Thursday, January 13, 2011



Scarlett Johansson & Justin Timberlake are probably boning (again)

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 08:45 AM PST


Scarlett Johansson and Justin Timberlake have circled around each other before. Back in the beginning of 2007, there was a lot of gossip that JT has cheated on Cameron Diaz with ScarJo, and that he basically was trying to make Scar his jumpoff. Some other stuff went down, and Justin ended up with Jessica Biel - my personal theory was that Scar was fine with some JT hookups, but that she had no interest in being his girlfriend. Because that's the way Scar used to roll - she really didn't give a f-ck. Anyway, now that Scarlett is single again, and now that it's well known that Jessica Biel allows Justin to do whatever and whoever he wants, guess who is rumored to be hittin' it?

Sexpot SCARLETT JOHANSSON's crying on the shoulder of former on-again, off-again hunka-hunka JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE about her failed marriage to RYAN REYNOLDS – and that's making TimberSnake's still ring-less girlfriend JESSICA BIEL CRAZY because she fears Scarlett might try to get Mr. SexyBack BACK!

Said a source: "Scarlett was hot and heavy with Justin right before falling for Ryan, and now that Scarlett and Ryan are divorcing, Jessica is terrified the former lovers will pick up right where they left off. After all, he dated Jessica and Scarlett simultaneously at one point. Jessica's always looked the other way and given Justin his space when he needed it. They'd be apart for a while, then get back together. But now she's worried that's all going to change with newly single Scarlett back in the picture." Stay tuned.

[From The National Enquirer]

Yeah… I don't think Biel has anything to worry about. Not that Biel shouldn't be concerned that Justin seems to be trying to line up a potential jumpoff - Mila Kunis, anyone? But Biel shouldn't worry about Scarlett specifically - Scar isn't interested in dating Justin. She never was, and she probably never will be. But they probably are hittin' it. Oh, and Gossip Cop got a denial from "a source close to Timberlake". Did he even bother to deny all of that stuff with Olivia Munn and Mila Kunis? Hm…

I just love that there is video evidence of JT and Scarlett:




Kate Middleton is going to take “years” to get involved with charity

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 08:09 AM PST


Some of you wish I gave Kate Middleton more of a break. You think she's lovely and that she'll make a great Princess of Wales, and one day, a great queen. You think she's a perfectly fine choice for Prince William, and that he's lucky to have her. I disagree. I've tried to give Kate a break at various times, but on the whole, I think this girl is AT BEST lazy, entitled, boring and vapid. At worst… well, I'm not even going to get into it. Anyway, People Magazine has an interesting piece about how Kate Middleton won't be bothered to do any charity work for months or even years, probably. This likely plays into the whole "they aren't going to have servants" thing - because Prince William is so narcissistic and deathly afraid that Kate will overshadow him like Diana overshadowed Charles, and William doesn't want Kate to have even a press secretary to help her with her royal obligations.

When she becomes Princess Catherine, Kate Middleton will be a sought-after figurehead for many worthy causes. The palace reveals that they have already started receiving bids for Kate to join charities as a patron and help put them on the map. But the organizations are going to have to wait.

It will take “months or even years,” for her to gradually build up her set of patronages, says a palace source. Prince William has similarly added a number of charities – from those that deal with homelessness to others that support injured servicemen and women – to his roster over the years.

“Inevitably we have had approaches, but we are not making decisions before the wedding,” says a palace spokesman. “Catherine wants time, once she is a member of the Royal Family, to come to a decision about what she wants to do. She wants to decide what her own interests are and develop those over time.”

It is likely that Kate, who turned 29 on Sunday, will join William, 28, at some public engagements before her April 29 wedding in order to continue to learn the ropes from the inside, alongside her fiancé. This will enable her to see what expected of her in her public role, and also gauge what causes she wants to get behind.

“Her thinking is that she wants to commit,” adds the source. “She wants to do something that she is genuinely passionate about.”

[From People]

It probably means that Kate is going to get pregnant right away - and if she doesn't get knocked up, then what the hell is she going to do all day? She won't deign to have a job, she won't deign to involve herself in charity work, and William won't allow her to have any staff. I realize William is not eager to repeat the mistakes of his mother and his father, but this is just stupid. Kate is 29 years old, and she's had her eye on this prize for nine years. And she really doesn't have a list of charities that she'd like to work with right away? Then what has she been doing? Oh, right. Her full-time job was trying to land William, and after that exhaustion, they just go on 11 holidays a year. Because they're so "normal".

