Thursday, October 7, 2010



Frankie Muniz is sitting on a $40 million retirement fund

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 08:37 AM PDT


A lot of you yelled at me on Sunday when I wrote about Shia LaBeouf picking a fight with "poor Frankie Muniz". I thought Frankie was still out there, hustling and trying to an actor, but many of you had kept up with Muniz news (are you Munizlooney?) and educated us all on how Frankie is no longer in the game, having made smart business decisions when he was a teenager. Well, Frankie wants to reiterate the point to his fans, taking someone to task on his Twitter page:


[From Frankie's Twitter via Buzzfeed]

FORTY MILLION?!? Jesus. I guess Malcolm In the Middle did better than a thought. And Cody Banks. And Frankie must have one hell of a broker. Who retires at 19 years old?!? If that wasn't enough, Frankie taunted us later with this:


[From Frankie's Twitter]

Yeah. Frankie, you might have more money than I'll ever see, but you're still too short to make it as anything other than a eccentric, barely-working character actor. *rimshot*

Thanks to Dlisted for the tip!


Photos courtesy of WENN.

Empress Zahara’s plans for global domination must not be revealed

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 08:12 AM PDT


Fresh from the news that he was getting flirty with his Moneyball costar Kathryn Morris, Brad Pitt flew to Budapest to join his family. Angelina Jolie has apparently already begun pre-production on her love story, which is supposed to be set in war-torn Bosnia. Angelina had the kids too - for the past week or so, she and Brad have been separated while she was in Budapest and he finished filming Moneyball in Boston.

While in Budapest, Angelina has already enrolled her kids into local schools (probably those fancy ambassador-kids-schools she likes so much). According to Us Weekly, Angelina, Brad and her lawyers really, really do not want anyone at the school talking about the family:

On Monday morning, Shiloh, 4, Pax, nearly 7, and Maddox, 9, began school in Budapest (no sign of Zahara, 5).

A source tells parents and teachers have been ordered to sign security agreements stating that they won’t chat to the press. If they disobey, they may be subject to a fine; if the contact with the media continues, their child could even be suspended from the school until further notice, the source says.

While the kids are being schooled, mom and dad are focusing on work.

Brad Pitt is continuing to shoot Moneyball in Boston this week. Last week, Jolie was spotted in Hungary beginning work on her directorial debut, a Bosnian love story.

[From Us Weekly]

That seems a bit harsh. I adore the Jolie-Pitts, but occasionally, they cross the line. I think this is one of those times. Yes, I can see making the school staff sign confidentiality agreements, but to extend it to the kids enrolled at the school? And threatening the kids with suspension if the kids' parents talk to the press? I mean, come on. What is the worst that one of Empress Zahara's schoolmates would reveal? The details of her plan for global domination? Nuclear secrets? And yet the gerbils are still allowed to sell stories to the press!




Photos courtesy of Bauer-Griffin.

Britney Spears changed into her nightie to go shopping, y’all

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 07:33 AM PDT


Yesterday, Britney Spears headed out of her house in a pair of jeans, a tank top, a comfortable-looking cardigan and a pair of sneakers. Two bodyguards joined her on her shopping jaunt. Her busted and tragic weave was loose and free and all was well with the world - in a few months, there is a very real possibility that Britney's conservatorship could be over. Britney is smiling for a reason. She could be in control of her own destiny very soon.

So what did Britney do to celebrate? According to Us Weekly, "Before she left the Only Hearts boutique in Santa Monica, , Spears oddly slipped into a lace-trimmed nightie and blue leather boots. Judging by photos that hit the web Thursday, she also forgot to put on a bra. Spears didn’t seem to mind. Accompanied by bodyguards, the mother of two kept smiling as photographers snapped away." That's right, Brit stopped, mid-shopping-jaunt, to change into a nightie. And she tried to contain the busted weave into… something. I don't know, it's pulled back and she looks like she rubbed some olive oil in it. Oh, Britney. This isn't going to get you your freedom any time soon.


Is anyone else worried about what will happen if Britney's conservatorship does end any time soon? This could be a preview. Also - her poor bodyguards. You know Jamie Spears probably yelled at them when Britney got home.



