Friday, January 7, 2011

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

First Look: Britney Spears, ‘Hold It Against Me’

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 05:32 PM PST

In the wake of the early leak of a demo version of Britney Spears‘s new single Hold It Against Me earlier today, Britney posted the artwork for her new single on her official Twitter profile and announced the ACTUAL release date for her new single. PLUS, Ryan Seacrest announces the title of another NEW Britney Spears song!!

Heard an early demo of my new single leaked. If u think that’s good, wait til you hear the real one Tuesday. -Brit

Yay!! Not only is the the absolute confirmation that the demo that leaked is the real thing but our dear Britney goes one step further and shows us what the artwork for her single looks like. AND we now know that her version of the single will be released next Tuesday, January 11 (01.01.11) … for sure!! It’s unclear if the plan to unlock the song via fan participation on Facebook is still in effect but I think we can look to next Tuesday as the day, one way or another, that we’ll get to her Britney‘s final produced version of Hold It Against Me. This single artwork is beautiful, I can’t wait to see AND hear more!!

In addition to the release of the Hold It Against Me single artwork, Ryan Seacrest reports that not only has he been given a listen to the final version of the track but he has also been allowed to hear another new song from Britney titled I I I Wanna Go:

Spears' managers Larry Rudolph and Adam Leber gave Ryan a first listen to the high-energy single on Thursday, which blew away the demo that leaked online earlier this morning. Leber played the song off of his trusted iPod Classic in Ryan's radio studio (see photo below). Britney's managing team also played a second song for Ryan, "I I I Wanna Go" another powerhouse single from the new album. Rudolph and Leber explained to Ryan that the creative process for "Hold It Against Me" music video is well underway and are nothing short of spectacular. Spears has been rehearsing choreography for the video for a month now, and will shoot in two weeks.

The leak of the demo version of this song has uncorked a whole bunch of new info about Britney‘s new single and album. It is nearly upon us, y’all … a NEW ERA of Britney Spears music is almost upon us! Wooooot!!!

[Source, Source]

Paul ‘Pauly D’ DelVecchio Comments On Britney Spears’s New Album

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 05:17 PM PST

Earlier today we got our FIRST LISTEN HERE of the demo version of Britney Spears’s new single Hold It Against Me (which you MUST LISTEN TO immediately if you haven’t multiple times already) and right now we get to hear Jersey Shore star Paul Pauly D DelVecchio about his thoughts on Britney‘s new album. That’s right, because Pauly D and Britney share the same manager, he has been allowed to hear Brit Brit‘s new album and according to him, the album is amazing!

As a DJ, Pauly D knows a lot about music … and he says he is really excited for the release of Britney‘s album so he can spin it in the clubs. Here is the portion of Pauly D‘s interview with Billboard magazine where he talks about her album (at about the 3:00 mark):

Naturally, he doesn’t tell us anything tangible about the album … but he likes it, that’s for sure. I’ve been playing the demo version of Britney‘s new single Hold It Against Me all day long and I’ve really come to LOVE the track. I am DYING to hear how the final product will sound once it gets released … any day now. Any day now.


David Beckham Looks So Happy To Root For The LA Lakers

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 04:26 PM PST

If you thought that Kirsten Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner looked bored out of their minds at the 2011 People’s Choice Awards last night, wait ’til you get a load of these new photos of David Beckham lookin’ like he was having the time of his life at the Staples Center as he “rooted” for the LA Lakers basketball team. I mean … I realize sports fans can’t be happy all the time but, damn, Becks looked so miserably bored.

Poor Becks. As if his sad, unkempt hair’do didn’t make him look pitiful enough … these mopey photos as he sat courtside at the Lakers game last night are just … depressing. Mebbe Becks was miffed that he didn’t get invited to the PCAs instead? Poor lamb. See, I know that there are people staring in the streets, losing their jobs and dying of sickness and disease all over the world … but I doubt anyone could be as painfully sad as David Beckham here. Tears.

[Photo credit: Wireimage]

Actor Kirk Cameron Says Dead Birds Are Not A Sign Of The End Of The World

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 03:30 PM PST

In the last week or so, thousands of birds have suddenly died in huge quantities in different parts of the country leading the more imaginative/paranoid segment of the population to fear that the occurrences are a sign of a Biblical apocalypse or “End of Days”. Last night, on Anderson 360, actor Kirk Cameron (who we may remember as a child star on Growing Pains but now devotes his life to extreme religious teachings and has starred in Biblical “End of Days” films) chimed in and offer his $0.02 on the matter of all these dead birds. Thank goodness Anderson managed to find an expert!

