Monday, January 17, 2011



Posted: 17 Jan 2011 09:36 AM PST

Want to win an iPhone4? — We’re giving one lucky fan of Crushable on Facebook an iPhone — all you have to enter is become a fan of Crushable here and then tell us what song is your go-to when you need to put yourself in a happy mood. You have until Thursday, January 20 at 5 p.m. EST to tell us your song choice! Don’t wait.

Post from: Crushable

The Real Housewives Of Atlanta Foodcap: The Tour Bus From Hell

Posted: 17 Jan 2011 09:32 AM PST

Woah, guys. Shit went down last night on The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Kim Zolciak and Kandi Buress are on tour, which involves a tour bus designed to make people want to kill each other. And someone (possibly Kim?) decided to add NeNe Leakes to this hot box for awhile. What does that mean? Cat fights.

Kim and NeNe’s friendship: RIP.

Scene: Kim wakes up to her own song
Food: Cigarettes, B-12
Kim makes her assistant Sweetie use Tardy for the Party as her ringtone. And then gets mad when it wakes her up? Wow. Being a personal assistant is rough, but Kim takes it to a whole new level. Kim’s also making Sweetie inject her with B-12, which is just asking for a bloody fiasco on that tour bus right soon.

Also, Kim’s cigarette addiction is everyone else’s problem. Because she makes the driver stop every 30 minutes to smoke.

Scene: Cynthia and Sheree visit Phaedra
Food: Chicken salad, lemonade, fruit salad

The girls came by to see Phaedra’s baby Aiden. And it all went well! Until Aiden puked on Cynthia’s boobs. Oops!

Scene: The Georgia Pig
Food: Cigarettes, lots of pork products, wine

Kim doesn’t eat meat, and is not pleased that the tour bus has stopped at this shack that serves only roasted meats. So she does what any Atlana housewife would do in her situation:

“I’m gonna go get some wine.”

She decides to do this on some lawn chairs next to the tour bus. And elicits this response from her hairdresser:

“You look like a damn slave master on a damn plantation.”


Scene: Cynthia and Peter discuss their wedding
Food: An empty skillet

Cynthia comes home as Peter is preparing dinner. But he never gets to that, because he explains to her that he has closed his restaurant Uptown. Which means they have no money. And probably can’t have this wedding they’d been planning.

You know, for awhile, it seemed like Cynthia was just manufacturing drama about this wedding. But now Peter’s kind of being an ass.

Scene: Cynthia has lunch with NeNe
Food: wine, sandwiches
They’re talking about Cynthia’s wedding, and it’s actually starting to sound like Cynthia has some reasons to not have this thing. Or at least postpone it. Except she’s too deep in to realize it.

Scene: Breakfast with Phaedra and Apollo
Food: Eggs, guilt

Who would have thought it? Phaedra actually likes spending time with her child. And apparently, Apollo doesn’t exist to be a really hot manny in her life. He has a 9-5 job! Also, Phaedra had to remind him that she’s a better mom than him. Hopefully?

Scene:  Kim and Kandi take a break at a hotel
Food: Wine, cigarettes

Kim and Kandi have rolled into a real hotel to get ready for their next stop on the tour. And NeNe has joined them for the Orlano show before they have a girls weekend in Miami. She came to help Kim prepare in her room. Which mostly involved Kim trying on different outfits and NeNe doing eye rolls:

“She didn’t even open a can of tuna, but she can open some wine.”

Priorities people!

Scene: Kim and Kandi’s tour bus
Food: Orange juice, pastries, bananas, water

Something is decidedly wrong with this tour bus. NeNe gets on the bus for all of five minutes and starts picking fights with Kim. From the editing, it looks like NeNe missed her meds. But who knows?

For some reason, NeNe was ribbing Kim during her TV interview with Jermaine Dupri, and Kim didn’t like that at all. After enduring Kim mock her singing career for awhile, Kim responded:

“You’re an intern at 11 Alive.”

Uhoh! NeNe didn’t like that. And she is rising up. With fists. Kim’s incredulous:

“What are you gonna do, strangle me?”

