Wednesday, January 5, 2011



Posted: 05 Jan 2011 11:03 AM PST

So many drunk Paula Abdul clips at once –  In an interview with CBS’s Julie Chen, Paula Abdul claimed that she’s never been drunk in her life. Ever helpful, Julie retorted with a collection of clips that seem to show Paula acting pretty shit-faced. Point: Julie. (Jezebel)

Post from: Crushable

Video: Hailee Steinfeld's KMart 'Blingatude'

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 10:25 AM PST

We are still torn about our feelings towards True Grit’s overly-precocious star, 14-year-old Hailee Steinfeld. But this old commercial where Hailee talks about her blingatude (cowabunga!) actually makes us like her more.


Post from: Crushable

Video: Hailee Steinfeld's KMart 'Blingatude'

Art Crush: The Best Macaulay Culkin Fan Illustrations

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 10:31 AM PST

Oh my goodness, is there ever some weird Macaulay Culkin fan art out there. We had no idea the former child star was so, er, inspirational. But now that Mac’s back in the news after his break-up with Mila Kunis, we were moved to do a little hunting, and boy was it worth our while. Enjoy your nightmare fuel!

Post from: Crushable

Art Crush: The Best Macaulay Culkin Fan Illustrations

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 10:14 AM PST

Feeling Unmotivated – Urlesque’s new site is the perfect cure for that 2:30 feeling. We’re feeling better (and less productive) already! (I Feel Unmotivated)

Post from: Crushable

The Many Faces Of Patti Stanger

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 10:06 AM PST

Oh my god, why didn’t anyone tell me what an awesome show Millionaire Matchmaker is? Basically, a horrible, stuck-up witch runs around yelling at other horrible rich people while simultaneously hooking them up with vapid gold-diggers? I love it! Especially season 4 where Patti’s in New York! Plus this woman has the best expressions ever. She doesn’t know what time it is, or if she’s eaten or drankin. She also doesn’t know the past tense of “drink.” She wonders if there will be any blonds here, and says the guy to girl ratio makes Sex And The City look like a walk in the park. Pretty much! Nobody was under the impression that the girls from SATC lived hard lives! The Millionaire Matchmaker Club’s first new member is a Guido named Derek Tobacco. He wants a girl with a real butt, because any chick can buy tits! He’s a huge sports buff too, and obviously only cares about the Yankees and the Jets. (He also owns Patti says he epitomizes New York, which makes us hate her. Now the second millionaire has a twist…she’s a millionairess who is the heir to the Dannon Yogurt millions (billions?). She is 26 and “like Charlotte from Sex and The City.” Take another shot, it’s the second reference to that show since we started 10 minutes ago! Apparently people on the West Coast only have one point of reference when thinking about New York, and it involves Carrie Bradshaw’s mole. Yikes. This chick Bryce Gruber has a box colder than a freezer. She basically wants to wear a chastity belt. When she claims on her videotape that she wants a cross between George Clooney but taller and Jewish. Patty screams at the screen, “Because you’re so beautiful yourself, shnoz-ola!” Way harsh. Before meeting either millionaire, Patty has decided they are both stuck up. She starts yelling at Dereck “You suck! You suck! You suck!” She ridicules Bryce for being too picky. Excuse me? Isn’t this lady paying you a lot of money to find her whatever she wants? Jesus lady. Stop biting the diamond-adorned hand that feeds you. At any rate, yada yada yada (as they say in Seinfeld, another show about New York), Patty does her bit and no one goes home happy. In the meantime, the island of Manhattan is under siege from the many faces of disgust worn by Patti.

  • Concealed disgust
  • Exasperation
  • Blantent loathing
  • Intellectual superiority
  • Snizzap!
  • Head retreating into neck because she hates you so much

Post from: Crushable

The Many Faces Of Patti Stanger

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 10:45 AM PST

Feeling unmotivated? Then we have a website for you: Gandhi and various clips of Will Smith await you. (Urlesque)

Post from: Crushable

Forget About LeAnn Rimes' Boob Job. Can We Talk About Her Lipo?

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 09:09 AM PST

The internet has been buzzing about LeAnn Rimes‘ holiday plastic surgery. Apparently she got breast implants before her trip to Mexico with fiance Eddy Cibrian. But after looking at the photos, I think it’s pretty obvious she had some liposuction as well. Abs don’t look like that naturally.

It’s kind of weird that she went to the same doctor who gave her fiance’s ex-wife implants. According to E!:

“She went to Dr. Garth Fisher, the same doctor who did Eddie Cibrian’s ex-wife’s boobs after she had kids.
“She asked for the exact same implant size as Brandi.”
The Daily Mail set up this handy side by side to examine her new boobs:
But can you notice how LeAnn looks totally different around her middle section?
Meanwhile, she’s also been touring around talking about how exercise has changed her life. But it seems like she’s had a little surgical help in this department as well.

Who Is Ignatiy Vishnevetsky, Roger Ebert's New 'At The Movies' Host?

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 09:10 AM PST

Roger Ebert just announced that a 24-year-old cutie named Ignatiy Vishnevetsky will serve as co-host on his upcoming film review show, Roger Ebert Presents at The Movies. Ignatiy will join 38-year-old Christy Lemire on the series, which will feature weekly segments from Roger himself, communicating via computer-generated voice.

So who is this unknown kid named Ignatiy? He’s a Moscow-born resident of Roger Ebert’s hometown of Chicago who’s mostly known for his writing on the movie-centric site Mubi. Ignatiy attended Chicago’s Columbia College for a few semesters before dropping out to focus exclusively on watching movies. As in, something to the tune of three movies every day. A bold move that actually panned out!

Ignatiy landed the gig after Roger overheard him speaking after a film screening in Chicago. In an interview with the LA Times he listed some flicks from the last year: Ghost Writer, Vincere, and The A-Team. Eclectic!

Post from: Crushable

Who Is Ignatiy Vishnevetsky, Roger Ebert's New 'At The Movies' Host?

Crushable Quotable: Every Month, Snooki Sleeps In Garbage Cans

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 08:59 AM PST

Snooki, continuing on her “two marbles and a worm” tour, stopped by The Ellen Show this morning to talk about her drinking habits. She is the most charming!

Turns out good old Snickers often finds herself roommates with Oscar the Grouch.

“Yes, because I want to remember my night and sometimes I just don’t. It sucks. So you’re like, “What did I do? Why did I wake up in a garbage can?”

We thought she was being facetious about her benders, but as the Huffington Post put it, Snooks is “dead serious” about her blackouts.

And when Ellen asks how often that happens, Snooki casually responded, “Oh, like once a month.”

Girl, you are a published novelist! Stop looking for dates in all the wrong places!

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Quotable: Every Month, Snooki Sleeps In Garbage Cans

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 08:29 AM PST

Thousands of people won the lottery playing Hurley’s LOST numbers – As noted by Damon Lindelof on Twitter. Oh my god, what does it mean?! (Nothing.) (Pop Eater)

Post from: Crushable

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