Monday, January 10, 2011

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Queen Nicki on Ellen

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 01:20 PM PST

Check out Minaj performing Moment 4 Life live on DeGerenes' show (above)!

Are You A Fan Of Diana Vickers????

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 01:18 PM PST

We helped our British friend score a gig in America!

The Vickers is going to be performing this Saturday night, January 15th, at Cherry Pop in West Hollywood!

If you don't know who Diana is, then CLICK HERE to check out some of her amazing music!!!!

Is Sarah Palin Responsible For The Shooting In Arizona?

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 01:10 PM PST

This should be a lesson to you all. Even the insinuation of violence should not be tolerated. Just look at what it could lead to.

Last year, Sarah Palin posted a deplorable graphic on her Facebook page: a map of 20 Congressional districts with "crosshairs" over the area. These districts were "targeted" because their congressmen and women were supporters of the new heath care reform. One of the names "targeted" was Gabrielle Gifford, who was brutally shot down in Arizona this weekend during a meeting with constituents.

Now, at the present time, there has been no evidence to connect the gunman to Sarah Palin or the Tea Party movement. However, we want to show you a clip from The View that aired last year, right after Sarah posted this horrible picture to her followers. (above)

Listen to what Whoopi Goldberg has to say about this. We think she really puts the whole situation into perspective.

Perhaps Sarah didn't have anything to do with the tragedy that occurred this weekend, which we might add led to the death of a nine-year-old girl, but she should be held accountable for her poor choice to post such a disgusting image. Is that the America that should be portrayed for the next generation? One covered with crosshairs to take out those who think differently then ourselves?

Shameful. We're completely appalled.

Is Khole Kardashian Preggers?

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 12:50 PM PST


That's the buzzzzz we're hearing this morning.

Source are reporting that, once again, Khloe Kardashian is rumored to be pregnant. One source claims that Khloe has been hiding her baby bump "behind flowing dresses and oversized handbags."

OMG! Just like on old sitcoms when the lead actress would get knocked up in the middle of season! Has she also conveniently been seen standing behind counters and carrying large boxes for no apparent reason? Ha!

But back to former, another source insists that her new reality show with hubby Lamar Odom will be "followed by the cameras through her pregnancy and as they have their first child."

Khloe has yet to comment on the rumor and really, why should she? On the one hand, its something we've heard a million times before, so she probably doesn't feel the need to defend herself. On the other hand, if she is preggers, why would she tell all of us when we can hear all about it on the season premiere of her new E! show?!

C'mon people! It's all about the ratings!!!

[Image via WENN.]

Data From Dr. Murray's Phone Admissible In MJ Murder Case

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 12:40 PM PST


Another big score for the prosecution.

Today, a judge ruled that Dr. Conrad Murray's cell phone and phone records were admissible for the prosecution in the Michael Jackson murder case.

Prosecutors intend to use the phone records to help create a detailed timeline of the doctor's actions on the day MJ died. However, the defense may also be using this new evidence to their advantage. They reportedly have 12 screenshots found on the phone that may be used as evidence, as well as several brief voicemails.

This was all decided upon moments before Dr. Murray was scheduled to take the stand. We're sure we'll more about that a little later.

[Image via AP Images.]

Billy Baldwin Has Skype Sex With His Wifey, Chynna Phillips

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 12:30 PM PST

billy baldwin has skype sex with his wifey

We're sure Alec and the other seventeen Baldwins definitely want to hear this.

When asked during an inteview if he has skype sex with his wife Chynna Phillips, Billy Baldwin had the following to say:

"Of course!

I think a lot of people were inspired, or didn't make the connection, until 'It's Complicated' when my brother [Alec] jumped in front of the Skype monitor and Steve Martin lost an eye, This is where you will get me in trouble with my wife … talking about this sort of stuff!"

We suppose we're glad to hear that you're keeping things exciting with the missus, but we could definitely have done with a little bit less information, Billy!

What do U think about Skype sex?

[Image via WENN.]

Hangover Star Sued Over Night Club Brawl!

