Wednesday, January 5, 2011



Kathy Griffin announces she’s leaving “The D-List”

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 08:32 AM PST


I used to watch Kathy Griffin's My Life on the D-List in the first seasons. Actually, I think the only season I didn't pay much attention to was last season. It's hard for Kathy to still claim she's on the D-List when she's winning Emmys and hosting New Year's celebrations with Anderson Cooper. So, maybe she's C-List now. Or B-List, even. Thus, Kathy is cancelling her show, as she just announced to People Magazine. She's predictably funny about it too, comparing herself to Kate Gosselin:

Kathy Griffin is off the D-list. The comedian is ending the six season – and Emmy Award-winning – run of her hit Bravo show, My Life on the D-List, she tells PEOPLE.

“It was a really tough decision because I think of the D-List as pretty much my baby for the last six seasons and I also think it was really time to stop doing it,” Griffin, 50, says by phone from L.A. “Reality is great, but I really didn’t set out to be a reality star. So now it’s time to spread my wings and show that I’m a little different than Kate Gosselin.”

“I’m not saying better,” she says, laughing, “but maybe separate myself from the pack a little bit.”

Not that Griffin is leaving Bravo. In fact, the network has enlisted her for four brand-new comedy specials, which will air quarterly in 2011.

“There is no better way to start off 2011 than giving Kathy Griffin an unprecedented four new stand-up comedy specials on Bravo in one year,” network executive Andy Cohen said Wednesday in a statement. “Kathy’s quick fire humor and ability to tap into pop culture make for must watch television.”

And Griffin is happy to hit the road for the network. “I just cannot get enough or do enough stand-up,” she says. “And there’s so much fun stuff going on – from Oprah’s launch of [cable network] OWN … not to mention the new Paula Abdul show [Live to Dance] or who knows what celebrity run-in I’ve had myself.”

And, with the first special possibly taping in Milwaukee in early February, Griffin promises to keep her jokes fresh.

“[I'm] trying to keep the material as up to the minute as possible,” she says. “Audiences know when they come to see me live, they’re going to see new stuff. [And] as long as there’s a show called My Strange Addiction about a woman who only eats toilet paper … then I have to do stand up.”

In addition to the stand-up specials, Griffin hopes to make a return to sitcoms in the future with an improvised series – think Curb Your Enthusiasm – that involves, according to the comedian, “some characters from the D-List that you’ve come to love, and then maybe I’ll have actors play a couple other characters that are from my real life.”

And Griffin, who is a People’s Choice Award nominee, has her sights on nabbing her first-ever Grammy Award at Feb. 13’s ceremony. “First of all, I just want to win,” she says of her best comedy album nod. “I have no deep answer for that. I just want to.”

“Second of all,” she continues, “only two women [comedians] have won in the history of the Grammys: Lily Tomlin and Whoopi Goldberg. So I certainly would like it to go to a woman this year. A woman named Kathy Griffin. Perhaps you’ve heard of her?”

[From People]

That's nice that she's getting an unprecedented four comedy specials - those are always really good, and her standup act always amuses me. Watching it is like gossiping with a friend. She always has funny stories, and she always tells them in a great way.

By the way, was anyone else relatively sober and watching CNN on New Year's? She and Anderson Cooper were particularly hilarious together. You put the two of them in front of a camera together, and they could riff off of each other for days. Now THAT is a comedy special I would like to see.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

Hugh Hefner confirms the details of his arrangement with paid ‘Girlfriends’

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 08:28 AM PST

Hugh Hefner
The Daily Beast has a new interview with Hugh Hefner, in which they ask him about the details about life at the mansion in that Bunny Tales book that was written by his former girlfriend Izabella St. James and came out a few years ago. Hef tries to discredit St. James by questioning her motives and saying she was kicked out the house for not getting along with the other girls. He pretty much confirms everything she said about him though: that he pays the girls $1,000 a week, makes them come home at 9pm, and doesn’t bother to wear a condom while having sex with them all. He defends himself by saying that they do STD testing and that most of the other women he paid for their company speak highly of him. That’s probably because they still earn good money to show up at his parties. Here’s part of the Daily Beast’s interview, with more at the source.

Hef's responses to St. James/Kasprzyk's claims are variously dismissive and indifferent:

* On the charge that he paid each his girlfriends, out of safe in his bedroom, $1,000 a week in cash: "That part is true. If you write it and make it sound sleazy, that's easy to do. But the girls got a clothing allowance."

