Friday, January 7, 2011



Amy Adams: “I never felt more beautiful than when I was pregnant”

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 08:47 AM PST


My mother's pretty princess Cinderella, otherwise known as Amy Adams, is the cover girl for the February issue of InStyle UK. Now, my mother (and yours too, you know) may love the hell out of Amy, but the chick is a boring interview. She's just so normal and well-adjusted and so not a famewhore in any way, shape or form. She's a breath of fresh air, and she's a wonderful actress. But, she's a crappy interview. Anyway, in the excerpts I've found, she just talks about the baby weight from being pregnant with little Aviana:

She previously insisted she is in no rush to lose her baby weight - but Amy Adams how now confessed that she felt at her most beautiful when she was pregnant. The Oscar-nominated actress, who gave birth to her daughter Aviana eight months ago, told InStyle magazine that motherhood had changed her. And she added that having a child had brought out her softer side, and made her more vulnerable.

‘I can’t say, ‘I don’t care,” she said of being a mother. ‘I can’t be tough. There’s no truth to it. I love her. I need her in my life. I can’t pretend otherwise.’

As well as the interview, the 36-year-old showed just how much weight she had lost in a series of stunning photographs, styled by the magazine’s senior fashion editor Natalie Hartley. In the pictures, Amy poses in a series of fitted dresses and high heels, showing off an enviably slim figure. But despite this, she confessed in the interview that she has yet to lose all of her baby weight - and also revealed how much she enjoyed the pregnancy.

‘I never felt more beautiful than when I was pregnant,’ Amy said. ‘Because it wasn’t about me. The whole purpose of my body was no longer to fit into a sample size. It was to nurture another being. So I always felt great, no matter what I was wearing.’

Amy, who shot to stardom as Princess Giselle in Enchanted, could well be in line to add a third Oscar nomination to add to those she has already received for the films Junebug and Doubt, for her latest role as a feisty barmaid in The Fighter. The film, which also stars Christian Bale and Mark Wahlberg, tells the true story of boxer ‘Irish’ Micky Ward and the brother who helped train him before he launched his professional career in the 1980s.

Amy said that one of the high points of the project for her was having the chance to work with Bale, whom she described as ‘awesome’. However she shares much of her screen time with Wahlberg, who plays Micky, and with whom her character becomes romantically involved.

‘David (O’Russell, the director), puts kisses into every scene,’ Amy said. ‘He said ‘okay now kiss, but like really kiss’. Mark was so sweet, he kept saying sorry because David didn’t want beautiful or soft kisses, he wanted sloppy Eighties music video kisses!’ she joked.

[From The Daily Mail]

I love the way she describes the screen kisses - "sloppy Eighties music video kisses". That cracks me up, because we all know that kiss, right? The one where your whole friggin' face is wet, and it's not hot, AT ALL. God, I cannot stand a guy with a sloppy mouth, I really can't. It's one of my peeves. You think Mark Wahlberg is a sloppy kisser? I doubt it, actually.



Photos courtesy of ONTD.

Hot Guy Friday: Your Weekly Delectable Dong Desserts

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 07:47 AM PST



Naughty bitches. I heard you forgot about me on your end-of-the-year Attractive Man list. Don't you know by now that I shall not be ignored? That if you forget about me, even for one fleeting moment, I will sit down at my lovely little desk here and drop you a line, demanding your attention. So here I am. Adore me.

I also understand that the number of "attractive men" are now going to be limited. Here's your limit: Clive, and only Clive. All Clive, all the time. No, I joke. Even though my motto is "There's enough Clive to go around" that's not true every single day. Sometimes I just need to eat some biscuits (real biscuits, not vagina) and watch a good Jane Austen adaptation. Oh, do you enjoy those BBC productions as well? Well, why don't you come here and watch one, and maybe you can share your biscuits with me? See? There's enough Clive to go around. I got you coming and going, didn't I? I am so naughty.

Anyhoodlebiscuit, I can't stop what's about to happen. Because what's about to happen… well, you will enjoy it. All I ask is that when you're done with the blokes below, you come back up here and savor The Clive one last time.






