 of her beloved father, director Bruce Paltrow, from throat cancer at 58—after decades of vodka and smoking—as a catalyst for her own conversion to clean living. “All I’ve learned about nutrition and health came from his cancer,” she says. “I’ll probably have a long and healthy life because he didn’t.”

When she's not detoxing: “I eat whatever I want. I like bread and cheese and wine, and that makes my life fun and enjoyable.” But an outline of her regular diet, along with the rest of her timetable, reveals a model of restraint. She’s up every morning around 7:00 with her two children, Apple and Moses (seven and five, respectively). “I don’t really like eating that early, so I usually just have coffee and then a couple of bites of their leftovers, like granola and yogurt or scrambled eggs.”

What does she do all day? During the day, Gwyneth’s attention turns to her rapidly expanding and soon-to-be-redesigned Web site, goop (which now has more than a million viewers a week and is relaunching next month), and its associated apps, including a new range of city guides, starting with Los Angeles and moving on to London and other world capitals. Then there’s her second cookbook to complete. (The first, My Father’s Daughter, came out last spring; this one, as yet untitled, will focus on “really delicious health food.”)

The Goop Brand: “Everything I’ve done has been completely organic, and that’s why the brand is a strong brand, because there is no ulterior motive behind it,” she says.

Chris Martin is described as "hugely supportive": The two of them seem affectionately relaxed together—”he’s very communicative,” she says, “which is rare for a British man”—at ease with their nine-year relationship and their roles as parents. “If I’m in L.A. for three days working, then my husband does the school run; it’s always one of us,” although they do have a nanny for the children. “She’s French, so she’s teaching them French, and their previous nanny was Spanish, so they’re fluent in Spanish.” But it’s Gwyneth who gives the children their bath—”we all get into the tub together”—and she’s the one who cooks dinner for them before Apple and Moses go to bed at 8:00. It’s a family dinner, unless she goes out with Chris to eat at her favorite Japanese restaurants in London or for seafood at the members-only Arts Club.

She's archiving her wardrobe for Apple: “I’ve been saving my clothes for her since before she was born. I was like, I’ll bet you anything I’ll have a daughter, and she’ll be a really cool butch lesbian and be so above clothes, and I got a very clothes-obsessed child. So if she’s a lesbian, she’s a lipstick lesbian. She doesn’t like anything avant-garde at all. She likes anything that’s pretty, pretty, pretty or has a bow or a ruffle or is pink.”

Goop name-drops Beyonce: As it happens, while Beyoncé was headlining the Glastonbury Festival last June (the night after Coldplay), Gwyneth was watching by the side of the stage with Jay-Z and testifies to the fact that her friend’s performance was punctuated by the miserable side effects of early pregnancy: “She was absolutely incredible, especially as she was barfing in between.”

She's a traditional wife and mother: “I have little kids in school. I want to maintain my marriage and my family, so I have to be here when he comes home.” Hence her recent advice to a girlfriend (who remains tantalizingly unnamed): “She is an actress and in a new relationship with someone else with a big career, and I said this may not be feminist, but you have to compromise. It’s been all about you and you’re a big deal. And if you want what you’re saying you want—a family—you have to be a wife, and that is part of the equation. Gloria Steinem may string me up by my toes, but all I can do is my best, and I can do only what works for me and my family.”

On her exes: Gwyneth remains discreet about her previous boyfriends, who include Brad Pitt (they dated for nearly three years from 1994 and were engaged for six months) and Ben Affleck (in the late ’90s). She met Chris Martin in 2002, three weeks after her father’s death, and married him the following year. But she does confess that she knows what it feels like to be betrayed—”I had a boyfriend who used to cheat on me all the time. I was quite naive. I knew on a cellular level, but I bought his story”—while making it clear that infidelity is not part of her marriage.

