Tuesday, January 11, 2011



Clean Performance: Nicki Minaj On Ellen Performing “Moment 4 Life”(Side Note; Is That A Wedding Ring?) [Video]

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 05:44 AM PST

This Is The Face Of A Crazee Eyez Killa: Arizona Gunman Jared Loughner’s Skinhead Mugshot Steez

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 05:40 AM PST

jared loughner mug shot arizona shooting

Damn, this guy looks like he is a sick bastard:

Jared Lee Loughner, the young wacko accused of shooting US Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in the head and killing six others in Tucson, looked every bit the face of evil yesterday — grinning like a maniac as he appeared before a federal judge for the first time since Saturday’s massacre.
Loughner, 22, sported a shaved head and a cut or bruise on the right side of his forehead during the brief hearing in Phoenix federal court, where he was ordered held without bail on charges that included the attempted assassination of a congresswoman. “Yes, I am Jared Lee Loughner,” the shackled killer told Magistrate Judge Lawrence Anderson in the courtroom packed with reporters and US Marshals.
“Yes,” Loughner replied again when Anderson asked whether he understood he faces a possible death sentence if convicted of murdering federal Judge John Roll in the shooting rampage that also wounded 14 at Giffords’ outdoor meeting with constituents.
Neither of Loughner’s parents — with whom he lives in Tucson — nor any other relatives were in court. Neighbors likened them to the fictional Addams Family.
Loughner’s dad, Randy, “is a very angry person” who tends to get involved in disputes, said a neighbor, Stephen Woods.
“He’s pretty much the neighborhood prick,” Woods, 46, said of the elder Loughner, although he added that Jared’s mom, Amy, is “just as nice as can be.”
“They’re like the Addams Family,” said Woods, who noted that the clan is well-known for keeping their home dark on Halloween and not putting up Christmas lights or decorations.
Indeed, a sick shrine Loughner had constructed remained standing behind his family home yesterday.
The bizarre tableaux featured a skull propped amid a circle of rotten oranges placed in a plant pot, set in front of a dish that resembled a sacrificial altar. Just to the right were several tall candles that appeared to have been recently used.
One high-school pal said that in the past few months, Loughner, who sold clothes at Eddie Bauer, had become suicidal and grew increasingly introverted, believing his friends were plotting against him.

Crazy f*ck. SMH.


Obama Heads To Arizona For Memorial For Shooting Victims Harmed By Crazy White Folks Saturday

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 05:27 AM PST

obama leds moment of silence in arizona

In the aftermath of the Arizona shootings, President Obama ordered that American flags be flown at half-staff and called for a national moment of silence, which he and first lady Michelle Obama observed on the South Lawn of the White House at 11 a.m. Monday. Silence was the easy part. Now the question becomes, when Obama next addresses the nation, what he will say.

White House officials are weighing their options. Obama will travel to Tucson on Wednesday to attend and address a memorial service for the victims of Saturday’s shootings.

The service is set for 8 p.m. Eastern time at the University of Arizona’s basketball arena, the school said. It will include a Native American blessing, a moment of silence, a poetry reading and the presentation of a chain featuring messages from members of the public, the school announced.

Obama is likely to deliver a speech about tolerance, a theme that could also be featured in his State of the Union address on Jan. 25.

However, with liberals and conservatives assuming their assigned battle stations over whether gun laws and partisan rhetoric are to blame, the White House is undecided about the exact message the president will send.

It is not clear whether ideology motivated the alleged shooter, Jared Loughner, and Obama’s advisers may conclude it unwise for the president to lecture the nation on mutual respect – which could leave him open to criticism that he is using the tragedy for political gain.

Obama canceled plans to travel to Schenectady, N.Y., on Tuesday to give an economic speech. Few events were on his calendar this week: He met with French President Nicolas Sarkozy at the White House on Monday, and he is set to attend the funeral of U.S. ambassador Richard C. Holbrooke in Washington on Friday.

The president will settle in this week with part of his newly formed West Wing team, as Chief of Staff William Daley and senior adviser David Plouffe take on their new roles.

Daley happened to be at the White House on Saturday when news of the shootings broke. He was whisked into his first Situation Room meeting with the president before his official duties had even begun. His next task may be helping shape the president’s Arizona message.

The words that commanders in chief choose in times of national distress can define their presidencies. Historians cite Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg in 1863; Ronald Reagan after the 1986 Challenger disaster; Bill Clinton after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995; and George W. Bush’s National Cathedral speech in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks as examples of presidential speeches that transcended politics and united the country, however briefly.

Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, calls such addresses “national eulogies” and said Obama has an opportunity to deliver one in the days ahead. “The challenge for a president is trying to make meaning out of something that’s not easy to understand – something that looks to be a hugely disrupting act,” Jamieson said. “A president is trying to provide a framework for how we are going to understand it.”

But there are also reasons for a president to pause before weighing in at such a moment. Investigators are still gathering evidence about the shooter’s motives. Before discussing the attack in the context of inciting political rhetoric, the proliferation of guns, or a lack of care for the mentally ill, Jamieson said, Obama should collect as much information as possible about what happened and why.

Reagan delivered his moving remarks about the Challenger explosion only hours after it occurred, largely because what happened was clear.

Clinton, by contrast, waited four days before traveling to Oklahoma City to deliver remarks at a prayer service for the victims. Until then, he participated in other commemorative events.

R.I.P. to those lost in this tragic shooting.


For “The Game” Stans: Juicy Details from BET’s Hottest New Shows!

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 05:01 AM PST

You’ve waited and waited and side-eyed your sleeping lover on the bed every night, because you’ve been bored and eager for your favorite show “The Game” to arrive.

