Tuesday, January 4, 2011



Video: Paula Abdul's Brain Is A Concept

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 11:06 AM PST

We have never seen someone refute their own argument so quickly as Paula Abdul did this morning on The Early Show.

Post from: Crushable

Video: Paula Abdul's Brain Is A Concept

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 10:02 AM PST

Is Batman Leaving Gotham? – The next installment of Christopher Nolan’s gritty reboot, The Dark Knight Rises, is going to be filmed in L.A. and the United Kingdom. Hey, even super heroes need a vacation! (Blackbook)

Post from: Crushable

Textual Healing: 11 Year Olds Texting The Wrong Message

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 10:05 AM PST

textual healingText messaging is often the fastest way to communicate with friends and acquaintances, but it's not always the best one. Especially when it comes to texting with guys. Here at Crushable we aim to help you sift through all the subtext and emerge relatively unscathed – with a little help from our friend Amanda Ernst.

How old were you when you sent your first text? I’m going to guess your answer is, “About the time I got a cell phone.” And if you had gotten a cell in elementary school, as many girls today do, that’s probably when your dependence on texting as an important form of communication would have started.

But that’s not to say that girls who are 11 and texting are equipped with special texting skills. And when they get surprise texts from boys, things can go wrong pretty quickly.

These girls face the same problems as the rest of us, while also struggling with questions like, “Do I like boys?” or “Am I ready to have a boyfriend?” or even, “What does having a boyfriend mean?”

Take the example of my family friend. Her 11-year-old daughter received a text from the cutest boy in school, asking her if she wanted to be his girlfriend. Not knowing exactly what to do (and, according to her mother, probably not having any romantic feelings towards boys one way or another) she did exactly what I would have done at her age: showed a friend and asked for advice. This particular girl asked her sister to weigh in, and, knowing this boy’s impressive level of cuteness and popularity, the sister told her younger sibling she’d be stupid not to say yes.

A few weeks of hand-holding in the halls of school followed, after which the girl decided she didn’t want a boyfriend any more. But when she tried to break up, over text of course, her boyfriend pleaded, told her he loved her, and threatened to hurt himself. Our girl was scared, and shocked. And, hopefully, she learned the first lesson about texting (or any mode of digital communication, for that matter): it’s always easier to say things, even things you don’t mean, over text. Ultimately, this lovesick boy didn’t really want to hurt himself, and he didn’t really love her. But he was saying things he thought he should, and texting made it easy. Would he have said any of those things in person, or even on the phone? Probably not. Who knows if a relationship would have even commenced if he had been required to call her up — on a landline. Or, eep, ask her out in person.

When I was 11, my friends and I were obsessed with three-way calling — where one friend would call a boy and ask him what he thought of her friend while that very same girl sat silent on the other line listening in. Anyone who’s taken part in these types of calls knows the danger they present. Boys can say horrible things about girls who have crushes on them, and even friends can be caught backstabbing other supposed friends. Feelings get hurt. Friendships get ruined. Reputations destroyed. I learned pretty quickly how horrible people could be when they think no one is listening.

The same goes for emails, IMs and texts. You might feel comfortable texting something romantic, revealing or sexy to a guy, but if he showed his friends, or forwarded it along to someone else, you’d probably feel pretty hurt and maybe violated. And girls as young as 11 — and younger — are learning to watch what they text. But, will it make them more savvy texters as they grow up and start taking the dating world by storm? I certainly hope so.

What was your first experience with digital communication and boys? Did you talk on the phone, text, IM or call his beeper? Leave your experiences in the comments below, and you might see them featured in an upcoming installment of Textual Healing.

Post from: Crushable

Textual Healing: 11 Year Olds Texting The Wrong Message

Hot Shot: Ethan James

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 01:35 AM PST

We’re suckers for a good pretty boy, and Ethan James seems to have cornered the market on rail-skinny pouting babes. (Is there a market for that? Other than us, of course.) Ethan appears here in a spread for Bullett magazine, wearing some sort of post-apocalyptic feather getup that makes us wish he’d fly right over and put that pout to good use.

Hooray for pretty boys!


Post from: Crushable

Hot Shot: Ethan James

Crushable Books: Excerpts Of 'A Shore Thing' By Snooki

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 09:48 AM PST

Much ado has already been made about today’s release of A Shore Thing, the second book to be ghostwritten for a member of the Jersey Shore. Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino’s Guide To Creeping On Chicks at least made sense as a smart marketing opportunity, despite the fact that we doubt The Sitch is capable of spelling “guido.”

With A Shore Thing though, we had to ask who the intended audience for a novel written by Snooki Polizzi would be. Especially since the entire book is so uncomfortably visceral. The answer is obvious though: this book was clearly written for us.