*On the claim that he imposed a strict 9 p.m. curfew, by which time all his girlfriends had to be at home or else: "That was also true—and widely publicized. It wasn't a big secret." Why the curfew? Hef laughs: "So they wouldn't be running around on me!"

*On St. James/Kasprzyk's allegation that he handed out Quaaludes as aphrodisiacs: "If she was taking Quaaludes, she was taking them on her own. I wasn't supplying drugs to the girls."

*On her account of Hef's downing Viagra at a nightclub and then consulting his watch so he'd be ready with the girls when it finally kicked in: "The description of the Viagra thing is a fantasy that reflects an ignorance in terms of the use of Viagra. Once you take Viagra, you don't have to be looking at a watch. Viagra takes about an hour to kick in, but lasts for about half a day… It simply permits normal sexual activity."

*On the charge that nobody was medically tested for safe sex: "Nobody in the group had sexually transmitted diseases. I was very careful and very concerned about taking care of everybody in terms of sexually transmitted disease. Absolutely there was testing. One of the things that can be pointed out is that over all the years of extensive sexual activity, nobody ever got pregnant, and nobody was having any serious problems with diseases. The only time anybody ever got pregnant in a relationship with me was the two times I was married."

*On the claim that he refused to wear a condom: "I think one of the ways that you resolve that problem is to have sex with people who don't have sexually transmitted diseases." That claim, in other words, appears to be true.

According to Hef, "her self-serving, clearly fabricated stories in the book give the impression that they are somehow reflective of former girlfriends. The reality is the opposite of that. My former girlfriends, as I'm sure you know, speak highly about the relationship with me, they speak with great love. One of the things that sets my relationships apart from many others is the fact that I have managed to remain close to many of my former girlfriends, including my former wives, because I'm a decent human being. And I treat women very well. I take pride in that."

Hef argues that the book's description of life at the mansion is wildly at odds with generally accepted reality. "The point is we're not talking about some place in Transylvania—some place that nobody has visited," Hef says.

As for being a jealous lover, "Kendra's wedding was held here," Hef says. "She and Hank, her husband, are very close friends. As a matter of, I got a very sweet Twitter, or tweet, from Kendra a week ago congratulating me on the marriage."

[From The Daily Beast via Gawker, Fark]

Hef has a point. He’s not a nasty pimp, and his requirements of his paid companions are rather tame compared to life on the streets, or even in some sultan’s harem. (Although there’s probably more jewelry and cash involved when you’re screwing an oil heir and his buddies.) He’s just a very old dude in a mansion with 70s decor who surrounds himself with beautiful surgically enhanced women and pays them with the cash he makes from featuring them in his magazine. It’s technically legal probably, but that doesn’t make it much different from prostitution, whether he’s a nice guy about it or not.

Photo credit: PRPhotos

Hugh M. Hefner, Crystal Harris

Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris

Crystal Harris

Are Blake Lively & Ryan Gosling already over too?

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 08:16 AM PST


LaineyGossip has an interesting piece about the ongoing not-so-undercover saga of Ryan Gosling and Blake Lively. Now, here's the thing: I've always like Ryan. A lot. I found him attractive and charming, and I think he's a good egg, in general. But my subconscious wasn't into it in general until recently. Last week, I had my first Gosling dream. It was amazing. And now I'm obsessed. Like, my Goslove is now at the level of Clive Owen love, or Michael Fassbender love. And my Gosdream wasn't even a sex dream! There was some making out though. And it was incredibly hot. Sigh…

Anyway, about this new gossip. Apparently, Blake traveled undercover to Toronto just after Christmas, perhaps to visit Ryan, who was in town to see his family. However - Lainey also says that Blake was in Vegas for the new year, and that she was seen making out with a random. Bitch. Blake, not Lainey.

Ryan Gosling spent the holidays at home in Ontario. He stayed over a week, flew back to LA on Monday. The previous Monday however, December 27, I was contacted by 3 unrelated sources all claiming that Blake Lively was seen alone at the airport in Toronto. Very low key, no paps were called, no special attention was paid. Which is unlike her, non? That must have been an order from him. And there would have only been one reason for her to be in Toronto.

Before you pour acid in your eyes though…

Blake was in Vegas for New Year's at that Cosmopolitan opening. And as we reported on etalk yesterday we have a lock tight, unimpeachable eyewitness who saw, like right up close, Blake "kissing and canoodling" a mystery dude that night. The fact that she's making out with someone else would suggest that 1. whatever she had with Ryan is over or 2. whatever they have isn't exclusive. Yet.

