Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Ryan Gosling Sings The ‘My Little Pony’ Song

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 06:02 PM PST

Ryan Gosling is not only an accomplished actor (who can currently be seen in the fantastic new film Blue Valentine) but he is also a talented singer. We all know he is one half of the band Dead Man’s Bones and that he likes to sing moody rock music … but did you know his musical talents extend to other genres of music? ‘Tis true. During a recent interview with ABC News, Ryan was asked to sing the first song that came to mind … so he sang a couple lines from the My Little Pony song.

As if it weren’t already bad enough that Ryan Gosling is dreamy beyond words, now we have this adorably cute video to add to mix? Check out Ryan‘s rendition of the My Little Pony song and try not to fall head over heels:

Le sigh. How can you not heart him entirely? Adorable, right?


The Brangelina Bunch Surface In SoCal After The Holidays

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 05:00 PM PST

The Brangelina Bunch made their way to Namibia for Xmas and were spotted in Missouri just before New Year’s Eve … today we learn that the family has made their way en mass back home to SoCal for the first few days of 2011. Faux-marrieds Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt (along with a car full of their children) popped in to Benihana here in LA over the weekend for family supper together.

I hope the family is able to settle down for a while and enjoy life together … here at home. I realize that Brangelina have homes all around the world but it would be nice for them to just chill out for month or two. There’s no telling if the Brangelina Bunch plan to stay put for a while or jet off again but stay tuned. I’m sure we’ll be hearing if they are on the move again to destinations unknown.

[Photo credit: Splash News]

Roxette Returns

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 03:15 PM PST

Happy news, 90′s music fans … the amazing Swedish duo Roxette (made up of Marie Fredriksson and Per Gessle) are back with a new single and a new album!! The band played a show in Warsaw, Poland to celebrate the New Year and from what I understand, they sounded fantastic. Their new single She’s Got Nothing On (But The Radio) is already out and their album Charm School is due for release in February … are you as ready for the return of Roxette as I am?!

Apparently Roxette's Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson took one look at the recent (partial) reunion of fellow Swedes Ace Of Base and were like, "Oh, hell no!" The pair, whose last album came out in 2002, have been doing gigs together again since 2009, and are now set to release "She's Got Nothing On (But The Radio)"—the lead single off their upcoming eighth album Charm School (out February 11)—next week in Europe … Roxette last topped the U.S. Hot 100 chart nearly 20 years ago, with their energetic jam "Joyride." Meanwhile, Crash! Boom! Bang!, their last album released in America, came out in 1994 … Hopefully the label also gives the pair another shot in the States, as well, with "She's Got Nothing On", because if Per Gessle's composition proves only one thing, it's that he's still at the top of the game when it comes to Swede pop perfection.

Squeeee!! I was a HUGE Roxette fan in the early 90′s … Listen To Your Heart was such a huge song and Joyride is still one of my favorite pop songs. I can’t even tell you how excited I am that the band is back with a whole new album. Here is our first look at the cover artwork for their new album Charm School:

And here is our first look at the single artwork for their new song She’s Got Nothing On (But The Radio):

Head over to Idolator HERE to listen to this new Roxette single in full. I’m already really liking the way that 2011 is turning out for pop music … here’s hoping Roxette will unleash a new collection of fantastic pop songs for use to fall in love with. Any Roxette fans in the hiz? Isn’t this exciting news?

[Photo credit: Splash News; Source]

The Injured ‘Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark’ Actor Speaks

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 02:14 PM PST

On December 20, Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark actor Christopher Tierney fell 30 feet and was severely injured in a failed stunt in front of a sold-out house during a Broadway performance. On December 24, we learned that Tierney would be spending his Xmas in the intensive care unit of the hospital recovering from his numerous injuries. Today, we get to hear from Tierney himself about the accident in a new interview he gave to a NYC news station set to air tonight.

