Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

You Must….

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 01:05 PM PST

Click HERE!!!!
Click HERE!!!!
Click HERE!!!!
Click HERE!!!!
Click HERE!!!!
Click HERE!!!!

So. Damn. Hot.

Martin Sheen & Son Charlie Sheen Emilio Estevez Writing A Memoir

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 12:50 PM PST


Hmm. Now this we'd want to read, depending upon how many chapters are devoted to the brother NOT lending his voice to the book.

Martin Sheen and son Emilio Estevez have decided to release a joint memoir titled Along the Way. Slated to hit shelves on Father's Day of 2012, the memoir will explore "the inner and outer stages of the journey of a father and son," including their dynamic working together on the upcoming movie called, you guessed it, Along the Way.

Should be quite a page turner.


[Image via WENN.]

Melissa Etheridge's Ex Unleashes!

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 12:40 PM PST


She's back on the blog… and this is some hardcore shiz!

It's no secret to anyone who has been following along that Tammy Lynn Michaels was completely blindsided by Melissa Etheridge and their breakup last year. For the most part, Melissa has been the only one talking trash about their relationship and if we may say so, pulling some very low punches.

But today, following the news that Melissa has started up a relationship with Nurse Jackie creator Linda Wallem, Tammy took to her blog to unleash a lot of unresolved feelings and divulge some secrets that the public might not even be aware of.

It's pretty long, so let's hit you with the HIGHlights.

First, she recaps her readers on the fact that Melissa made it seem like they were taking a trial separation from one another to work things out when she was actually tossing her out for good:

i moved out november 23rd 2009
she said it would help
i was convinced it would
too and i trusted there was
no one else
i didn't know
there was someone moving in
as i was moving out


three weeks later a box of new toys
was delivered and her assistant brought
it to my rental house as a mistake
i opened it
and that's when i felt something was up

Then, she goes on to reveal that this was the moment she learned that Melissa was cheating on her with someone else. Though she doesn't outright say Linda was the woman, she hints that after listening to the songs on Melissa's album, she had a feeling she knew who it could be:

and then i listened to the album
and i understood
you don't want to work it out
oh you already have someone in the wings
oh you already have pined for another
oh you are done here

oh i have become another one of your exes

Then she starts to talk about the aftermath of their breakup in which she "begged" Melissa not to let the story break too soon after their split. Tammy writes that she wanted some time to "process my feelings before the public did" and that their "divorce should not be a mass emotional project." But her pleas were ignored and the story "leaked" three weeks before Melissa's last album dropped.

Obviously, this rant that seems much too late has been ignited by two things: time to heal and the report calling Melissa and Linda a "new" couple. Tammy addresses both situations in her poem, saying:

but i have had some time to let it digest, rip my stomach apart,
digest some more, and i think i'm in a better spot now.
sometimes reality takes a moment to settle in. you know, like if
you were standing in the pitch black, and suddenly you threw
on some intense 1500W bulbs around you?? you'd need to quint
and adjust and maybe be blind for a minute? okay. maybe vomit up
your stomach until you have a brand new lining, but hey, who
doesn't do that when their world turns upside down? :-)

so. you know. people magazine tries to get things right. they try to
clean things up for the famous folk- their sources are usually the publicist
for the celebrity. i'm here to clarify. well… i want to clarify without
dealing with getting sued for SLANDER (and paying someone), which would include
me saying that the two were involved while I was living there (it is still my house, by the way).
and i haven't gone just that far yet.

since april of 09? mmm…. one of my little sweet peas told me otherwise much
earlier than that, Pooper magazine.

they should have shut the bedroom door.

She goes on for much longer, explaining that she loves her kids and despite everything, they still come first and then casting blame on Melissa for all the pain that has befallen their family.

But this was the one line that stood out for us the most: "speak true, spread the peace, and have faith that we all walk the talk. "

Now, we hope she really lives up to that.

[Image via WENN.]

This Is Much Better, J. Lo!

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 12:30 PM PST

The version we posted yesterday was not the version being sent to radio.

This new, finished version is greatly improved!

Check out Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull in the RedOne produced song On The Floor (above).

Lambada time!

Did Dr. Dre Just Tell Us When His New Album Is Dropping?

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 12:20 PM PST

Gosh, we hope so!

Last night, producer Just Blaze tweeted out this video (above) of himself and Dr. Dre chilling in the studio. Just Blaze was taken a moment to shout out the release date of Saigon's album, but then turned the camera on Dre to see if he had anything to add. He did. He said, "4/20, baby. 4/20, I'm coming."

