Friday, October 8, 2010



Posted: 08 Oct 2010 10:54 AM PDT

Anderson Cooper Sits Down with Eminem - We cannot wait for the totally heterosexually-charged 60 Minutes this weekend. It’s almost enough to make us want to miss Comic-Con. (via CBS)

Post from: Crushable

Does Cat Ommanney Blame The Salahis For Her Divorce?

Posted: 08 Oct 2010 10:47 AM PDT

Last night on the finale of The Real Housewives of DC, the entire episode revolved around Michaele and Tareq Salahi’s now infamous party crash. Towards the end of the show, Cat Ommanney lashed out at the couple in a fierce way. As she said, they crashed the White House “without any consideration to god knows how many people’s lives have been destroyed.”  But who’s lives were destroyed exactly?

Cat’s namely. Because of the Salahi’s actions, she lost her invite to the White House holiday party last year. And nearly a year later, it looks like Cat has even more reason to be angry with the couple.  She is currently going through a divorce with her husband Charles. And she still harbors some serious resentment toward the Salahis because of that.

Throughout this season of Real Housewives, Cat spoke of the storybook romance that led to her marriage. (They met while Charles Ommanney was a photographer on the presidential trail. After five months of a long distance courtship, they got engaged.) But their time onscreen told a different story.

If anything, Charles Ommanney seemed reluctant to appear on camera in his brief stints on the show. He also told The New York Times this summer that appearing on the show was his only regret in life.

And now, instead of getting book deals and spinoff offers, Cat has been served with divorce papers. This is something that she took very personally.

Last night on The Real Housewives of DC, Ommanney confronted the Salahis about their White House party crashing with more vitriol than any other castmember. Why? Because they’re actions at the state dinner resulted in her loss of an invitation to the White House holiday party. But that’s not all.

She tells FOX:

"It was certainly nothing to be proud of, being associated with them (the Salahi's). I was obviously very upset that I had waited two years to meet the President and that I had brought my daughters to America (from England) to support my husband's career and the new administration this was going to be the highlight of my year – but the fact that their little stunt pulled the rug out from underneath me certainly didn't leave me too happy as you can imagine.”

Considering how reluctant her husband was to join the cast of Bravo’s show to begin with, the debacle with the Salahis seems to have brought the Ommanneys more bad publicity by association.

And part of the reason Cat is still upset has to do with the way her husband reacted to the show. As she said last night on Bravo:

“Thanks to Michaele and Tareq crashing the White House, I’ve had a lot more stress in my life and in my home.”

Losing her husband was not an expected side effect of appearing on Real Housewives for Cat, and she’s clearly not over it. As she told the New York Times:

"The fact that I am set up to be the villain, I could probably have lived with if I was still in my life with my husband and family. But having all that gone has been incredibly challenging, and I've had to do a lot of soul searching about how we've got to this point."

Post from: Crushable

Does Cat Ommanney Blame The Salahis For Her Divorce?

'Jersey Shore' Cliff Notes: Personality Mirroring In GIF Form

Posted: 08 Oct 2010 10:39 AM PDT

In this chapter of Jersey Shore, our heroes have seem to hit a lull. Without the common villain of Angelina, the girls have gone back to catty in-fighting over issues that were resolved four episodes ago. But on closer inspection, a careful audience will be able to witness a rare phenomenon amongst the women: personality mirroring (or mimicking), a device made popular by Andy from The Office. Usually one either consciously or subconsciously “mimics” the movements of their assumed leader, but considering the dynamics of this particular group of females, they’ve inadvertently created a mimic loop of hair-tugging and eyebrow grooming that originates from nowhere and circles around the trio for a good 5 minutes. Lets take a look.
Gickr helps you to pimp your myspace
Make your own animation

pimp myspace
Make your own animation

pimp myspace
Make your own animation

Group Shots!
pimp myspace - Gickr
Make your own animation

Post from: Crushable

'Jersey Shore' Cliff Notes: Personality Mirroring In GIF Form

Poll: Is Miley's New Video Too Sexy?

