Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Eva Longoria Out With Kevin Connolly Too!

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 12:50 PM PST

eva longoria out with kevin connolly

Eva really seems to be making the rounds with her men!

Earlier today, we learned that Eva Longoria has been reportedly having "sleepovers" with Penelope Cruz's younger brother Eduardo.

While Penelope's bro may be Eva's sleeping buddy, it looks like Entourage's Kevin Connolly is her "going out" buddy!

Eva and Kevin were seen out at Katsuya Japanese restaurant in Hollywood last night.

We guess he didn't mind that she was having a bit of an odd "make-up situation," but then again these things happen.

Tell us, Eva…any chance of a budding romance with your long-time buddy, Kevin? Or are U more excited about Eduardo right now?

OR is there a third guy that we haven't heard about just yet???

[Image via National Photo Group.]

Posner Gets Unplugged!

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 12:40 PM PST

Check out this lovely acoustic performance of Mike's new hit, Please Don't Go, above!

Camille Grammer Is No Longer A Real Housewife! She's Out!

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 12:30 PM PST


Buh-bye, then. There are other ladies in the Hills for Bravo to snatch up.

Sources are confirming that Camille Grammer will not be returning for a second season of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Reportedly, Camille has decided she no longer has an interest in doing the reality show.

We don't really know what to make of this decision as Bravo hasn't even announced the second season of the show, meaning that there might've not even been any negotiations with the network yet. She could be walking away from a ton of $$$ and exposure and not even know it!

And this is after she turned down a $30 million settlement from her ex, Kelsey Grammer. (She's reportedly looking for $50 mil.)

What game are you playing at, girl?!

[Image via WENN.]

Stan Lee Gets A Hollywood Star!

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 12:20 PM PST


And it's more than deserved!

Comic book legend Stan Lee, who created or co-created Marvel Comics characters such as Spider-Man, the Incredible Hulk, X-Men, The Fantastic Four and Iron Man, received a star on the Walk of Fame on Tuesday.

The 88-year-old's star lies in front of the Live Nation Building on Hollywood Boulevard. He was accompanied by his wife and posing with Spidey's signature move.

Lee is the founder, chairman and chief creative officer of POW! Entertainment. More than 2 million of his comic books have been published in 75 nations and in 25 languages. And his characters have been featured in 24 animated television series and several movies.


[Image via WENN.]

Star Magazine Publishes More Jolie Bull Shiz!

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 12:10 PM PST


Oh, this is just disgusting!

Check out the newest issue of Star Magazine, which alleges that Angelina Jolie has been rushed into rehab while she battles an addiction to heroin (above)!

The story is yet to be released, but we can only imagine that it's a real treat!


Seriously, guys?? First Brit Brit, and now this one?!

You're just asking for lawsuits these days, aren't you?!


Michael Lohan Slams Lindsay's "Friends" For Betraying Her

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 11:50 AM PST

michael lohan slams lindsays friends

As is always often the case, Michael Lohan has gone to the media to talk about Lindsay.

This time, he's angry at her "friends" for betraying her just so they can make money.

Specifically, Michael is pissed at Lindsay's acquaintance Linda Koopersmith, who brought a camera crew to his daughter's place mere hours after she left rehab.

Here's what Michael had to say about it:

"She violated Lindsay's privacy, safety and the trust Lindsay had for her. How sick is that? Lindsay just gets out and already people are using her to promote themselves and make money."

We agree that this wasn't a cool move, but is it possible you're being a bit hypocritical, Michael?

We've been hearing A LOT from you lately, and we find it a bit hard to believe that you're not cashing in…at least a LITTLE bit but probably a lot.


[Image via WENN.]

California Courts Rule Cell Phones & Text Messages Can Be Searched Without Warrant

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 11:40 AM PST


Hmm. Not sure how we feel about this.

On Monday, the California Supreme Court ruled that police are no longer require to have a warrant to search a cell phone carried by someone under arrest.

In a 5-2 ruling, the justices determined a warrantless search was justifiable, especially considering the vital evidence that could be attained from text messages on a person's cell phone. For example, a man in 2007 was busted on a drug deal charge after he was arrested when a police officer searched his phone and found texts linking him to the crime.

We can see how it would be beneficial when trying to convict a criminal of his or her crime, but we still can't help but feel it's a major invasion of privacy.

What do U think?

[Image via WENN.]

Does Don Francisco Have A Secret Child?

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 11:30 AM PST


Bad news for Sabado Gigante host Don Francisco.

The veteran TV show host, who's real name is Mario Luis Kreutzberger, is facing a child paternity suit. The child in question is 43-year-old Patricio Abraham F.M.

The claim was filed last October in Chile, just months after Patricio reportedly found out the news from his mother in June after she became seriously ill and feared death.

After learning the news, Patricio tried to seek a paternity test privately but Don Francisco refused. That's when he decided to seek the help of the court.

And according to reports, if Don Francisco doesn't take the exam, the Chilean courts can automatically declare him Patricio's father!

Though at 43-years-old, what does he expect? Money from child support never received?

Patricio's attorney claims he's not certain if his client is seeking any type of monetary compensation, but he believes not.

Now the question remains, will Don Francisco take the paternity test?

[Image via Jeff Daly/WENN.]

OMG! Streisand To Play Mama Rose In Gypsy!

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 11:20 AM PST


Okay, here's the thing: No one can deny that you couldn't take your eyes off of Rosalind Russell in the 1960's version of Gypsy. She was stellar, perfection even. She made Mama Rose the iconic character she is today.

But if there was anyone who was groomed to fill Rosalind's shoes in the rumored movie remake of the classic musical, it's Barbra Streisand.

Sources are reporting that Babs is at the top of the short list to not only star as Mama Rose in the Gypsy remake, but also produce and direct! But everyone knows, if you going to do Gypsy, you need the blessing of one man to do so - Arthur Laurents, who wrote the book to the show.

Thankfully, in a recent interview, Arthur revealed he would be nothing but thrilled if Babs decided to proceed with the project. He told sources:

"Barbra and I have been getting along very well now for some time. We've talked about it a lot, and she knows what she's doing. She has my approval."

In that case…. DO IT! PLEASE!

What a marvelous opportunity to remind the world of the powerhouse performer you are, Miz Streisand! We've been waiting for something like this from you for years! We can think of nothing in the world we want more than to see this come together!

We're going to pray to the musical gods tonight and every night after, until we hear official word that this is going to happen!

[Image via WENN.]

Listen To This: Another New Obsession!

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 11:10 AM PST

Such a great week for new music!!!!

We LOVE discovering new talent! It always excites us so much!

If you like Annie Lennox or Stevie Nicks, then we think you will really Clare Maguire!

We are captivated by the British songstress' soulful voice and catchy tunes!!!

She is VERY promising!!!

Check out the power-pop brilliance of Last Dance (above).

Then, CLICK HERE to listen to more music from Clare Maguire!

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