But she's not judging cheaters: She does not condemn others who stray. “The older I get, the more open-minded I get, the less judgmental I get. Life is long. I have friends who I love and admire who have had an affair. When I was younger, I would have said he’s a terrible person or she’s a terrible person. But who made these laws?” And if the commitment to remain within a relationship can be renewed, she believes, then it should survive the inevitable challenges… “I think you do fall in and out of love and you just keep going, and every time you go through a really difficult phase, you rediscover something new and it just gets better. We’ve been married for more than eight years now, and we’re still into it.”

[From Harper's Bazaar]

I mean… ugh. Nothing she said offended me on a deep level, but there's some interesting and controversial stuff in here. I find it interesting that Gwyneth is putting herself out there as the anti-feminist, the woman who is holding up traditional values, the one who advises peasant womanfolk to stand by their men and make sure to take care of their families. As for the conversation about infidelity… well… I don't even know. I think Goop's marriage is a lot harder than she wants to admit, and she puts up with a lot more than she'll admit. Which makes me sad for Goop – it feels like she's "given up" a lot of herself to keep her marriage and family going.

Photos courtesy of Terry Richardson/Bazaar, slideshow here.
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Radar: Lindsay Lohan was a pathetic, coked-up disaster at the Chateau Marmont

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 08:10 AM PST

We actually got some requests yesterday for coverage of this story. I'm actually struggling to understand why this is news, though. Radar's sources claim that Lindsay Lohan was a drunken, coked-up cracktastrophe at the Chateau Marmont on Sunday. But here's my point of view: doesn't everyone just assume this about Lindsay Lohan anyway? Do we really need "sources" telling us that the Cracken was doing blow in the Marmont loo and that she was falling-down wasted? Isn't that a daily (hourly?) occurrence?

Oh no Linds, say it isn’t so! Lindsay Lohan appeared to be under the influence when she was at the Chateau Marmont on Sunday night, is exclusively reporting.

The Mean Girls star was with friends at the infamous watering hole/hotel and was spotted going to the bathroom frequently with a male companion.

“Lindsay was spotted going to the restroom with a male companion on numerous occasions in a short amount of time," an eyewitness told "When the two of them emerged from the bathroom, Lindsay was giggling and her nose appeared red. Lindsay was spotted only drinking water in the lounge area, but she appeared to be loaded on something, and she seemed under the influence. Lindsay’s eyes were glassy and her pupils were constricted."

The actress is currently on probation for her no contest plea in her misdemeanor theft conviction. Judge Stephanie Sautner has ordered Lindsay to complete her court ordered community service at the Los Angeles County Morgue, but Lilo isn’t randomly drug tested.

Lindsay has been arrested for DUI twice, for cocaine possession and has battled substance abuse problems with numerous trips to rehab.

A second eyewitness tells us that Lohan, wearing a plunging v-neck black dress, sans bra, on Sunday night: “was definitely on something. She was slurring her words, and needed help walking at one point in the course of the night.”

A third eyewitness tells Radar: “Lindsay was sitting on a chair adjacent to Harvey Weinstein’s party – his was roped off and she didn’t get past the rope. So she sat on the other side looking over. She looked bedraggled and desperate.”

Negotiations are in the final stages for Lindsay to star in a Lifetime television movie about the late iconic actress Elizabeth Taylor and her Playboy magazine cover earned record sales.

“This is yet another example of people making erroneous assumptions about Lindsay, I seriously question the credibility of any source who refuses to be named as well as their motivations for making up such trash,” Lindsay’s rep Steve Honig tells

[From Radar]

My guess is that Steve Honig was the dude doing lines with Crackie von Cracks-A-Lot in the bathroom. I had kind of forgotten that LL's probation is still an on-going thing. Why is it that she doesn't have court-mandated drug tests anymore? Is it because she flunked so many times, the California justice system simply decided to stop testing her rather than actually punish her?

