Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

‘Glee’ Plans A Justin Bieber Episode, Promises More Gwyneth Paltrow & Lady Gaga

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 04:20 PM PST

Last month we learned that actress Gwyneth Paltrow will reprise her role as Holly Holliday in upcoming episodes of Glee but the big news for MILLIONS OF TWEENS is that Glee is planning an episode devoted to the music of Justin Bieber. Additionally, it is being reported that Lady Gaga is working with producers for a Glee version of as yet unreleased new single Born This Way. It sounds like the folks at Glee have got a lot of stuff up their sleeves for the upcoming second half of the season.

Sources confirm to me exclusively that Glee is doing a February sweeps episode that's Justin Biebercentric. Details are still sketchy, but I'm told the episode — tentatively scheduled to air on Feb. 15 — will feature the cast covering several of the teen phenom's songs. Bieber himself will also figure into the episode's plot, although there are no plans for him to appear in the flesh. At least not as of this writing.

So the Bieber fans will finally get their day on Glee, happy day all around. Now, the Gwyneth and Gaga news from Entertainment Weekly:

EW has learned exclusively that the phenomenal Gwyneth Paltrow is officially reprising her role as Holly Holliday for TWO episodes of Glee in the spring and she's gettin' it on with Mr. Schuester!!! Says co-creator Ryan Murphy, "Gwyneth is coming back for two episodes. She's coming back specifically to date Will [Matthew Morrison]. Those two have become really good friends in real life and had really good chemistry. She's coming back as a sex education teacher. Gwyneth and I are emailing, talking every week: What are we gonna sing? We're trying to do something fantastic. So she'll be [in episodes] 15 and 16. She comes back [to film] in January and she's with us for three and a half weeks I think." You think that would be enough but I have even more redonkulous news: Lady Gaga just this week gave the Glee producers clearance for tackling her highly anticipated new single, "Born This Way," which hasn't even dropped yet! Murphy reveals that the song will be used in a March or April episode and will be centered around closeted gay bully Karofsky (Max Adler). "I love that that song is anthem," says Murphy. "This show is by nature optimistic and I think a character like Karofsky could turn to booze or pills or alcohol and kill themselves or do something dark. But I also love Max and I love that character and I sorta want that character to have a happy ending. So I don't really know what that's going to be, but I do know we're going to do a whole episode that's about that song."

Oh yeah, and Kristin Chenoweth will return as well … and this is just the news that we’re hearing right now. There is still a whole lotta second half of season 2 to get thru. I wonder what other surprises the folks at Glee have in store … I wonder if any other blondes (**cough** Britney Spears **cough** Madonna) will be making appearances on the show. HMMMMM.

[Source, Source]

Singer Omarion REPORTEDLY Comes Out As Bisexual [UPDATE]

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 02:16 PM PST

The website Bossip has published a quote reportedly attributed to singer Omarion that claims he is bisexual. It’s unclear where exactly this reported statement from Omarion comes from but if true, this would be a huge admission from a very popular music star.

"I pride myself in being an honest, God Fearing, respectful man. I have kept my personal life private and wanted to keep it that way. Unfortunately, others are interested in profiting from my anguish; so before they can do that, i will clarify things. I am not at all what certain ex-band members are trying to paint me as, I am however a respectable, mature, proud, bisexual man."

In recent days, there’s been a bit of back and forth feuding between Omarion and THIS blog over Omarion‘s sexuality. Again, take this statement with a huge grain of salt … but if it is true, I would be very proud of Omarion for feeling comfortable enough with himself to share this part of his personal life with the public.

UPDATE: Omarion posted a message on his official Twitter profile denying that he released the statement above, he tweets:

Well, I guess that straightens things out.

[Source, Source]

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Shot In The Head After Appearing In Palin’s ‘Crosshairs’

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 12:30 PM PST

Horrifying and terribly upsetting actual news to pass along today … earlier today Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head by a crazed gunman who opened fire on a group of people who came out to hear Giffords speak at a grocery story in Tuscon, AZ AFTER he walked up to Giffords and shot her point-blank in the head. Earlier this year, the Huffington Post reported that Sarah Palin released a map of the US that featured gun-sight targets on the parts of the country that elected Democrats into office. Gabrielle Giffords‘s district in Arizona is among the districts with a gun-sight target on it.