Charlie Hunnam. (By CB) I’m not a fan of guys with beards, but Charlie does it for so many of you and I definitely see his appeal. It’s the English accent that pushes him over the edge for me. This reminds me that I have to catch up with Sons of Anarchy now that they’re putting more episodes on Hulu. He’s a sexy beast.







Tim Kang. Otherwise known as "the other hot guy on The Mentalist". Seriously, who's looking at Simon Baker when Tim Kang is around? I don't even watch the show with any regularity, but when I do catch it, he's the one I look for.





James McAvoy. He's not a request or anything, I'm just doing him on a whim (I wish). He's just so lovely. Just glancing at him, you think he's going to be all pale and sickly, with those gorgeous blue eyes and you think "Oh, I could mother the hell out of him." But in interviews, and I suspect, in life, he's a little ass-kicking hell-raiser. He's wiry. He's tougher than he looks. You don't have to mother him. But you might want to, just because.






Eric Balfour. I think the last time I included him on a HGF, he was met with disgust. Screw you bitches, he's one of my crushes. Yes, his face is… odd. Unconventional. But he's not flat-out ugly. He's got the jolie-laide thing happening, and he's got facial hair issues. But his body is kind of amazing. Sigh… BALFOUR. I want to be rich so I can buy him as my plaything.





Blair Underwood. Gorgeous. Ageless. Sexy. Classy. Funny. Handsome. Dongtastic. All words used to describe Blair Underwood. By the way, when he shaves off his facial hair, he suddenly looks like he's in his 20s, doesn't he? He's 46 years old. For real.






Tom Hardy. He's a request from several people needing their Hardy Fix. Some of you were disappointed that Hardy was not included on out "Best of 2010" list. He did have a great 2010, because after toiling away for a decade, suddenly he was everywhere, and everyone wanted him. It's the lips, I think. And the bad fashion. And the look in his eye that says that he knows what you want, and he's going to give it to you, but he's going to make you beg for it first. Hardy Boys Do It Better.






Tyson Beckford (By CB) I just saw Tyson on the first episode of that “Making Russell Simmons” reality show. (It was free on iTunes.) The show was only mildly entertaining, but it was vastly improved by Tyson’s shirtless scenes. He retired from professional modeling and is the host of “Make Me a Supermodel” on Bravo. I think I speak for most of womankind when I say he should go back to modeling. I want to touch his head.








Hugh Jackman (By CB) Here’s a gorgeous superfit family man who takes his knocks for Oprah and keeps up his grueling fitness regime whether he’s playing a superhero or not. I adore this man.








Robert Pattinson (By CB) I just rented Eclipse last night and it was cheesy as hell, just like the other two Twilight movies, but I still found myself getting giddy at Pattinson’s insane stalker vampire with old fashioned values. He wouldn’t sleep with his barely legal girlfriend before marriage, but I found myself wondering why the selfish bastard didn’t help a sister out, you know? Those vampires can move fast and they never get tired.








Gerard Butler. I cannot even describe how much I enjoy the multiple requests for Gerard Butler. I have raised you bitches well. You are good Butler devotees. You appreciate all of him - the rugged sexiness, as well as his smarmy douchiness. It's a fine line he walks - but even with a gut, moobs and a mullet, I would still hit that until his dong was steaming. Too much? Yeah. I do have to admit, for every request we get for Gerard, there is a request that we do NOT feature Gerard. Suck it, HATERS. I'm also adding the behind-the-scenes video of his commercial shoot for L'Oreal (that I enjoyed immensely - there’s good Butler porn in there for fans):







Photos courtesy of Fame, WENN, Vogue, Gotham Magazine, New York Magazine, Clive Owen’s fansite, Vanity Fair, GQ, Details, Esquire, Entertainment Weekly, Google Images.

Lady Gaga introduces her first Polaroid invention: Polaroid sunglasses

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 07:32 AM PST


As you may remember, Lady Gaga was named the Creative Director of Polaroid last year, and she was so in love with her new title, she even went to the big Las Vegas trade show last year. She even debuted a new look: "Sun Queen". Well, another year, another trade show, another look. This time Gaga wasn't just debuting a newish look (pinkish hair, black veil, get thee to a nunnery), she was also debuting her first big product as creative director - Polaroid sunglasses. YES. That's exactly what I needed. Also, The Sun is now calling Gaga "Polar Face". Which it literally took me a full moment to get. I'm having a rough morning!