[From LaineyGossip]

Eh. I tend to think Ryan and Blake were a PR hookup from the beginning, not an authentic love match. Gosling was probably talked into it as a way to promote Blue Valentine, and since he wasn't currently involved with anyone, he didn't see the harm in it. Blake, however, is all about business. She's all about trading up and getting hers. I don't think they are "broken up" because the business arrangement is likely still on. But, I think Gosling will probably end up disappointing her as far as "bidness" goes, but I hate to admit that we now know he will do a Gyllenhaal-style PR hookup. Sadness.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

Nicole Kidman interviewed by Jennifer Aniston for Harper’s Bazaar

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 07:48 AM PST


Nicole Kidman is the cover girl for the February issue of Harper's Bazaar. I guess Kidman is jointly promoting Rabbit Hole, and her smaller part in Just Go With It, the Adam Sandler comedy also starring Jennifer Aniston. Aniston conducts Kidman's Q & A for the magazine. Oh, you know it's going to be good. Just wait. The ass-kissy-ness of the interview is intense, and they are both falling all over each other. Also, Nicole is particularly awkward when Aniston asks about Nicole's adopted children with Tom. The full Bazaar piece is here, and here are some of the extensive highlights:

Aniston remembers: "I remember the first time I met Nicole Kidman. We were at a Golden Globes party in 2005 and–typical Hollywood story–we share an agent. I remember meeting this tall, beautiful woman who was there with her mom and dad. I was completely starstruck, while she was nothing but gracious. Nicole had just seen one of my rom-coms, as they call them, and was instantly kind and complimentary. I loved her immediately. We’ve run into each other over the years, keeping in touch. But it was Adam Sandler, of all people, who brought us together in Hawaii to film the comedy Just Go With It. Now not only do I have a dear friend, I can’t see myself dancing the hula with any other gal."

Jennifer Aniston: Good lord, I just saw Rabbit Hole. No wonder you went running wildly into the arms of Adam Sandler in Hawaii. I would run as fast as I could just to … I don’t know, laugh? I don’t know how you walked through a movie about the death of a child, quite honestly. How did you do it?
Nicole Kidman: I don’t know. As soon as we got the rights to make the film, I was terrified. But I have that relationship with everything I do. I want it, then I get it, and then I don’t want it. I’ve worked like that my whole life. So yeah, Maui was definitely a breather.

JA: You are like the Secretariat of actresses–when I see your body of work and everything you have achieved. But in the midst of all these unbelievable roles, I forgot how funny you can be.
NK: I know, you kept saying to me that I was funny, and I was like, Really? I never get asked to do comedy! I get asked more to do the Rabbit Hole stuff. But I remember doing SNL with Adam Sandler years ago, and he said to me, “I want to make you funny in a film one day.”

JA: What attracts you to a project? What’s the key element that has to be there?
NK: Usually something strange. It’s a little weird or offbeat or very uncomfortable. I have to be convinced to do things that are more mainstream. As a kid, I was always a bit, I suppose, darker. I was drawn to things that were unusual. And that’s partly to do with my parents. My mom’s always questioned things, wanted us not to conform. So, with roles, I like to be in a place of discomfort. I do my best work in the most complicated roles. I don’t have the capacity to be lighter, and I so wish I did. I’m working on it. And I don’t get offered stuff that I go, Wow, I can’t wait to do that. But so much of that is about your life partner, the person who has held you in their arms at night, who has helped you through things. You’ve given to them, and you’ve seen them get their dreams. … When I won it, I gave it to my mom. She gave me the confidence to go after things. She would listen to me when I thought it was all over. She’s been my rock. So to be able to give her that was my way of saying thank you to her.

JA: I feel awkward getting into interviewer mode, but tell me about your life in Nashville with Keith [Urban] and Sunday Rose. How long have you now lived there?
NK: Five years.
JA: I was just down South in Georgia, and it was heaven to be away from all the irritation of the cameras and all that hubbub. Was moving to Nashville something that both you and Keith wanted to do?
NK: It was perfect timing, because I had nowhere to live. I was living out of suitcases when I met Keith. I suppose in the back of my mind I was waiting to meet somebody. And I wanted it to be that if that person didn’t live in New York or Los Angeles, I would be able to move. In the back of my head, I was thinking I may have to put my roots down somewhere. I was going to move to Oregon.
JA: Oregon? It’s gorgeous. I understand that absolutely.
NK: Yeah. I love living a ways away. That’s what I’ve worked for in my career, to not have to live in Los Angeles. So it was fortuitous that Keith happened to live in Tennessee. He brought me down to this place called Leipers Fork, just outside of Nashville, very lush and rural. I just went aaah. You know how you dream as a girl; I’m one of those people. I would meet a guy, then I would imagine myself married and with kids within the first hour. [Laughs] But it worked out.