By the way, Diana's charitable work began right away, she had her own staff right away, and at one point, she was involved with more than 200 charities. TWO HUNDRED.





Photos courtesy of WENN.

Gwyneth Paltrow name-drops her very dear friend, her “favorite” fishmonger

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 07:36 AM PST


This week's Goop newsletter is a classic! Gwyneth Paltrow is so stuck up her own ass, it's not even funny, and CB and I have been emailing back and forth about our favorite part - Gwyneth Paltrow name-dropping her very best dear friend, her personal FISHMONGER. I mean… you really can't make this up. Anyway, after last week's Goop newsletter about how she was constipated (yet again), this week's piece is done as a "Day In The Life Of The Goop". Goopy writes down everything she did on the day of November 4th. It's EPIC. The full piece is here, but I edited the whole thing here to make it more readable:

When I got downstairs this morning at the crack of whenever, the coffee machine said "ERROR 8" and wouldn't let me make the cup I had been dreaming about. This begs the question: is it odd to dream yourself to sleep thinking about the next morning's coffee? Not a good beginning.

Got Apple all fed and dressed in her uniform and ready to go but no sign nor sight of Moses at 8 am and we have to be out of the house by 8:20. I went up to arouse the little man from slumber and he quite happily got up and crawled into my arms.

We got downstairs and I made him a quick breakfast of eggs and toast followed by a spoonful of lemon flavored flax oil that I try to remember to give them both every morning. Getting everyone into the car on time was a challenge; we're going through a phase where no one seems to be responding to me ("Time to put on your shoes" … No response.)

It is the school Christmas toy drive deadline today so before jumping into the car, we pack up and finish decorating the shoe boxes with toys, toothbrushes, hats, scarves, books, etc, for the school Christmas toy drive. Once the kids really understand that the toys go to children around the world who will not be as fortunate as they are this year, they very sweetly take trips to the playroom adding their own toys and books to the boxes.

Somehow managed to get to school just as the old-fashioned bell rang. Moses was a bit teary today so I hung around and watched him through the window. Periodically he would check to make sure I was still there.

When all was well I dodged off as fast as possible but was still late to the 9 am workout. Did dance aerobics for 45 minutes then all of the butt lifts and the like. Rushed upstairs to have a shower, doing my post workout stretch while the conditioner was doing its magic on my hair to combine activities/save time. Dressed quickly and rushed downstairs.

On a less manic day, this would be my couple of hours in the office to work on GOOP, come up with ideas, write/edit and go over scheduling, travel, whatever else I have going but I have no time so I just pop the old cabeza in to see if there are any deadlines or fires that need putting out. When I am given the all clear I rush out the door, headed to rehearse with a band to prepare for the Country Music Awards which are just a week away. I've never performed live before so I'm preparing for this as if it were the Superbowl, which, in it's own way, it is. I've been having voice lessons with my teacher, Carrie Grant, every day and rehearsing with an amazing London-based band. This will be my fourth and shortest rehearsal of the week, as the day is so full, but I am excited to get in there and see everyone. Had to do my vocal exercises/warmups in the car, sooo not a good look. Fellow drivers looked on a bit bewildered.

Rehearsed with the band from 11:30 to 12:30 and then scooted back out to the car and had kind of a big interview on the phone while trying to subtly check/reply to well-overdue email. Got home and had a fitting with super stylist Elizabeth Saltzman for the upcoming Nashville trip (what to wear, what to wear?) from 1-2. This is my 4th out of 5 fittings for this trip. We tried on a myriad of dresses and outfits, and I had b.o. by the end of it from wrestling with all of those dresses. I have six looks I need to choose for the trip; there's the radio press conference upon arrival, the red carpet for the Country Strong premier, press interviews, a Sony Music VIP dinner, the red carpet for the CMA's and the outfit for my performance!

Thursday is the one day of the week that I do not pick my kids up after school. They go straight to an activity and I am able to really maximize work stuff. I always feel a bit guilty (obviously) about it, but it means I can focus fully on them when they get home instead of trying to do two things at once.

At 4pm, my weekly owners’ and managers’ call takes place for the Tracy Anderson Method with our brilliant CEO Stephanie Stahl taking the lead. I basically listen and try to learn. Kiddies burst through the door and play in my office while I finish up, just drawing and hanging out and of course playing Plants vs Zombies on the iPad, their obsession that I have to limit like crazy! What up, gamers.