LADY GAGA looked more appropriately dressed for a funeral than a technology exhibition in Las Vegas yesterday. Clad in a sombre veil, dark shades and a black dress, the singer addressed gadget boffins at the 2011 International Consumer Electronics Show to launch Polaroid’s groundbreaking GL20 Camera Glasses.

Lady G, the camera firm’s creative director, demoed a prototype of the clever specs that can capture and display images and video.

She also unveiled a series of other Polaroid Grey Label products that she helped to design, including a digital camera and a mobile photo printer.

The Poker Face star said: “It’s been a really long and exciting and gruelling and imaginative and inspiring process with Polaroid. We’ve done everything that we can to improve the instant camera - make it new, make it feel better in your hand, make it compatible with the digital era."

And GaGa admits she had her fans in mind when working on ideas for Polaroid.

She added: “I wanted to create products that I knew they would love to use - create cameras, a printer and glasses that I knew would work into their lifestyle as music fans, as concert-goers, as wild party kids.”

[From The Sun UK]

So there you go, Gaga-loonies. Run out and buy your Polar Face Polaroid glasses NOW.

Also, try not getting "Pa-pa-pa-Polar Face" stuck in you head ALL DAY.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

Gwen Stefani spends quality time with Zuma & his little red car

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 06:54 AM PST


Okay, it's crazy slow today, which is why I'm writing about these photos. Generally, I'm not one of those people who completely gushes over new photos of celebrities with their kids. Unless it involves Empress Zahara, that is. But there's something about these photos of Gwen Stefani and Zuma that I just find enchanting. As far as paparazzi-targets go, Gwen and her kids don't get pap'd on a daily basis like, say, Jennifer Garner and The Dimple Parade. But Gwen and the kids do get pap'd often enough that I wonder if someone is tipping off photographers. Some of these photos look like they are from a family photo shoot.


Also, I still think Gwen looks pregnant, but I guess I'm just going to have to go with "Gwen just dresses pregnant in real life." Oh, and Zuma is friggin' adorable. I love his little red car. You can tell it's his favorite.






Photos courtesy of Fame.

Miranda Kerr reportedly goes into labor in LA, Orly Bloom is at her side

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 06:26 AM PST


This is just an FYI, because our resident Orly-loonie (Sammie) isn't around today - according to reports, Miranda Kerr has gone into labor in Los Angeles today. There is no word if she has already given birth or the sex of the baby or anything like that so far. A few weeks ago, Sammie mentioned something that is perhaps too political, but it is intriguing - neither Orly nor Miranda are American citizens, so it’s possible they wanted to give birth in America so their baby would be a citizen. An “anchor baby” if you use that term. Same thing with Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem, who will likely give birth to their child in LA. Anyway, I just that I’d mention it. Here's what's known:

ORLANDO BLOOM’s [sic] pregnant wife MIRANDA KERR has reportedly gone into labour in Los Angeles.

The Hollywood actor married the Australian model in a secret ceremony in California in July (10) and they subsequently confirmed they are expecting their first child.

Kerr began experiencing contractions the day after Christmas (26Dec10), but it proved to be a false alarm, according to Australian newspaper The Daily Telegraph.

But the publication reports Kerr went into labour for real on Friday (07Jan11). An unnamed family member says, “We did get a text on Boxing Day (26Dec10) saying she had gone into labour but it was false alarm but I can confirm she did go into labour early this morning. I have been trying to get in touch with (Kerr’s parents) but everyone’s phones are going to message bank.”

[From Contact Music]

Let's all send our well wishes to Miranda and Orly. You know Orly is so sensitive, he's in the room with Miranda, telling her how pretty her crowning vadge looks. He's probably weeping already. Bless his heart.

Just breathe, Miranda. Good luck, girl!



Photos courtesy of WENN.