Um, yes. In fact, she would like to. Unfortunately, a fight on this bus would likely topple the whole thing over.

That crisis was averted, but Kim is done here:

“As soon as she got off that seat, I knew that our friendship was over.”

Kim decides to get over this fight with the ultimate icebreaker: a cigarette. But they can’t stop because there are everglades and there are alligators out there! So NeNe takes to prayer:

“Please forgive me lord for having to be on this bus…Being around people who are pure trash. Lord, please try to protect me, and keep me away from this trash.”

“Is this a real prayer?” Don Juan wants to know.

Um, shut up Don Juan. You won’t like NeNe when she turns on YOU.

Scene: Phaedra, Cynthia and Sheree drive down to Miami
Food: Water, unsuspecting women

The ladies are ready to relax. Phaedra is ready to be away from her baby:

“This is going to be a nice relaxing weekend.”

Hahahaha. Famous last words!

Post from: Crushable

The Real Housewives Of Atlanta Foodcap: The Tour Bus From Hell

Paz De La Huerta's Downward Spiral: Too Drunk To Party

Posted: 17 Jan 2011 09:02 AM PST

As we just noted in our last Golden Globes post, Paz De La Huerta has been looking pretty rough lately. Apparently, she’s also been getting pretty hammered.

According to TMZ, she got refused from a Globes after party for being too drunk last night. And then promptly fell over, split her dress and exposed herself. Classy!

TMZ (of course) has a whole video of Paz being drunk, falling down and generally walking around with her left breast out of her dress.

Paz has made her name on being a free spirited, unencumbered dirty girl in Hollywood. But there’s one integral part of being an It girl that’s been missing lately: looking good.

And as we just pointed out, this is what she looked like earlier in the night:

But then again, Hollywood loves a comeback. And if she keeps going down this path, she’ll be ripe for one of those soon!

Post from: Crushable

Paz De La Huerta's Downward Spiral: Too Drunk To Party

Gallery: Seeing Red At The Golden Globes

Posted: 17 Jan 2011 08:26 AM PST

Ricky Gervais really pissed people off last night at The Golden Globes. Luckily for them, a lot of people were already wearing red. And luckily for Ricky, those who wanted to take out their frustrations on him were out of luck. Responses to his jabs weren’t written into the night’s scripts.

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: Seeing Red At The Golden Globes

Romancing The Bone: How Do You Explain Away Crying After Sex?

Posted: 17 Jan 2011 07:57 AM PST

Sometimes after a wonderful sex romp, things don’t go quite according to plan. It's been a great night. A girl finds herself sexing someone who is not herself, a momentous occasion to be sure. All seems right with the world…until the unspeakable happens: she finds herself crying, just when she should be smiling, or screaming, or having any number of non-sadness-related emotions. As tears stream down her face, she prays her partner won't notice them, or will assume it's just a serious case of face sweating. Maybe it was the intense rush of orgasm that triggered a brief realization that even in this, the most intimate of moments, two people can only understand each other so much, and ultimately we are all truly alone in our experience of life. Or maybe it's just Too-Many-Beers Syndrome. Either way, some time you might suddenly find herself sobbing during, or particularly after, sex. To which I say, don't be afraid to get your cry on!

Crying during or after having sex can feel to many women like a super-impolitic sex faux pas, largely because it is 1) associated with Things Ladies Do and 2) against the reality of human nature, society has made crying in general feel sort of embarrassing. Like experiencing pain during sex or being too exhausted to get 'er done, certain clichés about female sexuality make it hard to admit the fact that, yeah, sometimes discomfort or struggling to get your ladies parts geared up when sleep is only minutes away happens. These are sitcom conventions designed to exasperate Raymond, not things that happen to real women, right? No one wants to be the wet blanket. Especially when that blanket is soaked in her own tears.