Spider-Man’s battered Broadway stunt double is finally talking, and he’s got none of the web slinger’s usual wisecracks to offer about his harrowing onstage fall. “The last thing I remember was, like, uh, just going, ‘Oh, God,’ ” Christopher Tierney, a stuntman in “Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark,” tells WCBS-TV news in an exclusive interview airing tonight at 11. “I was falling, and then I saw, once I hit the darkness of the stage, I had to just turn it real quick, so I wasn’t going to fall on my head and I crashed on my back,” he tells Channel 2′s Dana Tyler. Tierney, 32, plummeted about 30 feet on Dec. 20 in front of an audience near the climax of a performance of the injury-plagued Broadway production. He spent eight days at Bellevue Hospital recovering from four broken ribs, a hairline skull fracture, a broken scapula, a bruised lung, three cracked vertebrae and broken bones below his elbow. Last Tuesday, Tierney was moved to an unidentified New York rehabilitation center and is expected to head home to Portsmouth, NH, after he is released from the facility on Wednesday. “He is up,” Tierney’s father, Tim, told CNN yesterday. “He is walking and just doing very well.” The stuntman hopes to return to the big-budget show as soon as he can … At the time of his fall, Tierney was wearing a harness and wire that should have lifted him in the air, but he came loose and plummeted. The fall has been blamed on human error. Tierney is the fourth cast member to have been in a serious accident in the show, which at $65 million is the most expensive production in Broadway history.

OY!! This dude is a brave man to want to go back to the production that injured him. As you may recall, we learned last week that Turn Off the Dark lead actress Natalie Mendoza, herself injured in an accident during a performance of the show, decided to cut her losses and quit the production entirely. I gotta say, I’m very surprised that Tierney even wants to go back. The full interview has not yet aired so we don’t know everything that he shared about the accident but here is a clip from the broadcast that teases Tierney‘s big interview:

I hope we will get to see the full interview soon (tomorrow?) because I’m dying to hear what this guy has to say about the accident, the production as a whole and what assurances the producers have given him that if he does come back he would not be injured again. Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark is still in previews set for a February 7 official opening.

[Source, Source]

Lindsay Lohan Leaves Rehab . . . Or Does She? [UPDATE]

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 12:56 PM PST

Contrary to a report released earlier today that claimed that Lindsay Lohan would be extending her stay in rehab in order to receive further treatment for her addictions, it has been confirmed that Lindsay LEFT rehab today and is FREE once again. It would appear that claims that Lindsay was planning to take her sobriety seriously by getting as much help as possible was just a bunch of bullshizz. She’s on the loose again, y’all.

Lindsay Lohan has left the building. And not a day later than she was eligible to. After serving 90 somewhat controversial days at the Betty Ford Center, LiLo quietly made her exit from the facility this morning, disproving reports claiming that she was planning on remaining in the clinic through the end of the week. Earlier today, a source close to the actress confirmed to E! News that Lohan would in fact be exiting the center “very shortly.” They weren’t lying. A source now confirms to E! News that Lindsay left her desert digs “earlier this morning,” but did not divulge when or to where she was headed … Lindsay’s mom Dina confirms the release, and tells E! News, “It’s a great day.”

UGH! Dina Lohan just grosses me out TO NO END! Instead of being genuinely concerned with her daughter’s well-being and counseling her daughter to maybe slow down, take some extra time to get help Dina is actually celebrating her daughter’s freedom yet again. I mean, of course any mother would want their child to be in their care … but if there is one thing I know, it’s that Dina Lohan does not know how to care for Lindsay. I mean … Lindsay is legally allowed to be free again … but I can’t help but feel that this is a bad idea. I hope I’m wrong but time will tell if Lindsay has truly cleaned up her act, straightened out her life and is dead serious about saving her own life. Where will L. Lo show up next? I’m sure it won’t be long until we find out.

UPDATE: Contrary to THIS report (which is in contrary to THIS original report), TMZ is now reporting that Lindsay has NOT left rehab and even attended a sobriety class at Betty Ford today at noon. They claim that Lindsay won’t leave rehab until tomorrow:

Lindsay Lohan is currently cramming for her impending freedom by taking some classes at Betty Ford … TMZ has learned. Sources directly connected with Lindsay tell us … she was in a BF sobriety class at noon PT. Lindsay was considering staying all week — and taking additional classes — but now we’re told sometime early tomorrow Lindsay will be making her way back to the L.A. area.

At this point who knows WTF? is going on. First we hear she’s staying in rehab, then we hear she already left rehab and now we are hearing that she’s still in rehab but not for much longer. Damn, it sounds like the poor girl’s life is still as mixed up as ever. To be honest, I think she needs to find a nice deserted island away from Hollywood … away from her toxic parents … so that she can just live her life in peace away from all the things that threaten to kill her. She’s in, She’s out, She’s in … you make the call.


