Friday, January 14, 2011

80 Year-Old International Jewelry Thief Popped For Stealing Ring From Macy’s Worth 9K

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 05:54 AM PST

doris payne jewelry thief

Dayyuuumm, Granny Doris is getting in like that!!!

She’s an international jewel thief with a five-decade career so dazzling that a Hollywood film starring Halle Berry is rumoured to be in the works.

But the law has finally caught up with 80-year-old Doris Payne – again. The West Virginia woman has been found guilty of stealing a $8,900 diamond ring from a San Diego Macy’s store on January 1, 2010.

She was found guilty on Wednesday of burglary and grand theft. Now she is facing the possibility of more than five years in prison. Prosecutors claim Payne walked away with the ring after viewing it at the Macy’s counter last year. She is then said to have sold it for just under $2,000.

But, despite her long history, her lawyer is claiming that this time, she’s innocent – and it’s a case of mistaken identity. Payne’s modus operandi is alarmingly simple – and, rather than using technology or flashy gadgets, she relies purely on her reading of human nature.

Pretty little things: A $7,500 diamond ring sold by Macy’s. Payne is accused of walking out of a San Diego store branch with a similar ring worth $8,900 in January, 2010. The elderly lady toddles in to jewellery stores and chats with their clerks, innocently asking if she can try on this piece – or that – or how about that one right there.

Eventually she decides not to buy anything and toddles back on out the store. Sometimes it is hours before the clerk realises that, when she left, she was still wearing some of the jewellery – in this latest case, the $8,900 diamond ring. Payne, who claims she has robbed stores from California to Monte Carlo, has already served prison sentences in six states. But her lawyer Gretchen von Helms is vowing that this time Payne is innocent – and it’s a case of mistaken identity.

Von Helms told ABC News that Payne’s career has been so illustrious that ‘if there’s been a jewellery theft and an African-American woman did it, everyone would say, ‘It must’ve been Doris Payne.’” Her client ‘has a certain notoriety’, she said. She also gave her own take on Payne’s modus operandi: ‘What she does is theft by beguilement. She goes in, she’s charming, she talks to folks and leaves. ‘She just happens to have a diamond with her.’

Payne has up to 20 different aliases, five social security numbers, and nine different dates of birth on record, ABCNews said. However she insisted in a 2005 interview that she has retired from a life of crime. Security footage from the Macy’s robbery last year, she says, shows another woman – not her.

The court was not buying it on Wednesday, however. She was found guilty and remanded to be sentenced at a later date.

Wow…definitely sounds like a movie for real..


Some Morning Mean Muggin: Nahla Ariela Aubry Ice Grills For The Cameras

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 05:39 AM PST

halle nahla mean mug

Halle Berry’s babygirl Nahla makes some of the most interesting facial expressions. Here she is in Cali getting her mean mug on for the paps…

Too funny…

halle nahla mean mug halle nahla mean mug halle nahla mean mug halle nahla mean mug halle nahla mean mug

Coupled Up: Kim Kardashian Spotted With Her Tall A$s 6’9″ Baller Beau

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 05:26 AM PST

kim kardashian kris humphries in a white rolls royce phantom ghost

Kim Kardashian and her new boo Kris Humphries were spotted together again…hopping out of a Double R.

Thoughts on how long this fling will last???

Peep more pics below:

kim kardashian kris humphries in a white rolls royce phantom ghost kim kardashian kris humphries in a white rolls royce phantom ghost kim kardashian kris humphries in a white rolls royce phantom ghost kim kardashian kris humphries in a white rolls royce phantom ghost kim kardashian kris humphries in a white rolls royce phantom ghost

Wendy Williams Wants To Show Off Her Cakes And Goodies In This Teenie Kini [Video]

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 05:23 AM PST

Three Teenagers And A 22-Yr-Old Gang Rape A 14-Yr-Old Girl, Record On Cell Phone

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 05:14 AM PST

gang rape chicago

This is crazy:

A girl raped by three teenagers and a 22-year-old pleaded that she was only 14 years old during an attack her assailants recorded on a cell phone camera, prosecutors said during a bond hearing today for one of the suspects.

