Tuesday, January 11, 2011



Michelle Williams talks about the time Reese Witherspoon told her to stop whining

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 08:55 AM PST


Michelle Williams is the cover girl for the February issue of Marie Claire, likely to promote Blue Valentine. I kind of hate the cover shot. I think Michelle is a pretty girl, and she looks her best when she's either doing a heavily stylized "mod" look, or when she's just aiming for girl-next-door cute. This cover shot doesn't play into her best style, that's what I'm saying.

Anyway, there are some interview excerpts floating around, including Michelle talking about her plans to start a yoga group for single mothers. She says that she used yoga after Heath died, and she's started a Yoga for Single Moms program in Boston.

On yoga: "Yoga gave me relief like nothing else; it made be a better person and a better mother. I could come back to my daughter anew. And then I started to think about how expensive it is to get a babysitter to take a yoga class, which makes it out of reach for so many women. The idea behind the programme is that if you can clear the time, we do the rest. It provides childcare while the mum is in the yoga class, and it’s all free.’

On Reese's advice in a troubled time: "To give credit where credit is due, I was sharing a difficulty I was experiencing with Reese Witherspoon, and she said, 'Yes, I understand, but think about how much more difficult this would be without the luxury of a reliable, steady income."

On a changed perspective on life: "When things are difficult for me as a single parent, I always reflect on how much harder it would be if I didn't have money—if I couldn't afford a babysitter to go to yoga class or out to dinner with a girlfriend."

[From Just Jared & Monsters & Critics]

I come out of this loving Reese Witherspoon more, right? You know what it was - Michelle was all "woe is me" and Reese was all "Stop whining, so many women have it so much harder. Appreciate what you have, chica." And Reese is right.

Here are photos of Michelle over the weekend at an event for the NYT. Her dress is Chanel. I don't hate it. But I do hate her hair now.


Photos courtesy of WENN. MC cover courtesy of The Fashion Spot.

Tom Hardy is not Lindsay Lohan’s sober mentor, thank God

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 08:32 AM PST


Thank God. Really. Yesterday, Lindsay Lohan called up TMZ and told them that she had dinner with Tom Hardy, and that the actor was now pretty much her sober mentor. It was just another in a strong of Lohan-friendly reports that TMZ had reported, and although Blohan wasn't quoted directly, it totally came from her. She wants us to think that she's still A-list, that she and Samantha Ronson are fine and that she (Lindsay) is not a cracked-out stalker. She wants us to think that she regularly has dinner with cusp-of-A-listers, and that they like her crack hustle so much, they want to be associated with it.

Well, Tom Hardy's rep is shutting it down. Thank God.

Lindsay Lohan has been out of rehab for less than a week, and so far the troubled actress has managed to stay out of trouble. TMZ.com reports one reason may be "Inception" star Tom Hardy. They say Hardy, who sources tell FOX411 has been sober since 2003, met Lohan through mutual friends, and that he is acting as her "sober mentor."

However, a rep for Hardy tells FOX411.com that the report is inaccurate, and that Hardy is not her “sober mentor.”

Regardless of whether Hardy is one or not, what exactly does a "sober mentor" do?

"A sober mentor helps recovering addicts get integrated into a sober lifestyle," Rick Parrish, president of Sober Escorts Incorporated, tells FOX411.com. "For someone who is early in recovery, they may find that they have too much time on their hands. A sober mentor can help them get back in to hiking, biking, and swimming—doing things that release natural endorphins and showing them that being sober doesn't have to be boring.”

[From Fox News 411]

Interesting. Or not. Is it surprising that Tom Hardy doesn't want anything to do with Blohan? Not really. I think most people are avoiding her like a cracked-out plague.

By the way, these photos of Lindsay are from yesterday - she's averaging paparazzi-friendly jaunts every other day, and her street-fashion in all of them has been pretty fug. But she also wants us to see her Birkin. Okay… I'm officially "over" Birkins. Only crackheads and famewhores are using them at this point.



Photos courtesy of Fame.