JA: When you two first met, Keith said he saw you walk into the room and you just floated. Yes, I watched him on Oprah! Did you feel it as instantly as Keith felt it?
NK: I remember thinking, Oh, my God, if you ever gave me a man like that, I promise I would be completely devoted for the rest of my life. Something that wild. I remembered praying after I met him that I’d meet somebody, if not him, like him.

JA: He’s a total sweetheart. I remember him bringing you Chinese food on set, being such a good husband while we were all being silly and playing with coconuts. I’m so inspired by how you navigate this exquisite career and how you’ve incorporated this wonderful, beautiful family. I bow to it; I aspire to it. But it’s a big bite to chew. How has having kids changed you from your 20s to now?
NK: I had kids at 25 and 27 [Isabella and Connor, Nicole's adopted children with first husband Tom Cruise]. I think I have more patience now but less physical energy. It’s a trade-off: In your 20s, you’re bounding around, they’re attached at your hip, and you can just go and do anything. But I’m much more of a homebody now. My roots are deeper. I probably have way more mental energy and a lot less physical energy, if that makes sense.

JA: What’s your biggest concern as they go through their teenage years?
NK: I think it’s finding their bliss. You’ve got to find your bliss as a human being, because if you can follow that, everything else falls into place. So that’s what I wish for them. That means careerwise and just the essence of who we are as people.

JA: Did you always want to act?
NK: I think I did. Did you?
JA: Yeah, I did. It was my family; I came from it too. It looked like so much fun.
NK: For me, it was never going to be work. It was almost like I needed to have a day job, because this was too much fun. But I was a highly sensitive child, and the last thing my parents wanted was for their child to go in and get hurt.

JA: What do you think is the hardest thing about being an actor?
NK: Fame. It’s a great thing in the sense of the opportunities it gives you, but you don’t realize that you’re dancing with the 100-pound gorilla.
JA: Yeah, it turns from Glinda the Good Witch into the nasty green one, then back to Glinda again.
NK: Most actors are highly sensitive people, but you have this incredible scrutiny. You have to develop a thick skin, but you can’t have a thick skin in your work. So it’s that constant push-pull of going, How do I stay human and vulnerable and real, and how do I, at the same time, not let all this affect me? I suppose it’s the same when you’re at school and you get a taste of girls who are being mean. It’s the same thing, just at a bigger level.
JA: Absolutely. People can be supportive and then turn around and be so mean.
NK: But at the same time, we’re in an extraordinary place, and to complain about it you go, Ugh, move on.
JA: You speak the truth, my friend.

JA: Okay, let me just say this: Physically, you are a masterpiece.
NK: Excuse me, you wear a bikini in the film and you look like you’re 20 years old.
JA: I think that’s Vaseline on the lens.
NK: You are a freak of nature. You have the best body I’ve ever seen. And I’m a heterosexual girl. You look good morning, noon, and night.
JA: Oh, please. I live in jeans and flip- flops. A good tank top, a great pair of jeans, and a great little wedge to give me a couple inches more that my dad didn’t give me. Otherwise, I get kind of stumped. I see people walking through New York City and go, Wow, that’s a great idea, why didn’t I think of that? But, Nicole, you always have that smart look. It’s very Annie Hall. I love it.
NK: I like boy-girl looks. I have no sense of what’s fashionable; I just know what I like to wear. I don’t believe in something being in and out. You know those lists? That probably goes along with the whole way I live my life. I don’t like kind of changing with the wind; I like sticking to my own self.
JA: You wear L’Wren Scott a lot, right?
NK: L’Wren’s collection, basically, I can wear. I don’t have time to look through things. I used to be far more into that when I was in my early 20s, but I just don’t have the interest anymore.
JA: If it looks good, the last thing you want to do is try on 10 couture somethings.
NK: Yeah, Renée Zellweger said she’s just not interested in having loads of designers make dresses for her; it feels gluttonous. That is so right. It’s not the place to be, particularly in your 40s.