Posted: 08 Oct 2010 10:10 AM PDT

Why is anyone surprised Miley Cyrus’s new music video is ultra sexy? It’s not like the 17-year-old is going to regress back to singing the ABCs in her pajamas (and if she did we’d sure that would stir up a totally different form of controversy). Miley’s latest offering is set to her new song “Who Owns My Heart,” and it’s most definitely not about a BFF necklace.

The video features a tarted-up Miley parading around in her underwear on her way to da club. Once she’s at da club, we see Hannah Montana engaged in some some sultry girl-on-girl dancing. Yikes! Personally, we’re more offended by the lyric “Who owns my heart?/Is it love or is it art?” but that might just be us.

Post from: Crushable

Poll: Is Miley's New Video Too Sexy?

Posted: 08 Oct 2010 09:35 AM PDT

Don Draper Has Only Boned 9 Women? – Taking Karen Owen’s Duke list and giving it a Mad Men twist was a good idea. But wow, we really thought Don was a way bigger pimp than a promiscuous college student. (The Faster Times)

Post from: Crushable

Posted: 08 Oct 2010 09:28 AM PDT

Dora the Explorer sues NickelodeonCaitlin Sanchez, the 14-year-old voice of the adventurous animated character has been forced off the show because of that pesky puberty thing. But she isn’t going out without a fight. Caitlin claims the network mistreated her and cheated her out of money. No word from that weird little monkey dude. (MSNBC)

Post from: Crushable

Chick Flick Check List: 'Life As We Know It'

Posted: 08 Oct 2010 09:17 AM PDT

Let’s face it. Movies aimed at female audiences aren’t always Oscar material. But that doesn’t mean they can’t fulfill some sort of guilty pleasure fix. There are plenty of movie trailers and posters that reveal a movie’s awfulness and still entice you to see them. Even if you’re ashamed to admit it, sometimes you just want to see a movie for the pretty shoes on display or want a distracting movie to watch with your friends. Or maybe you need to cry in a dark movie theater for awhile. (Also, we would never discount the joy achieved from a good old fashioned hate watching.)

That’s why Crushable has created the Chick Flick Check List. This week’s entrant: Katherine Heigl’s Life As We Know It.

Should you check it out  this weekend? Well, that depends on what you’re looking for.

Life As We Know It’s Check List Ranking:  61

Our Check List ranks movies based on ten different criteria that are each worth a total of 10 points. The scale tops out at 100. To give you a reference, a classic like Breakfast at Tiffany’s might rank at 97. Check specific categories for your main interest.

Likability of the lead: 3/10
Remember when Katherine Heigl was really endearing in Knocked Up? Man that was awhile ago. She spends most of the movie here trying to appear uptight and controlling. It works! But that makes it kind of hard to like her. And somehow, later on we learn that happy Katherine Heigl is even more annoying than anal Katherine Heigl.

Plot/Script: 6/10
It’s a little bit harsh to kill of a kid’s parents to create a meet-cute for a cinematic couple, but the writers of Life As We Know It do a pretty good job of switching between sad and flirtatious. There are even some funny jokes. But also, one poop joke can be funny. Multiple poop jokes? Groan inducing.

Chemistry Between The Leads: 5/10
Heigl was a producer of the movie and apparently had to pull some strings to get Josh Duhamel cast in the movie. But he actually brings more than just eye candy. His comedic timing is good and he pulls off some of the only laugh lines in the movie. But together? They’re pretty…eh.

Chance of wringing tears out of viewers: 7/10
High! Life As We Know It kills off a one year old’s parents in the first 15 minutes. Look at how cute your parents are, kid! Your mom’s Joan Halloway. Oops, she’s dead. Now you’re stuck with Katherine Heigl. Good luck with that.

Wardrobe: 6/10
Heigl’s character wears a lot of sweaters. But she looks nice in them. And the few times that they dress her up, she looks good. Except for her weird obsession with floppy berets. Also, whoever was dressing Josh Duhamel knows exactly how much (or little) to dress him in.