AnnaLynne McCord is a famewhore Avatar

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 08:00 AM PST


Too harsh? Yeah, probably. These are photos of AnnaLynne McCord dressed up as a Na'avi, in character for her role in 90210. Apparently, AnnaLynne's character (Naomi) "dons the outrageous alien getup to impress an Avatar-obsessed geek she met online." Sure. So, I guess it wasn't her idea and I shouldn't bash her for it. But I really dislike this girl. It's just a gut reaction, I guess. I can't even say that I've ever seen her on 90210, or anything else she's ever acted in (?). But I know her from photos, from gossip coverage, and from her paparazzi-friendly relationship with Kellan Lutz. The girl is looking for a new boyfriend. A better one. Much like Blake Lively. HA!

And you know what else? Blue isn't her color. She should stick to neutrals.




Photos courtesy of Fame.

Rachel Zoe is seven months pregnant (!) and she’s having a boy

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 07:41 AM PST


Rachel Zoe's pregnancy was "confirmed" several months ago, although the only physical sign of pregnancy is a very, very small "bump". Well, guess how far along Rachel is? SEVEN MONTHS. Seriously. That's what she says in a new interview. That poor baby is just surviving on air, a few bites of granola, Slim Fast and Red Bull, and Chanel fumes. Well, Rachel has just announced that her dreams of a little Zoe baby girl are over - she's expecting a boy. I say this in all seriousness, I really hope the boy is gay. It would be a shame to waste all that vintage.

Bananas, it’s a boy! Pregnant celebrity stylist Rachel Zoe has finally confirmed the gender of her baby. In an interview with Women’s Wear Daily, she lets a telling pronoun slip. Patting her stomach, Zoe, 39, says, “It all depends on his arrival.”

The article then details how her husband of 12 years Rodger Berman kisses her belly and declares “It’s a little boy.”

The Rachel Zoe Project star also reveals that she’s seven months along — and will be just one month away from giving birth when she dresses celeb clients like Anne Hathaway and other A-listers for the Oscars.

Any chance the notoriously hard-working fashionista can take it down a notch as she waits to give birth? “I’ve been asked to slow down," she tells WWD. "But to be totally honest, it’s kind of next to impossible when you’re planning your show and launching your collection, and in the middle of award season.”

Shockingly, the clotheshorse hasn’t started picking up togs for her son. “I’m also Jewish,” she explains. "So I’m a little superstitious. I’ve been sent a lot of gifts and things and my team just hides them.”

[From Us Weekly]

Wouldn't it be funny if she went into labor just days before the Oscars? I mean, I DIE. LITERALLY. She would actually have to delegate, and the bitch hates to delegate.

By the way… I just have to say again: SEVEN MONTHS?!? Jesus. I can't believe how little she is - she's been carrying SO small. It's insane.

UPDATE: Here’s today’s cover of WWD. Seven months. LITERALLY.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

Tom Ford writes about being with his partner of 24 years

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 07:10 AM PST


All too often, we go into our "default" opinions of people. Our default opinion of Tom Ford is that he's a truth-telling judgy bitch who will shank you if you wear synthetics. But Tom wants us to know another side: the side that's been a loving partner to Richard Buckley for nearly 25 years. They appear on the cover of Out Magazine together, and Tom has written an essay about their love. The Out tagline is: "Tom Ford was a shy 25-year-old when he met magazine editor Richard Buckley. It took him the length of an elevator ride to decide he wanted to marry him." They've been through a lot, and I have to admit, this interview really moved me. The full piece is here, and here are Out Magazine's highlights:

In an accompanying first-person story, Ford recalls riding on an elevator with Buckley in 1986, 10 days after first spotting him at a fashion show. "I decided in that elevator ride that I was going to marry him. He ticked every box, and—boom—by the time we got to the floor, I was like, sold. He seemed so together. He was so handsome, he was so connected, he was so grown-up, so he was very intimidating. And he really chased me—not that he had to chase that hard."

In the same piece Ford also recalls how AIDS overshadowed their burgeoning relationship. "One of the very first people to be diagnosed with what was then called gay cancer, in 1981, was a friend of mine. It completely flipped me out, and from then on, I was extremely safe. It probably saved my life, but it damaged the way I think about sex forever. You just associated sex with death—or at least, I did. If I made a list, I would say that half of our friends from the early '80s are no longer with us."

Ford also criticizes the tendency of people to view gay relationships as less committed than heterosexual ones. "Often I'm at dinner parties with very close friends, straight, and they realize that Richard and I have been together 24 years, and the response is often, 'Wow, you guys have been together 24 years! That's so amazing. I don't think of gay men being together that long.' And I'm, like, 'Why? What are you talking about?' Some of the longest relationships I know of are same-sex couples. A lot of my straight friends have married and divorced and married and divorced in the time Richard and I have been together. I think that preconception, from even very liberal, educated friends, that being gay is possibly more sex-based than emotionally based is surprising and shocking in today's world."

