Saturday, January 8, 2011



Really?! Zachary Quinto's Spock Beats Wil Wheaton as Wesley Crusher In Reader Poll

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 11:23 AM PST

We here at Crushable are never too proud to admit defeat: When we put Internet celebrity Wil Wheaton in our Hot Guys of Hard Sci-Fi and Fantasy Gallery we did not expect the outcry from our readers. “Really?” asked commenter Really?!, “Wesley Crusher? Really? Not Shatner-Kirk nor Quinto-Spock? Really?”

Well, we really put it to a vote. And we were really wrong.

Zachary Quinto won by a landslide: Almost 60 percent of the votes, compared to Wil’s 23 percent. Which reminds us, we didn’t add in Sylar from Heroes, though he definitely deserves a spot. As does Michael Emerson/Ben Linus from Lost. Oh man, I think I smell a second gallery!

Post from: Crushable

Really?! Zachary Quinto's Spock Beats Wil Wheaton as Wesley Crusher In Reader Poll

Crushable Interview: Help Keith Fenimore Become The Most Recognizable Man In America, Maybe

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 10:22 AM PST

In theory, most websites dedicated to pop culture only interview celebrities, or people that have a cool project they’ve successfully built. People who can impart wisdom or give us a glimpse into their private lives. But what about the future famous people of America? Don’t they deserve a spotlight too?

In order to cover our bases on that count, we called up Keith Fenimore, a man with a simple mission: to become the most recognizable face in America. But Keith doesn’t want to gain attention the usual way, like with a sex tape (he calls that “the path of least resistance”), or being one of Gawker’s micro-fameballers. In fact, Keith doesn’t want to be famous for doing anything. Instead, the senior writer/and producer at Howard Stern’s tv network says he’s more a behind-the-scenes type of guy who is trying out a little social media experiment as a “commentary on our information culture.” The concept of being famous for being famous isn’t a new one, but there is something savvy, or perhaps a little bit sweet and naive about a guy whose slogan is “Recognize Me!”

But Keith is also asking for participation in his cause: his first question when we get on the phone is if I can help him get on a morning television program. (Help Keith on his mission here).

Would you friend this man?

Crushable: Why are you doing this?

Keith: The impetuous for this project was my infatuation with social media, and trying to figure out what’s newsworthy and why, trying to figure out how buzz is created, how trends are set, and what saturates pop culture. I’m a media professional I guess, in that I’ve been working in public relations for six years. So I said, “Can I create my own media tsunami?”

What are you calling this initiative?
I’ve been using the word Recognize a bunch, and my slogan is “Download my face.”

I like it. Why should people pay attention to you as opposed to the hundreds of other micro-celebrities out there?

Well actually, I’m not in it to be famous. I want to be recognized for the sake of being recognized. I’m not a fame-seeker, I’m not a celebrity-seeker. And the difference it, to be famous, you need fans. You need people to like you, and you need people to buy whatever it is you’re selling. I don’t need people to like me, I don’t fans, and I’m not selling anything. All I need is for you to see my face, register it, and move on. And whether you think it’s a cool thing, or the dumbest idea in the world in inconsequential to me.

So you don’t mind all those Internet haters who will shit on you just because you’re getting some attention? You’d still count that us good publicity?

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Interview: Help Keith Fenimore Become The Most Recognizable Man In America, Maybe

Crushable Quotable: Ashton Kutcher On The Female Orgasm

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 08:26 AM PST

During a conversation with No Strings Attached stars Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher, Movieline got an inexplicable earful about human sex trafficking. Time for some deep thoughts!

Said the actor, apropos of literally nothing:

"I think there's so much that's not said about sex in our country, even from an educational level. I do a lot of work on human trafficking, and I connect a lot with girls that end up in this trade, if you will. Partially because of a lack of education about sex in the country. Sometimes we get to make films that open things up that people can talk about, and one of the interesting things — I don't want to veer off on a weird human trafficking thing, but — is that, especially for women in the sex education process in schools, the one thing they teach about is how to get pregnant or how to not get pregnant, but they don't really talk about sex as a point of pleasure for women. The male orgasm is actually right there and readily available to learn about because it's actually part of the reproductive cycle, but the female orgasm isn't really talked about in the education system. Part of that creates a place where women aren't empowered around their own sexuality and their own sexual selves, and from a purely entertainment point of view, to create a movie with a female lead that's empowered with her own sexuality is a powerful thing. And if we can give teenage people something to think about from a sex perspective, I would say it would be to open a conversation where women are empowered with their own sexual experiences from an educational level as well as an entertainment level."

This was after Natalie Portman said she was “cooking a baby” (referring to her pregnancy in the scariest way possible) and saying that doctors were too busy to stay thing. Why do these two think No Strings Attached is the appropriate soapbox to discuss these things?

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Quotable: Ashton Kutcher On The Female Orgasm

Parting Tweet: What Sarah Silverman Thinks About While Having Sex

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 03:04 PM PST

If that’s what the inside of Sarah Silverman’s brain looks like when she’s happy, I don’t even want to imagine what she thinks about when she gets upset.

Post from: Crushable

Parting Tweet: What Sarah Silverman Thinks About While Having Sex

Commenter Of The Week: NancyGrace Gets What Holly Sees In Hugh Hefner

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 03:16 PM PST

It was a busy week at Crushable, what with Sarah Palin tweeting about us, Sarah Robertson teaching us about burgling, and manic pixie dream girls taking over our brains.

And there were a lot of good commenters too. But I think the winning tweet goes to NancyRose. We were pretty convinced that Holly Madison getting upset with Hugh Hefner this week made no sense. But Nancy  explained to us that Holly might actually be in love with that crazy pajama loving old guy:

“Women always fall in love with the soul. The age of the skin does not matter. Look at her eyes in photos…she loves this soul…

But the man did not fall in love with her concept. She did not sell monogamy to Heff. Heff for whatever reason is no interested in that even after 7 years with Holly…what does this new girl offer? A last chance at a new young love…maybe he sees the end of his life finally and wants companionship.”