Vicente Hernandez, 22, of Cicero, was ordered held on $600,000 bail after being charged with aggravated criminal sexual assault. The three other suspects — Alex Picallo, 16, Majeed Khalifeh, 18, and Jonathan Leanos, 19, were charged Wednesday.

Police say Leanos met the girl on a MySpace page last summer, and they met several times before Leanos took her to his house on Saturday. When she refused to have sex, Leanos raped her, then took her along when he drove to pick up Khalifeh and Hernandez, police said. They returned to Leanos’ house, where they were met by Picallo, police said.

When Hernandez took the girl into a bedroom and locked the door, she told him she was only 14, prosecutors said. Hernandez assaulted her and broke her cell phone before leaving the room, prosecutors said in court.

Khalifeh and Picallo then went into the room and assaulted the girl while Hernandez and Leonas used their cell phones to record the attack, prosecutors said. Leanos then allegedly raped the girl again.

Hernandez's lawyer portrayed his client as a hard-working family man working two jobs to support his girlfriend and two daughters. He is also the primary caregiver for his 85-year-old grandfather, said attorney Marco Raimondi. He requested that Hernandez be released on $50,000 bail, arguing his client posed no flight risk.

Raimondi said Hernandez has lived most of his life in the Chicago area, in addition to working full-time as a clerk at a law firm and full-time in an auto body shop.

Standing next to Hernandez, whose hands were cuffed behind his back, Raimondi acknowledged the seriousness of the charges but said, "My client obviously denies the charges."

Raimondi said Hernandez has no serious criminal record and "will appear in court each and every time" if granted the requested bail.

But in the hearing in Bridgeview Branch Court today, Judge Colleen McSweeney Moore said that there is "another, more important factor: The defendant's danger to the public."

Aggravated sexual assault is a Class X felony with a mandatory sentencing range of six to 30 years.

Moore, in setting bail at $600,000, said Hernandez would have to serve his sentences consecutively if convicted of the two counts against him.

Relatives for the four suspects either could not be reached Thursday or declined to comment on the charges.

Neighbors of both Khalifeh and Picallo described them as good kids, though one man said Picallo began hanging out with a rougher group of friends after he began attending Morton West High School in Berwyn.

Neighbors of Leanos said there was frequent trouble around the home, a small brick bungalow.

"I wanted to walk over there so many times," said David Capitano, 30, who lives a few houses down from Leanos. "They drove me crazy — in the summer, I have my bedroom window open, and I'd hear the noise and yelling. … I'm not shocked this happened."



The Epitome Of Bad Parenting: Pet Ferret Chews Off Several of Infants Fingers

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 04:51 AM PST

Ferret Attacks Baby

WTF! The parents of a 4 month old infant are under scrutiny after their pet ferret chewed off several of his fingers.

The landlord of the Grain Valley family whose pet ferret chewed-off their infant son’s fingers says that the family had no idea what the animal was capable of doing, and was planning to it to the vet to see if it was safe to be around children.

Police in Grain Valley are investigating the incident which happened early Monday morning. According to the police report, the boy’s mother awoke around 2:30 a.m. on Monday to find her four-month-old son covered in blood in his rocker chair and missing seven fingers, leaving him with only his thumbs and part of a pinky.

The landlord, who did not want to be identified, told FOX 4 that the family had planned to take the ferret to the vet for an evaluation after it stole the baby’s toys, a pacifier and a bottle.

The ferret never made it to the vet because it was killed by the child’s father after the attack.

The ferret’s body is being examined for rabies and other possible diseases.

The landlord told FOX 4 News that he hopes that people will stop jumping to conclusions about the family, and let the police finish their investigation.

How did they not hear the baby and why in hell’s kitchen is a ferret allowed to roam the house at night? Ridiculous. SMDH.