Then downstairs to make cupcakes for tomorrow's bake sale. It is 'Bonfire night' in the UK tomorrow and the bake sale is to celebrate and to raise money for charity. We decide on vanilla cupcakes with pink icing and green icing (from Tate's Bakeshop cookbook with the icing from American Desserts cookbook). At 6:30 pm we all get in the bath and it's hair washing night for the kids (every other night—never popular). Then back downstairs to check on cupcakes and have a visit from an auntie and uncle. The kids indulge in a super sugary cupcake before bed but I don't feel too bad because they had a brown rice stir fry for dinner with baked sweet potato on the side. It's all about balance! My night to lay with Mosey so I tuck Apple in, say a prayer and go into Mosey’s room for a story, foot massage and quiet time. As soon as all was quiet, I rushed downstairs to grab a blazer and some blush and flung myself in the car for girls night. Lovely dinner and great conversation. 11:29 pm now, exhausted and ready to do it all again tomorrow!

Gwyneth's time saving tips:

1. Schedule your time well. When I know what I am doing from hour to hour I get more done. Write it all in the day's calendar, what you want to accomplish and in what time frame.

2. Focus on the task at hand. Be thorough.

3. I cook a lot, especially on the weekends, so I like to plan a rough menu for the whole weekend and get the food in on Friday. Obviously stores and websites that deliver make this a dream. In London I use Ocado. Also James Knight, my favorite fishmonger, will deliver. Having all of the ingredients means I’m prepared even when I don’t think I am.

4. I always lay the kids uniforms and school things out the night before once they are asleep. When it's quiet I can check the “kid list” for show and tell items to bring in, consent forms, ballet kit, etc, so that the morning is less of a scramble.

5. The school run is a great time to return calls (in whichever direction that the kids are not in the car) so don’t forget your hands-free device.

[From Goop]

A few points. "James Knight, my favorite fishmonger" is CLASSIC GWYNETH. Of course she has a FAVORITE fishmonger. She knows so many fishmongers, and she has to be choosy and elitist and pick a FAVORITE. Also: "On a less manic day, this would be my couple of hours in the office to work on GOOP" - she has an office. Where she works on Goop. Like it's a real job. Like it's a career choice. “What do you want to do when you grow up, Timmy?” “I want to work at GOOP!”

But I will give her some credit, she sounds like a great, super-involved mom. Kudos to her for that. It wouldn't be possible without her FAVORITE fishmonger, though.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

Michael Douglas’ 10 yo son read a tabloid article on how his dad had months to live

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 07:21 AM PST

I know we just talked about Michael Douglas winning his cancer battle, but I wanted to cover another story on the guy because I’m just so impressed by what a class act he is. We’ve heard Douglas talk about how was hounded by paparazzi while he was gaunt and frail from chemo, and he didn’t sound angry or bitter about it, as he very understandably could have been, but simply told Matt Lauer that it was clear the stalkerazzi were getting a kick out of his illness. He said “I resent the amount of imposition on our children… there was sort of a macabre enjoyment of sort of watching me go down [healthwise] by the paparazzi.” That’s it! Very matter-of-fact, no blaming or editorial comments on how terrible that is, he lets us fill in the blanks and it’s obvious that the people who did this to him were not good people.

In a recent interview with Mary Hart on Entertainment Tonight, Mary asked him if any of his family members saw those tabloid covers that all-but pronounced him dead. Star Magazine is the offender here, and they’re running a related cover this week on Douglas. (Photo below.) Douglas said they have, particularly his ten year-old son, who thumbed through a tabloid at a drugstore and asked him about it.

Unfortunately one time my ten year-old son was at the drugstore and happened to be thumbing through and saw a story…. about my changing the will and about my life expectancy.

[From video on ET Online]

That’s it! Maybe ET edited it to take out additional comments he made on it, but he’s letting the story speak for itself and it really does. This guy is a survivor and it looks like he’s beaten cancer. He told Mary Hart that he never thought about dropping out of cancer treatment because “There’s no reason to begin it, unless you’re going to complete it.”

Tabloid covers via Cover Awards

Latest Star Cover:

From Early October:

Rihanna’s bangs trauma scored a cover of Vogue

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 07:04 AM PST


These are photos of Rihanna out and about in LA last night, showing off her new haircut. Unfortunately, her hair is still this gross shade of Kool-Aid red-pink, but now Rihanna has "improved" the look with some bangs. Are the bangs cute, or are they the very definition of bangs trauma? I'm torn. I generally consider all bangs "bangs trauma" but I don't really hate Rihanna's bangs. What is happening to me?

