Tuesday, January 11, 2011



Gallery: How Celebrities Hide - Or Flaunt - Their Baby Bump

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 10:56 AM PST

How did everyone in Hollywood get knocked up in the span of like, two weeks? We thought babies were the new hot commodity in 2008, and that this year’s trend would be, we dunno, adopting a baby from space or something. (There are a lot of babies in outer space that need good homes, just check out 2001: A Space Odyssey if you don’t believe me.)

And just as there are many different types of celeb fashion, there are just as many ways to flaunt your baby bump, which is that extra 4 pounds that paparazzi starts taking pictures of, regardless of whether you’re actually pregnant or not. We check out the recent mommys-to-be to see how they’re accessorising around nature’s little accessory.

  • Jane Krakowski is celebrating her baby bod
  • Jewel is layering the poof
  • Mariah Carey dresses like Santa
  • Marion Cotillard is a little early to be showing
  • Natalie Portman has been flaunting her new figure
  • Rachel Zoe is still really skinny
  • Pink's going with the more traditional

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: How Celebrities Hide - Or Flaunt - Their Baby Bump

Why Is Scarlett Johannson Mad At Ryan Reynolds, If She's The One Who Cheated?

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 10:55 AM PST

Those rumors about Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock being a couple are a bit strange. (Life isn’t The Proposal people!) But the weirdest thing that we’ve heard about them possibly dating is that Ryan’s soon to be ex-wife Scarlett Johannson is upset about the whole thing. According to PopEater, ScarJo thinks Ryan is handling their breakup poorly.

That’s funny, because our source says that Scarlett is the one whose cheating ended their relationship.

According to PopEater’s source:

“Scarlett is a deeply private person, who during her entire marriage was only ever seen and photographed with her husband a handful of times,” a friend of the actress tells me. “Now, less than a month after they split that fool has gone and got himself photographed with [Bullock] on New Year’s Eve of all days. Of course she is devastated.”

Not only that, but the source says that it’s the possibility of Scarlett’s ex dating Sandra Bullock that’s eating her. Sandra and Ryan celebrating New Year’s together at Bess Bistro, a place Sandra owns in Texas:

“Even if they are not a couple yet, this is very awkward for Scarlett. She too thinks of Sandy as a friend and hates the thought that Sandy is on team Ryan after the breakup, that is if she isn’t already his girlfriend.”

That seems like a weird reaction, especially since our source says that it was Scarlett whose behavior ended things with Ryan, when she started hooking up with someone else. And a guy who is (still) in a very serious relationship, no less.

Post from: Crushable

Why Is Scarlett Johannson Mad At Ryan Reynolds, If She's The One Who Cheated?

Does Billie Joe Armstrong Age? Watch A 15 Year Morph In 3 Seconds

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 10:56 AM PST

Billie Joe Armstrong might be the most enduring teen girl crush object of our time. With Green Day’s longevity comes continuous waves of high school girls who all think the spiky haired rocker is the cutest. (We were there ourselves, about two waves ago.) Because although Billie Joe’s 38 years old, he still has that goofy little boy thing going on. Which makes us wonder: is Billie Joe actually ageless? Is there some sort of Dorian Gray thing going on with our favorite East Bay punker? We took a photo from Saturday’s 300th performance of American Idiot and one from the 90s and morphed them together. You be the judge of whether Billie Joe’s stumbled across the Fountain of Youth.

Post from: Crushable

Does Billie Joe Armstrong Age? Watch A 15 Year Morph In 3 Seconds

Hot Shot: New Spider-Man Andrew Garfield In 'Details'

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 10:01 AM PST

In case you weren’t already salivating over Andrew Garfield when he was sharing the camera with Jesse Eisenberg in The Social Network, Spider-Man’s newest web-slinger will have you mopping away the drool with his just-released Details magazine spread. And as an added bonus, in this Spider-Man reboot, there has yet to be one catastrophic injury on set…which is more than can be said for the Broadway production of Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark.