JA: Another interviewer question: Has Nashville changed the way you dress?
NK: No, not really.
JA: C’mon, you can tell me. You have a cowboy hat hiding in that closet.
NK: I don’t wear cowboy hats. I think they’re cute. I sometimes put one on with a bikini, but it’s a particular look. I like a cowboy hat on Sunday Rose.
JA: Does Keith buy you clothes?
NK: Yeah, and he buys me lingerie.
JA: Nice! Did you have to train him for your taste?
NK: Ha! I don’t train him for anything. That’s what I love; he’s just got his own way of being.

NK: I like to ask people if they would rather have a great love that lasts a lifetime or an amazing career where you go down in history. Some people do answer that they want an extraordinary career.
JA: I know what I would choose. That’s a no-brainer. I would choose the love of my life.
NK: And what would you tell the 20-year-old you?
JA: I would tell myself to have more fun; enjoy this. There was a lot of unnecessary angst. You may as well enjoy things. You’re going to turn 30. Are you going to dread it? No, it’s happening. This is awesome! Don’t worry about something going away; enjoy it while it’s happening. And don’t worry about something that’s not even real.

JA:You said when you won the Oscar for The Hours in 2003, it was such a lonely time for you.
NK: Yeah. It’s strange how life gives you the best and the worst. I was probably at my least happy when I won it. And I was single. It was a strange time….

JA: Do Isabella and Connor come down to Nashville a lot?
NK: No, they don’t. They’re not crazy about Nashville. They’re so grown up now. I mean, they’re adults.

JA: You are in such an amazing place now. What do you think you would tell your 20-year-old self?
NK: That you’re going to meet the love of your life. My whole thing, my whole thrust in life, was hoping I would.

[From Harper's Bazaar]

I mean… there are too many gems in here to even single them out. I LOVE that Aniston says that she wants what Keith and Nicole have, considering that at its heart, what Keith and Nicole have is a business arrangement. I love the mutual ass-kissing about their bodies. I also like that Aniston doesn't get the signal to stop asking about Isabella and Connor, and BRINGS THEM UP AGAIN. I love that Nicole says Keith buys her lingerie. That image is incredible. Sigh… I'm going to pour through this again and again.



Photos courtesy of Harper's Bazaar.

Amber Portwood: “Being a Teen Mom ruined my life”

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 07:18 AM PST

Amber Portwood of Teen Mom earned the cover of Life & Style this week. Inside, Amber blames MTV for the fact that she was charged with two counts of felony domestic violence and spent a night in jail. She said “I wouldn't have been in jail because nobody would have known about it.” It’s all MTV’s fault for airing the footage instead of Amber’s fault for beating on Gary multiple times while the cameras were rolling. Amber makes $280,000 a year from MTV but says the show ruined her life and she’s considering quitting. Don’t let the door hit your ass, Amber.

On Dec. 28th, Amber Portwood emerged from the Madison County jail in Anderson, Ind. visibly shaken and certain she never wants to go back behind bars. "I just can't even imagine not seeing my little baby if I go back to jail," the Teen Mom star and mother to 2-year old Leah told Life & Style in her first post-jail interview right outside the brick walls. "It scares me so bad."

But it's a very real possibility for Amber. She's been charged with two counts of domestic battery, one count of neglect of a dependent and one misdemeanor charge of domestic battery for beating her ex and Leah's father, Gary Shirley, during an episode of MTV's hit reality show. If convicted, she could be ordered to serve three years in prison and pay a $10,000 fine—which has her second-guessing her decision to sign on to the show in the first place.

In fact, she admits that having her dirty laundry air on TV has for all intents and purposes ruined her life. "I wouldn't have been in jail because nobody would have known about it," she told Life & Style. And her family seems to agree. "Before that scene of her hitting Gary aired, she didn't have problems," her brother Shawn Portwood tells Life & Style. "I can't say completely that it's the show's fault because obviously my sister did it. But Amber and Gary asked them not to air the fight because they knew this legal stuff would happen. Now my sister gets death threats, and my niece's life is in turmoil."

For more on Teen Mom, pick up the new issue of Life & Style, on newsstands now.

[From Life & Style]

That’s funny that Amber’s afraid of losing Leah, because she never seemed particularly interested in her daughter in the footage that aired on MTV. Maybe MTV cut out all the scenes where she read to her, brought her to the park, or bothered to speak with her other than to tell her to stop doing something or to complain about Gary.

