Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Green Day's Billie Joe Wants To Write Another Musical

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 01:10 PM PST


His first one did alright for itself, so why the hell not?!

Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong has confessed to sources that he is eager to get to work on a new Broadway musical, following the success of his first show, American Idiot. He explained that he's really "interested" in writing songs "specifically for a show" and feels his talent is best suited for this kind of work. He added:

"The kind of music that I like is very immediate and very catchy, and you identify with it quickly, and I try to write that way. And in musical theatre it's the same thing - you identify with the songs immediately. The good ones anyway."

Very true! Look at what a thespian he's become!

Move over, Stephen Sondheim! Your competition has arrived!

[Image via WENN.]

Brit Brit Tops iTunes!

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 12:50 PM PST


And it only took 12 hours!

Just half a day after her new single Hold It Against Me was released, Britney Spears shot to the top of the iTunes charts.

She's still got it!

First Look! John Carpenter's The Ward!

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 12:40 PM PST

Spooky! Scary!

Check out the newly released trailer for John Carpenter's latest thriller, The Ward. (above)


New Ricky Martin!

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 12:30 PM PST

For his first music video as an out gay man, Ricky Martin gets political!

Check out the Latin superstar's just-released vid for The Best Thing About Me Is You, featuring Joss Stone (above)!

Woody Allen's New Film Gets A Distributor

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 12:20 PM PST


Yes! We can't wait to see this!

Sony Pictures Classics has acquired the rights to Woody Allen's new film, Midnight In Paris, which stars Adrien Brody, Rachel McAdams, and Owen Wilson!

Co-Presidents Michael Barker and Tom Bernard said in a statement:

"Midnight in Paris is Woody Allen at his most magical. We couldn't be more pleased to be back with Woody, Letty and their entire team, as well as, our friends at Mediapro."

Allen agrees:

"They have great sensitivity toward my work."


Allen's been pretty hit or miss in his last few flicks, so we're excited that it's getting good buzz!


[Image via WENN.]

Charlize Is The Evil Queen!

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 12:10 PM PST


Charlize Theron will play the Evil Queen in the upcoming Snow White and the Huntsman.

The big screen adaptation will retell the classic fairy tale, but focus on the the huntsman that is charged with taking Snow White to the forest and killing her. The twist is that Snow White will train under the Huntsman to battle the Queen.

And it seems that studios are looking for an unknown to play Snow White with Riley Keough is a leading candidate.

This role better be good for Charlize! She is passing on Martin Scorcese's J. Edgar to do this film.

Only time will tell.

[Image via WENN.]

Such Ignorance! Birds Are NOT Dying Because Of DADT Repeal!

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 11:50 AM PST

We cannot express enough how shocking, disgusting, and ignorant this is!

Check out the video (above) to see Cindy Jacobs explain why she thinks there may be a connection between birds dying in Arkansas and the repeal of DADT.

Sidenote - Cindy Jacobs believes she is a legit prophet. That should give you an idea of the type of person we're dealing with here.

What do U think about Cindy's comments?

Verizon Customers! Your iPhone Has A Release Date!

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 11:40 AM PST


Oh happy day!

This morning, Verizon officially announced the release date of their latest addition to their wireless family: the iPhone 4!

Mark your calendars everyone! The iPhone 4 will be available for Verizon customers on February 10th, 2011!

Rejoice and be glad!

Whose going to be the first to get one?!

Soulja Boy Wants Your Grammy, Kanye West

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 11:30 AM PST


We imagine, however, that 'Ye has no intention of giving it to him. We think we heard somewhere that he's pretty intense about his awards.

So remember two years ago when Kanye West won a Grammy for Best Rap song with his jam Good Life? Soulja Boy was also nominated that year for his song Crank Dat (Soulja Boy) and he thinks he was jipped.

Ah, a little late to file a complaint, dontcha think?

Guess not!

Soulja Boy explained to sources that initially he "wasn't really thinking about it" and was optimistic that he would "get it next year." But now that he is back in the studio, working on his third album, he confesses he feels like "he should have got that Grammy."

Can't do anything about it now, boy. Don't think you could have done anything back then, other than pull a Kanye on Kanye. Best advice we can offer is to make sure your next album is so slamming, the Grammy folks will have no choice but to hand you over the gold.

That's all there is to it! So, get to work!

[Image via WENN.]

Lea Michele And Her Glee Co-Stars Are Best Friends!

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 11:20 AM PST


She's a very lucky girl! Not everyone has this luxury!

Lea Michele is once again shooting down reports of her alleged diva-tude on the set of the smash series Glee, and claims that she and her co-stars are actually all 'best friends!'

She explains:

"If we all didn't love each other as much as we do then it would be really hard, but I get to work with my best friends. I think that makes everything so enjoyable, no matter what we're doing. I love having my cast members over, inviting them over to my house. I've been known to bake cookies for my crew and bring them to work."

Well, bb, let's be clear - it's not YOUR crew. It's the crew for the show!

But baking for them is a LOVELY gesture, and we're sure it's much appreciated!

Who doesn't love home-made cookies?! Yum!


[Image via WENN.]

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