Camille Grammer says she hasn’t decided whether to do RHOBH season 2

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 06:00 AM PST

Spoilers for last night’s RHOBH
This week’s Real Housewives of Beverly Hills didn’t involve the amount of cat fights and bitchiness we’ve come to expect, but that wasn’t for lack of trying on Camille’s part. It just seemed like Kyle and the rest of the women were wise to it and didn’t let her cheap tactics get to them. I won’t do a full recap here as I want to focus on some other stories about Camille, but the highlights were:
- Cedrick’s story of a childhood on the streets
- Camille’s tennis party followed by a swim in which she paraded in a bikini, (As to why the other women didn’t want to swim she said “I guess it’s just female jealousy,”)
- Camille’s passive aggressive gift to Kyle, a book called How to Behave and Why, and
- Kyle’s awesome white party for Mauricio’s birthday, which looked like so much fun.

The main drama this episode focused on Taylor’s problems with her husband Russell, who is a dud in social situations and left the party before Taylor, bringing her to tears. Oh and I have to mention that Camille told Lisa that she wasn’t speaking much with Kelsey in New York. She said “The lack of communication [with Kelsey] is disturbing to me.” It’s about to get a whole lot worse for Camille.

Back in real time, Camille is aware that her husband has ditched her for a much younger British flight attendant. She’s also unsure whether she’ll return to RHOBH next season. We’ve heard that she’s already quit the show, but according to Radar Online that was a negotiation tactic aimed to increase her salary. (As if she’s not set for life with the $50 million she’ll probably get in her settlement.) Camille will appear on Ellen in a segment that airs today, and she told her that she’s still in talks with Bravo for Season 2. She also said that she doesn’t talk to Kelsey:

On the rumors that she is returning for the second season and details about her divorce…
Ellen: And so now, the rumors are that you’re quitting. That you’re not going to do it again.
Camille: We haven’t decided that yet. Right now, as everybody knows, I’m going through a divorce.
Ellen: Well, let me ask you about that. You said Kelsey wanted you to do this. So you got divorced while you were shooting?
Camille: I found out he wanted out of the relationship during the shooting.
Ellen: How did you find out? Did he tell you?
Camille: A mutual friend called me and said, “I don’t like what he’s doing to you and I don’t like the timing because you’re still in the middle of shooting a reality show.” And then I called him that night and texted him. No answer from him. I waited for three hours and then he called me and said, “I don’t want to be married anymore.”

On deciding to return for season two…
Ellen: Then when you say you haven’t decided yet, I just don’t know why you’d want to put yourself out there. Everybody’s going to have an opinion when you’re on television. People are going to love you. People are going to hate you. I try not to pay attention to any of it because if you believe the good, you have to believe the bad. But there are people, and you know, are saying not nice things about you.
Camille: Oh, they’re saying awful things about me and it’s very hurtful.
Ellen: So why do it?
Camille: If I would do it, it would be to try to change my image. To try to change it around and have people see the other side of me that you don’t see on TV.

Does Camille talk to Kelsey?
Ellen: Since this is happened and it’s airing now, has Kelsey, do you speak at all?
Camille: No, we don’t speak at all.
Ellen: Because I was going to say, “Has he watched and what does he think about this because it was his idea?”
Camille: Everything I find out is through the press with him. Or he writes me an email or text. I think it’s really important for us to speak if we’re going to raise children together. We need to co-parent. So right now, my focus now is that we hopefully become friends and we move on from this and we can become good parents to our two young children.

[From The Ellen Degeneres show, aired 1-7-11 and received via e-mail]

So if you read between the lines, Camille wants to return to RHOBH, but she wants to make sure they don’t portray her as the villain. This seems to be supported by Radar, who claims that she’s waiting to see how she comes across on the reunion episode, which supposedly involved Camille going off as usual. Camille can’t change her image by continuing to appear on that show. She has only one setting, “petty bitch,” and you know she’s not going to change. What little money she’s making from the show isn’t worth it in the end to her either. She’ll probably stay on it though, because she’s delusional like that and has more bikinis to show off.