OK! also features Amber this week, also about how she was changed in jail. They have some details about her sentence:

“Amber was led in handcuffs to a cell containing four female inmates,” said the insider. “She told the guard she thought she’d at least have her own cell…

“She complained she was cold. Then, when it came time for lights out, the girls each had a very thin, old mattress to sleep on. The girls had to sleep on the floor. When she asked for a pillow, she was told this wasn’t a Holiday Inn. She didn’t sleep at all, just cried off and on till dawn. She had no idea jail would be like this, and she vowed not to return.”

[From OK! Magazine, print edition, January 17, 2010]

That’s priceless “this ain’t a Holiday Inn.” I wonder how many times the guards use that one, probably every single time someone asks for something. Is Amber even going to be asked back on MTV? I think she’s afraid she won’t be, and is about to be replaced by the new crop of Teen Moms from 16 and Pregnant. As a result, she’s staging pregnancy scares and capitalizing on her incarceration. Being a Teen Mom ruined her life to point that it gave her a ton of cash to waste, a bunch of fame, and held her responsible for her actions. If it’s too much for her to handle there are tens of thousands of teen moms who would love to take her place.

Photos are from 12/10 and 12/11. Credit: Fame Pictures




Julia Roberts’ Javier Bardem gush: “If there’s not hope for talent, then we’re f—ed”

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 07:14 AM PST


Julia Roberts got a chance to work with Javier Bardem on Eat, Pray, Love, and now they're BFFs for some strange reason. Maybe it's lost in translation. Anyway, My Javi is in a Spanish-language film called Biutful, and his performance has been widely acclaimed. However, Javi has not been seeing the love as far as nominations and "Oscar buzz" goes - Javi hasn't gotten any nominations for the Golden Globes, the SAGs, and he's been shut out of most critics' awards too. So his BFF Julia gave an interview in attempt to get people to RECOGNIZE. Of course, Julia makes it all about her, of course. It's always all about JULIA. THAT'S SO TACKY.

A couple weeks ago, I groused to you about how I thought Javier Bardem's powerful performance in Biutiful has been unfairly overlooked during this awards season so far. Well, it turns out I have a sister in my disappointment: Julia Roberts. And she's decided to do something about it. Tonight in Los Angeles, Roberts hosted a screening of Biutiful on behalf of Bardem (her costar in Eat Pray Love) for a select industry crowd. Along with Bardem and his glowingly pregnant wife, Penélope Cruz, I spotted actors Kyle MacLachlan and Robert Forster among the attendees. Taking a break from working the room, Roberts spoke exclusively to EW about her admiration for Bardem's achievement, and her excitement at working with — speaking of the Oscars — Meryl Streep.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What is it about Javier's performance in Biutiful that you're so passionate about?
JULIA ROBERTS: He's so raw and completely open to sharing every emotion this character has. I was telling him at dinner tonight, when I watched it I had to keep stopping and saying, "Okay, this is not actually happening to Javier." Because it's his face and his big eyes. I think it's unexpected for a man to expose himself so deeply. And it's incredibly agonizing in its subtleties. I just have a great appreciation for what he went through to show us all this. I know it had to hurt.

So why hasn't he gotten more recognition? There was no SAG nomination, no Globe nomination, not even a critics award.
I think the movie hasn't gotten the exposure. You don't know where it is. It's like this hidden little jewel. Especially in this particular season, people don't hunt for things. They just take what you throw in their face.

I know of at least one Academy member who put the Biutiful DVD in the player and took it out after the first half hour because it was just too bleak.
I don't know how you couldn't want to know what happens. I hope that person is haunted until the end of time wanting to know what happened.

So is there any hope for Javier? Can he score enough No. 1 votes to get a Best Actor nomination?
If there's not hope for talent, then we're f—ed.

If Javier is your No. 1 pick, what about your other Eat Pray Love costar, James Franco?
Oh God, don't put me in that position! It's apples and oranges. He's hosting the Oscars, so he might have an edge.

Your next movie is August: Osage County with Meryl Streep. Could that be your return trip to the ceremony?
I think that will just be my trip to heaven to be with Meryl Streep in that scenario. It's a dream come true.

[From Entertainment Weekly]

Of course Julia has to remind us, "I was telling him at dinner tonight, when I watched it I had to keep stopping…" Oh Julia! She gets to have dinner with Javi, and we don't. Bitch. Oh, and "If there's not hope for talent, then we're f—ed." I actually agree with that sentiment whole-heartedly, but I've got to wonder - is Julia the best messenger?