Photos courtesy of Fame.

Noah Cyrus, 10 years old, is our new Ali Lohan, right?

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 07:02 AM PDT


Here are some new photos of Miley Cyrus's mom Tish and Miley's 10-year-old sister Noah out and about in Hollywood yesterday. Actually, WENN notes that Tish is bringing Noah to an audition for The Wizards of Waverly Place. Is this how children dress for auditions? Did Noah borrow her big sister's biker boots and Tish arranged for Noah to wear a little mini-dress? Of course, this is WAY more covered up than Noah usually is. Remember her Halloween costume last year (she was some kind of dominatrix, I believe)? Of how about her little outfit she wore backstage at one of Miley's shows, when Noah performed Akon's "Smack That" to a crowd of adults? Yeah. The Cyrus family wouldn't know "appropriate" if it beat them with a mullet. Also - this is kind of a random outing for a paparazzi to catch - is Tish calling the paps?

I consistently get the feeling that Noah is to the Cyrus family what Ali Lohan is to the Lohan family. Ali = Noah, right? They are younger sisters of successful older sisters, and both Ali and Noah seem to want to emulate their big sisters' fame, but not necessarily their career success. Maybe I'm not giving Noah a chance though - she could be as much of a workhorse as Miley - Miley has spent her teenage years working her ass off and supporting her family, and maybe that's what Noah wants too. But I still think that Tish and The Mullet need their heads examined - any comparison between the Cyruses and the Lohans should be cause for extreme alarm, and Tish and Billy Ray just sit back and do nothing. Nothing but allow their 10-year-old daughter to promote her own lingerie line, that is.

One more thing - Noah is still on Twitter. Last year, CB called out Tish and Billy Ray for allowing Noah so much free access to Twitter, and for letting her post all of those odd Twit-pics that must be Exhibit A-Z in some pedobear's trial. Anyway, apparently Noah was tweeting away her heartbreak when she learned that Justin Bieber had a girlfriend. She tweeted: "u dont know who u r but u also dont know u broke my heart and millions of others." Ugh.

She certainly knows where the camera is at all times, doesn't she? She's very aware of it. Just wait.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

Lady Gaga demands an oxygen tank, different international food daily, on tour

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 06:57 AM PDT

Singer Lady Gaga arrives at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles on September 12, 2010 in Los Angeles. UPI/Jim Ruymen Photo via Newscom
HollywoodLife got ahold of Lady Gaga’s last tour rider, and it’s pretty involved. She asks for a different international food every day of the week along with an oxygen tank in her dressing room. This may sound naive, but don’t you have to have a prescription to get oxygen? Like it’s not easily obtained and I know that oxygen bars exist but they’re not technically legal. There are much worse things for celebrities to be into and since Gaga has fainted so often you could see why she’d be sucking down oxygen. Hopefully she’s eating some of that food she orders, too. Here’s HollywoodLife’s report:

The outrageous and stylish Lady Gaga stirs up the pot everywhere she goes, and her dressing rooms are no exception! had an exclusive look at the 24-year-old mega star's tour contract — and you'll never believe her bizarre demands.

Not only does Lady Gaga's hotel need to be at least a 5 star premium location, she requests two things above all else in her dressing room: honey and an OXYGEN TANK! What she could possibly need an oxygen tank for at every pit stop is beyond us, but it's better to be safe than sorry!

The requests don't end there. If dinner isn't ready by 5 p.m., the venue can be in breach of contract. Plus, Lady Gaga has a specific type of food for each day of the week. Check it out:

Mon – BBQ Night

Tues. – Asian Night

Wed. – Mexican Night

Thurs. – American Night

Fri. – Carving Night (Include Tri Tip & Ham)

Sat. – Pasta Bar (Assorted Pasta types, meats, veggies, sauces)

Sun. – Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings

[From Hollywoodlife via Celebuzz]