No Doubt Announces The Recording Of A New Album

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 12:36 PM PST

Tom Dumont of No Doubt has posted a new message on the official Twitter profile for his band No Doubt announcing to the world that the band has already written an album’s worth of songs and they are heading into the studio to begin recording their new album TODAY!

Yes!! The band is prolly in the studio RIGHT NOW recording these 10 new songs. When last we heard from No Doubt it was the Summer of 2009 and they were on tour performing their old, beloved music. But it is now 2011 … time for a NEW album! Here’s hoping No Doubt keeps us in the loop about the recording process … which has just gotten underway!


New Year, Old Friends

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 12:27 PM PST

Yesterday was another rainy, cold day here in SoCal so for the most part David and I stayed in doors and under the warm covers. We did venture out last night to hang out with our dear friend Angie and her beautiful daughter Kendall who we hadn’t seen in a few weeks. Angie and I had been talking about hanging out for a while so last night was the perfect opportunity.

We made our way to Sherman Oaks, CA to meet up with Ange and Kendall at The Cheesecake Factory for a bite to eat. Kendall snapped this amazingly cool photo of me on her mom’s iPhone so I thought I would share it with all y’all:

It’s a shame that it was so wet and cold yesterday because we didn’t get much chance to hang out as much as we would’ve liked. It was really great getting to catch up with Angie … I think we are planning on another hang out session later this week. As a former DJ, Angie has got a LOT of vinyl records so we are planning a record party at my place. And speaking of … my new record player has been getting a lot of use in the past few days … I managed to pick up a bunch of really amazing records … including Mantaray by Siouxsie Sioux:

I’m not sure how long this love for vinyl phase will last but I hope for a long time. One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to slow down and appreciate music more, on vinyl as much as possible. I haven’t really spent any real time getting to know albums like I used to. In this age of downloading tracks in seconds and then moving on to the next batch of songs, I have been very lax in getting to know albums. I can’t even tell you the last time I took the time to learn the lyrics of an entire album. Slowing down with vinyl will hopefully help me get back into the practice of appreciating music again.

It’s the first Monday of the New Year, I hope it’s been a good one for you thus far!!

Les News, 010311

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 11:19 AM PST

First Look: Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi’s Debut Novel

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 10:36 AM PST

Back in October we learned that MTV Jersey Shore star Mike The Situation Sorrentino became a published author with the release of his debut book Here's the Situation: A Guide to Creeping on Chicks, Avoiding Grenades, and Getting in Your GTL on the Jersey Shore (available for purchase HERE). Tomorrow we take another step toward the apocalypse with the release of Jersey Shore star Nicole Snooki Polizzi‘s debut novel A Shore Thing … making her the SECOND published author among the cast of Jersey Shore.

This, my intrepid readers, is what Snooki‘s debut novel looks like. The New York Post managed to get their hands on a copy of this masterpiece of literature (most likely predominately written by a ghost writer with only the bare minimum input from Snooki herself) and graces us with a few pearls of magic from the self-professed guidette’s prose … behold:

* “He had an okay body. Not fat at all. And naturally toned abs. She could pour a shot of tequila down his belly and slurp it out of his navel without getting splashed in the face.”

* “Yum. Johnny Hulk tasted like fresh gorilla.”

* “Any juicehead will get some nut shrinkage. And bacne. They fly into a ‘roid rage, it is a ‘road’ ‘roid rage.”

* “Gia danced around a little, shaking her peaches for show. She shook it hard. Too hard. In the middle of a shimmy, her stomach cramped. A fart slipped out. A loud one. And stinky.”

* “Gia had never before been in jail. It wasn’t nearly as gritty and disgusting as she’d seen on TV prison shows. The Seaside Heights drunk tank — on a weekday afternoon — was as clean and quiet as a church.”

* “I love food. I love drinking, boys, dancing until my feet swell. I love my family, my friends, my job, my boss. And I love my body, especially the badonk.”

It should be noted that Snooki has confessed to only ready two books in her entire life — Twilight by Stephenie Myer and Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. Yeah.

In case you’re at all interested, you can procure a copy of A Shore Thing by Nicole Snooki Polizzi HERE. Happy reading!!

[Source, Source, Source]

Lady Gaga Tweets New Album News

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 09:44 AM PST

Based on her tireless work to help get the US Military’s discriminatory Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Policy repealed, I am giving pop star Lady Gaga another look. While I am a fan of a few of her songs, I never considered myself a fan of her work as a whole. With a new album set for release in a few months, I think this might be the perfect time to see what all the hubbub is about. Gaga posted a photo and message on her official Twitter profile on New Year’s Eve announcing the release of her new single and her new album.

