Wednesday, January 12, 2011



Tom Hanks' (Really Hot) Son Chet Wants To Be A Rapper

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 11:33 AM PST

Turns out Colin Hanks isn’t the only show biz progeny of screen legend Tom Hanks. There’s also Chet Hanks, who’s trying to start a career as a rapper named “Chet Haze.” Chet’s a student at Northwestern, and his first, um, single is a remake of Wiz Khalifa’s “Black and Yellow” called “White and Purple” — aka the Northwestern colors.

Chet, who was born Chester, is the son of Ton and his second wife Rita Wilson. In addition to half-bro Colin, Chester has another brother named Truman. Chet certainly has his hip hop posturing down. His most recent Facebook status update reads: “Have a good time, smile back.. Cuz everybody in this bitch is a wildcat!.


Post from: Crushable

Tom Hanks' (Really Hot) Son Chet Wants To Be A Rapper

Sex On The Wire: The Simpsons Porno Parody Surprisingly Arousing

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 11:14 AM PST

• Does anyone else think that Moe in that Simpsons porn parody looks like James Franco? (Jezebel)

• Is it ever worth it to pretend like your relationship isn’t falling apart? (The Gloss)

Natalie Portman continues her campaign of not wearing any clothing ever in her new Dior ad. (The Frisky)

• NASA is only now studying the effects of sex on Mars, which explains why no one has volunteered to go there yet. (Fox News)

• 61 employees at Yale University in same-sex relationships are now getting their paychecks docked because the school didn’t withhold the right amount on their tax forms. (Nerve)

• Oxytocin is “the hormone of love,” so of course it makes people irrational. (New York Times)

• David Barton Gym: not the best place to work if you’re a lesbian. (Village Voice)

Post from: Crushable

Sex On The Wire: The Simpsons Porno Parody Surprisingly Arousing

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 10:39 AM PST

Amazon’s Reviews For Snooki’s A Shore Thing - “This is by far the best assisted suicide novel I ever read.” Another guy says it’s the best translation of the Ewok language on the market. We bet they didn’t even make it to the bag of marbles and a twitchy worm part! (Buzzfeed)

Post from: Crushable

Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez's Relationship Isn't Just Controversial, It's Actually Illegal

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 10:28 AM PST

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have the most buzzed about relationship in town. Rumors that the two are dating took flight when photos of the pair canoodling in swimsuits hit the web, at which point crazed Bieber fans began aggressively threatening Selena on Twitter and across the web. Then today, Selena’s Facebook and Twitter profiles were hacked. The perpetrator, who goes by “PkinJ0r,” sent messages like “Justin Bieber sucks” from Selena’s handle.

Justin and Selena have yet to publicly admit to their relationship, however — and perhaps that’s because it isn’t just controversial, it’s actually illegal. Selena is 18, making her an adult in the eyes of the law, and Justin’s 16, which means he’s a minor. If the two have sex, Selena would be guilty of statutory rape. According to the California Penal Code, “Any person who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is not more than three years older or three years younger than the perpetrator, is guilty of a misdemeanor.”

Hypothetically, this means that if Justin (or his parents) were to press charges against Selena, she’d be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined up to $2,000. If she were one year older or he one year younger, she could face a felony conviction and possible jail time. Yikes!

Is the whole illegality thing the reason Justin and Selena haven’t come clean about their romance? Who knows, Bieber could be returning to CSI more than just one more time.

Post from: Crushable

Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez's Relationship Isn't Just Controversial, It's Actually Illegal

Illustrious Illustrations: The Best Celebrity Art From BlueWater Comics

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 10:27 AM PST

If you’ve never heard of BlueWater Comics, don’t get your Batman panties in a twist. Most comic nerds overlook the oeuvre of the graphic novel company, which produces series about celebrities (under its FAME line), politicians (Political Power), and famous women (the Female Force series). So basically, if you love reading comics not because anything interesting happens in them, but because regular stories are too hard to read without the pictures, then BlueWater is for you.

The latest issue from the BlueWater catalog is The Royals: Prince William and Kate Middleton. And though you’ll have to wait until March to read the highly engaging story of two people who looked like they’ve been airbrushed by some guy working at the t-shirt store on the Boardwalk, we’ve compiled a whole gallery of our favorite celebrity renditions for you to enjoy right now!

  • 'Glee'
  • Charlaine Harris
  • Rush Limbaugh
  • FAME: Robert Pattinson
  • Taylor Lautner
  • Seriously...try to guess who this is.
  • Well, this Betty White portrait looks almost normal!
  • A second, way worse doodle of the 'Golden Girl'?
  • Another Justin Bieber piece of art
  • Sorry, Judge Sonia Sotomayer

Post from: Crushable

Illustrious Illustrations: The Best Celebrity Art From BlueWater Comics

Teen Mom 2 Parenting Skills: Jenelle Evans Doesn't Mother, But She Does Hit

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 11:28 AM PST

Guys, last night was the premiere of Teen Mom 2. And if you thought Amber Portwood’s behavior on the last season was bad, get ready for Jenelle Evans. This teen mom parties while pregnant, breaks an entering, and hits her mom. She’s a triple threat!