Ford's partner, Richard Buckley, recalls Ford's intense support and love when he was diagnosed with throat cancer in 1989. "There were people who Tom cut out of our lives because of the way they responded," he says. "My best friend and one of my mentors had died, both from AIDS, and there were a lot of people who just assumed I had AIDS, and there were some people who wouldn't come and visit me because they were sure they would catch it. I couldn't imagine being without Tom now. I couldn't imagine what I'd be like if something happened to him. There's only one Tom for me. He is still that man who I met 24 years ago."

[From Out Magazine]

Richard was 38 when they met, and Tom was 25. They moved into together after a month of dating, and they've been together ever since. It's a nice story, isn't it? I knew Tom had a long-term partner, but I didn't realize that he and Richard were still together, and that they had been together for almost 25 years. Sigh… Tom Ford isn't going to marry me, is he?



Out Magazine cover courtesy of Out. Additional pics courtesy of WENN.

Michael Douglas has beaten throat cancer, his tumor is gone!

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 07:02 AM PST

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This news made me so happy. Kaiser and I have been pretty worried about Michael Douglas after he was diagnosed with stage four throat cancer in August of last year. Douglas, 66, had a walnut-sized tumor under his tongue, and his wife Catherine Zeta-Jones was furious at doctors who took too long to discover the problem. While his outlook seemed positive, and he was hopeful about his prognosis, just the sheer progression of his cancer made it sound grim. From what I understand, Stage 4 cancer is the most serious. Douglas told Matt Lauer that his tumor is gone now, and he thinks he’s beaten cancer.


In his first television interview since undergoing treatment for throat cancer, Michael Douglas tells TODAY’s Matt Lauer that his tumor is gone and he’s got his cancer beat.

“The odds are, with the tumor gone and what I know about this particular type of cancer, that I’ve got it beat,” Douglas said during an interview that will air Tuesday on TODAY. Douglas said that he still has to undergo monthly checks to be sure the cancer is gone, but he’s already quantifying how having the disease has changed him.

“It’s put a timeline on my life,” Douglas said. “I’m 66 now. You know, I’m fortunate I’ve got a mother who’s 88. She’ll kill me. She may be 87. My father’s 94. So, you know, I feel good about those genes. But it’s definitely a third act. And so you’re a little more conscious of your time in how you choose to spend it.”

As for how he’s spending his time now, Douglas is beginning to get back to a normal life. “I’m eating like a pig … I lost about 32 pounds. And I’ve put about 12 back,” Douglas said. Now that his chemotherapy and radiation treatments are done, Douglas has few restrictions on his day-to-day activities. He’s working out at the gym, though “they want to keep the cardio down because they want me to put some more weight on.”

Douglas also says that his experience with cancer has given his life more depth. “You know, maybe it has to do because of everything life threatening. So all of a sudden the affection from my family, from my friends, and from my fans hit me at a much deeper level than I would have ever imagined before. And it gave me a really new appreciation of just how valuable, how precious good friends are and family. And it’s not that I disregarded them before but there’s a much deeper feeling. And I’ve talked to other cancer survivors about this, that — that happens, that you just really, really appreciate what’s important in life.”

Catch more of the interview on TODAY Tuesday morning and the complete interview on Sunday’s “Dateline NBC.”

[From Todayshow.com]

There’s a follow-up article on the Today Show’s website that discusses how this type of cancer can recur and needs to be carefully monitored.

Douglas also explained that his mouth is dry after his salivary ducts were closed from the effects of the chemotherapy. (They’re expected to return to normal after a year.) He said that having a dry mouth affected his sleep and that he also suffers fatigue. Other than that, he says he’s doing well and sounds cautiously optimistic. When Lauer asked him about it he called the radiation and chemotherapy “lousy” though and said “I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.”

Douglas discussed the photographs that came out of him looking gaunt during his treatment, and said they lead his loved ones to worry. He thinks that his dad, Kirk Douglas, came and visited him for a week because of those pictures. As for the paparazzi, he was very matter-of-fact and reserved about how they stalked him while he was at his weakest. “I resent the amount of imposition on our children… there was sort of a macabre enjoyment of sort of watching me go down [healthwise] by the paparazzi.”