THE SONG 2 13 11 THE RECORD 5 23 11

I do admit, I really love the early 80′s Madonnaness of this photo. It’s not yet known if this is the cover album artwork for Gaga‘s new album Born This Way or if it’s just an image that will be used in promoting the album but … it deffo reminds me of some of Madonna‘s early photos from the early 80′s. It’s clear that Lady Gaga would love to become the new Madonna but she still has many, many years of success ahead of her to achieve that goal. Born This Way will only be her 3rd album (well, technically her 2nd album if you consider that The Fame Monster was really just an outgrowth of her debut album The Fame). Will Gaga be able to live up to the hype and continue her reign on the pop charts? I guess we’ll find out soon enough.


The Infamous ‘Miley Cyrus Bong’ Is Now Available For Sale

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 09:16 AM PST

Great news, Miley Cyrus fans … now YOU can own a piece of bona fide Miley History! Remember that HIGHlarious video that we saw last month of Miley pufflin’ on a water bong reportedly full of the hallucinogenic herb called Salvia? Well, the guy who owns the bong that Miley got caught puffin’ on is now offering the device up for sale. Anyone in the market for a new bong?

The guy who owns the bong Miley Cyrus smoked salvia out of has finally come down come to his senses … and now he wants to sell the infamous water pipe while it’s hot! When we last checked in with Mr. Bong Owner, he was telling friends he did not want to part with the item because it held “sentimental value.” Now the term “actual value” has entered his vocabulary, and Mr. Bong Owner tell us he’s now looking to cash in. He’s even set up an email account to field offers — mileycyrusbong@gmail.com — and thinks he can get close to “five figures.”

LMAOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Make no mistake, homie is going to sell that bong for a pretty penny. I’m not sure if he will actually get the “five figures” he’s imagining but someone will pony up some substantial dough to become the proud owner of the Miley Cyrus Bong. I think it would be BRILLIANT if the publishers of High Times magazine (or some other like-minded company) purchased the bong so that it can be installed in some Drug Paraphernalia Hall of Fame for posterity. It’s quite a special time in a young Disney star’s life when they get busted with a bong … on video! The opportunity to own such a fabulous piece of pop culture cannot be missed! Are any of y’all interested in owning this pop culture artifact? Anyone?


Ryan Reynolds & Sandra Bullock Spend New Year’s Eve Together

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 08:52 AM PST

Just before Xmas 2 weeks ago we learned the sad news that Ryan Reynolds filed for divorce from his wife Scarlett Johansson (just days after it was announced that the couple had split up) but it appears that Ryan found comfort in the company of an old friend by New Year’s Eve. Ryan was spotted in the close company of his Proposal co-star Sandra Bullock (who endured her own marital discord in 2010) at her New Year’s Eve party in Austin, TX. Was this a case of BFFs finding solace with one another … or something else entirely?

He was filing for divorce as she was spending her first Christmas as a single mother, but neither spent New Year’s Eve alone, sharing the night together. Ryan Reynolds,34, and Sandra Bullock,46, ushered in 2011 enjoying a night at Besse Bistro in Texas. The Hollywood pair enjoyed dinner with friends and danced the night away with fellow guests at the eatery, which Sandra owns. Life could well be imitating art as The Proposal stars were spotted leaving the restaurant together at 2am, according to reports. Ryan and Sandra who are both single, shared a table with three other friends but perhaps tellingly were sat next to each other. Ryan, who was dressed in a flat cap and blue shirt, filed for divorce from wife Scarlett Johansson last month, just nine days after the couple announced their separation … As Ryan entertained the table he seemed to command Sandra's attention who looked captivated as he spoke.

HMMMMMM … isn’t this interesting? Now, let’s not jump to conclusions here … there is NO reason to believe that anything of a romantic nature went down between these two … tho, we can’t forget how good they looked and how much chemistry they shared when they co-starred in The Proposal together:

I know there are a LOT of people who would love to see Ryan and Sandra get together romantically … and I am among those people … but it’s very likely that Ryan and Sandra are just good friends taking care of one another during the holidays.

Still … they really DO look good together. What do y’all think … is this the start of something more?