Radar has video of Camille’s appearance on Ellen, in which they exercise on stationary bikes the whole time.

Photos courtesy of BravoTV and The Ellen DeGeneres show.



Did Madonna get the chicken cutlet cheek implants taken out?!?

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 05:55 AM PST


These are photos of Madonna and her boyfriend Brahim Zaibat leaving Aura Nightclub last night in London. Poor Brahim - he hasn't really gotten the career boost of someone like, say, Jesus Luz. So why fool around with Madonna? I mean, what's in it for him? He just gets to hang out in her dungeon? "Play that song again," Madonna orders from the intercom, cackling madly.

Anyway, as I was looking through the photos, I noticed something strange. Madonna's face seems… different. Again. Back in August of last year, I asked if Madge's chicken cutlet cheek implants had somehow been reduced - they really seemed to be "settling in" or "getting smaller". Now they seem almost nonexistent. Did she take them out? Did she find a new youth-regeneration process, perhaps something involving swan blood and cream made from crushed pearls? Even The Daily Mail notes how "extremely fresh-faced" she looked:

She has been in the business since before he was born, but his opinion obviously counts highly in her estimations. So when Madonna was auditioning for dancers last night she sought the help of her 24-year-old boyfriend. The 52-year-old singer, who was looking extremely fresh faced last night, was joined by beau Brahim Zaibat and around guests at London hotspot Aura in Mayfair. Visitors to the exclusive members club were treated to a dancing spectacle as half of the group took to the floor to strut their stuff and showed off some incredible dance moves.

A source told MailOnline: 'Madonna was watching the performers, who came from all around the world, and I know she was selecting for her next World tour. About half the group took to the dance floor and performed one after the other before dancing together. They were absolutely incredible.'

In her fifth visit to the club in seven months Madonna arrived with Brahaim and her entourage, complete with her own DJ ready to take to the decks, just before midnight. She settled into the VIP area of the private members club before the dancers in her group started to perform to her. And with her 24-year-old boyfriend by her side she laughed and cheered as the artists took to the stage performing to hip hop and house music.

Junior, a-19-year-old break-dancer from France wowed the guests with his award winning moves which saw him defy gravity holding his own body weight just inches off the floor with his hands. Guests at the nightclub cheered and whooped along with Madonna who seemed to be enjoying the revelry. And after the informal auditions Madonna treated her troop to drinks which included expensive jeroboams of Moet and Chandon champagne and Grey Goose Vodka.

While Madonna picked up the tab she and Brahaim did not over indulge sticking to water throughout the night. But the lack of alcohol didn't dampen her spirits and she got into the party mood dancing with guests and mingled with other revelers in the club.

One onlooker said: 'Madonna was exceptional, she was happy to chat to other guests constantly smiling and looked to be having a great time dancing along to the music.'

But the night’s merriment didn’t seem to tire Madonna who emerged from the nightclub at 2.30am looking extremely fresh-faced. In fact, the 52-year-old singer who seems to have defied the aging process, did not have a single line or hint of a wrinkle visible on her face.

Dressed in a knee length black skirt, fishnet tights and a chic black leather jacket Madonna exited the club with a pair of sunglasses covering her eyes. She got into a Jaguar with Brahim and headed for home.

The pair, who had dined at Automat American Brasserie earlier in the evening, have been spotted out in London on a number of occasions over the past few months but have always avoided being photographed together.

Last month the couple, who met in September last year, were spotted eating at The Wolseley restaurant and not only left separately but also got in different cars to go home. Back in July last year Madonna performed a similar audition process at the £1,000- a year members club with her ex-boyfriend Jesus Luz by her side.

Although her next tour has not yet been confirmed it seems Madonna is itching to get back to the big stage.

Posting to her fan page she said: 'Its official! I need to move. I need to sweat. I need to make new music! Music I can dance to. I’m on the look out for the maddest, sickest, most bad ass people to collaborate with. I’m just saying……'

[From The Daily Mail]

Madonna's life is so strange. I mean… I understand how you get to a certain age, and if you have the money and inclination to back it up, you would want to surround yourself with lithe young dongs. But Madonna just seems so asexual at this point. Why go through the trouble of buying some young guy if you're not going to enjoy him? Does it sound like she's having fun, at all? Nope. This just seems like all of it is a business transaction.