Gabrielle Giffords, a congresswoman from Arizona, was shot in the head on Saturday at a public event held at a grocery store in Tucson, her spokesman, C. J. Karamargin, said. Others at the event, including members of her staff, were among the injured. Her condition was unknown. She was taken to University Medical Center in Tucson, the trauma center for the area, about 10 miles away. Even though NPR and CNN reported that she had been killed, Darci Slater, a hospital spokeswoman, said that Ms. Giffords was in surgery. CNN quoted a public information officer for the sheriff's office as saying that 12 people had been injured in all and that the shooting had occurred around 10 a.m. local time. Dr. Steven Rayle, a former emergency room doctor who now works in a hospice, said that he had witnessed the shootings. He said the congresswoman was standing behind a table outside the Safeway greeting passersby when the gunman approached her from behind, held a gun about a foot from her head and began firing. "He must have got off 20 rounds," he said. Ms. Giffords slumped to the ground and staff members immediately rushed to her aid, Dr. Rayle said. Dr. Rayle said he performed CPR on some of the victims. He said one of the victims was a young child and appeared to be in critical condition with a gunshot wound.

And now … aboutPalin‘s map. As a proud gun rights advocate whose motto IN HER OWN WORDS is “Don’t retreat – reload”, Sarah Palin — thru her SarahPAC political action committee — released a map of the US with gun-sight crosshair targets on districts across the country that put Democrats into office. One has to wonder what the implication of putting gun-sight crosshair targets on congressional districts means to Sarah Palin and her gun-toting followers:

Sarah Palin is targeting — yes, with gun sights — House Democrats facing tough reelection fights who voted for health care reform. Palin’s Facebook page now carries a map featuring 20 gun sights, one for each of the Democrats targeted this year by her political action committee SarahPAC. Three of the gun sights, those where incumbent Democrats have already announced their retirement, are colored red. Likewise, Palin’s rhetoric is decidedly militant. “We’ll aim for these races and many others,” she wrote on her Facebook page. “This is just the first salvo in a fight to elect people across the nation who will bring common sense to Washington. Please go to and join me in the fight.”

In my mind, it’s doesn’t take a lot to connect a political action committee’s call to arms presented in this way to a whacked out crazy person’s decision to pick up a gun and shoot one of the listed targets. I am outraged and disgusted that any political action group would release something as outrageous as this … EVER! Here is the full text of the tweet message that Sarah Palin posted previously on her official Twitter profile:

Commonsense Conservatives & lovers of America: “Don’t Retreat, Instead – RELOAD!” Pls see my Facebook page.

Palin‘s official Facebook page, before this incident occurred today, featured the gun-sights target map above. As if crazy radicals need help with their deranged plans, now they have colorful maps to help them plan out their assassinations. I can’t even describe how horribly disgusted I am by this shooting. Rep. Giffords may lose her life just because she decided to go to a local grocery store to talk to supporters (i.e. for doing her job as an elected official). In my mind, this is a clear case of political assassination. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Giffords family and to the families of all of the innocent people who were killed or injured in today’s shooting. Let’s keep them all in our thoughts and prayers.

UPDATE: Doctors confirm that Rep. Giffords survived both her gunshot and her surgery and is listed in critical condition. The death toll has risen to 6 and a 9 year old child is among the dead. Additionally, the gunman is in police custody:

“The Congresswoman is not deceased. She is in critical condition,” Rhee said in a press conference. “I am very optimistic about recovery” … Six people have died and 12 – including U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords – were injured in a shooting at a political meeting at a Tuscon, Arizona, grocery store Saturday, according to Rick Kastigar of the Pima County Sheriff’s Department … “The suspect is in custody. No further details on the motive or other victims are available at this time,” the statement said. “The U.S. Capitol Police are directly involved in this investigation. As more information is developed, it will be provided. In the interim, all Members and staff are advised to take reasonable and prudent precautions regarding their personal security.”

The gunman has been identified as 22-year old Jared Loughner, THIS apparently is his You Tube channel (which will likely get pulled down very soon).

[Source, Source]

Drinky Drinks

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 12:25 PM PST

Last night David and I had a date with our good friend Josh for a long-overdue catch-up session. David and I haven’t been able to hang out with Josh for some time now so it was really great getting to spend some quality time with him. We went out for drinks and snacks at St. Felix in West Hollywood and had the best time ever.

The weather is, thankfully, warming up here in SoCal so we were able to sit outside last night. Things are going well for Josh and we got an earful of the exciting plans he has in store for his new skin care line. We had a blast.