Also… guess who's going to be on the cover of American Vogue? No, not Victoria Beckham. Haha, she's never getting a cover. Rihanna got a cover! The hell? Since when is being more try-hard than Lady Gaga "high fashion" enough for Vogue? Oh, right. Anna Wintour is an idiot. That's how. Rihanna tweeted yesterday: "Just wrapped my first American Vogue cover shoot with Annie Leibovitz…Rah!" Ugh.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

Piers Morgan says “boring, annoying” Madonna is banned from his show

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 07:01 AM PST

Piers Morgan has a new show on CNN in which he’s taking over for finally retired Larry King. The show premieres on January 17th. Morgan told ET’s Billy Bush that Madonna is banned from appearing on his show and that she’d have to kiss his ass to ever come on. He was initially vague when Bush asked him what Madonna had done to offend him, simply saying “she knows what she’s done,” but then elaborated to include an itemized list of the long history of wrongs Madonna has committed against him, the worst of which was lying about her pregnancy when he was the editor of the Daily Mirror and offering his competitor the exclusive story.

The way she could come back is to literally get on bended knee… somewhere like Times Square on national television and beg me for forgiveness.

There was a breadroll throwing incident in the mid 90s. There was an incident at a hotel in the South of France at the Cannes film festival involving a photographer and a bodyguard. An incident involving a pub owned by her recently departed husband Guy Ritchie where my brother was the manager. You know the worse thing Madonna did to me? Madonna’s publicist once said to me ‘Listen to me, Madonna is not pregnant’ when I was running a newspaper. I said ‘are you sure?…’

Next day, they announced it on the rival newspaper’s website.

[From video on Access Hollywood]

I don’t know much about Morgan but the interview really endeared me to him. The guy is awesome and I love that he holds grudges and will tell you about them! He also calls Madonna “boring and annoying” according to Bush.

Morgan’s first guest will be the allmighty Oprah. He doesn’t need Madonna or anyone else who pissed him off, and I would suspect that there are quite a few other people.

I guess this is Piers Morgan’s wife, Celia. Damn!




Rachel McAdams’ green smocked dress in Madrid: tacky, cheap or cute?

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 06:44 AM PST


Here are some fresh photos of Rachel McAdams and Harrison Ford at the Madrid photo call for Morning Glory. Rachel decided to wear this odd, smocked green summer dress for the occasion. Much like her "cocktail dress" at the London premiere a few days ago, I find this inappropriate for winter months, even if it is unseasonably warm in Madrid (is it?). Beyond the "you're wearing a smocked cotton summer dress in January" issue, there is also an issue of… cheapness. This looks like it came from Target. The discount rack at Target. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing something from Target, you know this dress probably costs hundreds of dollars. And that's the problem. A $500 cotton, smocked, designer summer dress that looks like it came from a Target discount rack. Ugh. She really needs a new stylist.


Here's Harrison Ford… I know some of you think he looks ancient, but I think he's been looking really great on this press tour.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt’s bulldog attacked Johnny Depp

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 06:15 AM PST


This completely random report comes from The Sun, and even though they're directly attributing these quotes to Johnny Depp, I have very really doubts that Johnny said anything like this. Okay, apparently Johnny was put in charge of the Jolie-Pitt's bulldog for one night. Their bulldog is named Jacques. There's a photo of him as a puppy in Angelina's 2008 W Magazine spread, but I'm having a hell of a time finding that one photo. Thankfully, we have some adorable photos of Jacques with Shiloh from a few months ago:


Anyway, Jacques is apparently some kind of holy terror? And when Johnny tried to puppy-sit him, Jacques attacked Johnny, but not really. He's just a little bulldog for goodness sake!

WHEN BRAD PITT and ANGELINA JOLIE need someone to look after their dog, who do they call? JOHNNY DEPP. I’d love to have seen Brad thumbing through his contacts when the eureka moment came.

The actor kindly offered to dogsit stinky pet pooch Jacques so his pals could go for a romantic dinner during filming of Johnny and Ange’s latest movie The Tourist. But as soon as they were alone, the 12½st beast attacked. And that dogsitting arrangement might now be a thing of the past.