Could this be it? Could this be the release date for the latest (and long awaited) project from Dre, Detox?

We're crossing our fingers!

Ricky Gervais Gets His Blog On, Defends Himself

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 12:10 PM PST

ricky gervais defends himself via blog

Ricky Gervais has gone to his blog to defend his Golden Globes hosting performance.

As we've said before, you get exactly what you pay for with Ricky. It'd be pretty naive to hire him and expect the comedian to play it safe.

Here's what Ricky had to say on his blog in his defense:

"Obviously the rumour that the organisers stopped me going out on stage for an hour is rubbish. All the same conspiracy theories as last year too…'so and so was offended'…'hasn't been invited back yet'…exactly the same as last time. 'Paul McCartney was furious'…no he wasn't. And nor was Tim Allen and Tom Hanks. I was drinking with them after."

"I did every link I was scheduled to do. The reason why the gaps were uneven is because when I got the rundown I was allowed to choose who I presented to, [and I chose] the spots that I had the best gags for."

"I enjoyed the Globes more this year. I think I had better gags. More along the lines of the Mel Gibson one last year."

We believe U, Ricky! Why would Tim Allen and Tom Hanks take offense, anyway?

Tom Hanks is Tom Hanks…enough said, and Tim Allen was in Toy Story 3…he's doing just fine for himself!

Do U think celebs are legitimately angry with Ricky Gervais?

[Image via WENN.]

Sandra's Rep Confirms She Had A Run-In With Scarlett At The Golden Globes

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 11:50 AM PST



There were a lot of murmurs and rumors floating around after the dust had settled on another Golden Globes ceremony that Scarlett Johansson had a face-to-face meeting with Sandra Bullock for the first time since her split with Ryan Reynolds. Now, the ladies have always been good friends, so this shouldn't have been that uncomfortable for them … except everyone is insisting that Ryan and Sandra are hooking up . Cue the unease!

No one was really sure if the ladies actually did have a run-in with one another at the event, but Sandra's rep confirmed to Life & Style magazine that the ladies DID see each other at a CAA-sponsored award show after party. And not just that - they apparently sat down and chatted about Ryan! One sources reveals:

"Scarlett and Sandra had dinner. They've always gotten along so Sandra explained exactly how she felt about the whole Ryan situation. She didn't want anything to get in the way of their friendship. There is no awkwardness between Sandra and Scarlett."

How can there not be? The ex-wife can't be friends with the new girlfriend! It defies nature!

But would we love for them to be the exception to the rule? Absolutely!

[Image via WENN.]

Dear Supreme Court…This ROCKS!

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 11:40 AM PST


Hell yes! This is what we like to hear!

The Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from Maryland's Bishop Harry Jackson and others that was attempting to overturn Washington, DC's law on gay marriage!

The District has been issuing marriage licenses for same-sex couples since last year, but Jackson filed a lawsuit against the Board of Elections and Ethics after it refused to to put a measure on the ballot that would define marriage as an act between a man and a woman.

The board ruled that such a ballot would authorize discrimination, so the pastor then appealed to the Supreme Court this morning - and was once again SHOT DOWN!

Wonderful! We're so thrilled to hear that these kind of blatant attempts to strip people of their human rights aren't being put up with in the courts!


[Image via AP Images.]

Alexis Neiers' Sister, Tess Taylor, Checks Into Rehab

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 11:30 AM PST


We're sad to say that it seems like she was following in her sisters footsteps.

Pretty Wild's Tess Taylor has reportedly checked herself into rehab, and is seeking treatment for an addiction to opiates .

Her mother, Andrea Arlington, revealed that her daughter only weighed 93 pounds at the time she sought out help, and that she was "extremely weak and exhausted from trying to detox and recover from Opiate addiction."

Arlington explains:

"Approximately two weeks ago after a lot of coaxing from sister Alexis Neiers and myself, and after almost losing her life, Tess Taylor contacted Greg Hannley, owner of the SOBA Recovery Center in Malibu and asked for help."

She'll be there for 12 months.

Scary stuff. We're glad she reached out for treatment, and is currently getting the help that she needs.

Furthermore, we hope that this family will stay out of the spotlight and focus on cleaning up their lives.

[Image via WENN.]

NBC & Comcast Love Match Moves Further Along!

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 11:27 AM PST

The FCC has just approved the merger!

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