Also – are we supposed to feel a pang of sympathy with LL's sorry state? "Lindsay was sitting on a chair adjacent to Harvey Weinstein’s party – his was roped off and she didn’t get past the rope. So she sat on the other side looking over. She looked bedraggled and desperate." Does that make you go "Aw, poor Cracken"? Or do you giggle a little and think "Haha, dumb crackhead"?

By the way, TMZ reported last night – after this Radar report was published – that LL has officially moved out of her Venice Beach crack den and she's now living full-on at the Marmont. That alone should be a red flag to the judge, right? "Moving into the Marmont" doesn't mean that Crackie is taking her probation seriously. Like there was any doubt, I know, but how does the judge not say something about this?

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.
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Snooki might be knocked up by Jionni La Valle: will the baby be orange?

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 08:03 AM PST

These are photos of Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi promoting her latest brand-boosting extension of ridiculousness, “Team Snooki Boxing,” in NYC. Apparently, Snooki herself wlll not hit the ring but, instead, has partnered with her father, Andrew, to host boxing events beginning on 1/28. I’m not even going to try and match reason with the bizarre decision to host ringside events where people beat the crap out of each other when Snooki herself has been on the receiving end of a punch or two during the course of “Jersey Shore.” Regardless, I’ve observed that Snooki and her father (he adopted her when she was 6 months old) have a very strange relationship. When she gets arrested at the “Shore” for public drunkenness, he always accepts the news calmly. And when Snooks flashes her hoo-ha in an Italian nightclub (resulting in her boyfriend Jionni La Valle fleeing the country), she calls her dad to warn him what he’ll see on television, and he seems perfectly okay with all of it. Weird.

Anyway, that’s not the real reason we’re here to talk Snooki today, so let’s move onto Radar Online’s insider scoop (from Star) that Snooki is allegedly pregnant with Jionni’s child. She certainly doesn’t look pregnant at this point, but it could be true:

Jersey Shore star Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi is about to drop her most scandalous bombshell ever, Star magazine has exclusively learned.

The pint-sized reality star and her boyfriend of a year, Jionni LaValle, are expecting their first child, reveals the upcoming issue of Star.

“She is pregnant and has only told her closest friends and some family,” an insider said.

Never one to keep her mouth shut, the 24-year-old can’t resist hinting publicly at her baby joy, explained the source: “She’s been telling people that she has a big announcement coming.”

Snooki will soon be starring in a Jersey Shore spin off with her MTV co-star Jenni “J-Woww” Farley and her new arrival will be part of the plot. “They are having to redo the creative direction of her spin-off because of her pregnancy.”

Despite her recent high profile slim down, the reality star has been dropping clues on social networking sites that she may be in the family way.

“I feel sick,” she admitted in a January 25 post on her Facebook page, then later tweeted: “Late night craving…yogurt hits the fricken spot!”

Now, the only question is — will she admit it?

[From Radar Online]

Can you imagine the monstrosity that would be a pregnant Snooki? I mean, she already has pickle cravings (and famously guzzled from a huge jar of juice in the Season 5 premiere) on a daily basis, so who knows what she’ll want to eat. If Snooki is knocked up, she’ll have to put down the diet pills, but at least we know she’s smart enough to save her money, unlike several of her co-stars. Still, this would certainly transform into a gigantic mess of leopard-printed, Snooki-branded baby clothing and rhinestone-encrusted pacifiers. Would she fake-tan the baby, or would it just come out orange? Perish the thought.

Seriously though, I wouldn’t doubt that Snooki hasn’t exactly been trying to not get pregnant with Jionni. She’s crazy about him, has already talked about naming one of her future children “Jionni Jr.”, and even dropped hints in the press about the engagement ring that she wants. When Snooki recently appeared on The Ellen Show, she stated that Jionni is a sobering influence and that she now only drinks a few glasses of wine weekly. Still, she admits that they can’t watch “Shore” together “because it just starts fights.” Translation? “I can’t let Jionni watch Season 5 because then he’ll know I’ve been trying to keep The Unit from spilling the details about how I gave a beej to The Situation.” Poor Jionni. He really has no idea, does he?