Post from: Crushable

Hot Shot: New Spider-Man Andrew Garfield In 'Details'

Video: The Return of 4Chan's Most Controversial Resident, Boxxy

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 09:38 AM PST

Oh man you guys, Boxxy is back with a new video, and she’s promising an epic return to the 4chan message boards. Who is Boxxy you ask? Why, she’s basically a half-human/half-meme/half-troll hybrid, and yeah we know that equally 3 halves, but what of it?

Boxxy (aka Catherine “Catie” Wayne) was a hotly contested figure on the Internet in 2009, when she appeared on 4Chan forums with cutesy videos and not-so-subtle attempts to gain fanboys with her twee-like demeanour. It worked on some members, while others flew into a rage, determined to bring down the attention-seeker by spamming her threads and videos.

Anyway, you can read all about it on Encyclopedia Dramatica and Know Your Meme if you really want to get into it. Basically Boxxy ended up getting hacked and hounded into deleting all her videos and content, and has only been heard from intermittently since last May. But now she’s back with a new video, and promising that things are about to get intense. Bring it girl!

Post from: Crushable

Video: The Return of 4Chan's Most Controversial Resident, Boxxy

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 09:40 AM PST

Ever wanted a Situation laundry bag? Well, now you can find all of the products that the cast of The Jersey Shore sells. All in one place. (TheHighLow)

Post from: Crushable

Video: The New 'Skins' Trailer Is Debauchery Incarnate

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 09:18 AM PST

The brand new promo vid for MTV’s Skins isn’t so much a trailer for a TV show as it is a trailer for a super awesome party. Drugs! Booze! Lesbians! And all those other things that make us miss high school (not chalupas though — remember chalupas?).

The show premieres next Monday, and we can’t wait.

Post from: Crushable

Video: The New 'Skins' Trailer Is Debauchery Incarnate

Love Lessons From 'The Bachelor': Melissa Revealed Her Crazy WAY Too Early

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 09:14 AM PST

Fighting over one guy with 20 other women isn’t exactly normal courting behavior (unless you often frequent the lower east side of Manhattan), but there are still lessons to be taken from the estrogen fest that is The Bachelor. Like on last night’s episode, when Melissa made a fatal mistake: she identified herself as crazy far too early in the game.

Attention single ladies: It is really important that you save your crazy until later in the relationship! Or at least until a guy actually likes you/knows your name.

Early in this episode, it was clear that Melissa was in trouble. For starters, the producers cast her as a “cougar” in the ad they all filmed for The Red Cross. Things are never going to end well when you’re cast as a desperate older woman in leopard print on a dating show. In addition, Melissa decided to bust into someone else’s scene with Brad and make out with him while filming was happening on the commercial.

She almost got away with that faux pas, by explaining to Brad she wanted to be spontaneous and was subsequently embarrassed. But then she started up a fight with Raichel, the crazy manscaper, and they decided to fill Brad in on what was going on. Big mistake!

They both got kicked off the show last night. Meanwhile, Michelle the hairstylist demonstrated very well how to use crazy to your advantage. She was more than willing to share her weird issues with girls in the house (and the cameras) last night. It was her birthday and she was none too pleased to share it with all the chics in the house.

But she kept her whining to a minimum when Brad was around, and strategically walked off set when Brad was getting mauled by females during the Red Cross commercial. She turned the tables on old Brad, and made him apologize to her, for kissing randos for the televisions. And by being sweet and cute to his face, Michelle got exactly what she wanted: the first rose, to celebrate her birthday.

The lesson of last night’s episode? Men (especially this one) are rather slow. If you really want to, you can manipulate them in lots of (and many bad) ways. But you have to be smart about it. Crazy won’t disqualify you from the competition. But don’t ask a dude you don’t even know to fight your crazy battles for you. That’s just a big red flag you’re putting up telling a dude to run in the other direction from you.

Post from: Crushable

Love Lessons From 'The Bachelor': Melissa Revealed Her Crazy WAY Too Early

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 09:01 AM PST

Kanye and Jay-Z Rap About H.A.M - Shit is so treif. (BuzzSugar)

Post from: Crushable


Post from: Crushable

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