Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Nicole's Kiddies Are Getting So Big!

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 12:40 PM PST


The rain can't stop their fun!

Nicole Richie took Harlow and Sparrow to an indoor playground in El Lay on Monday.

And we can't believe how old they are already! Too presh.

[Image via Fame Pictures.]

Josh Groban Sings Kanye's Tweets!!

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 12:30 PM PST

So much LOLs in this clip!

For a segment on the Jimmy Kimmel Live, Josh Groban recorded songs using lyrics from Kanye West's Twitter.

As if Kanye's tweets aren't hilarious enough, add music behind them and it becomes the funniest thing EVER.

P.S. CLICK HERE to "follow" Perez on Twitter!

P.P.S. CLICK HERE to "like" us on Facebook!

Check it out (above).

Princess Lea Wants To Sing With You, SuBo

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 12:20 PM PST


Hey, yeah! Wasn't there talk about having Susan Boyle be the lunch lady at McKinely High? What happen to that, Ryan Murphy?

He better have an answer, because his star diva, Lea Michele, is looking to throw down a duet with her!

In a recent interview, Princess Lea was asked if she's excited about the speculation that SuBo could be on the show and Lea seemed more than pleased with the idea. She said:

"Oh my God, I have no idea! It would be so incredible to sing with her. She had a hidden talent which was then discovered, which is what happened to so many of us from Glee. Look at Amber Riley and Chris Colfer - they're incredible and thanks to Glee the world gets to see them.

And we can't wait to see them (and you and possibly SuBo) when the show returns in February!

We'll keep our fingers crossed for that duet for ya, girl!

[Image via WENN.]

Facebook Being Used To Smuggle Drugs?!

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 12:10 PM PST


Wow. This is really serious.

Most would agree that Facebook, at its best, is a networking resource, and at its worst, a way to successfully waste time, but now it appears that international drug rings are using it as a way to communicate with their couriers during smuggling operations!

Luvman Allison has been indicted by federal prosecutors in Brooklyn after he allegedly used Facebook to arrange the delivery of more than kilo of heroin through JFK Airport!

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent James Holt revealed that Allison "explicitly discussed the methods he uses to covertly transport narcotics."

Meanwhile, officials in Malaysia have claimed that the social-networking site is also being used by international drug syndicates to recruit women as drug mules!

Just awful!

We sincerely hope that precautions can be put into place to ensure that this sort of thing stops, and immediately!


Listen To This: Our New Obsession!

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 12:00 PM PST

It's hard to describe the music of Mr. Little Jeans. That's a good thing!

Homegirl is doing her own thing!

That's right, Mr. Little Jeans is not a dude. She's a lady. And a very talented one!

From Norway, this new obsession of ours is making what can best be decsribed as "indie pop".

Check out her song Demolition below.

Instantly catchy!

Those drums are EVERYTHING!

Then CLICK HERE to listen to more music from Mr. Little Jeans.

You won't regret it!

John Travolta Allegedly Runs Out On Wife & Newborn To Party With The Boys!

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 11:50 AM PST


Now that doesn't sound like him at all! We're skeptical about this.

The National Enquirer is reporting that John Travolta abandoned his family just before Christmas last week to fly to Vermont with some "pals."

Friends of the couple told the Enquirer that John's marriage to Kelly Preston has been rocky for a long time, but she had hoped that the birth of their miracle baby, Benjamin, would get their marriage "back on track." Sadly, that doesn't seem to be the case, as John allegedly has more interest in hanging out with his "buddies" than his family.

John's continued absence has apparently become "harder" for Kelly to "accept" and thus, she allegedly called him out on his issues before he left for his boy's trip. A source explains:

"Just before he left her and the baby for his three-day party in the mountains of Vermont, she stopped him and told him she couldn't stand him leaving just after she brought home their newborn. She said she felt abandoned with him running off right before Christmas. John's temper flared, and he insisted that the trip was something he needed to do. Kelly told him she was tired of him always leaving, and he angrily told her, 'That's the way it is' and left in a huff."

Huh. This just seems so odd! He seemed like such a proud papa. Why would he desert his family for a trip to a ski lodge? What is it about these "friends" that makes them more important than his wife and newborn son?

Like we said, we remain skeptical, but we just hate the thought that Kelly may have spent the holidays alone. Hasn't she suffered enough?

[Image via WENN.]

Ouch! Girl Face Plants On Live To Dance!

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 11:40 AM PST

Geez! Look at that bump! That's got to sting!

A dancer on Paula Abdul's new show Live to Dance, probably thought her audition for the show was going to the moment of her life. Now, it's more likely to be the moment showed in every one of the promos, as she actually face planted during a leap!

And she hits the ground hard!

Poor thing! At least she remained calm and positive as her forehead stated to engorge!

Watch the video (above) to see it all go down.

The 'N Word' To Be Edited Out Of New Edition Of Huckleberry Finn

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 11:30 AM PST


This will certainly stir up some controversy.

The new edition Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn will remove all references to the "N" word and replace it with the word "slave." The word "Injun" will also be removed from the novel.

Twain expert Alan Gribben, who spearheaded the change, says his version is not a way of "neutering" the classic book, but just rather updating it. He says, "Race matters in these books. It's a matter of how you express that in the 21st century."

We're not sure if censoring the words is the best idea to teach children about classic literature and even more importantly, American history.

What do U think?

Broadway Boom! Three Shows Break Records For Highest Weekly Gross!

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 11:20 AM PST


Wow! We wonder what set this off!

Last week, three different Broadway musicals reportedly broke their respective theater's records for highest weekly gross, totaling all together a massive $34,997,571!

Wicked, which plays at the Gershwin Theatre, grossed $2,153,110, beating its prior record for the week of November 28th, 2010 and making it the record holder for largest weekly gross in Broadway history!

Meanwhile, The Lion King pulled in $1,993,370 at the Minskoff Theatre, which beat its prior record - also the week of November 28th, 2010.

Lastly, The Phantom of the Opera, which plays at the Majestic Theatre, grossed $1,390,530.53 - its highest weekly gross in 23 years!


We imagine a lot of it has to do with the holiday weekend, but we're also thrilled that so many are still interested in going to the theater!

Congratulations, guys! We hope that the money continues to come in!

Cute Baby Alert!

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 11:10 AM PST


OMG! Just adorbs.

Dannii Minogue and her baby daddy Kris Smith doted on lil' Ethan as they shopped and grabbed lunch in Melbourne on Tuesday.

Too cute.

[Image via Fame Pictures.]

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