That’s making me hungry and a nice pasta bar sounds so good right about now. (It’s 3:45 pm here, the time in the afternoon when you want to start eating.) The Smoking Gun has two earlier riders from Gaga, for 2009 and 2010 and while the 2009 rider isn’t that involved, the 2010 one gets into a lot more specifics, probably because her tour and staff is that much larger. Gaga requires organic ginger and lemongrass tea along with honey. She also asks for two bottles of white wine, preferably from Kendall Jackson or Robert Mondavi. There’s a bunch of furniture she requests too, and it all sounds rather standard. I guess the more famous she’s become the more outrageous her requests. As much as she tries to tout herself as a non-conformist performance artist, she’s kind of predictable and not much different from countless rock stars before her. I’m sure she’ll come up with some convoluted selfless reasoning for her food choices if anyone ever questions her about it, like “I am honoring my little monsters around the world with a rotating diet of their regional cuisine.”

Singer Lady Gaga speaks at a rally in Portland, Maine, September 20, 2010 urging members of the Senate to repeal the military rule banning openly gay people from serving in the armed forces. The event was organized by the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network to pressure Republican U.S. Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine to vote to allow a repeal of the policy. REUTERS/Joel Page (UNITED STATES - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT POLITICS IMAGES OF THE DAY)

Singer Lady Gaga arrives at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles on September 12, 2010 in Los Angeles. UPI/Jim Ruymen Photo via Newscom

Lady Gaga appears backstage wearing a meat dress after accepting the award for video of the year for Bad Romance at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles on September 12, 2010 in Los Angeles. UPI/Jim Ruymen Photo via Newscom

Rick Sanchez apologizes personally to “bigot” Jon Stewart

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 06:30 AM PDT

NEW YORK - MARCH 21: The Daily Show's John Stewart and Rolo the Pirate attend the Story Pirates ''After School Special'' fundraiser at Dixon Place Theater on March 21, 2010 in New York City. (Photo by Amy Sussman/Getty Images)

As we previously covered, CNN anchor Rick Sanchez went on a radio show last week and preceded to go off on Jon Stewart, calling him a bigot and a fancy-pants elitist because Jon is Jewish, and from Jersey, apparently. Jon then gently mocked Sanchez over the weekend as Jon hosted a charity event for autism. It seemed like it could have been over there, but this week has brought a new crop of Sanchez vs. Stewart news. First off, Jon discussed the situation on Monday's Daily Show, telling the audience that Rick had called him personally to apologize for his comments, and that we should be going easier on him. Of course, he also had a lot of funny sh-t to say too:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Hurty Sanchez
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity

Chuckle. So it could it have been over there. But it wasn't. Rick Sanchez decided to release an oddly-worded statement to the press:

“On October 4th, I had a very good conversation with Jon Stewart, and I had the opportunity to apologize for my inartful comments from last week. I sincerely extend this apology to anyone else whom I may have offended.

As Jon was kind enough to note in his show Monday night, I am very much opposed to hate and intolerance, in any form, and I have frequently spoken out against prejudice. Despite what my tired and mangled words may have implied, they were never intended to suggest any sort of narrow-mindedness and should never have been made.

In the aftermath of these comments, CNN and I have decided to part ways. However, I want to go on record to say that I have nothing but the highest regard for CNN and for my six wonderful years with them. I appreciate every opportunity that they have given me, and it has been a wonderful experience working for them. I have tremendous respect for everyone there, and I know that they feel the same about me. There are no hard feelings – just excitement about a new future of opportunities.

I look forward to my next step with great anticipation. In the meantime, I will continue to promote my book, Conventional Idiocy, in the hopes of broadening the discussion to get a better understanding between all Americans, regardless of race, creed or religion.”

[From PopEater]

Did he fall on his sword hard enough for you? Eh. I agree with him that his words were "tired" and "mangled" but… was he really lashing out at Jon Stewart, or was he trying to attack CNN and "the powers that be" that gave his temporary timeslot away to Eliot Spitzer? Page Six thinks it's the Spitzer thing:

Eliot Spitzer isn’t ready for live TV, sources say. CNN’s “Parker Spitzer” is pretaped and edited because the ex-gov and Kathleen Parker can’t take cues or stick to timing. A rep for CNN denied the show is pretaped to edit flubs. But an insider said watching the inexperienced duo bumble during rehearsals drove primetime fill-in Rick Sanchez over the edge, leading to his charge that CNN is run by bigots.