Oh, here's the one photo where it looks like the cutlets are still in effect:





Photos courtesy of WENN.

Eddie Cibrian cut child support at same time he ‘bought’ $85k ring for LeAnn

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 05:37 AM PST

Eddie Cibrian’s ex, Brandi Glanville, has given interviews to both In Touch and Radar stating that Eddie’s child support payments have been cut in half recently due to his lack of employment. The current amount of support Eddie pays Brandi isn’t enough to cover her rent. Brandi even had to pay money back to Eddie for supposed overpayments he made in earlier months. The cut in child support payments came at the exact same time that Eddie ‘bought’ LeAnn Rimes an engagement ring worth $85,000. (Although LeAnn probably bought that ring for herself, or was somehow comped part of it, as E!’s Answer Bitch explains.) Eddie is also driving a new Porsche. Brandi told In Touch that Eddie didn’t even bother to give her, or their sons, the heads up that he was getting engaged to LeAnn, and they all had to find out about it through the press.

Here are some of Brandi’s comments to In Touch and Radar:

On how she found out about Eddie and LeAnn’s engagement
“They dropped the kids off with me, and it was all over the press - and the kids had no idea. How dare you not tell your children before you tell the whole world!”

On how Eddie told her that same day he was cutting child support
“I get an e-mail from Eddie saying not only am I halving what I’m giving you, but you have to pay me back the money I overpaid you for the last six months. And this was as he went to Cabo with the 5-carat rock on her hand.

On how current child support doesn’t cover rent
“What he’s paying me now doesn’t even cover my rent. Yet Eddie’s living this lavish lifestyle. He got a new Porsche, and he has an assistant and a full-time nanny”

On how he’s living the high life while their kids suffer
“I don’t want my kids to have it all on one side, and then they come to my house and I’m like, ‘We’re not getting a Happy Meal because I have to watch every penny I spend. He’s not thinking about our children.” - From In Touch

How she will have to move
"The lease is up on my current home and I will be looking for a new place to live shortly while also trying to take care of my sons.”

On her future
"I'm looking for work and trying to get my real estate license but it is a gradual process – I'm not saying Eddie is a bad guy and he is a great father but I just wish it all could be a lot easier." - From Radar

[From In Touch, print edition, January 17, 2011 and Radar Online]

In Touch explained how Eddie was able to get away with this - Eddie and Brandi’s “divorce agreement states that if Eddie, 37, hasn’t worked in the previous six months, [Brandi] has to repay everything.” Doesn’t this sound like exactly what LeAnn would want? Eddie isn’t working, so he’s available for her 24/7 and owes half the amount of child support to his ex. LeAnn can set up a home for “her boys” that’s in drastic contrast to the lifestyle their mother will be able to afford, all the while transforming herself into a carbon copy of Brandi. If I were Brandi, I would have much more to say about this. Brandi has been incredibly civil about this ridiculous situation.

Radar has another new interview with Brandi in which she talks about her counseling session with Eddie and LeAnn. She’s very classy about everything and just says that the therapy didn’t go well, that she feels blamed by those two for no reason, and that “it is a process and that our sons have to come first.”

Brandi Glanville is shown on 10/11 and 8/13/10. Credit: LeAnn and Eddie are shown on 1/2/11. Credit: BauerGriffin




Enquirer: John Edwards proposed to Rielle three weeks after Elizabeth died

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 05:20 AM PST


The National Enquirer's cover story this week is yet another epic John Edwards piece. You will remember that the Enquirer was the outlet to break the Edwards affair story, getting the first published photo of John with his love child by Rielle Hunter. The Enquirer has spent a lot of time and money covering the Edwards saga - they have sources deep within the Edwards camp, I believe, and they have consistently broken news about the Edwards family, and all of the legal stuff that surrounds this mess.

