Monday, January 3, 2011



Posted: 03 Jan 2011 10:55 AM PST

Remember When Woody Cut Off Buzz Lightyear’s Ear? - Quentin Tarantino says Toy Story 3 was his favorite film of 2010. Reminds us of this. (Tarantino’s Blog)

Post from: Crushable

NeNe Leakes' Potential Baby Daddy Wants Nothing To Do With Her

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 10:53 AM PST

tail end of 2010, there were a few rumors running around that Real Housewives of Atlanta star NeNe Leakes was pregnant. NeNe denied the rumor, and despite her interest in keeping her decisions secret until she can get paid for a magazine exclusive, we leaned toward believing her. And to add insult to injury, Charles Grant, the NFL player rumored to be her baby daddy, has informed Crushable that the imaginary baby is not his. According to his publicist Akbar Cojoe:

“Any rumors in regard to my client, Charles Grant, fathering a child with NeNe Leakes should be completely disregarded and written off as being untrue and outright imaginary.”

Ok. That’s straight and to the point. But Akbar doesn’t stop there. He would like the world to know that Charles Grant wants nothing to do with NeNe Leakes:

“The rumor is offensive and very misrepresentative of Charles' character and his unwavering respect for family. At this time, Mr. Grant is actively focused on building his career, his family life, and his personal life; which are all unrelated to Mrs. Leakes.”

So NeNe, in case you were feeling sad about starting off 2011 with divorce proceedings, be assured that Charles Grant (and Akbar Cojoe) find your connection to them offensive. Happy New Year!

Post from: Crushable

NeNe Leakes' Potential Baby Daddy Wants Nothing To Do With Her

Video: 'Turn It Up' Is Kim Kardashian Latest 'Song'

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 10:34 AM PST

Kim Kardashian, a celebrity* who is famous for being a socialite**-turned-reality show star**, dropped her latest song**** “Turn It Up” during a New Years Eve performance in Las Vegas. Lets watch!

My favorite part is how you can’t hear the vocals at all over the beats from The Dream!

*rich person

**inadvertent porn star

***national joke

****to be determined

Post from: Crushable

Video: 'Turn It Up' Is Kim Kardashian Latest 'Song'

Video: Kanye's "Monster" Featuring Real Monsters

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 10:27 AM PST

You know what Kanye West’s “Monster” video needs? Real monsters! Specifically those lovable/grumpy Sesame Street monsters. Grover’s totally got more style than Kanye, though Nicki Minaj could totally be a Sesame character. Everybody know’s she’s a monster!

Post from: Crushable

Video: Kanye's "Monster" Featuring Real Monsters

Brad Womack...Revealed!

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 10:12 AM PST

How psyched are you for the new season of The Bachelor tonight? Assuming of course, that you weren’t confused into thinking that the ABC show was just playing reruns of Season 11, since the titular hero of the show is once again Brad Womack.

So what’s the deal with the 37-year-old who defied show conventions the first time around by not picking any of the lovely ladies to be his tabloid bride?

  • He's canny
  • He's here to make friends
  • He's a changed man
  • There's gonna be tears from the get-go

Post from: Crushable

Brad Womack...Revealed!

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 10:12 AM PST

Brain Shrinkage. According to a new study, our brains are now 10% smaller than those of our Cro-Magnon ancestors. Probably because computers are making us stupid. Is it vacation again, yet? (Jezebel)

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: A Look Back At Mila Kunis And Macaulay Culkin's Relationship

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 09:51 AM PST

Mila Kunis and Macaulay Culkin quietly announced that they’ve split up after an eight-year relationship. Apparently the two actually broke up several months ago but  kept the news under wraps so as not to distract from Mila’s promotion of Black Swan. The pair of actors came of age together — they met in 2002, when Mila was still a teenager starring in That 70’s Show, and have dodged marriage rumors for years. Check out our look back at Mac and Mila’s romance.

  • At Sundance early on in the relationship.
  • A short haired Mila grabs coffee.
  • Coffee date $2.
  • How young they look.
  • Stealing a snowy kiss.
  • Babies!
  • Yankees fan.
  • At a car show in 2006.
  • A paparazzi shot.
  • Mila rocks a Rilo Kiley shirt.
  • Laughing in 2009
  • Mourning Michael Jackson in 2009.

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: A Look Back At Mila Kunis And Macaulay Culkin's Relationship

David Arquette's Weird Attempts To Get Courteney Cox Back Include Rehab

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 09:40 AM PST

Surprise! We mentioned a few days ago that David Arquette’s meltdown had achieved Oompa Loompa level. And now he’s in rehab.

If there were a scale of things that surprised us, this would rank right below the fact it is cold in January. However, David has thrown a bit of a curve ball into the works. He is apparently going to rehab in efforts to win wife Courteney Cox back. Um… good effort, but maybe a little late on that one, Dave?

According to People, David checked into a facility to deal with alcohol abuse and “other issues.” Says an unidentified source:

“He is in there for drinking and depression, not hard drugs. Rehab was inevitable. He is dealing with a broken heart. He can’t handle all the changes in his life. All his inner demons came out.”

As  David says:

“When I drink, I become a maniac.”

Really? We didn’t notice. Meanwhile, Courteney Cox is being extremely supportive of what he’s going through:

“I really admire David and his choice to take charge and better his life. I love and support him.”

Which kind of makes me think that they separated way earlier than they told the press. After 1o years of marriage, I don’t understand how anyone could be that understanding about a recent ex becoming (or just being) a complete disaster. And according to another unnamed source, David’s going into rehab to get her back:

“He’s trying to win Courteney back, and he turned back to drinking again out of frustration. He is doing this to show her he means it and will do anything for her and [their daughter] Coco. He wants his family life back. It’s been so hard on him.”

But if Courteney’s recent television success on Cougar Town and her comments regarding this entire affair are any indication, she’s already mooooooved onnnn.

Post from: Crushable

David Arquette's Weird Attempts To Get Courteney Cox Back Include Rehab

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 08:40 AM PST

Read some choice excerpts from Snooki’s novel, out Friday – “In the middle of a shimmy, her stomach cramped. A fart slipped out. A loud one. And stinky.” And so on. Pulitzer! (NY Post)

Post from: Crushable

Video: Why We're Excited About 'Kaboom'

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 08:36 AM PST

Warning: Video has some NSFW language, so put on your headphones!
What would happen if Donnie Darko had a baby with a Bret Easton Ellis book? Kaboom!

Man, why do we love Gregg Araki films so much? First off: If you’ve never seen Doom Generation or Nowhere, you need to rent them immediately. I discovered these movies in college, when a friend described them as ‘90210 on acid,’ a phrase I later learned was directly ripped from the back of the box. After a 10 year hiatus from that whole world (during which he made the incredible and haunting Mysterious Skin with Joseph Gordon-Levitt), Araki’s returned to his roots with this bisexual coming-of-age-in-the–candy-colored-apocalypse tale.

Post from: Crushable

Video: Why We're Excited About 'Kaboom'

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