Sunday, January 9, 2011

Golden Voiced Homeless Man “Ted Williams” First Commercial! [Video]

Posted: 09 Jan 2011 03:42 AM PST

Yeezy Was Right: Amber Rose & Wiz Khalifa Are Out Together Here! [Video]

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 07:09 PM PST

She just likes to hang out with rappers and ball players (Smacks Lips), that doesn’t make her a rat! Daaang!

Quote Of The Day: Omarion Says “I Am A Proud, Bisexual Man”

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 07:00 PM PST


Wow… Just Wow.

Damn it, Raz B!

Twitter was set a blaze on January 6th when The H8terade Blog announced that R&B singer Omarion was gay. Today Omarion, 26, made his only official statement.

"I pride myself in being an honest, God Fearing, respectful man. I have kept my personal life private and wanted to keep it that way. Unfortunately, others are interested in profiting from my anguish; so before they can do that, i will clarify things. I am not at all what certain ex-band members are trying to paint me as, I am however a respectable, mature, proud, bisexual man."

Do you think this statement is for real? If it is anyone shocked?


Tea Party Shooting Democrats: Republican Christian Shoots Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) Interview Before Shooting [Video]

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 06:31 PM PST

Here’s her interview prior to the shooting.

Marlon Wayans Starts A Revolution…For Fresh Breath???

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 05:54 PM PST

Marlon Wayans doesn’t want you burning anybody’s eyebrows off when you go to speak to them, so he’s launching a campaign to end bad breath…along with the good folks fron Dentyne.

Marlon Wayans is officially launching the Safe Breath Alliance. Just kidding — sort of. Wayans will be starring in provocative, PSA-like commercials — with a Hugh Hefner-like tone — to promote Dentyne gum and educate Americans about the importance of practicing safe breath. The commercial was produced in late November at The Paramour House in Silver Lake, Calif., and launches Jan. 10 during prime-time TV. Lucky for you, PopEater has an exclusive first look at the hilarious Dentyne ad. Watch and let us know what you think.


Watch The Creepy, Yet Strangely Incoherent, Viral Video Of The “Arizona Killer” Jared Lee Loughner [Video]

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 05:36 PM PST

Jared Loughner, the shooter in the mass murder and shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and many others, has some pretty creepy sh*t up on his YouTube channel. This muhf*cka is craaaaaaazy, derrrraaaaaanged…

Hoy En Mi Gente News: 14 Decapitated Bodies Show Up In Beautiful Mexican Resort City

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 04:50 PM PST

The drug violence in Mexico will probabyly continue to rage on a long time, but this right here is downright ratchet!

Fifteen bodies, all but one of them decapitated, were found early on Saturday in the Pacific resort city of Acapulco as drug violence in Mexico intensified.

The victims, all male, were discovered at dawn near a shopping mall along with threatening hand-written messages that are typically left as a calling card by drug cartels, authorities said.

At least a dozen more bodies were found at several scenes of violence around the city early on Saturday, local media reported in more examples of drug gang skirmishes.

The messages found near the headless bodies were signed by Mexico’s most wanted man, Joaquin “Shorty” Guzman, the leader of the powerful Sinaloa cartel that is fighting rivals over the area, police added.

The half-naked bodies were mutilated and badly beaten, and machetes appeared to have been used, police said.

“This is a war that has been growing for months, not just in Guerrero but across the country,” local government spokesman Manuel Nava said of the state that includes Acapulco. “We are witnessing the breakup of these organized crime gangs,” he told Mexico’s Foro TV channel.

Acapulco is a bustling metropolis with beaches and a nightlife 250 miles from the Mexican capital.

Yeah, we think we’ll be finding somewhere else to vacation til the whole Tony Montana sh*t dies down…


Coon Of The Day: Wife Reports Husband’s Hostage Situation After Hearing Hip-Hop Music Over The Phone

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 02:40 PM PST

So much for this Post-Racial America we’re supposed to be living in.

A Chicago woman wrongfully notified the police that her husband was being kidnapped after receiving a phone call from her husband’s cell phone and only hearing Hip-Hop music in the background.

The wife of the school system employee had an all out SWAT team dispersed when she became worried after receiving a call from her husband’s phone and only hearing what she describes as "gangster lyrics" in the background.

Apparently, the husband’s phone was in his back pocket and dialed the number of his wife accidentally. But, the urban music she heard and him not responding to her hellos, prompted her to think he was being kidnapped.

Full Story at

Saturday Style: 10 Items To Save From Last Year’s Closet

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 02:12 PM PST

If you're like me, thoughts of warm weather are offering some form of relief from the bitter icy breath of old man winter.

Many of us will soon be tempted to flip through those catalogs armed with our credit cards and the temptation to switch up our style for the spring and summer. "New Year, New You" doesn't mean you have to completely abandon your closet (and budget) to update your wardrobe.

Before you toss last year's trends to the donation bins, you might still be able to be stylish in some key pieces that are sticking around for the long haul.

Continue reading at

Pure Comedy: Clay-Mation Jermaine Is Stuck In Africa Behind His Deadbeat Dad Steez

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 01:56 PM PST

Jermaine Jackson

We really don’t understand how this man’s life can be about so little right now.

According to TMZ, this fool went to Africa, knowing his passport was about to expire, and knowing how governmental agencies feel about renewing paperwork for deadbeats…

Jermaine Jackson cannot come back to the United States of America … because he owes a fortune in back child support … TMZ has learned.

Jermaine is currently in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Africa. We’ve learned his passport has expired and he can’t get a new one, so he’s waylaid there.

Here’s what we know. In May 2008, Jermaine’s baby mama Alejandra got a child support order, requiring him to pay $3,000 a month. Jermaine went into arrears almost immediately and, as of last month, he owed $91,921.

Under California law, when someone owes more than $2,500 a month in child support, the State Department of Child Support Services automatically informs the feds of the delinquency, and the feds then flag the person’s passport. Once the passport expires, it will not be renewed until the person becomes current on child support obligations.

Our sources say Jermaine’s passport expired during his trip, he can’t get a new one and he’s stuck overseas.

If Jermaine doesn’t clear up the debt, it’s unclear if the American Embassy will come to the rescue … though we’re told in these situations the Embassy will often issue temporary papers so the person can return to the U.S.


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