Johnny revealed: “Foolishly I was persuaded to look after Jacques for a night. He’s a huge bulldog. At first I had a terrible feeling, because Jacques smelt horrible. But then I told myself, ‘Come on, you will survive one night’. Everything was cool - until I sat down on the bed to take my shoes off. Jacques pounced on me from behind and kept jumping around on me. He’s not small. Around 175lbs of dog was hurled at me, which felt like about 300lbs. I shouted for help and luckily someone came to take that beast off me.”

Luckily for Johnny, he only did hound duty once.

He said: “We often went for dinner with them. It was great. I’ve known Brad since the end of the Eighties. It was great to see him as a man and amazing father.”

And on odd occasions the adults left the kids and Jacques indoors while Johnny, stunning wife VANESSA PARADIS and Brad and Ange hit the town together.

Most blokes would give their right arm to be in that company but Johnny wasn’t too chuffed.

He added: “Angie is a stunner, so is Vanessa. And Brad of course. When we all sat together I was the only ugly one. I’m not the spick-and-span kind of guy. To be honest, I don’t like cutting my hair or trimming my beard.”

[From The Sun]

He's not 175 pounds of dog! Okay, maybe 150 pounds. In these photos, he looks like a typical chubby bulldog. I bet he's a sweetheart. And I bet he was just trying to be friends with Johnny, who must smell like a dog too.

UPDATE: Oh, Johnny told this story on Letterman? My bad. Carry on.





Photos courtesy of WENN.

Snooki plans another book, slipper line, clothing line, jewelry, acting (update)

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 05:59 AM PST

In case you thought we’d get a break from the orange alcoholic with the big hair, Snooki has enough licensing and merchandising deals in the works to rival the Kardashians. Snooki told CNN that she has a lot of irons in the fire, and she said that she’d love to act on television, like on The Office, and that she would like to do Dancing With The Stars. She also said she wouldn’t have plastic surgery because she’s afraid of needles (yeah, right) and that she’ll go back to school once she’s no longer able to make a living out of annoying people.

CNN: If you could have a romance with any Hollywood A-Lister, who would it be?

Polizzi: Paul Walker or Vin Diesel.

CNN: Are you interested in an acting career?

Polizzi: Oh yeah! I do a lot of stuff on “Jimmy Kimmel.” I like that! If I could get a spot on “The Office” or something like that, I would love to do that!

CNN: So then do you plan to complete your vet tech degree?

Polizzi: I definitely would love to. I mean, if this all fails and, like, dies, I still have that backup plan where I’d love to go back to school and get my license.

CNN: Would you ever do “Dancing With the Stars” or a “Real Housewives”-type show?

Polizzi: Possibly in the future. I’m down for anything.

CNN: Would you ever consider plastic surgery?

Polizzi: No. I’m scared of needles. I can’t even! I’m scared of anesthesia because I’m scared, like, you know those stories where they feel everything when they’re under? I feel like that would happen to me. So I’m not even gonna take that chance.

CNN: Any plans to write another book?

Polizzi: Yes, I actually have a couple more ideas of books that I wanna do. If this book does well hopefully I can do a sequel.

CNN: What about writing a non-fiction book?

Polizzi: Right! Like a guide to how to be Guidette - something like that.

CNN: What’s up next for the Snooki brand?

Polizzi: I just launched my jewelry line. We have a new piece for Valentine’s Day. I also have my slipper line and I’m working on my clothing line right now.

[From CNN]

In case you’re not familiar with Snooki’s book, head over to this story to see a long sample. I had a headache just typing that crap in, and the writing and plot were truly terrible. If you want some laughs, check out the reviews of Snooki’s book on My favorite is this one, by an Army officer who lives in Georgia:

I still pine for the day when Wicket W. Warrick releases his memoirs of the Battle of Endor, but until then, we’ll just have to settle for this excellent translation. It’s one of the cleanest in the English language, where the grunts and vernacular of the vertically challenged and girth enhanced Ewok Snooki come across in all their simplicity. Though demonstrating a remarkable paucity of thought, we’re endeared of this member of the species, and look forward to more as she gains her voice and hopefully develops a slightly higher IQ. Kudos to her translator, but it’s unfortunate that the editor had such a dull source. It’s entertaining, momentarily, to have exposure to the Ewok’s earth culture of drinking, whoring, and tanning, but that wears out quickly and we’re left with a book that is the 2011 version of Jessica Simpson’s wedding planning guide.