But seriously, it is rather nice of her to do some campaigning for her friend. That says a lot about how much she thinks of him. It also says a lot about how highly she thinks of herself, but whatever.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

Star Mag: Angelina Jolie is in rehab, for heroin maybe

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 06:56 AM PST


Ah, this is a good one. Kudos to Star Magazine for getting this photo of Angelina Jolie looking like Courtney Love and using it on a cover about how Angelina is in rehab for heroin addiction. Since Star Magazine hasn't released any part of the cover story, my guess is that the whole thing is based on: Angelina being thin, Angelina looking tired, and all of that crap with Dr. Drew. Dr. Drew knows that every time he gives quotes about Brangelina, he's guaranteed some attention, which is why he's been issuing quotes about Angelina's "heroin addiction" for years. His latest series of quotes was just a few weeks ago, and even though he gave some half-assed apology, the recent quotes have given the tabloids a reason to print a new round of "Angelina Jolie is a heroin addict, Brad cries on Aniston's shoulder!" stories.

So is Angelina an addict? Was she ever? Or was she just a screwed up kid back in the day who used drugs and talked about it in interviews? Is Angelina still using now, as a mother of six, a UN goodwill ambassador and an in-demand actress? Ugh.




Cover courtesy of CoverAwards. Additional photos courtesy of WENN.

New Cover of OK!: Sandra and Ryan “Yes they’re together” (Update: US Mag too!)

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 06:23 AM PST

OK! Magazine runs with a Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds cover this week, which is bolstered by the sheer number of photos together and quotes about each other they gave while promoting The Proposal. There are a couple of details in the story that seem new to me, or maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention because I can’t see these two as anything more than friends. OK! reports that “After a night of dancing, [Sandra and Ryan] shared a midnight kiss, a champagne toast and left the restaurant together at 2 a.m., according to witnesses.” See, that sounds like more to me than just two recently single friends hanging out. If they’re together, I doubt that Sandra homewrecked Ryan’s relationship and it sounds like something that naturally developed out of Ryan’s recent breakup. I think he’s an ass, but I really like these two together! It’s just like that cheesy romcom that Betty White saved. Here’s more from OK!

A source confirms that Sandra, 46, invited the newly single Ryan, 34, and he quickly accepted. “Sandra planned all along to spend New Year’s at the restaurant with friends,” says the insider. “And she was thrilled that Ryan accepted her invitation to join in.”

They turned to each other in their time of need - Sandra had been talking to heartbroken Ryan on the phone to console him after his recent split from Scarlett. And she obviously has the healing touch.

The co-stars were friends even before teaming up to film their hit movie The Proposal in 2008. “I met Sandra through my producing partner about 11 years ago, and we’ve been good friends ever since,” says Ryan. “I never thought we’d do a film together, but it worked out.” In fact, they quickly became such good friends that Ryan says, “We vacation together.”

“I always say that chemistry is something impossible to manufacture,” he says. “The fact that you’re friends doesn’t necessarily equate to great chemistry. So we learned early on that we had it and I was so grateful for that. It’s like one of the few magical things about film that still exists. here’s no way to manipulate that. It’s either there magically or it’s not…”

The eyewitness adds that Sandra and Ryan sat next to each other throughout the evening. “By the way Sandra was glued to Ryan’s every word, they sure seem to be taken with each other.

“It was great to see Sandra laughing and having fun, and Ryan did a great job helping her relax and enjoy herself…”

The duo is set to reunite onscreen once again in Most Wanted, an action-comedy that follows a criminal (Sandra) being escorted to court by a U.S. Marshal (Ryan), when they’re ambushed and forced to go on the run. It’s telling that Sandra chose working with Ryan as her first project since winning a Best Actress Oscar - and losing her husband.

[From OK! Magazine, print edition, January 17, 2011]

Now that I’m finally reporting on this story, it makes me giddy. I want to see them become a couple and raise Louis together and live happily every after. Yes Ryan is a royal jerk, but I really think he changed when he got locked in a box to film that movie that no one saw. He saw a life where he wasn’t the center of everything and where he could find love in the arms of a beautiful older unassuming costar, instead of the vapid younger starlet he married.

Who am I kidding? OK made up this story based on the known fact that Sandra and Ryan spent New Years together. Her rep of course said they were “nothing more than friends.” Just like they were friends and coworkers at the beginning of The Proposal.

Update: US Magazine has these two on the cover this week as well, with the title “It’s On!” The teaser article on their site quotes an insider who allegedly saw them on New Year’s Eve. “They were very playful… smiling the whole time and occasionally touching…What a hot — and quick — rebound for both of them!