Okay, so let's get into it. First, a piece of information that was widely reported and verified, but that the Enquirer reported first: Elizabeth left John out of her will. Just a week before her death, Elizabeth had a new will filed with her lawyers, and she left all of her money and possessions to her three children. People Mag points out that John is currently living in the home they shared in North Carolina. Now, since the Enquirer story is epic, I'm just going to do bullet points:

*John Edwards proposed to Rielle Hunter just three weeks after burying Elizabeth, while on holiday with Rielle and his kids. He pledged his love to Rielle and promised that eventually they would all "become one big happy family," says a source.

*During the holidays, John introduced his children to Rielle. Rielle told the children to "call me Mommy."

*All of this is in direct violation of Elizabeth's dying wishes. A source says: "This is the absolute last thing in the world Elizabeth wanted… Rielle is the woman she once labeled 'pathetic' and 'a home wrecker' and a 'blackmailing golddigger.' She did not want John to introduce their kids to his love child - let alone Rielle. She never wanted her kids anywhere near that woman!"

*Elizabeth's estate is worth an estimated $53 million, all of which is left to her children. Elizabeth also tried to revise her will to ban John from letting their kids meet Rielle and daughter Quinn. Elizabeth and John's daughter Cate is charged with making sure Elizabeth's wishes are honored.

*While John did spent Christmas day in Chapel Hill with Elizabeth's family and his three oldest children, just a few days later, he packed up Cate, Jack and Emma and drove them to Charlotte, NC to meet Rielle. He invited Rielle and Quinn to dinner with the other kids, and introduced them.

*A source says: "John had convinced Cate that the meeting was inevitable - and better they get past it now than wait… Rielle cried with joy when she saw all the children together for the very first time. She had been waiting for this meeting for a very long time - but knew it wouldn't come until after Elizabeth's death."

*The reactions? "It all went off without a hitch. Before you knew it, Jack and Emma were playing with Quinn, and Cate was civil toward Rielle."

*To cap off the occasion, John proposed. "John pledged his undying love… but nothing is official yet."

[From The National Enquirer, print edition]

Ugh, what is there to say, really? John Edwards is a piece of crap, a moron, a jagoff, and whatever other slur you want to throw at him. But I have to say one little teeny tiny thing… while I understand why Elizabeth was so adamant that her children never meet Rielle or Quinn, I have to admit, it's not a completely rotten idea for Jack and Emma to meet their half-sibling. Better to be honest about that kind of stuff, especially since Quinn is just an innocent little girl. However, all of the Rielle junk… Gawd, this bitch. And John is still so… dumb. Rielle is psychotic, really and truly. And she doesn't deserve to have those kids in her life.





Photos courtesy of WENN, Rielle Hunter photos courtesy of GQ.

Does Natalie Portman have a history of homewrecking?

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 05:19 AM PST


The photos of Natalie walking down the street are new - and boy, in these photos, she looks pregnant all of a sudden, doesn't she? She might even be further along than I assumed. Anyway, while I was pouring through this week's National Enquirer, I glanced through their smallish story about Natalie Portman's engagement. They pretty much had the same story that we've heard before about how Natalie and Benjamin Millepied started out - that Benjamin was already in a relationship with a dancer named Isabella, and that there was overlap between Isabella and Natalie. In yesterday's Us Weekly story, a source close to Natalie made it sound like Benjamin should just take the hit on that - "That's on him" - meaning that Natalie is innocent, I suppose.

And then the Enquirer ended their story with a piece of gossip I had completely forgotten: Natalie was rumored to be one of the big reasons for Sean Penn and Robin Wright's final split in 2009 - Natalie and Sean were rumored to be quite hot and heavy for a short time in the Spring of 2009, and the stories even including eyewitness accounts of their public makeout sessions. Allegedly, Robin considered the affair "the final straw". The rumors of Sean and Natalie's alleged romance were so strong in fact, that Miss Privacy issued a vehement denial that she and Sean had any romantic connection whatsoever. "That was on him" perhaps.

Anyhoodle, this week's Enquirer ends their trip down memory lane with this quote, from a close source: "Once Natalie had her heart set on a guy, nothing is going to stand in her way - including another woman." BAM!





Photos courtesy of Bauer-Griffin, WENN & Fame.

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