[Photo credit: Splash News; Source]

Mila Kunis & Macaulay Culkin Are Dunzo!

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 07:52 AM PST

Sad news to pass along today … we’ve got ANOTHER celebrity break-up to mourn. After 8 years of loving bliss together, actors Mila Kunis and Macaulay Culkin have decided to call it quits. Actually, I understand the extremely private couple split some time ago but decided to keep the news quiet so that Mila could promote her new film Black Swan without having to discuss her personal life. But, as we make our way into the fledgling 2011, we must deal with the cold hard fact that Mila and Macaulay are dunzo!

Kunis’ rep confirms that she and one-time child star Macaulay Culkin have gone their separate ways. “The split was amicable, and they remain close friends,” her rep said. Kunis started dating Culkin seven years ago, when she starred as the snobby “Jackie” character in “That ’70s Show.” A source said the couple split some time ago but has kept it low-key while Kunis promotes the movie.

Sad. To be honest, this couple has been so good at keeping their relationship low key that I had forgotten that they were even together. It did occur to me in the last couple of months that Mac never showed up at any of the premiere events for Black Swan and I couldn’t remember if the couple had split years ago or what. Break-ups are always sad … but to think that the couple was together for 8 years and then suddenly … it’s over. I wish them both the best … perhaps they will each find true, true love in 2011.


Lindsay Lohan Decides To Stay In Rehab A Bit Longer

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 07:35 AM PST

It appears that Lindsay Lohan is not quite ready to live in the real world again because she has decided to extend her stay in rehab a few days longer. Despite the fact that L. Lo‘s court-ordered stay in rehab ends today (i.e. she can leave rehab today if she wants to), she has decided to stay at the Betty Ford Center (likely thru the week) to get her life and affairs in order before she enters the big, bad world again.

Sources connected with Lindsay Lohan tell TMZ … even though Lindsay is legally allowed to bail from rehab today … we’re told she may stay until the weekend to get additional treatment. Sources tell us Lindsay is taking precautions before reentering day-to-day life, and is talking with people at the Betty Ford Center about reentering the residential day treatment program until Saturday.

Well, isn’t this encouraging news? I would not have been surprised to learn that Lindsay hightailed it out of rehab at the stroke of midnight last night so that she can move back to her home in LA … but clearly she is getting something from her time in rehab … and THAT is a great sign that her treatment is working. Without question, Lindsay will have a lot of demons to face once she does decide to leave rehab … I really commend her for taking her time and making sure she is really ready to handle the freedom she’s never really known how to handle. If you think about it, we haven’t heard of L. Lo leaving Betty Ford and getting into any trouble in the past couple of weeks (well, since she got into that altercation with that Betty Ford staffer just before Xmas). Take all the time in the world you need, Lindsay. Only YOU can save your own life. Get better, girl … seriously.


David Arquette Checks Himself In To Rehab

Posted: 03 Jan 2011 07:11 AM PST

As one celebrity leaves rehab, another enters … such is the circle of life here in Hollywood. As you may know, Lindsay Lohan is due to leave the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, CA sometime this week after spending the last few months housed there. Today we learn that troubled actor, just split from his wife Courteney Cox, David Arquette has checked himself into a rehab facility. After a night of partying on New Year’s Eve, Arquette finally decided that it was time to get his life in order … and checked himself in to rehab.

David Arquette checked himself into rehab during the holiday weekend … TMZ has learned. We’re told David is seeking treatment for alcohol and other issues — but not drugs. Arquette partied at Beacher’s Madhouse at the Roosevelt Hotel on New Year’s Eve before checking into a live-in facility. A source close to David says he is doing it because it’s “the right thing to do for his family.”

News of this decision is not surprising in the least. In the weeks since Courteney split from David, he has been talking to any and everyone (HERE and HERE) about the problems in the couple’s marriage leading many to believe that he was dealing with something else privately. For her part, Courteney has been SO supportive of her soon-to-be ex-husband thruout their entire break-up … and even issued a statement of support for David once news of his decision to seek rehab treatment broke:

“I really admire David and his choice to take charge and better his life. I love and support him.”

She is an amazing woman. Here’s hoping that David is serious about tackling his demons and is able to clean himself up. Alcohol addiction is a serious matter … and only a serious attempt to sober up will be successful. I wish David all the luck in the world. He’s gonna need it.

[Photo credit: X17; Source, Source]

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