Douglas said that facing death helped him experience love and caring from others at a level he hadn’t before. The “affection from my family, my friends and from my fans hit me at a much deeper level than I would ever have imagined before.”

Congratulations to Douglas. He fought hard and it looks like he’s triumphed. He’s now preparing for his role as Liberace and says he’s getting his “fingers ready.” I’m so happy to see him looking healthy and ready to work again.




Cameron Diaz’s red Azzaro: totally classic or totally Starlet Starter Kit?

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 06:41 AM PST


Last night was the big LA premiere of The Green Hornet. I think producers are really worried about it, and I've read some stuff that suggests the film is a total mess. Like, not even Christoph Waltz's scenery-chewing villain is enough to save it. Anyway, the premiere - everybody came out, including Cameron Diaz, who kind of eclipsed Seth Rogen (the lead). Camy was wearing this red Azzaro. I like the dress, and it's nice to see Camy in red - the color looks great on her. The dress is pretty, but the whole effect is rather "meh". I don't know… at this point, I expect more from Camy. She's got great fashion sense generally, and this dress seems very "Starlet Starter Kit". Also, there's this:



What's going on with Camy's face? Am I the only one who sees that? I'm at a loss for how to even describe what's happening here. Is it "jacked"? Is it "aging"? I don't think whatever is happening is "natural" but maybe I'm wrong.

Here's Seth Rogen and his fiancée Lauren Miller… uh, is she pregnant? That's the only reason for this dress.


And Jay Chou. Since I know some of you are hot for him.


Photos courtesy of Fame.

Natalie Portman’s goal for the decade: “To be in a happy relationship, with children”

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 06:22 AM PST


Natalie Portman is the cover girl for the February issue of InStyle Magazine (see cover here). The interview is kind of meh, because Natalie likely did it before she announced her engagement and her pregnancy, so she's talking around specifics. But she sounds really nice and wholesome here:

Has Natalie Portman let slip the reasons she fell for her fiancé and Black Swan costar, Benjamin Millepied? While she hasn’t spoken directly about their relationship, she does reveal in a new interview what she wants in a mate.

“I look for all the same things I would in a friend,” she says in the February issue of InStyle. “Obviously, you need the sexual attraction too, so it’s like your best friend who you are also really attracted to.”

Portman, 29, also confesses to an adventurous streak. Asked what she’d do if she could be anonymous for one day, she has a surprising answer: “I would make out in the park!”

“That’s the thing I would most enjoy doing in New York, and it’s something I’ll never do,” she adds. “I’d also have loud, public conversations with my friends about personal things. Even if no one is paying attention – and most of the time, no one cares – you never know who is at the next table.”

She also cringes at the “super-awkward” solo sex scene she did for Black Swan, saying, “anyone who tells you otherwise is not being honest … or they’re a little off!”

As for what’s on her to-do-list for the next 10 years, the actress – who also stars in the upcoming romantic comedy No Strings Attached, with Ashton Kutcher – says she wants to be “in a happy relationship, with children.”

It seems that Portman, who is pregnant with her first child, is on her way to achieving that goal.

[From People]

Even though I've been questioning Natalie's choices, I honestly do hope that she and Benjamin Millepied are happy together and that this whole thing doesn't end up being a catastrophe. Even though he's begun to strike me as rather douchey, maybe they fit together perfectly…?


Photos courtesy of WENN and Fame.

Ashton Kutcher thinks girls should be taught about orgasms in sex ed class

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 06:04 AM PST


Kaiser pointed me to this very bizarre rambling speech that Ashton Kutcher made while on the press junket for yet another P.O.S romcom he’s promoting. Somehow he got Natalie Portman to star with him in this mess, but that’s only going to drag Portman down during awards season. Anyway the movie is about f*ck buddies who probably end up falling in love (that’s not a spoiler if you’ve ever seen a romcom). Somehow Ashton started talking about the female orgasm and how girls should be taught in sex ed that it’s ok to get theirs. Honestly, I don’t know what to say about that. In theory it sounds ok, but how would that work in practice exactly, and how many parents would be outraged that their kids are being told sex is fun? (As if they hadn’t already figured that out.) Here’s what he said. Ashton started by discussing sex trafficking, as he and Demi have been trying to bring awareness to it, and then made an awkward transition into a discourse on the female orgasm:

"I think there's so much that's not said about sex in our country, even from an educational level. I do a lot of work on human trafficking, and I connect a lot with girls that end up in this trade, if you will. Partially because of a lack of education about sex in the country. Sometimes we get to make films that open things up that people can talk about, and one of the interesting things — I don't want to veer off on a weird human trafficking thing, but — is that, especially for women in the sex education process in schools, the one thing they teach about is how to get pregnant or how to not get pregnant, but they don't really talk about sex as a point of pleasure for women. The male orgasm is actually right there and readily available to learn about because it's actually part of the reproductive cycle, but the female orgasm isn't really talked about in the education system. Part of that creates a place where women aren't empowered around their own sexuality and their own sexual selves, and from a purely entertainment point of view, to create a movie with a female lead that's empowered with her own sexuality is a powerful thing. And if we can give teenage people something to think about from a sex perspective, I would say it would be to open a conversation where women are empowered with their own sexual experiences from an educational level as well as an entertainment level

[From Movieline]

To quote Kaiser: “What the hell?” Sure women should feel empowered about their sexuality, but it’s hard to see how that could be tied in to sex ed without stirring up a whole pot of sh*t. There’s already enough controversy over teaching kids the basics. And how does human trafficking tie into that at all? The more I hear from Ashton, the more unhinged he sounds. He told Men’s Fitness recently that he works out in order to be fit enough to save his family from Armageddon. And I suspect he’s discussed his very out-there theories with his co-star, Natalie Portman, because she made a joking reference to the end of the world in a recent interview with Access Hollywood. (Link leads to video.) The King of Twitter is a bit demented, and thanks to some sh*t movies he has a national platform for his wild ideas.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

Vanilla Ice: I broke up with Madonna after she put out ’slutty’ Sex book

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 05:57 AM PST

material girl colletion 2 220910
The last time I saw Vanilla Ice was on the second season of that “Surreal Life” reality show on VH1. Ice was super defensive about his former career as a punchline one hit wonder, but he seemed to come to peace with it during a karaoke session when he drove the crowd wild rapping “Ice Ice Baby.” You could tell that the guy was angry that he wasn’t famous anymore, and that he would forever be associated with his douchebag persona. He’s since launched a much less successful music career that’s more of an eclectic mix of rock and hip hop, and has a reality show on the DIY network in which he renovates a house room by room. Sounds fascinating. He is also on “Dancing on Ice” in England this season, which probably explains why he’s doing this interview.

Anyway Ice must want to earn some coverage because he’s bringing up his relationship with Madonna nearly 20 years ago. He told News of the World [via Huffington Post] that Madonna was a great lover, but that he broke up with her after she put out that “Sex” book in 1992, which he called “slutty.”

Ice Ice Baby! Back in 1990, Madonna dated then-star rapper Vanilla Ice, and he recently opened up about the relationship, calling the pop queen, “a great lover.”

“She was older than me and a great lover,” Vanilla Ice (real name Robert Van Winkle) told the British tabloid News Of The World (via IMDB). But the eight month relationship came to a halt after the publishing of her coffee table book, ‘Sex,’ for which he posed.

“But I broke up with her after she printed that book because I was hurt to be an unwitting part of this slutty package,” Van Winkle revealed. “It was disgusting and cheap. We were in a relationship yet it looked like she was screwing all these other people.”

[From Huffington Post]

Here’s a link to a picture of Vanilla Ice and Madonna from Sex that is NSFW. (Boobies)

I remember when that Sex book came out. I’m so dating myself - but it was when I was in college and my friend Liz had the book. Back then it was pretty sensational, and Madonna was seen as this provocative ground breaker. Now we’re like “whatever, it’s been done,” but Madonna was one of the first ones to do it. We see her now as desperately clutching to her youth, but in 1992 she was young-ish at 34. She was still 10 years older older than Ice, who was probably just one of her many lovers. He said in 1994 that “she’s got a great body for her age.” When asked back then if Madonna was a “sexual animal,” he said “Nah, she’s like every normal girl, man. She’s very sexy, she’s hot, she’s romantic.” Ice’s story has changed in 16 years. Madonna is still dating guys in their early 20s though.

Vanilla Ice is shown on 10/29/10. Madonna is shown on 9/22/10 and 11/29/10. Credit: WENN.com




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