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 12:20 PM PST



Mike Epps, who was featured in The Hangover, has just been smacked with a lawsuit regarding an altercation with a photographer in which he was involved in a Detroit club back in November.

The cameraman, Douglas Thornton, claims that although he was hired to cover an event for the actor at the Key Club, Epps lost his shiz and tried to take his camera - which then escalated into a "brutal beating."

Legal documents also state that when Thornton was removed from the club, "members of Epps' entourage fired several shots at Thornton, who ran for his life."

Holy shiz!

His attorney concluded:

"Mr. Epps is lucky he is not facing a murder charge."

Good lord! This thing sounds a whole lot of crazy!

We imagine that there are two sides to this story, so we're very curious to hear what Epps has to say about the entire matter!


[Image via WENN.]

Kennedys Killed The Kennedys

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 12:10 PM PST

kennedy family kills kennedys mini series

Over the weekend, we reported that the History Channel mini-series The Kennedys had been scrapped.

Now, more details have emerged regarding History's decision to pull the plug on the mini-series, and it looks like a big influence was the Kennedy family.

According to a source, members of the Kennedy family have been lobbying A&E Television Networks (AETN) to kill the mini-series since its announcement back in Dec 09.

The source said that Caroline Kennedy was instrumental in getting the project scrapped, as was Kennedy scion Maria Shriver, who was quite vocal to execs with regards to her feelings about the project.

At this point, The Kennedys will still find life in Canada and other foreign countries, and producers Asylum Entertainment and Muse Entertainment are being given permission to shop the miniseries around in the U.S.

At the moment, it looks like Showtime is a top U.S. candidate.

After all this drama, we're def curious to check this series out!

Why do U think the Kennedys are so avidly against this mini-series airing?

Demi Lovato Thanks Her Fans!

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 11:50 AM PST


So sweet!

Demi Lovato recently took to her Facebook page to not only check in with her fans, but also let them know how much she appreciates their support, while she's in rehab for physical and emotional issues.

She wrote:

I wish to thank all the friends and fans who voted for me for the People's Choice Awards and the Hot Hits Hottest Teen Stars of 2010. I want to make sure my fans know how thankful I am for all their love, support and prayers during this difficult time. Thank you for standing beside me through it all.

Just lovely!

We're happy to hear that she sounds like she's getting the help that she needs, and feels as though she has a lot of support from not only those with whom she's close, but also from her fans!

Keep up the good work, bb!

You'll get there soon! We're sure of it!

P.S. CLICK HERE to "like" Perez on Facebook!

P.P.S. CLICK HERE to "follow" Perez on Twitter!

Hollywood Connection To The Tragic Shooting In Arizona

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 11:40 AM PST


This is just awful.

On Saturday morning, six people were killed and 4 others wounded, including U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, when a gunman opened fire in front of a Safeway supermarket in Tucson, Arizona. The loss of innocent lives has hit home in Hollywood as two actress share personal relationships with two of the victims.

The congresswoman, who had been holding a meeting with constituents when the attack began, is actually a cousin of Gwyneth Paltrow's, though the two have never met. In light of her kin still being in critical condition this morning, Gwyneth released this statement:

"Although I have never had the pleasure of meeting congresswoman Giffords, my thoughts and prayers are with her and her family as well as the other victims of this horrible act of senseless violence."

Another actress who lost a family member in the shooting is One Tree Hill star Sophia Bush. Her nine-year-old cousin, Christina Taylor, was shot and killed during the rampage. Sophia took to her Twitter to express her grief, sharing:

"Devastating. There are no words to explain what my cousin's family is going through in Arizona…How can this be? Violence is never the answer…If you know anyone who is struggling, please reach out to them. No one should feel so alone that they resort to senseless violence…"

How unbelievably heartbreaking and sad. We can't even begin to imagine the pain and grief these poor families are going through.

We send our deepest condolences to both Gwyn and Sophia's families, as well as all the other victims of this terrible tragedy.

[Image via WENN.]

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