Friday, January 7, 2011

Best Week Ever

Best Week Ever

Ladies And Gentlemen Meet Your Black Swan

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 09:01 AM PST

Wait, you guys, when did Raven-Symone get stunning? Here she is at the People’s Choice Awards, Segway-free, skinny as a rail, and a regular Parker Posing. And that jacket! Say what you will, but I would wear that sh*t in a heartbeat. Natalie Portman has nothing on Mizz Raven-Symone. This is the real black swan.

And for those of you concerned with whether or not the title of this post is offensive, good news! I consulted with a lovely beautiful black woman named Taliah Ausby who happened to be standing near my temporary cubicle, and she gave me the go-ahead. See?? 2011 is all about laughter, not hate!

More pics of Raven ahead. I’m sure even though this post is nothing but complimentary her fans will be counted on for some insane commentary, so go nuts people.

Here’s A Terrible Person With 65 Cats

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 04:43 AM PST

The second season of Animal Planet’s show “Confessions: Animal Hoarding” kicks up next week, and as a primer, the website is currently offering this teaser clip from Season 1 featuring a couple living with 65 cats in one house. Sure, that may seem irresponsible and gluttonous to an astonishing degree, but, well, yeah, it’s exactly that. But at least there’s a lot of cats in this video.

I have to admit, the part at 0:32 where the cats move their heads in unison is pretty frickin’ adorable:

Devil’s Advocate Part Of Brain: “It’s not necessarily selfish and irresponsible if she’s giving a home to dozens of unwanted cats. Wait, never mind, she just said that the cats aren’t spayed or neutered and they’re constantly having huge litters of kittens and that’s why there’s so many. I agree with you now, rest of brain, this is pretty terrible. Shall we discuss a Season 2 season pass?”

LADIESSS! We’re Having The Best Week Ever!

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 08:18 AM PST

If you missed Best Week Ever‘s return to air this morning on VH1′s Jumpstart Live, good news!! We have it here!! Yes, right here on this very internet. While most of you are probably thinking it’s the velvety-voiced homeless genius named Ted Williams who earned the title, you were close, but also wrong. We decided to give the honor this week to an often overlooked group of people… and Oprah. Check it out:

Tune in to Jumpstart Live next week at 10 AM on VH1 for some great celebrity interviews (including Winona Ryder, omg, holy ess), and next Friday for an all new installment of Best Week Ever!

Season Of The Witch Looks Really, Really Great

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 04:42 AM PST

Oscar season is over and summer blockbusters are still months away, and we all know what that means: Time for Hollywood to roll out some absolutely irredeemable garbage in the desperate hope of cutting losses on failed projects and winning pointless box office weekends. Meaning, it’s time for another Nicolas Cage magic movie!

Yahoo just posted no fewer than TEN CLIPS from Season Of The Witch, and after watching all ten in one of my characteristic excellent uses of time, I now really, really want to see this movie. I’m 90% certain that three years ago, Nic Cage filmed 10 hours of himself doing vaguely magical sh*t, and every couple years some dude just slaps them together on iMovie and calls it The Warlock’s Abacus.

Here’s a taste of my future favorite movie of 2011:

After the jump, another taste of my favorite movie of 2011 (did I mention there are ten clips online? TEN. Hopefully this doesn’t cause the internet to run out of bandwith just seconds before it discovers the cure for AIDS.)

Nicolas Cage and Ron Perlman clearly shot this scene separately in front of green screens in their bedrooms and everything else was generated around them. I hope the rest of the movie looks this good:

Could we have another Wicker Man supercut on our hands? I’d happily take something one tenth as good as that.

Watch Best Week Ever Tomorrow Morning on VH1s Jump Start Live!

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 07:28 PM PST

Hey guys! It’s me, Michelle Collins. From Yes this blog that you’re reading. Annnnyway, some fun news! Best Week Ever will be returning to the airwaves tomorrow morning on VH1′s Jump Start Live at 10 AM! Indeed, I’ll be joining host Carrie Keagan and co-host Gabe Liedman LIVE to discuss who is having the Best Week Ever!