“Timing was a big factor in Sanchez’s blowup,” our source said. “He was frustrated that he was constantly being overlooked, he thought his race had something to do with it.”

Sanchez’s rep had no comment. With former CNN President Jon Klein and gaffe-able Sanchez gone, morale is higher at the network that prides itself on straight news.

“It was really the end of the Klein era when Sanchez was fired,” a source said. Klein was booted a week earlier. His replacement, Headline News honcho Ken Jautz, is universally liked for working his way up in news, unlike his predecessor, who was considered a gimmicks guy.

[From Page Six]

See, that actually makes me feel sorry for Sanchez. It must suck to see people promoted over you who have no idea what the hell they're doing. That being said, I don't think Rick knew what the hell he was doing in general, even if he did comprehend the basics of being on television. Oh well. Let's see if Rick ever gets work again. It should be interesting.

The 61st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Press Room - held at NOKIA Theatre L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles, California on September 20th, 2009. Jon Stewart Fame Pictures, Inc

NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 16: Former New York governor Eliot Spitzer speaks at a forum on the future of New York September 16, 2010 at the New York Public Library in New York City. The forum, which was sponsored by the Wall Street Journal, also included New York former Governor George Pataki and current governor David Paterson. Mainstream politicians in New York have been caught off guard by the controversial primary win of upstate millionaire and Tea Party endorsed Carl Paladino as the Republican partys pick for governor. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

More Charlie Hunnam shirtless pictures from Men’s Fitness

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 06:04 AM PDT

Sons of Anarchy star Charlie Hunnam, 30, is shirtless in the November issue of Men’s Fitness. We’ve already covered Hunnam’s hairy, buff cover appearance, but now that I have access to the full article and photos I felt the burning urge to revisit it. In the article, there are more shirtless pictures along with some details on Hunnam’s on-the-go bodyweight workout. He also shares a story about how he single-handedly wrestled a giant intruder at his house and threatened him with death by machete. Of course he never called the police and the tale sounds somewhat bogus to me, as if he’s trying to live up to his character’s reputation. He also tells a sad story about how the real life guy who inspired his Son’s character, Jax, was shot dead before he could ever watch the show. Here’s more from lovely Brit Charlie:


His exercise and diet routine
He strives to keep his workouts gritty, hardcore and raw. He works long hours - up to 15 hours a day - and must be creative to find time for his training. Sometimes he’ll swim a mile, other times he’ll squeeze in workouts at his house using body-weight moves alone. It helps that he keeps his diet clean, sticking to lean protein and natural foods. The secret to a long and happy life? “Drinking vegetable juice every day,” he says.

Lately, he’s caught the Bartendaz bug, adopting a program created by a group of guys in Harlem and Brooklyn who work out rigorously at playgrounds and in parks…

On the inspiration for his character
To prep for his role, Hunnam hung out with outlaw bikers in Northern California. “There was a kid I met in this club who was exactly who I was hired to play. He was the son of a man in the motorcycle club, he’d grown up in the club, every one of his birthday parties had been thrown in the clubhouse. I wear exactly the shoes he wore, the jeans he wore. He had a very powerful impact on me. He was an amazing guy.” And he was shot dead before Sons started production, hence the bullet necklace [Hunnam wears]. “I wear it for him - to remember the flavor he taught me.”

On how he caught a robber and sent him packing
A few weeks before sitting down with Men’s Fitness, he was sitting in his home office at 1 a.m. when he heard rustling in his house. [in LA]. Picking up his machete he keeps in his office (yes, he keeps a machete in his office), Hunnam walked down the hall and bumped into a burglar. “He was about 5′10″, 245 pounds - a beast,” Hunnam says, who stands 6′1″ and weighs 180 pounds. “I pinned him to the ground and said, ‘Dude, I’m not going to f*ck you up this time, but if you ever come near here again, literally, they’ll never find your body - I’ll cut you in so many pieces.’” Then without calling the cops, he released the intruder, who never came back.