Last night on the premiere episode, it was hard to pay attention to anyone else with all of Jenelle’s drama going on. But all of these girls do have one thing in common: codependency issues! Yeah. So let’s see what went down last night.

Jenelle likes sleeping in. And fists.

Jenelle was a real trouper during her pregnancy with son Jace. She drank and smoked pot while pregnant. And wore her bikini to the beach. No matter how pregnant she was. Now that Jace is a wee tot, she continues to go partying with her friends most nights.

“Having a baby at 16 was a lot more work than I expected.” Really Jenelle? What did you think was going to happen?

Apparently, she thought babies were pretty self-sufficient. Because she has a lot of trouble getting up before noon.

However, she really tries hard to take care of Jace the best she can: “I always put him to bed before I go out!”

Jenelle’s mom wants her to be a more proactive parent: “If you’re going to be a parent, then parent.”

Let’s see. How does Jenelle take that criticism?

“Shut the fuck up you vile bitch,” she explains.

Also, with this:

“Obviously you’re not a good mother because I’m the one who got pregnant at 16.” Burn, Jenelle!

Oops. Jenelle’s mom is tired of her daughter drinking all the time and yelling at her while she does all the parenting for her grandchild. Looks like she served Jenelle with a summons and she’s taking her to court to get custody of Jace. Jenelle doesn’t like that! Time to hit grandmommy!

Oops. Did the cameras get that? Yes, Jenelle. You are on a reality show. And will soon be in court. For a lot. But why don’t you go ahead and say this too?

“She better run and hide because I’m gonna fucking kill her.”

Note to Jenelle: Killing is also a crime here.

Meanwhile, in other teen mom news…

Post from: Crushable

Teen Mom 2 Parenting Skills: Jenelle Evans Doesn't Mother, But She Does Hit

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 09:32 AM PST

Want to win an iPhone4? — We’re giving one lucky fan of Crushable on Facebook an iPhone — all you have to enter is become a fan of Crushable here and then tell us what song is your go-to when you need to put yourself in a happy mood. You have until Thursday, January 20 at 5 p.m. EST to tell us your song choice! Don’t wait.

Post from: Crushable

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 09:23 AM PST

Dave Franco Just Likes To ChillaxJames Franco’s younger (but no less attractive) brother says that the biggest difference between him and his famous sibling is that he “enjoys his downtime.” Or even knows what that word means. (Blackbook)

Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: Grandma's Chuck Norris Earrings

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 09:06 AM PST

Does this woman have an Etsy site? Because we want to buy everything she’s selling. These Cordell Walker earrings would be ours, as well as the Nash Bridges headband and the Jack Bauer socks. (The Michael Night Snuggie we’d give to our own grandmother, however.) Old lady, you are too awesome.


Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: Grandma's Chuck Norris Earrings

3 'Hoarders' Episodes We'd Actually Like To Watch

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 09:07 AM PST

We here at Crushable have an aversion to all things Hoarders. Not even getting into the debate about whether or not the A&E show exploits its weekly guests by showing America the most extreme end of an obsessive neurosis, we just have a problem with all the animal feces. It’s like Fear Factor meets Extreme Home Makeover meets Intervention. And nothing quite summed up this formula like Monday night’s rat king episode. (By the way, please do not Google rat king.)

The Hoarder finale introduced us to Glen, a character straight out of Willard. What did Glen hoard? Glen hoarded rats. Not like that episode where raccoons lived in that woman’s garage, which was a byproduct of her poor housekeeping, but an active hoarding of rats. When we meet Glenn he tells the camera crew literally the most disturbing thing we’ve ever heard:

“They’re in furniture, up in ceilings, in the walls, in the mattresses, everywhere,” said Glen, the rat hoarder. “They’re totally out of control. They’d crawl up in a pillow and start pulling my hair out, trying to make nesting material out of it.”

And according to Glenn’s bestie (or the only person who will still talk to him), “They just crawl all over him. He just loves them.” (Sorry, please hold on a moment while we cover our bodies in bleach.)

But is it jsut the nature of what people hoard that makes it so gross? All those animals (even adorable dogs and cats) can lead to major health violations and unintentional cruelty, while excessive amounts of papers, plastics, and piles of clothing make perfect breeding grounds for bugs and ferments. We racked our brains for 5 items that we wouldn’t be too squeamish to watch a Hoarders episode about.

Post from: Crushable

3 'Hoarders' Episodes We'd Actually Like To Watch

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