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN

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Emma Watson declared ‘Most Beautiful Face’ in the world: good choice?

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 07:51 AM PST

TC Candler has posted its 22nd Annual Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beautiful Faces, and the list is rather surprising. Neither Angelina Jolie nor Jennifer Aniston have qualified for the list, which purports to not focus solely upon aesthetic beauty but also upon “grace, elegance, class, poise, joy, promise, hope…” After a presumably careful qualification process on an international basis, the list has settled upon Emma Watson in 1st place. Yes, Emma is very, very pretty in a very youthful way, but I can’t think of any reason why she’d be considered the “most beautiful face” in the world, nor is she “one of the finest talents of this current generation” in the acting department.

The rest of the list — which includes Rihanna, Marion Cotillard, and Amber Heard in the top 10 as well as Lily Collins at #18 — can be seen in its entirety here. Of course, the rankings are subjective, but it seems odd that Mila Kunis has made the list … at #100. Doesn’t this list seem a bit backwards?

In other list-related news, Ask Men has published its annual “Most Desirable” rankings, and the irrepressibly saucy Sofia Vergara scored the top position. Somehow, this cheesecake list sounds a hell of a lot more well-reasoned than one would expect and explains its top pick as follows:

When it comes to Colombian imports, none are more in demand than Sofia Vergara these days. The jaw-dropping Modern Family star is one of our favorite things about one of our favorite comedies. Vergara shows off the best cleavage on network TV, and we’ve never been more jealous of Ed O’Neill. But despite her obvious assets, Vergara’s also one very funny woman, lampooning stereotypes with her perfect timing. You don’t have to pretend to laugh at her jokes, even if you do have to make a concerted effort to pay attention to them. And though you’d never think it to look at her, Vergara is mother to a 20-year-old.

[From Ask Men]

Ask Men takes its list all the way down to #99, which is the slot reserved for Paz de la Huerta, who possibly should’ve qualified slightly higher due to the sheer quantity of nude scenes and photoshoots she’s participated within in the past year or so. Or maybe not. After all, crazy nude isn’t always a desirable thing. By the way, I’ve really missed Paz on the red carpet — she didn’t show up to support “Boardwalk Empire” at either the Golden Globes or the SAGs. Is this because her camp took away the alcohol, and now she is no longer Paz?

Photos courtesy of WENN

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Brad Pitt tapes an appearance on ‘Inside the Actor’s Studio’ with Jonah Hill

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 06:59 AM PST

I had forgotten that this was happening – Brad Pitt finally agreed to make an appearance on Inside the Actor's Studio. These are a few photos of Brad leaving Pace University after his taped appearance last night. I don't know when his episode will air, but here's something weird – Jonah Hill was at the taping too. Did they make the appearance together? What did Jonah do when James Lipton goes on and on about Brad's career? Or did Jonah just sit in the audience?

In addition to that, Jonah and Brad made an appearance on the Today show this morning – here's the video:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Brad and Joanh have such a sweet bromance. Honestly. I love how much Brad praises Jonah and really makes Jonah an equal partner, and the story about the shrink-wrapped golf cart is pretty funny. I wonder if Clooney is jealous?

Two more Brad Pitt-related pieces of news. OK! Magazine is claiming that Brad and Angelina are expecting another set of twins (meh). And Brad and Moneyball director Bennett Miller posed for Vanity Fair's portfolio for The Hollywood Issue:

Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News, VF.
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Demi Moore embarrassed by her OD “because she’s such a private person”

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 06:25 AM PST

I wanted to add an “ORLY?” at the end of the part about how Demi is a “private person” but I thought that you could easily fill that in, given what we know about Demi “twitter addict” Moore. Demi’s people have released an unofficial statement to People Magazine, meant to be some kind of damage control after her overdose on “over the counter” but dangerous drugs like Whip-its and K2 Spice. We’ve also heard how she’s addicted to Adderall, downing Red Bull and coming on inappropriately to very young guys. Now comes the inevitable response, and it’s weak:

Having lived in the spotlight for more than three decades, Demi Moore has long crafted her image as a polished, glamorous star.