Tonight, David and I have been invited to a dinner party with friends to celebrate our BFFs Emma and Josh’s recent engagement. But, before we head out for that, I have a nice afternoon planned of reading a debut novel of one my good friends. I can’t WAIT to share news of her new book with all y’all. Happy Saturday, make it a great one!!

Les News, 010811

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 11:47 AM PST

The Wonder Woman TV Series Has Been Shelved

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 11:19 AM PST

Back in October we learned that TV producing legend David E. Kelley was working on a new series based on the DC Comics superhero Wonder Woman. In December, as a bit of an update, we learned that plans were still in the works to get the series picked up by a network but no deal was yet in place. Today we learn the sad (or happy, depending on your personal feelings about a WW reboot) news that Kelley‘s Wonder Woman series was not picked up by any of the big networks and, therefore, is dunzo … at least for now.

The TV reboot of Wonder Woman is being postponed. David E. Kelley’s high-profile take on the female superhero has been shelved after not landing a deal at a broadcast network because of what sources called unfortunate timing … Kelley started working on a pilot script, which, like his other recent projects, was written on spec. The script was reportedly taken out to the broadcast networks on Wednesday night. Fox and ABC passed, while WBTV’s sister network the CW could not afford it. While the project was never considered a fit for Fox and was taken to the network mostly out of curtesy, the ABC pass was more politically motivated … I hear the CBS executive team was split, while the fluid situation at NBC where new programming chief Bob Greenblatt is yet to take the reins, made it impossible to get the type of license fee that the studio was seeking in order to do the show Kelley had envisioned. So a decision was made not to go with the show at this time. The script may be taken out again in the future.

While it is true that the project could be shopped around again next season, the series right now has landed in the dreaded “project development Hell”. Apparently ABC passed on this Wonder Woman series because their parent company Disney just acquired Marvel Comics … and therefore, ABC couldn’t produce a series based on a DC Comics character. To be honest, as much as I trusted that David E. Kelly would be able to do right by the Wonder Woman character, I’m a bit relieved that this new reboot ain’t happening. The original Wonder Woman TV series of the late 70′s (which starred the beautiful Lynda Carter) holds so many great memories for me. I’m kinda happy that it will STILL be the only live action WW TV series in existence. Things happen for a reason … and I am pretty happy with the way this thing worked its way out.


Trent Reznor Announces He Is Scoring The Soundtrack ‘To The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 10:36 AM PST

Trent Reznor made an in-person appearance at the Arts & Leisure Weekend event hosted by the New York Times in NYC, NY last night to discuss with music critic Jon Pareles his work scoring the soundtrack to the David Fincher film The Social Network. Over the course of his interview, Reznor announced that he will also be scoring the soundtrack for Fincher‘s next film, the US remake of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo!

TRez was very light on deets concerning his work on Dragon Tattoo so we don’t know if he will be collaborating with his Social Network co-composer Atticus Ross again. It was announced that the film will be released here in the US next December so the soundtrack will be released this year. Additionally, Reznor spoke a bit about a re-release of the Nine Inch Nails masterpiece The Fragile which will be reissued in a deluxe format with a new 5.1 sound mix. As for his new band How To Destroy Angels (fronted by his wife Mariqueen Maandig Reznor), Trent revealed that a full length album is forthcoming from the band that will sound different from the band’s debut EP release. Reznor confirmed that he will tour again … but very likely NOT with Nine Inch Nails. He also revealed that he still owes his former record label Interscope a NIN Greatest Hits release … so that’s one more thing we can look forward to. An archive of the interview has not yet been made available but if one surfaces, I’ll be sure to update and share it with all y’all. Reznor‘s interview was enlightening, funny and just fantastic to watch. I predict BIG things for Trent Reznor in 2011. It’s gonna be a great year.

[Photo credit: Wireimage]

Lindsay Lohan Gets A New Diamond Necklace To Go With Her New Car

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 09:55 AM PST

Yesterday we learned that Lindsay Lohan is the proud owner of a new Onyx Range Rover (apparently given to her by a luxury car dealership lookin’ for a bit of publicity) and today we learn that she is also the proud owner of a sparkly new $25k diamond necklace (given to her by a jeweler also lookin’ for publicity). Yesterday afternoon, L. Lo showed off her new things on the streets of SoCal … drumming up the necessary publicity needed to justify the gifts.