Though there is a snowball’s chance in hell that Snooki actually wrote this thing, it is an extremely entertaining story about Gia and her friend Bella (there’s also an Edward in here, because why create names when you can just go through Twilight?) and there time on the shore. There’s sharks, gorillas, and juice-heads! There’s also a lot of talk about farting. And “crispy wangs.” In fact, the book is extremely descriptive with every bodily function, something that will doubtlessly provide entertainment to all the fans who turn in to MTV’s hit show every week for their dose of schadenfreude hard-on.

We included our favorite samples after the jump.

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Books: Excerpts Of 'A Shore Thing' By Snooki

The Five Weirdest Girls From This Season Of 'The Bachelor'

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 09:10 AM PST

There are a lot of things to annoy viewers about the new season of The Bachelor. First there’s the fact that Brad Womack was already a Bachelor, and after an entire season, he couldn’t be bothered to pick a girl to date/marry. Then there’s the fact that ABC can’t be bothered to edit the show down to an hour and expects viewers to put up with the show for two hours a night. It’s not a feature film people! That’s sort of abusive. Especially considering how slow the first episode went.

However. The producers have found a way to get back at Brad, by providing him with an especially motley crew of bachelorettes. And considering that Brad’s amazing abs (which made an appearance no fewer than six times last night) cover up a pretty bland personality, he handled the girls with awkward aplomb. A summary:

“What, you think you’re a vampire? Hott. Here’s a rose!”

What else did we learn about the strange bachelorettes this season? Click through our gallery to find out.

  • Madison The Vampire
  • Ashley The Dentist
  • Shawntel the Funeral Director
  • Ashley the Nanny
  • Raichel the Manscaper
  • Honorable Mentions

Post from: Crushable

The Five Weirdest Girls From This Season Of 'The Bachelor'

Video: Snooki Is Hamster-Adorable On Jay Leno

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 08:47 AM PST

We are very impressed with Snooki’s appearance on The Tonight Show yesterday. Even though it was obvious that Jay Leno could care a wet dick about this whole Jersey Shore thing, the ever-adorable Snooki managed to be both funny and charming. Then again, maybe we’ve set the bar so low for the Jersey Shore cast that whenever one of the manages to say an entire sentence with farting or breaking out in herpes, we start thinking they’re Dorothy Friggin’ Parker.

Still, after Snooki cracked a joke about being hamster-rolled back to New Jersey on New Years, we found ourselves wishing she was hosting the show.

Post from: Crushable

Video: Snooki Is Hamster-Adorable On Jay Leno

Why Does 5-Hour Energy Want You To Be Tired All The Time?

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 08:30 AM PST

Despite their extremely low-budget commercials, the makers of 5-Hour Energy drink are evil geniuses. Don’t believe me? Maybe you just need to get rid of that 2:30 feeling.

Of course, the new rounds of 5-Hour drink ads promote something entirely different: drinking these ’shots’ to wake up in the morning.

Wow, does that clock say 6 a.m.? So you’re supposed to give yourself five hours of energy that will take you till 11 a.m., at which time you’ll “crash.” Of course, most of us don’t get up at 6. Lets say you get up at 9 in the morning. Drinking one of these babies will have you sleepy again by 2-2:30. 5-Hour Energy is actually creating that 2:30 feeling, locking you in a bitter cycle of energy shots that can only be broken by taking a bunch of Ambien and resetting your internal clock so that 2:30 feeling is no different than that 1:30 feeling, or 5:30 feeling. Like Jerry Seinfeld told Jimmy Fallon, “Who only needs five hours of energy?”

Post from: Crushable

Why Does 5-Hour Energy Want You To Be Tired All The Time?

Video: Watch Gerard Butler Take His L'Oreal Ad Very Seriously

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 01:21 AM PST

So here’s the deal: Gerard Butler shot a L’Oreal ad and L’Oreal shot a behind-the-scenes video of Gerard. And it’s three minutes long! Interspersed with shots of Mr. Butler leaping from tall buildings and singing karaoke are interview clips where Gerard talks about what it’s like to play Mr. L’Oreal. The choice quote?

“He’s a man’s man”?

Dude, it’s a commercial for beauty products! Breaking down gender barriers, one bottle of face cream at a time.

Post from: Crushable

Video: Watch Gerard Butler Take His L'Oreal Ad Very Seriously

The Daily WTF: Michael Jackson V. Mr. T

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 10:57 AM PST

We all might revere Michael Jackson postmortem, but face it, if he had touched you in real life you’d probably be making that face too. (via)

Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: Michael Jackson V. Mr. T

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