Privately, however, the 49-year-old actress had been unraveling in the months since her November split from husband Ashton Kutcher.

As she seeks treatment in the wake of her hospitalization on Jan. 23, Moore is struggling with the public nature of her breakdown.

“Ego-wise, this is the worst thing that could happen to Demi, because she’s such a private person,” a source close to the actress’ circle tells PEOPLE. “She’s embarrassed.”

But Kabbalah, the form of Jewish mysticism that Moore has long studied, instructs that adversity can ultimately prove beneficial, according to an insider.

Moore’s troubles “can be an opportunity, a blessing, and not a curse,” says the insider. “The right intervention happened in her life. From a spiritual sense, it is a gift. She has a real opportunity to grow from it. She has to take responsibility for her life.”

[From People]

There are a lot of laughable lines in this story. I’ll just add some additional details to People’s quotes. My quotes are the ones that aren’t in italics.
Demi Moore has long crafted her image as a polished, glamorous star” by having her publicist leak details about how “sexy” she is when she dances on tables.

Ego-wise, this is the worst thing that could happen to Demi, because she’s such a private person…” which is why she tweets photos of herself in a bikini and regularly sent public love notes to her husband.

But Kabbalah, the form of Jewish mysticism that Moore has long studied, instructs that adversity can ultimately prove beneficial, according to an insider. ” So they’re probably teaching Demi that she can move on from this, and that everything happened for reason. Given what I’ve heard about Kaballah, and knowing Demi’s celebrity status, I doubt they’re going to question her or bring awareness to the fact that she’s an addict who’s been starving herself. They give lip service to taking responsibility for her actions, but she’s not in rehab and is just doing what she always does in a crisis.

Despite occasionally running stories from Demi’s publicist, People Magazine seems to feel the same way a lot of us do. They mildly call out Demi, yet again, on their cover. They say that her obsession with staying young led to her breakdown. The title of this story on their website is surprisingly harsh, for People, “Inside Demi Moore’s Dangerous Desperation to ‘Stay Young and Skinny‘”

But as the actress approaches her 50th birthday – and her marriage to Ashton Kutcher, 33, began to crumble – several sources tell PEOPLE in this week’s cover story that the 49-year-old star battled deep feelings of insecurity. In fact, sources say the star was barely eating and partying wildly before her drug-fueled breakdown.

“As Demi got older, she convinced herself that she needed to stay young and skinny to remain attractive to her husband,” says a source who knows the former couple.

Continues the source: “She needed reassurance all the time that she was hot and sexy.”

Another source says that Moore, who is now seeking treatment following her Jan. 23 hospitalization, “was always fixated on being young. And the only thing that tied her to that, as she got older, was her marriage to a younger guy and hanging around young people.”

[From People]

We knew this, but when People says it they take it to a whole ‘nother level – that sector of the public who doesn’t pay as much attention to celebrities as we do. Demi and her aging crisis are now a major talking point.

A lot of outlets are wondering whether Demi Moore’s 911 call should have been made public. I think that it’s not an issue of whether Demi’s 911 call should be public, it’s an issue of whether any 911 call should be public. It seems invasive and unnecessary. We’re hearing people and their loved ones at their most vulnerable moments, sometimes right before they die. I hate 911 calls and would prefer to never hear another one in my life.

Demi Moore is shown on 5-4-11 and 9-26-11. Credit Diane Cohen and RAM/Fame Pictures

Us Weekly: Emma Roberts was a complete bitch to Chord Overstreet

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 05:12 AM PST

Yesterday, we heard that Emma Roberts and Chord Overstreet had broken up. They had been dating for… months, it seems. Nearly a year. As far as I could tell, it wasn't like they even spent that much time together, which led me to believe that it was some kind of PR-driven relationship or bearding situation. Well, I'm not sure how this Us Weekly report falls into my preconceived notions of Emma and Chord, but if this is true, they were always a disaster of a couple:

Before they officially called it quits, Emma Roberts did everything possible to ice out Chord Overstreet, multiple insiders tells Us Weekly.