[From suaspontemark on Amazon]

That’s so clever, that dude needs a blog. Anyway getting back to “Snooki,” she recently told the NY Daily News that she’s getting sick of her moniker and wants to be called by her real name, Nicole, now that she’s an author! Meanwhile she’s cashing in on the Snooki name by putting out slippers, jewelery, etc. What’s next for her - an exercise video, a perfume, a line of self tanners? She should go back to just being Nicole and go somewhere far away.

Update: here’s a link to a video of Snooki falling on her face drunk on Jersey Shore, thanks to Entertainment Tonight.

Photos are from 1/10/11. Credit: Mr. Blue/ I guess she was on Letterman. Look at that bitch face, she is so hung over.







Camille Grammer implies Kelsey cross dresses; Nick denies affair

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 05:50 AM PST

Last month we heard that Camille Grammer was in possession of an over ten year-old sex tape she made with her very recent ex, Kelsey Grammer, that featured Kelsey talking in a baby voice, calling Camille “mommy” and asking her spank him. That story was reported by Star Magazine (and later denied by Camille), and Star included the juicy detail that a former lover of Kelsey’s, a porn star named Tiffany Storm, claimed in an interview that he liked to have sex while dressed up as a woman, in a wig and full makeup. Here’s what Star reported:

Nine years ago, porn star Tiffany Storm, who dated Kelsey, 55, in 1996, claimed in an interview that he loved to have sex while dressed as a woman, in pantyhose, a spandex G-string, full makeup and a long auburn wig.

[From Star Magazine, print edition, December 20, 2010]

We also heard a blind item last year that may have been about Kelsey. (The detail about the Academy Award doesn’t fit, but it sounds like Kelsey.)

Anyway Camille was on the Howard Stern Show and she heavily implied that Kelsey enjoys dressing as a woman. She denied that Kelsey is gay when Howard asked about it, simply saying “There’s another reason” why La Cage Aux Folles was the right play for Kelsey. She refused to elaborate, though. The Huffington Post has a good compilation of this story from Radar and TMZ. Apparently Camille has been spreading this all over town.


She didn’t quite say it, but she didn’t need to: Camille Grammer strongly implied to Howard Stern that ex-husband Kelsey is a cross-dresser.

Having told Stern that Kelsey was excited to get a role in cross-dressing Broadway show La Cage aux Folles, Howard asked (via RadarOnline), “But you’re saying you do think he’s gay, that when he got into La Cage aux Folles, he was in the right play…”

No, she said, it was something else. When Stern’s sidekick, Robin Quivers, asked if Kelsey liked to dress like a woman, Grammer was less than demure.

“I’m not saying it…” Grammer said before laughing — though she seemed completely serious. Later, she implied that Kelsey wore her panties. Then, she seemed to faux-recant, afraid of a lawsuit.

TMZ adds to the story, saying that sources tell them that Camille had made similar remarks to her former ‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ co-stars. They also reached out to Stanley Rosenfield, a representative for Kelsey Grammer, who said,”While it is not clear why Camille Grammer continues making public statements about her marriage to Kelsey, it is crystal clear that Kelsey will continue not responding, regardless of content.”

[From The Huffington Post, sourced to TMZ and Radar]

This is Kelsey’s business, he’s not hurting anyone with his fetish, and shame on Camille for outing him. Kelsey may have cheated on her, but he’s still the father of her children and they’re going to read this about him someday.

Meanwhile that dude that everyone assumes Camille is sleeping with, Nick, was interviewed along with this wife on E! Online. I thought his wife was the paid companion who does Camille’s makeup, but that’s a woman named D.D. and Nick’s wife is Tricia. (She kind of looks like D.D.) Anyway Nick denied an affair with Camille and simply said “I would never disrespect my marriage or hers.” He said he’s been friends with Camille and Kelsey for over 10 years and that they have kids around the same ages as the Grammers. He also let us know Camille’s strategy on Real Housewives - she’s going to try to appear more likable and show a different side to the public. I guess that means she’s not going away anytime soon. As for how Camille ended up looking like such a nasty bitch on the show (my words), Nick essentially said that the videos were edited so that things were taken out of context.

Here’s Nick and Tricia’s interview:

Kelsey is shown with Douglas Hodge, his ‘La Cage aux Folles’ costar on 11/4/10. He’s also shown on 9/10 and 11/22. Credit: Camille Grammer is shown on 11/10.





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