Plot Believability: 6/10
Josh Lucas is a little too charmy and adorable as the alternate love interest. The fact that Heigl’s character has trouble deciding this love triangle is a little silly.

Supporting Cast: 8/10
Stunt casting in chick flicks can go one of two ways. This one gets points for casting of In addition to Christina Hendricks for five minutes, the movie has some nice moments from Eastbound and Down’s Andrew Daly, comedian Kumail Nanjian and Gilmore GirlsMelissa McCarthy.

Food Porn: 6/10
Chick flick producers have recently realized that women love looking at food in movies. Life As We Know It pushes on this button by having Heigl’s character play a professional chef. But for some reason, never shows her cooking actual food at home. Also, the movie loses points for stealing a date scene directly from It’s Complicated. Which just serves as a reminder that Meryl Streep and Steve Martin did it better. Also, will anyone believe that Katherine Heigl can cook? I didn’t.

Male Eye Candy:  9/10
Josh Duhamel may not be everyone’s ideal, but he’s a pretty good specimen of man meat. The producers also took every opportunity to have him shirtless, drenched in water or flexing. Why else would you cast John Duhamel in a movie like this?

Children, pets and other scene stealers: 5/10
The three sisters who play orphaned Sophie are plenty cute and never really obnoxious. But the daughter is mostly an excuse to get Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel’s character to Get. It. On. Also, there is a lot of crying.

Post from: Crushable

Chick Flick Check List: 'Life As We Know It'

Video: Code Pink's 'Raptivism' Makes Us Want to Blackwater Ourselves

Posted: 08 Oct 2010 09:03 AM PDT

In the spectrum of terrible, ineffective political activism, it goes: people handing out flyers on the sidewalk, Ewok lady Youtube videos, and then at the bottom of the totem pole “white people rapping about military contracting.” Seriously, that’s all I’m going to say about this video, because you just need to watch. Code Pink? More like I did not order that Code Red for this video. (Okay, NOW I’m done).

Somewhere Jeremy Scahill wishes he didn’t exist.

Post from: Crushable

Video: Code Pink's 'Raptivism' Makes Us Want to Blackwater Ourselves

Posted: 08 Oct 2010 09:21 AM PDT

Justin Bieber kicked off Facebook.  A Florida resident who shares a name with our favorite adolescent heartthrob was kicked off Facebook this week when an employee thought he was using a fake name. His account was restored, but he still gets 100s of calls from Justin Bieber fans a day. (Gizmodo)

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Quotable: For Some Reason, Aaron Johnson Plugging 'Life As We Know It'

Posted: 08 Oct 2010 09:27 AM PDT

Hey guys, remember Aaron Johnson, the 20-year-old star of Kickass who managed to knock up the director of the John Lennon biopic, Nowhere Boy, in which he had a starring role? Yeah, us either. Kickass was like, months ago! But now that Nowhere Boy is coming to the states via Sundance, Aaron’s going to be back in the spotlight, and answering the tough questions. Luckily he has a quick response to the queries about his girlfriend’s cradle-robbing: Go see Katherine Heigl movies!

From GQ’s interview:

Yes. You and Sam Taylor-Wood fell in love and now you have a daughter together. What does it feel like to be a 20-year-old father?
No different than feeling like a 30-year-old father or a 40-year-old father.

I’m not a father myself, but I imagine what keeps you up at night now must be very different.
You’re not a father? Then you’d be the perfect audience to see Life As We Know It.

The Katherine Heigl movie? Why are you plugging Life As We Know It?

(btw, it’s because that movie is ridiculous. Josh Duhamel has no idea what it’s like to be a father. Continues Johnson:)

The whole thing is like, “Oh my God, oh my God, this baby is shitting everywhere. There’s shit on my face! What the fuck is a diaper, what do I sterilize? Uh do I put my dick in the sterilizer?”
Yup. Definitely ready for fatherhood, this one. Can we make a 16 and pregnant for dudes?

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Quotable: For Some Reason, Aaron Johnson Plugging 'Life As We Know It'

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