Monday, October 11, 2010



Crushable Quotable: Leave French Manicures To The Porn Stars

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 10:59 AM PDT

Our friends at The Frisky have been talking with Clinton Kelly, one of the fashionistas from TLC’s What Not To Wear. Per usual, Clinton’s got plenty of fashion tips. But our favorite  from the interview involves porn stars. Why? Because, as Clinton points out, when your tastes line up with that of porn stars, it’s the clearest sign that you’re doing something wrong.

Even if you’re not willing to admit it, when something becomes a trend among porn stars, it’s time to move on. As Clinton says:

“Some women in my family like their French manicures and they're going to continue to get French manicures. I think, however, that as soon as porno stars grab onto a trend and make it their own, that's a time for respectable ladies to find a new trend. I honestly believe that: as soon as whores adopt a trend, move on. It's dead.”

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Quotable: Leave French Manicures To The Porn Stars

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 10:52 AM PDT

Hayden Panettiere, You Get A…BABY WOLF – Okay, on the one hand, we want to be like “Why don’t we get cool shwag like this at parties?” On the other hand…does she have to raise it now? (via Best Week Ever)

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: 'Slutty' Halloween Costumes For Guys

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 10:31 AM PDT

We’re getting a little tired of all these innappropriate “sexy” Halloween costumes for women. Sure, a slutty Snooki sounds funny now (though a little redundant), and a sexy Christine O’Donnell might overtake the sexy Sarah Palin outfit for those political humor types, but why should only women be objectified on this holiday? That’s why we’ve created a gallery of sexy/slutty Halloween costumes for dudes. And no, you can’t be a sexy Edward Cullen. That’s lame.

  • Sexy pizza delivery guy
  • Sexy tea partier
  • Sexy Garbage man
  • Slutty Eric from True Blood
  • Slutty Polygamist
  • Sexy Roger Sterling
  • Slutty Tiger Woods
  • Slutty Yuppie
  • Sexy Zombie

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: 'Slutty' Halloween Costumes For Guys

Jennifer Petkov Feels The Wrath Of The Internet, Apologizes

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 10:34 AM PDT

It’s amazing what a weekend of internet abuse can do to an ill conceived hate campaign. Jennifer Petkov attracted some 4Chan attention recently when she decided to attack her 7-year old dying neighbor on Facebook. After posting a photo of the girl’s dead mother with the Grim Reaper, Petkov attracted the attention of FOX News, and was completely unrepentant about her actions.

It didn’t take long for 4Chan users to organize a fatwa against her family, publicize her address and encouraging attacks against her. And it worked. Petkov has quickly changed her tune. Last week, Petkov posted photos of Kathleen Edward with a skull and crossbones and said she wished the girl dead because it would “rub their ass RAW!”

This week, she wishes she hadn’t said anything. After getting her house egged and receiving death threats, Petkov apologized for her behavior, saying “hopefully we can live our lives peacefully from now on.”

It’s not clear if the internet is done with Petkov yet, though. 7-year old Kathleen suffers from Huntington’s Disease, the same illness that killed her mother at age 24. In response to Petkov’s actions, neighbors, friends and outraged Detroit residents have held vigils outside Edward’s home.

In addition to the 4Chan campaign, Petkov is now the subject of thousands upon thousands of angry Facebook comments. (The image above is from a new anti-fan page that has sprung up).

And of course, in case you missed it, the original video of Petkov in all her horrible glory:

Post from: Crushable

Jennifer Petkov Feels The Wrath Of The Internet, Apologizes

Video: Woman Transforms Herself Into Jared Leto Using Makeup

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 10:02 AM PDT

An enterprising young woman set out to turn herself into Jared Leto using nothing but makeup and a wig — and you guys? It’s kind of eery. To the extent that we’re like, um, is there actually a Jared Leto? Was I ever really in love with Jordan Catalano, or was it this girl all along?

Here’s a before and after comparison:

Just one question. Can you come do this to our boyfriend?

Post from: Crushable

Video: Woman Transforms Herself Into Jared Leto Using Makeup

Celebrity Look-Alike Gallery: 'Boardwalk Empire' Poor Man's Edition

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 10:00 AM PDT

Each week during Boardwalk Empire, hunched over our laptops and hazy with HBO schwag wine, there comes a point when we look up and exclaim ”Wait, is that Leighton Meester?”  Or “What’s Robert Pattinson doing on HBO” After four episodes, we’ve basically come to the conclusion that everyone on Boardwalk is the poor man’s version of somebody else. And that’s without even getting into the Steve Buscemi/Christopher Walken thing.