Think you know who it is? Put your guesses in the comments. Then tune in tomorrow morning only on VH1.

Lady Gaga Appears With No Makeup, We Think

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 03:50 PM PST

Splash News is claiming that this is Lady Gaga performing at The Oak Room in New York. Take a look:

OR IS IT??? No, for real, wait a minute is that Lady Gaga? Because you could have fooled me, as in, who is that? Because it definitely is not Lady Gaga.

More photos ahead gladly prove my point:

On the one hand, it sorrrrrta looks like her:

But on the other hand, I’m pretty sure I went to college with this girl and she’s an alcoholic and definitely not Lady Gaga:

Still, pretty great to be in the crowd that night — her appearance was unannounced, and they were treated to an impromptu Gaga and/or skinny Sally Struthers concert.

Which Ted Williams Mugshot Look Do You Like Best?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 03:36 PM PST

This week, the internet has once again outdone itself. No, not by bringing free pornography to thousands of curious underaged boys. This time, by helping a former junkie named Ted Williams re-achieve his dream of becoming a radio broadcaster. Ted appeared on various feel-good morning shows and was offered a job doing voiceovers for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

But the truth about Ted Williams’ spotty past is slowly leaking out, including his admitted trouble with drug abuse and crime. And with that comes a pantsload of mug shots. Here are some of our favorite looks!

The “Doctor Will See You Now”:

In what capacity was Ted Williams admitted wearing a surgeons costume? Camman. Do you really want to know?

The “Sexual Chocolate”:

Give yourselves a round of applause. You’re so lovely. Everyone’s so lovely. And, um… While you’re in the clapping mood…

The “UC: Berkeley Professor”:

I would not even be surprised if Berkeley had a lecture called “The History of Crack.”

The “School Lunch Lady”:

With a little less facial hair.

The “Barack Obama”:

Do not donate this resemblance to the homeless. It’s uncanny.

Which Ted Williams look do you like best??? We’re still really feeling his medical garb #1 face. Thankfully, it looks like he can get a new start. Congrats, Ted!! The world is listening.

Follow @michcoll on Twitter.

Follow @BWEtv on Twitter.

Grace Potter Is Psyched About Tonight’s Return Of Jersey Shore

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 03:34 PM PST

I have been looking forward to tonight’s season three debut of Jersey Shore with equal parts delight and dread. Delight, of course, because the first season where we got to know the Macaroni Rascals was far and away one of the best single seasons in the history of reality television. Dread because, well, the whole Miami experience was fairly deflating after Ron Ron (aka Captain Smush) stopped doing an 8-ball each night at the clubs (allegedly). But you know who couldn’t be more fired up about the gang going back to Sleazeside Heights tonight? Grace Potter, that’s who!

The gammy guitar hero stopped by our Video Hits One offices here in Times Square a few days ago and, as things like this tend to go, conversation just so happened to wander into Jersey Shore territory. It turns out that the show is a staple for Grace and the rest of her You Oughta Know band, The Nocturnals, whenever they’re on the road and in their tour bus. Frankly, that sounds a helluva lot better to us than a tired ole sing-along to “Tiny Dancer”!

See you here tomorrow morning with another EXCITING installment of our Jersey Shore Top Ten Catchphrase Countdown!

NO ONE PANIC: All The Chili’s Have NOT Closed Up

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 01:21 PM PST

Birds falling from the sky, dead fish washing ashore, Chili’s closing up. BEFORE YOU PANIC, rest assured that only the first two things are true. I just called several Chili’s in the tri-state area and they are all open for your business. Phew, we’ve staved off the Apocalypse for another few months. However, in this 11 second clip, one might be led to believe that all of the Chili’s have indeed closed up and we should really start losing our effing s.

Just in case all of the Chili’s do close up at some point in the future, please start stock piling your Baby Back Ribs, your Fajita Trios, your Crispy Onion String & Jalapeno Stacks, your Triple Dippers. A future without Chili’s is a bleak future indeed.