Photo credit: US Weekly cover via CoverAwards





Nicole Richie on married life: “I know I can get away with more”

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 06:22 AM PST


I don't think we ever got around to using any "exclusive" photos of Nicole Richie's wedding, so here is the cover of the German tabloid that Nicole ended up selling her wedding photos to. If you'd like to see more shots, go here to Jezebel. They're actually rather nice - I like Nicole's dress because so few celebrities choose long-sleeved gowns these days. Anyway, Nicole appeared on The Talk yesterday, her first television interview since getting hitched. I'm slightly confused by what she said, though:

On Tuesday’s The Talk, newlywed Nicole Richie, 29, dished on her wedding, marriage and whether she and Joel Madden, 31, will add to their brood.

After four years as a couple, Richie admitted that married life has its own quirks.

“It’s different because I know I can get away with more,” she said. Asked if she would elaborate, Richie replied: “I haven’t tested him yet.”

Richie was a bit cagey on whether her children Sparrow, 1, and Harlow, 2, would get a baby brother or sister anytime soon. “I don’t think it’s fair to ask someone that’s had two back-to-back if they’re going to have another one,” she said. “You never know.”

With two toddlers running around and an elaborate wedding under her belt, she is sure of one thing: “I need a nap.”

[From Us Weekly]

Is Nicole saying “It’s different because I know I can get away with more" regarding having more kids, or is that statement just about her marriage? I think it's just about her marriage, and that she means that she's not worried about Joel dumping her over something small anymore, thus she can "get away with more." But it's a weird way to say it, right? Nicole is so weird.

Here are some photos of Nicole with Sparrow and Harlow on Monday:



Cover courtesy of Jezebel. Photos courtesy of Fame.

Nicolas Cage: “I don’t wear a wig in my personal life or public life”

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 06:03 AM PST

Nicolas Cage and his giant capped teeth and new “tousled-look” weave were on Good Morning America yesterday. First I have to point out the lady to the far left in this shot of “fans” shown on camera. (photo below.) She’s so thrilled to be there and she stands like that the whole time. (You can see her at around :25 in on the video above and here.)


Cage is promoting his role in Season of The Witch, yet another supernatural POS thriller that is sure to make a ton of bank for a dude who will blow through it like water.

Cage called playing a knight a “dream come true” and explained how he learned how to ride a horse for the role. Rob Perlman (Of “Sons of Anarchy”) co-stars, and Cage agreed with Robin Roberts that it’s a “buddy movie” and says he had a great time with Perlman on set.

Cage alluded to his extreme money problems by sort-of blaming other people for them. He didn’t say anything outright, but you can tell that’s what he’s talking about.


Robin: It’s also about your character seeking redemption. Is there any way that you relate to that, anything that you’ve gone through in your life that helped you relate to that?

Cage: Oh yeah, everybody makes mistakes as far as being human. When we make mistakes I think sometimes it can be a great lesson because it puts you into looking for something.

Some people say you have to be a sinner before you can be a saint. And if you’re a good person you’re going to make mistakes because you trust people and some people will lead you in the wrong direction. But if you can learn from it, but I’ve had those experiences and it helped me.

They also covered Cage’s hair through the years, and he claimed he doesn’t wear a wig. (Here are photos of Cage not wearing a wig.)

I see myself as subscribing to the Lon Chaney school… and I believe that historically… stage actors have always tried to transform themselves. I don’t wear a wig in my personal life or in my public life, but… I like the idea of giving the audience something else to make it eclectic.”

So weaves and hair plugs don’t count I suppose.

Lon Chaney was a silent movie actor called “the man of a thousand faces.”

My husband can’t stand Nicolas Cage, but I can tolerate him. He’s not my favorite actor by any means. How does he keep churning out these crap movies and making big bucks though? I really thought the guy would have seen his come uppance by now. It’s all everyone else’s fault that he lost money while owning mansions and castles, animals so exotic they required anti-venom, and throwing Gatsby-style parties. And he’s still starring in crap movies that people pay good money to see. He’s so full of sh*t. At least he doesn’t drive drunk or mistreat his wife I guess.

Here’s Cage at the premiere of Season of The Witch yesterday. (With dark hair) Credit: He’s shown at Comicon in July for comparison. (Light hair.) His hairline has naturally moved ahead an inch in six months. He’s using Ronco spray hair, isn’t he? That’s not a wig, right? He looked better before.




July, 2010:

July, 2010:

July, 2010:


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