Well, wait no more! The BET network has decided to satiate you with not one, but two awesome shows that are packed with every good-looking, hilarious and charming character you can intake. The network is airing BOTH “The Game” & the new sitcom, “Let’s Stay Together,” on Tuesdays starting at 10P/9C.

You can’t afford to miss out on this!!

To get you ready for showtime, we’ve decided to reveal a few delicious details about both shows. Check them out…

What The Hell???: Fake Lawyer Charges Clients & Tries 60 Cases Before Getting Caught!!!

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 01:55 AM PST

Fake Lawyer Tahir Malik

Now, we have heard of people impersonating police officers but lawyers… not so much!!! 47 year-old, Tahir Malik has been acting as a lawyer for the past five years in Skokie, IL. He has tried 60 cases and got paid for each one ranging from $500 to $4,500. Tahir Malik has never stepped in any law school but has been in front of a judge enough times to figure out his way around the court room… How does something like this happen???

Well apparently, Mr. Malik has been in trouble with the law soooo much, he felt that he acquired enough knowledge to actually represent other peoplei… Sounds like someone’s been watching a little tooo much Law & Order:

Tahir Malik, a 47-year-old man from Skokie, Illinois, “walked around the courtroom like he was a hotshot, strutting around,” said one of his clients.

He tried more than 60 cases, charging between $500 and $4,500 to his clients. He worked on traffic court cases, mortgage foreclosures, and some low-level criminal cases.

One problem: Malik never spent a day in law school. Instead, it appears that he learned his lawyering skills from his own criminal background.

“From his own arrest history, he was familiar enough with the court system to make certain motions and file certain documents in the court,” said Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. “There is no question that dozens of people from all over Cook County were misled by this guy.”

The Tribune reports that Malik’s father Rahim says that he likely also picked up some of his legal knowledge from watching television.

Apparently, he was finally busted on December 17, when personnel at the Cook County Courthouse found some of his behavior suspicious and questioned his credentials. They found that he had none.

Malik faces two counts of false impersonation of a lawyer, as WGN reports. He will appear in court on January 28 — no word yet on whether he will be representing himself.

This is ridiculous!!!


Kelly Rowland Is Finally Twerking It Out With Her Short Cut!!!

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 01:26 AM PST

Kelly Rowland's Photo Shoot with Rob Ector

Since Kelly Rowland started rockin’ this short cut, it doesn’t always look the greatest. In a photo shoot with Rob Ector, who’s based in Atlanta, she finally got it right. Take a peek at Kelly’s new pics… Looks like she’s finally coming into her own!!!

Kelly Rowland's Photo Shoot With Rob Ector Kelly Rowland's Photo Shoot With Rob Ector Kelly Rowland's Photo Shoot With Rob Ector Kelly Rowland's Photo Shoot With Rob Ector Kelly Rowland's Photo Shoot With Rob Ector Kelly Rowland's Photo Shoot With Rob Ector Kelly Rowland's Photo Shoot With Rob Ector Kelly Rowland's Photo Shoot With Rob Ector Kelly Rowland's Photo Shoot with Rob Ector

What’s Wrong With This Picture???

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 01:11 AM PST

Ginuwine, Sole, Cypress and Paul Wharton

Ginuwine and Sole stepped out for a night of for fun their daughter’s, Cypress Lee, Sweet 16 party. Now, you might say this is a loving family photo but when you look a little closer you notice that Sole might have added a little somethin’ somethin’ to the face area…

Can You Peep What It Is???

Sole Lips Before

Ginuwine and Sole

Sole added a little extra plumpness to her lips…. After seeing what Goldie Hawn did to herself a couple of years ago, we would think no one else would make this mistake but… it looks like we were wrong! Sorry Sole but… THAT AIN’T IT!!!

Ginuwine and Daughter Cypress Ginuwine and Daughter Cypress Ginuwine, Sole, Cypress and Paul Wharton Ginuwine and Sole Sole Lips Before


New Music… Sounds Like It Might Be A Banger: Kanye West ft. Jay-Z In H.A.M. (Hard As A MuthaF**ka)

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 11:38 PM PST

Kanye West and Jay-Z

Kanye West has already delivered what has been labeled one of the best albums of 2010, now he comes back with this new jawn featuring Jay-Z called “H.A.M.” This beat definitely goes hard, so we suggest if you have some Beats by Dre… You Might Want to Throw Them On So, You Can Feel What’s Poppin’ Off in This Jawn!!!

Kanye West ft. Jay-Z “H.A.M.”

Hate It or Love It?!?!

Best I Ever Had: A History Of The Women Who Have Loved Drizzy Drake

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 10:18 PM PST

Drizzy’s got a colorful assortment of chocolate women under his Canadian belt… or so he says. He’s never come right out and claimed all these women, but his lyrics have sparked quite a few rumors that he didn’t run to deny.

Flip through the pages for a look at some of the best Drake’s ever had.

Which One Would You Hit: Jennifer Hudson Vs. Herself

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 05:39 PM PST

Jennifer Hudson Weight Watchers Magazine January 2011

Today, Weight Watchers brought us another “Look how skinny I am” moment with Jennifer Hudson via the cover of the latest issue of WW’s magazine.

We’re all for healthy, but is Jennifer taking it too far? Here’s JHudd on Weight Watchers Magazine’s June/July 2010 cover.

Jennifer Hudson Weight Watchers Magazine June 2010

And here she was on a cover of Jet in March 2009.

Jennifer Hudson Jet Magazine March 2009

Did she really need to keep dropping pounds? Is she taking it to far?

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