Post from: Crushable

Celebrity Look-Alike Gallery: 'Boardwalk Empire' Poor Man's Edition

10 Perks of Living In A World Without Facebook

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 09:29 AM PDT

Today our friends over at Urlesque have decided to eschew the web…in theory, anyway. “A World Without Internet” is their theme of the day, bringing you a flash-sideways universe where the net never existed (despite the fact that yes, we’re reading this on the web). Think about how hard it would be to catch a predator without the convenience of a 40-year-old man posing as a 13-year-old girl. And imagine if YouTube never existed and America’s Funniest Home Videos still reigned supreme. Scary stuff, right?
But it’s not all bad. Don’t pretend you’ve never wistfully imagined a world without Facebook, despite being unable to delete your account for fear of missing all the minutia of your friends lives. Below, we imagine how beautiful that reality would be.

In A World Without Facebook:

1. You’d actually have to pick up the phone and talk to your friends to find out what they were doing later.

2. No annoying reminders of your teenage years every time someone from high school friends you.

3. Employers would have to hire you based on your resume and interview alone, and only later find out what a hard-partying freak you are.

4. You wouldn’t spend half a day trying to find out how to limit your profile so your mom couldn’t see that picture of you doing shots with the entire rugby team.

5. MySpace would still reign supreme. Wait…that’s not a perk.

6. Your relationship status would refer to that talk you had with your significant other about the status of your relationship.

7. If you wanted to harass a dying girl, you’d have to go next door and do it to her face.

8. Mark Zuckerberg would have had to finish college.

9. Lying at your 10-year reunion would be so much easier. (“Why yes, I am married to a supermodel and own my  own helicopter.”)

10. Aaron Sorkin would have no reason to be so goddamn smug.

Post from: Crushable

10 Perks of Living In A World Without Facebook

Poll: Will Bed Bugs Keep You Out of Thrift Stores?

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 09:02 AM PDT

The scariest thing about this Halloween season isn’t Freddy Krueger or Swedish vampire children, but the nasty critters known as bed bugs that infect your home via clothes or furniture you could buy from any respectable store. Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, Bloomingdales…the list goes on and on. But you know who we haven’t heard bed bug trauma stories from yet? Vintage and second-hand stores.

That’s not to say those nasty, impossible-to-get-rid-of bugs aren’t hiding in that cute 1950s sweater you just bought for $2 in Goodwill. The media is focusing on retail outlets as the source of the problem most likely because common sense would tell you to not buy a used mattress…or used clothes. But as I stepped into my fave thrift store yesterday and picked up a leather jacket and some boots I thought, was I already too late? Did the mere act of entering the store or trying on clothes just infect me? And if so, might as well go for it, yeah? Especially with Halloween coming up, and us broke-ass students and other types not buying our ready-made outfits, how are we supposed to put together a creative outfit? So we ask you: Would the threat of bed bugs keep you from buying 2nd-hand clothes?

Post from: Crushable

Poll: Will Bed Bugs Keep You Out of Thrift Stores?

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 08:50 AM PDT

Polygamists are camera shy. Sister Wives‘ star Kody Brown made an honest woman of his latest fiance last month, officially making her his fourth wife. But TLC had trouble filming the reception, as many of the attendees feared being prosecuted for polygamy if they appeared on camera. (TMZ)

Post from: Crushable

Banksy Tweaks FOX With 'Simpsons' Intro

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 08:23 AM PDT

What do you get when you cross British graffiti artist Banksy with The Simpsons? A morbid dystopian satire of Matt Groening’s cartoon that has people all over the web talking about The Simpsons again.

This is apparently the first time that the famous Simpsons intro has been outsourced to another artist, and the BBC is reporting that the sequence cause friction behind the scenes and almost caused a walkout from animators.

Banksy took plenty of license with the intro, a supposed critique of the show’s decision to outsource the bulk of its animation to a company in South Korea. Bansky created an elaborate animated sweatshop full of dying unicorns and sickly ragamuffins who idly put together your weekly dose of Simpsons kitsch every week. But what do you expect when you ask a controversy-baiting graffiti artist to do your animation? Take a look for yourself:

Post from: Crushable

Banksy Tweaks FOX With 'Simpsons' Intro

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