After thousands of birds mysteriously fell out of the sky in Arkansas on New Year’s Eve, it was only natural that Anderson Cooper turned to an expert for an explanation. Enter Kirk Cameron. The former “Growing Pains” star — a born-again Christian who has appeared in movies based on the end-of-days-themed “Left Behind” books — appeared on “Anderson Cooper 360″ to discuss whether he thought the dead birds were a sign of the apocalypse. “Well, I first think that they ought to call a veterinarian, not me. You know, I’m not the religious-conspiracy-theorist go-to guy, particularly,” Cameron said. “But I think it’s really kind of silly to try to equate birds falling out of the sky with some kind of an end-times theory.” Chalk it up to the public’s fascination with doomsday predictions. “People love to find codes and signs of future events and see if they can decipher them before anybody else,” the 40-year-old actor told Cooper. “But birds falling from the sky? That has to do more with pagan mythology; the direction that the birds flew told some of the followers of some of those legends that the gods were either pleased or displeased with them.”

Despite the fact that Cameron does not believe that dead birds are a sign of the apocalypse, he is still not happy with the way our country is going. According to him, the state of US affairs is so bad the actual “End of Days” may not be too far in the future:

Meanwhile, the father of six says he’s displeased with the state of our country. “If America is a ship, it looks a lot like it’s sinking — financially, morally, spiritually. It’s frightening,” he says.

Thanks goodness that settles that! I can now sleep soundly knowing that according to Kirk Cameron, things will be all right … well, for now.


Lea Michelle Teams Up With PETA To Save Horses In The City

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 02:50 PM PST

In May of last year we learned that Glee star Jane Lynch had teamed up with the animal right’s organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals in an effort to combat animal overpopulation and today we learn that her co-star Lea Michele has teamed up with PETA for a cause of her own. Lea and PETA want to put a stop to horse-drawn carriages in big cities, is that something you think you’d be on board to support?

Glee actor Lea Michele is raising her voice against the cruelty of horse-drawn carriages. In a shocking undercover video, Lea exposes the harsh conditions that these overworked horses are subjected to—all day, every day. The native New Yorker also posed with a rescued horse for a gorgeous PETA ad to help spread the message that horses don’t belong in traffic. “Imagine for a moment that you’re forced to do hard physical labor all day, seven days a week—whether it’s sweltering hot or freezing cold outside,” Lea says. “At the end of the day, instead of relaxing on [an] easy chair or sleeping in a comfortable bed, you are locked in a tiny closet all night long.” This tortured life is a sad reality for the horses who are used to pull carriages. During their workday, these horses are forced into dangerous traffic, where they develop respiratory ailments from inhaling exhaust fumes and debilitating leg problems from pounding the hard pavement. They constantly weave between cars and are often spooked by loud noises on the streets. As a result, accidents sometimes occur in which many horses and people are seriously injured or even killed. When not working, these horses are confined to cramped stalls in which they are unable to turn around, stretch their legs, or even lie down comfortably. Don’t get taken for a ride. Join Lea and countless others in boycotting horse-drawn carriages!

Ugh, I must admit … I am not a fan of horse-drawn carriages. I get that the notion of being pulled in a carriage by a horse is romantic to many but I’ve seen far too many miserable-looking horses in NYC that the romance is lost on me. While I’m sure that not all horse-drawn carriage companies mistreat their horses, it just seems really cruel to force them to live in a noisy, bizzy, aggressive city setting. Here is video released by PETA of how they claim some horses are mistreated, be warned … it may be difficult to watch:

On this subject, I agree. I have never supported the horse-drawn carriage business … ever. I absolutely do not intend to start.


Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson Pretend To Enjoy The 2011 People’s Choice Awards

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 01:52 PM PST

Last night the 2011 People’s Choice Awards were handed out in an awards ceremony that was so chock full of product placement that I damn near puked on my fabulously stylish shoes. I did manage to keep the contents of my stomach in check long enough to note that Twilight stars Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner were all seated in the front row … and BOY did they pretend to look like they were having fun!

Now, I’m not sure if you knew this or not … but the Twilight Trio were very likely coaxed into appearing at the show so that they could collect their assortment of PCAs. For the most part, the kids managed to smile and look interested when the cameras were on them but, of course, they couldn’t keep up the charade for the entirety of the show (and, to be honest, I can’t blame them). I think these 3 should get individual People’s Choice Awards for Best Attempt to Feign Interest in a Show They Seem to have No Genuine Interest In. Well done, you three!!

[Photo credit: Wireimage]

Are You Ready To Celebrate Betty White’s 89th Birthday?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 01:15 PM PST

The beloved Betty White will be celebrating her 89th birthday on January 18 and TV Land, the network that airs her new TV series Hot In Cleveland, is orchestrating a huge event on Facebook to get as many people as possible to sign a birthday card that will be presented to her in NYC. Here is your chance to send your very own Birthday Lurve to Betty herself.

TV Land celebrates Betty White's 89th birthday by giving stars and fans the opportunity to honor everyone's golden girl with birthday wishes and personal video messages via a birthday card that is on the "Hot in Cleveland" Facebook page. Join superstars Tina Fey, Joel McHale, Taylor Swift, Kathie Lee Gifford, Hoda Kotb, Kristin Chenoweth, Jessica Walter and more along with fans around the world in wishing the incomparable Betty White a happy birthday. Visitors are invited to "Like" the page and post their messages and video birthday well wishes alongside their favorite celebrities including Betty's "Hot" co-stars Valerie Bertinelli, Wendie Malick and Jane Leeves. The birthday card will be presented to Ms. White at her TV Land birthday bash happening in New York City on January 18th, and a compilation of messages will be available for all to see on

Don’t forget, new eps of Hot In Cleveland will air on Wednesday January 19 so there is a lot of stuff to prepare for. Make sure you send Betty all your Birthday Lurve and then set those DVRs for the season 2 premiere of Hot In Cleveland on TV Land.