[From Men's Fitness, print edition, November, 2010]

He’s lucky the robber didn’t have a gun, although this story sounds fake to me. It would be such an easy tale to make up in order to increase his street cred and it’s so cliche - he wrestled a big dude to the ground and scared him off with a machete! Where did he put the machete while he was wrestling him? Did he set it aside, only to pick it up again? It’s so bogus. As I’ve said in our earlier coverage on Hunnam, I don’t get the impression that he’s all that mature for 30. He doesn’t seem like a total dick or anything, but he’s no Alexander Skarsgard personality-wise. He’s sure nice to look at though.

There are even more jaw-dropping photos in Charlie’s spread. You can pick up Men’s Fitness on newsstands in the US and you can buy it digitally for your computer or iPad (and zoom in!) on


Rihanna’s “date night” outfit with Matt Kemp: trendy or tacky?

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 05:55 AM PDT


I get it, I really do. She's Rihanna. Much like Gaga, Rihanna has added to her fame, appeal and press by wearing strange and hideous things. Maybe it's a message about finding beauty everywhere, in anything. Or maybe Rihanna shouldn't try so hard. Because this dress could have been adorable paired with a pair of simple heels and an elegant bun. It's not even that Rihanna's hair or jewelry offends me. The jewelry looks like a 4-year-old picked it out, of course, and the hair is ridiculous, but all of that is fine. It's the socks and heels that really, really bother me:


Ugh. Little old lady.

But anyway, these photos are of Rihanna and her boyfriend Matt Kemp attending the Miu Miu show in Paris yesterday. This is one of the first times, in my memory, that RiRi and Matt have gotten all dressed up and gone to a public function together. Can I say something? Matt Kemp is cute as hell. He really is adorable, with a great smile. I like the way he's looking at Rihanna too - like he "gets" her. It's very sweet. So I'll overlook the socks. Matt Kemp for HGF!





Photos courtesy of WENN.

Sister Wives family gets top lawyer to defend them in polygamy investigation

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 05:50 AM PDT

It looks like the felony bigamy investigation against the “Sister Wives” reality show family is moving forward. Kody Brown, the family patriarch, has four wives, 13 biological children and 3 step-children. Three of the wives, Kody, and their biological children live in one home in separate connected apartments. The fourth wife has a separate home with her kids at this point but an addition is being built to accommodate them. Bigamy is technically a felony under Utah law, where the Browns live, although Kody is only legally married to one of his four wives. After announcing an investigation last week, the local police department has turned over the case to the county. The Browns, who say they hope to increase acceptance of polygamy through their show, plan to fight the charges and have hired a top lawyer.

Kody Brown and wives have a powerful new legal force behind them — TMZ has learned … constitutional law guru Jonathan Turley is now representing the “Sister Wives” family in the polygamy investigation, and he’s willing to fight it all the way.

Turley — a professor at The George Washington University Law School — tells TMZ he is ready, willing and able to sit down with the Utah County Attorney and make a case why his clients should not be prosecuted.

Turley says absent some proof that the family is engaged in child abuse or other crimes, Utah prosecutors almost never prosecute for polygamy. Turley is quick to note there is absolutely no evidence of child abuse or other crimes in the Brown family.

Turley points out … although Utah prosecutors have a lot of discretion in deciding when to prosecute someone, people can’t be hauled into the criminal justice system simply because they’ve gone on TV and become high profile. In legalese, it’s called “selective prosecution” … and it’s illegal.

Turley says his goal is to convince prosecutors to leave the Brown family alone. But he says if his clients are prosecuted, he’ll fight it hard. Turley would not say outright that he’ll make this a test case and push it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, but he made it clear … he will do everything it takes to clear his clients if they’re prosecuted.