“Emma told Chord he didn’t need to spend New Year’s with her. It was just her and her girlfriends, a tradition she always does,” one source says. “Emma is pretty difficult to be in a relationship with.”

The 20-year-old Art of Getting By actress had been belittling Overstreet for months, another source says. “Emma calls him Chord — pronounced like chair — to his face,” a source told Us in November. “She acts like he’s really dumb.”

Things came to a head at Golden Globes after-party January 15, a third insider tells Us.

“Chord was waiting outside the CAA party at Sunset Tower waiting for Emma to come get him at the door.”

When Roberts ignored Overstreet’s text messages, he was overheard saying, “Emma does this all the time when she doesn’t want to see me.”

Glee’s Overstreet, 22, never made it inside the party — and Roberts was seen “crying and noticeably upset,” the third insider says. “Clearly they had a fight about her not coming out to get him.”

A fourth source close to the couple adds that Overstreet “is so nice and was such a good boyfriend. . . He was always so sweet.” On the other hand, a fifth source insists: “Chord was controlling and always wanted to know where she was at all times. Emma’s career is very important to her, but Chord wanted it to be all about him. She’s too young to be able to give someone that kind of commitment.”

The two stars were first spotted making out in April 2011 at the A|X Armani Exchange and 944 Magazine carnival in Indio, Calif.

“They’re both young kids, they had crushes on each other but the relationship ran its course,” a sixth insider tells Us of their breakup. “She isn’t and wasn’t looking for a serious thing.”

[From Us Weekly]

God, how much does Emma sound like her Aunt Julia? "Emma is pretty difficult to be in a relationship with." And "She acts like he’s really dumb." She learned it all from watching her Aunt Julia! Anyway, poor Chord. It will be interesting to see if he gets the same "Alex Pettyfer treatment" that both Emma and Dianna Agron have implemented in the past to make themselves look like victims. The problem is that Alex Pettier (who dated both Dianna and Emma) actually seemed like a legitimate d-bag. I just don't buy it about Chord – he just seems like a sweet, easy-going kid, perhaps not that bright, but harmless. Ah, Young Hollywood Dramz.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
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Michael Fassbender versus Viggo Mortensen: who looked hotter in London?

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 04:15 AM PST

When you put Viggo Mortensen and Michael Fassbender together, standing side-by-side, people are going to pay attention. For some reason, we feel like we have to choose. Like we can't take one of each from the dong buffet, like it's a dongy cage-match, Viggo versus Fassy. Over the past months, as Viggo and Michael promoted A Dangerous Method, I've set up various "cage matches" to see who you, gentle reader, would choose. Shall we do it again?

These are photos of Viggo and Michael from last night's gala premiere of A Dangerous Method in London. I went a little bit overboard with the photo gallery because… you know… I can't resist new Fassy photos. Go ahead and scream about my bias – Fassy looks better in these pics. I'm not sure what Viggo is trying to accomplish in that cream suit. Not just a cream suit – I think it's corduroy? And he paired it with a black shirt and tie? Odd. I do like the way Viggo looks here, though – his face looks good, and it doesn't seem like he's wearing too much foundation. It's just that Fassy always looks sexier to me at the end of the day. Sigh…

Shall I say some bad things about Fassy just so I don't die of Fass-lust? Here goes… I don't like his hair this short. It ages him. And I don't think he should wear jeans (much less SKINNY JEANS) for his premiere. Say what you will about Viggo's fug suit, but at least he wore a suit.

We should have a man thrown-down over their profiles. I love Fassy's profile. I'm a whore for a good profile.

Really, though. Who would you rather?

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.
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