Lady Dances to Scat Man The Only Way You Can Dance To Scat Man

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 12:53 PM PST

In all likelihood, you have never seen anyone dance to the song Scat Man. But after you see this, you will realize that there is only one way to dance to Scat Man and that this woman nailed it.

That lady!!! Eat your heart out, much more internet famous dancing Chinese guy.

This is from Sky1′s Got to Dance. Sky1, I assume, is the television station for the astronauts in the International Space Station because why else would you name it that. “Houston, we have a dance party.”

Thanks, The Daily What.

Woman Beats You To Getting A Full Twilight Themed Back Tattoo

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 12:23 PM PST

I just understood why Kristen Stewart is so awkward. I would be super awkward too if I knew that millions of people were obsessed with me, sometimes to the degree of being a 49 year old English woman who gets a full back tattoo of my likeness. That would make me really uncomfortable. I’m completely serious. This is nuts.

So, K. Stew, consider this a formal apology on my behalf for ever making fun of you or not understanding why you find public speaking or interviews so uncomfortable. I get it. Keep being you. Though, that does not really explain away why Pattinson and Lautner are so charming and suffer through the same obsessive attention. But, still. Stewart, I get it. Never again will I besmirch your name.

Via The Daily What

Cool Dog: How Did We Miss This Amazing 1991 Movie In 2010?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 01:03 PM PST

I don’t know how this movie just got made last year, and furthermore, I don’t know how we didn’t all know about it. This movie is so 1991 it makes your tears hypercolored.

This trailer will actually seem pretty normal for about a minute and then you will all yell in unison, “Ha, a gas pedal!”

First of all, let’s all acknowledge for a second the trailer editing brilliance that is this moment:

Boy: He’s the best dog in the whole world.

Lady Who Hangs Out With Clipboard Guy: DOGS?!?!

Second of all, that dog would absolutely nail backpacking in Europe. And third of all, f*ck that little boy. I’m not saying that 10 year old boys are apt to travel across the united states by themselves. But, a ten year old is still much more capable of accomplishing that feat than is a dog. It’s completely unfair that the dog had to take the initiative in this case. As far as I can tell, the boy didn’t put forth any effort into getting his dog back past showing a picture to a lady who hangs out with a clipboard guy. That dog should have just found some other boy, preferably one whose friendship didn’t require the ability to steal automobiles.

Thanks, @leighhurwitz and @AshFrieds

Brendan Fraser Update

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 10:28 AM PST

Vanity Fair does a feature where they describe specific situations to an actor and the actor reACTs accordingly. It’s called “In Character, Starring …” and the scenarios are thought up by the photographer, Howard SchatzIt. It’s less pretentious than that New York Times thing. I mean, barely. But anyway, Brendan Fraser is the latest actor to participate. And, since I strive to bring you up to the minute Brendan Fraser news, I had to share this.

Other scenarios that could have worked for these faces:
Left: Incredibly intelligent woodland creatures with the ability to organize elaborate booby traps are ruining your life and Brooke Shields is your wife.
Center: You are reacting with amazed disbelief to your first paycheck from The Mummy franchise residuals and are trying to give the “A-Okay” sign but your fingers are too weak from joy.
Right: You are watching yourself in School Ties and admiring your handsomeness.

Eva Longoria, Uma Thurman And Lady Gaga All Up For The Leading Role In The Remake Of Powder

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 09:37 AM PST

Director Todd Haynes, inspired by Cate Blanchett’s portrayal of Bob Dylan in his film I’m Not There, has decided to cast a woman in the role of Powder, (a male role, originally played by Sean Patrick Flanery) in his remake of the 1995 film of the same name.* Eva, Uma and Lady all really want it. So much so that they’ve all immersed themselves in the character of Powder in order to impress Haynes. Here is Eva Longoria’s attempt:
* This is entirely false.

Uma Thurman’s:

And Lady Gaga’s:

Who should land the coveted, Oscar baiting role??? Who best embodies this man?

I’m rooting for Thurman.

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