[From TMZ]

Many of you have pointed out that the Browns are in no way representative of the very oppressive, harsh reality of polygamy under Fundamentalist Mormonism and that they’re doing a grave disservice to its victims (women, children and adolescent boys) by putting such a rosy face on the practice. Let me play devil’s advocate for a moment, though. (And again I’m playing devil’s advocate and definitely see the other side to this.) If that’s the case, and they don’t have much in common with the compounds where girls are married off to relatives at young ages (and they don’t, they’ve said they want their daughters to go to college and marry for love) why prosecute them? Yes they’ve chosen to put themselves out there, but there’s a big difference between not agreeing with what they’re doing and prosecuting them for a law that is almost never enforced in cases like this.

The wives seem to have entered into this agreement under their own free will, and to be willingly staying in it. They tout the benefits of having “Sister Wives” and they all sound happy with the arrangement. We may think they’re fools and that it’s wrong for them to try and make polygamy seem so palatable, but maybe that’s how it is for them. If they’re the very extreme exception in polygamy there is the danger that by going public they’re making an antiquated, illegal practice seem legitimate. Don’t prosecute these people for that, just go after the homes where women and children are genuinely at risk. That won’t get much publicity, though, just as documentaries on the oppression of polygamy don’t get as much press coverage as a cute reality show family.



Billboard photographer swears that Bret Michaels’ scary six pack is real

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 05:32 AM PDT

A lot of us were like “yeah, right” when we saw Bret Michaels’ cartoonish heavily-bronzed semi-nude Billboard cover. His abs were standing out in high definition and it looked like an obvious case of heavy handed Photoshop. Michaels tried to address some of the suspicion by claiming that he didn’t eat for a day and did about 2,000 sit ups ahead of the shoot. Now the Billboard editorial team has offered evidence that say proves that Michaels has just as impressive a six pack as they show on the cover. They’re comparing supposedly unretouched, hightly-lit photos of Bret with the resulting cover and the dude is almost as buff as he’s shown! I think they still airbrushed some abs on him using contouring makeup ahead of the shoot, but there’s no faking that flat stomach. Here’s Billboard’s story:

porting well-toned biceps and a six-pack, Bret Michaels’ naked appearance on the cover of Billboard’s Oct. 2 “Maximum Exposure” issue has been followed by claims from New York Magazine, D-Listed and other publications that the picture was heavily retouched.
Photographer Blair Bunting, who shot Michaels’ cover, says he was not shocked by the accusations, but assures skeptics that the Poison singer’s chiseled abs are wholly authentic.

“When he took off his shirt, I was like, ‘This guy’s in shape for 47!’” says Bunting, who made his Billboard cover debut with the photo. “It’s always easy for someone to cry ‘Photoshop,’ so I wasn’t too surprised by that…but he takes his shape seriously.”

Michaels has said that working out while on tour last summer has kept him in great shape. Prior to the photo shoot, “I didn’t eat for a day and I did about 2,000 sit-ups,” the singer told E! Online.

According to Billboard photo editor Amelia Halverson, “a few versions of the cover” were initially made that Photoshopped Michaels’ body too heavily. “They looked too unreal, mostly because there was so much detail due to the photographer’s high-definition style of lighting,” says Halverson. “The final cover version shows Bret’s real muscles.” In addition to making his abs appear symmetrical, Bunting bronzed Michaels’ color and smoothed out his skin to eliminate a few of the singer’s wrinkles.

“It was a pretty standard retouching for him compared to anybody else,” says Bunting. “I just don’t know if he’s more controversial, or if it’s just more of a shocker that he took everything off and happens to have a nice body.”

[From Billboard via Radar Online]

I love how Billboard links D-Listed! Bret looks amazing at 47, especially considering that he had a massive brain hemorrhage and a stroke just this year! He still has to have an operation in January to repair a hole in his heart, which the doctors found while checking him out for his other medical issues. Bret admits he’s somewhat scared of that, and says “When they're going through your body to operate on your heart, it's going to hit you somewhere that they're toying with the ticker. There's definitely a little fear in there somewhere.” He’s trying to remain positive, though and says “I'm going in there [to surgery] thinking… that it's going to be great and I'm going to feel a whole lot better.” He certainly looks to be in top shape and very good health.

All photos credit Blair Bunting and from


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