But sometimes you've got to let those bad boys flow. Whether it's the intensity of orgasm or the intimacy of sexing another person (or that you are genuinely upset), our big human brains process emotion in confusing and sometimes contradictory ways. That ain't anybody's fault! The surge of oxytocin to the brain after orgasm when we come takes some minds on a chemical rollercoaster, and who hasn't cried on a rollercoaster? Who's with me? Anyway you slice it though, sex can be scary and intense, in addition to fun and awesome. Pretending otherwise involves a serious systematic lock-down of emotions that is not advised over here at RtB. Obviously, if the situation is a one-night stand, furthering the emotional connection might not be super-high on the To Do While Getting Done list (#1 on the list: not letting him see how bad the bathroom has gotten). In that case, a girl has to worry even less. Who hasn't had an awkward sexual encounter at some point? And yet we all keep doing it. The world continues to turn!

When a lady finds herself crying whilst nude, she should try to be as upfront as possible. If your partner notices the gentle (or violent) weeping that's going on, s/he will immediately assume it is Something Terrible They Did. They will check their fingers for hang-nails and their genitals for spikes, which hopefully will be a fruitless search. Girls should let them know that it's really just the boning. They'll get it! They are humans too; they've been sad for confusing reasons too. Maybe not this particular kind of sad, maybe not this particular kind of sad while naked, but they'll get it. If they don't get it, then it goes without saying they should still be sympathetic and kind about it. If they aren't, girrrrrrl. Save those damp sheets for someone who deserves them.

If a women finds herself crying a lot during sex, well, my first instinct is to just keep on keeping on. Sometimes we don't know what will trigger a physical reaction before it does, and that's okay. Since sex, and specifically orgasm, is a tremendous release, all sorts of anxieties hiding in our brain can suddenly come tap dancing out right when we least expect it. And here we just wanted to kill time before 30 Rock! Either way, a teary-eyed girl should be gentle with herself, as should her partner, as she learns to ride the wave of chemicals that floods her brain in times like these. If she's not, then she's just going to have more crying on her ands. And no one wants that.

(Photo by Tila Tequila)

Post from: Crushable

Romancing The Bone: How Do You Explain Away Crying After Sex?

Celebrity Lookalikes: Old 'Skins' And New 'Skins'

Posted: 17 Jan 2011 07:28 AM PST

Tonight’s the premiere of Skins, MTV’s take on the scandalous British series of the same name.Which makes it the perfect time to rundown the differences between the two casts. Let’s be clear: Tony’s still Tony. But Sid has become Stanley and the sensitive gay kid has turned into a badass lesbian. Check out our side-by-side comparison of Skins past and present for more details.

  • Michelle vs. Michelle
  • Tony vs. Tony
  • Maxxie vs. Tea
  • Chris vs. Chris
  • Anwar vs. Abbud
  • Jal vs. Daisy
  • Sid vs. Stanley
  • Cassie vs. Cadie
  • Effy vs. Eura

Post from: Crushable

Celebrity Lookalikes: Old 'Skins' And New 'Skins'

Posted: 17 Jan 2011 06:44 AM PST

It’s probably for the best. E! producers have informed Khloe Kardashian that they want her to change her hair back to brown to “look like her sisters.” (NYDN)

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: The Most Awkward Shots From The Golden Globes

Posted: 17 Jan 2011 06:40 AM PST

Sunday night was The Golden Globes. And while everyone in Hollywood (other than Jennifer Aniston and Laura Linney basically) was out and ready to get their awards show clap on, Ricky Gervais had different plans for the evening.

As soon as he took the stage, he proceeded to bash everyone in the room (and some people who were not in attendance!). If more actors actually did their own stunts, he likely would have received a beating before the show ended. Actually, at one point he left the stage for almost an hour, and we worried that someone had kneecapped him behind the curtain.

But fear not, Ricky Gervais’ agent! Your client survived the night unscathed. Did his career make it through as well? We’ll have to wait and see on that one, won’t we?

However, those of us who watched the awards show were presented with a gift from the producers: a camera that wandered through the audience, capturing all of the wonderful faces of actors who did (and did not) realize the cameras were on them. Click through our slideshow to see some of the best ones, including a best reaction award, which clearly goes to Temple Grandin

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: The Most Awkward Shots From The Golden Globes


Post from: Crushable


Post from: Crushable

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