“Never Fall For A White Girl” [Video]

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 04:50 AM PST

Vivica’s Fiance Slim Shares Pics Showing How Tender His Roni Is

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 04:22 AM PST

Shirtless Slim and HIs Vegan Diet

Auntie Viv’s “Young Meat” got on Facebook to talk about how he keeps his Roni so tender and it has nothing to do with meat at all. Surprisingly, Omar is a vegan who plays no games when it comes to his body. (As we can clearly see from that pic.)

Slimm said he no longer eats processed meats or canned food. Instead, he said he eats a nutritious diet that consists of fresh organic home grown fruits, beans, greens, rice and raw fish for protein.

"I changed my diet based on my father passing from stage 4 lung cancer and [watching him] going through the whole chemotherapy and radiation process," said Slimm. "Once you learn more about the human anatomy and healthy nutrition, it inspires you to want to eat better," he said.

"I eat a lot of raw foods and vegetables. Cooked food isn't that good for you," he said. "Once you cook it past a certain temperature, you're killing the nutrients. You're basically putting dead food back into your body."

Slimm said that while his fiancee, Vivica, eats healthy foods (no pork, candy or sodas) — she's not a vegan like he is. "She tries to [eat vegan food]. She eats a lot of veggies and fruits."

Slimm said when Viv is in town they usually compromise on their restaurant destination.

"I go to my spot to eat, or we go to her spot… I always try to compromise," he said.

"I'm not the kind of person to preach or try to convert nobody. I respect people for who they are."

Damn. His muscles got muscles. Vivica is going to have to diet and exercise herself into oblivion to keep up with all this cougar meat.


Teens Catch Felony Stalking Charges For Fake Facebook Page

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 03:50 AM PST

Two Teens Get Charges For Creating Fake Facebook Page

Take heed all of you Facebook frauds. Two teenage girls caught some serious charges for making a fake Facebook page to taunt one of their classmates.

Two Florida teens, Taylor Wynn and McKenzie Barker, were arrested for allegedly setting up a fake Facebook profile for a classmate and posting fake nude pictures of her. They’ve been charged with felony counts of “aggravated stalking of a minor.”

From the Naples News:

Nude pictures of a prepubescent girl’s body with the victim’s head placed on it were posted along with other comments. Another photo shows a man’s genitalia near the victim’s head.

Detectives subpoenaed records from Facebook and Internet providers to learn the identity of the suspects.

One girl told deputies she made the page as a joke because she thought it would be funny. At one point, she said, she and the victim were friends, but they don’t like each other now. She said no one liked the victim and thought it would be a funny joke to make the Facebook page.

The Facebook page has 181 friends, but apparently the victim didn’t even know about it.

Gotta be more careful. The feds are taking cyberbullying VERY seriously.


Martha Stewart’s Gets Nine Stitches From Headbutt

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 03:33 AM PST

Martha Stewart GEts Nine Stitches

Some b*tch named Francesca gave Martha the business.

Domestic diva Martha Stewart needed nine stitches on her upper lip after her French bulldog walloped her as Stewart leaned in to whisper goodbye to the pooch, TMZ reported Thursday.

The TV host said she must have “startled” the dozing dog, named Francesca, when she moved in close Tuesday to “whisper goodbye” as she was getting ready to leave her New York home.

“She bolted upright with such force that she hit me in the face like a boxing glove hitting an opponent's face," Stewart wrote on her personal blog, according to Access Hollywood.

"I was entirely startled and my neck snapped back," she continued. "I felt a bit of whiplash as blood gushed forth from my split lip."

As for her beloved Francesca, Stewart wrote she "was as upset" as she was, and went and "cowered in her bed."

The 69-year-old Stewart headed directly for a local emergency room, where she was met by a plastic surgeon and stitched up, Access Hollywood reported.

That should teach her to keep her whispery sweet nothings out of Francescas ear.


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