Yeah, it’s always a blow to the old ego when a guy doesn’t fall in love with your concept. Rough!

Post from: Crushable

Commenter Of The Week: NancyGrace Gets What Holly Sees In Hugh Hefner

'The Jersey Shore' Cast Is On To Something: Drinking A Lot Makes You Excercise More

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 02:47 PM PST

Finally, someone agrees with our philosophy on life: Motivate yourself toward healthy living through guilt! According to the American Journal of Health Promotion, people who drink a lot work out more.

(This also seems to be the proven lesson from The Jersey Shore.)

According to the Journal study:

“Drinking is associated with a 10.1 percentage point increase in the probability of exercising vigorously.”

But it doesn’t stop there. Binge drinking leads to more guilt. Which leads to more exercize:

“An extra episode of binge drinking increases the number of minutes of total and vigorous physical activity per week for both women and men.”

See? If you do bad things to yourself, the guilt will motivate you to make up for it in some other way. Snooki needs to make a book about this. Stat.

Post from: Crushable

'The Jersey Shore' Cast Is On To Something: Drinking A Lot Makes You Excercise More

Kelly Osbourne Plays Dress-Up And This Week's 10 Best Celeb Twitter Pics

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 02:36 PM PST

We love Twitter for its ability to bring us unfiltered looks into the lives of celebs — even if they occasionally reveal more than we might want to see (Marlon Wayans‘ bloody finger, we’re looking at you). Check out pics of folks like Kelly Osbourne and Snooki, well as a few appearances from celebrity dogs.

  • A shirtless Criss Angel poses in his dressing room. (There's no seat there; he's levitating.)
  • Paris Hilton's got a hat big enough for herself and her dog.
  • Marlon Wayans cut his finger and deciding we all needed to see it. Dude, wash that out first!
  • Snooki got some roses larger than herself.
  • Julianna Hough at home with her parents. In an igloo?
  • Billy Bush captured Ted
  • And Cohen:
  • Niecy Nash said: Niecy Nash: @thesherylralph!RT @serenityone220: @SherriEShepherd @NiecyNash where did u get those cute bridesmaid shirts?
  • Eric Stone street went all curly.

(photos via Plixi/WENN)

Post from: Crushable

Kelly Osbourne Plays Dress-Up And This Week's 10 Best Celeb Twitter Pics

The Daily WTF: Sexually Transmitted Pizza

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 01:47 PM PST

You know what honey? I’m not really hungry anymore. (via Buzzfeed)

Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: Sexually Transmitted Pizza

Is Jersey Shore's Vinny The Most Fake Character On TV?

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 02:11 PM PST

Who could have guessed a little over a year ago that 8 self-proclaimed guidos would steal the heart and imagination of the entire country? Now we have John McCain tweeting at Snooki, Bristol Palin performing in a PSA with The Situation, and Sammi getting hit on by Diddy. We’ve come to love these ridiculous human beings, in part because they don’t seem to change no matter how famous they get. Except for one: Vinny Guadagnino.

On my very first date with my now-boyfriend, I almost got up and left when he told me he preferred The Situation to Vinny. This was during the spring hiatus between seasons 1 and 2.

“How can you like The Situation,” I said, “when he’s clearly the grossest, most attention-seeking person on that show?”

“Because The Situation is real-fake,” said my date, “and Vinny is just fronting.”

Over time, I’ve started to realize that Vinny is fake-real. The Situation is obviously looking for attention, but it seems likely that he was doing that before MTV started following him around. He may be genuinely awful, but he’s not trying to be someone he’s not. Vinny increasingly seems like the kind of guy who thinks he’s better than everyone else. And he acts like he’s got no game, but that’s actually his game.

This is exactly what happened with Vinny in season 2. Realizing that he had to do something to keep his character interesting, Vinny immediately hooked up with Snooki, slept with the terrible Angelina, mooned over a club dancer who ultimately rejected him, and then hooked up with Snooki again. He claims to be a nice guy, and could even fool you into thinking he was…until last night’s season premiere, where we found out he slept with Snooki’s friend Ryder during the show’s hiatus, macked it to Snooki’s other friend (and new housemate) Deena, and then tells Snooki he wouldn’t hook up with her because he doesn’t want to “hurt her feelings.”

Post from: Crushable

Is Jersey Shore's Vinny The Most Fake Character On TV?

How To: Make The Movie Of Tim Ferriss' Life In 5 Easy Steps

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 02:09 PM PST

Ok guys. Have you been initiated into the world of Tim Ferriss? This specimen of masculine dominance has brought to the world two very important tomes. Not only did he teach the world to use a four hour work week (Pro tip: don’t read your emails til the end of the day. Did that save you 36 hours? Sweet. We’re done here.) And now he’s trying to transform your body in just four hours. But that’s not all!

His new book is humbly titled "The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman."

And if the world proves to be as intrigued by Tim Ferriss as The New York Times was today, chances are we will soon be witness to a movie of his life. Here in, we describe how to go about creating this movie. Dear Hollywood producers: You’re welcome.

  • Step One: Clear Matthew McConaughey's Schedule
  • Step Two: Demonstrate his Mommy Dearest Moment
  • Step Three: Find some women to boost his self-esteem
  • Step Four: Cast Hugh Jackman To Demonstrate Wolverine Sex
  • Step Five: Finish your movie
  • Ok. Now check your email.

Post from: Crushable

How To: Make The Movie Of Tim Ferriss' Life In 5 Easy Steps

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