Looking happy and healthy, the recently rehabbed starlet, 24, showed off some heart-shaped bling around her neck in L.A. Friday morning – a sort of keep-up-the-good-work gift. The actress’s pal Pascal Mouawad – the famous jewelry designer behind Nicole Richie’s House of Harlowe line – gave the Mean Girls starlet the 10-carat diamond Rosette necklace, estimated to be worth $25,000. “Lindsay is looking great, she has a positive attitude, and we are looking forward to an amazing 2011 spending a lot of time together,” Mouawad, 38, tells PEOPLE. Even though Mouawad says Lohan is “really driven with her career right now,” a source close to the duo says, “The two have no plans to work together professionally.” Adds the source, “Lindsay is dear to Pascal’s heart, and he thinks she is headed down the right path. He wants to keep her going in that positive direction.”

As you can see in the first photo, it really looks like Lindsay‘s got some plumper new lips, too. It’s pretty amazing that she is being given all of these expensive gifts just for getting out of rehab. It reminds me of those really spoiled bratty kids who do something so bad that their overindulgent parents are finally forced to send them to their room as punishment … then the parents are so proud of their little darlings for actually staying in their room so they are rewarded with expensive toys. In those cases, it seems to me that the bad behavior of those bratty children is only reinforced … it’s not a big leap to assume the same in Lindsay‘s case. I guess we’ll have to wait and see if all of these expensive rewards are enough to keep Lindsay out of trubs.

[Photo credit: X17, Bauer-Griffin; Source]

Courtney Love’s Twitter Account Has Been Suspended

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 09:20 AM PST

On Thursday we learned that Courtney Love was being sued for defamation based on comments she made about a fashion designer on her official Twitter account (the case is set to go to court on January 18). Sometime yesterday, Courtney‘s official Twitter profile went offline … she’s been suspended, y’all!

Normally, when a user deletes their account a different message is show when visiting the URL of their account. This message makes it clear that the account has been taken down by Twitter … which very likely has everything to do with the lawsuit against Courtney. My guess is that the account has been frozen and archived so that allegedly defamatory tweets cannot be deleted before the case goes to trial. Should Courtney win her case and come out victorious, it’s likely that Twitter will un-suspend her account and put it back online. All should be made clear when this case goes to trial on the 18th.


Britney Spears’s New Single Will Be Available At Midnight On January 11

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 08:55 AM PST

AT LAST … we have official, DEFINITIVE word from Jive Records concerning the release of Britney Spears‘s new single Hold It Against Me. Earlier this week, I reported that the label reached out to me with a plan to release the song via fan participation on Facebook … but as soon as the demo version of the song leaked to the Internets, that plan went out the window. Jive issued a press release announcing that the song will be released to radio AND for sale on iTunes at 12 midnight on Tuesday January 11.

Britney Spears Set To Release New Single "Hold It Against Me" On Tuesday, January 11th

Song Will Debut Simultaneously At Radio And On The U.S. iTunes Store At Midnight (EST) On January 11th

New York, NY- Britney Spears' new highly anticipated song "Hold It Against Me" will premiere simultaneously on radio stations and be available immediately in the U.S. exclusively on the iTunes store, Tuesday, January 11th at 12AM EST. "Hold It Against Me" is produced by Britney's long-time collaborators Max Martin and Dr. Luke and is the official lead single from her forthcoming album. The as-yet-untitled seventh studio album is slated for release in March, 2011 on Jive Records. Fans will have the opportunity to purchase the song exclusively on the iTunes store until 1/18.

It really sounds like the demo leak spoiled Jive‘s plan for a fun fan-oriented song release on Facebook … but, to be honest, I think I much prefer this plan. Now we know when and where to get the song … I will DEFFO be downloading this song the second it shows up on iTunes Monday night/Tuesday morning (we folks on the West Coast will get the song at 9PM). Oh and speaking of that demo leak … it is being reported that the song was leaked online by a hacker, natch:

"Hackers in Germany compromised my account yesterday & posted a song. This was not my doing and authorities are pursuing those responsible".

And there you have it … THE LAST WORD on the coming release of Britney‘s new song! I’ve been jamming the demo non-stop ever since it was released … now I’m READY to hear the final product with Britney‘s bubbly vocals. Let the countdown begin, y’all!! Woot!!

[Source, Source]

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