House Party

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 12:46 PM PST

Last night David and I hosted our friends Emma and Josh, who just got engaged to be married last weekend, at our place for a little hangout session. Em and Josh heard all about my new record player and growing record collection so they wanted to come by and hang. They’re also well aware of our liquor and booze collection so, yeah, they were happy to come over.

At some point, David got an impromptu pilates lesson from Emma and now he’s thinking about taking her class. I, being the lazy schlub that I am, was happy to watch from a reclined position on the couch and wish David well in his new endeavor. To be honest, we didn’t really get up to anything exciting … late in the night, our friend Michael came by to hang out. It was a nice, relatively quiet night.

Tonight, our friend Angie is coming over for a hang session. She will be bringing some of her own vinyl records so … we’s gonna House Party again, I’m sure.

Les News, 010611

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 12:02 PM PST

Adam Levin Of Maroon 5 Gets NEKKID For ‘Cosmopolitan’ Magazine

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 11:32 AM PST

Okay … who’s in the mood for some hot nekkid manflesh? While Blake Lively is featured on the cover of the new issue of Australian Cosmopolitan magazine, Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine is featured in the new issue of the US version of Cosmopolitan … and he is wearing absolutely nothing but a pair of hands to cover up his manhood. Altho Adam is not completely nekkid in this photos, they might be seen as semi-NSFW for some of y’all so … proceed with caution.

Well hello there, Adam!! You are lookin’ good my friend. It should be noted that these images are part of a prostate cancer awareness ad campaign (that will debut in the February issue of Cosmo). I can’t even tell you how much I love these photos. They are the male equivalent of the famous Janet Jackson photo from Rolling Stone magazine back in the 90′s (you know, the one where her breasts are covered by a pair of hands). These photos are really hot … but I think I like the second one best because of the cute look on Adam‘s face. I’m not a Cosmo reader and I don’t think I’ve ever purchased a copy of the mag in my life but … this issue might be a must buy. I think these photos would look very nice tacked up on my wall, don’t you think?

[Source, Source]

Blake Lively Does Australian ‘Cosmopolitan’ Magazine

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 11:17 AM PST

Gossip Girl star Blake Lively is featured on the cover of the new issue of Australian Cosmopolitan magazine and in her coverstory interview, she confesses that she is not a fan of nightclubs. In fact, except to see a live show, Blake contends that she has never been to a club before. HMMM … she sounds like a lot of fun to hang out with, don’t she?

Blake Lively has insisted that she prefers a quiet night at home to a night out clubbing. In an interview with Cosmopolitan Australia magazine, the Gossip Girl actress explained that she has never been particularly interested in the trendy nightclub scene. “I’m much more of a homebody than a person who goes out,” Lively said. The star continued: “I don’t think I’ve ever been to a club other than to see a band. I don’t really find it that fun.” Lively was recently named as the new face of Chanel’s Mademoiselle bag collection.

I mean … really? I’m not saying that it’s wrong to avoid clubs or anything like that but … really Blake, you’ve never been to a club before? To her credit, the girl does work hard and she successfully manages to keep her private life relatively private and definitely controversy free so … if staying away from clubs is workin’ for her, then I say good for her. As for this magazine cover … I’m not in love with it, to be honest. Her face looks … odd. I swear, some magazine photo retouchers should be shot. IMHO, this is not a very flattering photo … what do y’all think?

[Source, Source]

Zac Efron Shows Off His New Buzzed Hair’Do

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 11:06 AM PST

A couple of weeks ago we got our first look at Zac Efron‘s new shaved hair’do (which he cut for his new film The Lucky One) and today we get to see a batch of photos of shorn tween heartthrob showing off his buzzcut on the streets of SoCal. As much as I miss Zac‘s longer, perfect hair … the buzzed look is growing on me.

Yes, the shorter hair is growing on me. The shorter look works on him … it makes him look more manly, more mature. My guess is that he won’t keep it this short for long. He’ll prolly grow it out to mussy perfection in no time but … yeah, it’s nice to look at for now. Yes, do we like?

[Photo credit: X17]

Breaking News: Johnny Weir Comes Out As Gay

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 10:21 AM PST

I’m not certain if any of y’all know this but … Olympic ice skater Johnny Weir has not actually come out as gay … until now. In his new memoir, Welcome to my World (due out next Tuesday January 11), Weir finally confirms his worst kept secret … that he is a gay man. While this may not sound significant to most, I think it’s really fantastic that Johnny is finally comfortable enough to publicly confirm his sexuality to the world.

Johnny Weir has a memoir coming out soon called Welcome to My World and savvy marketing chap that he is, he’s promoting it by leaking/selling excerpts to People magazine. The big news (or non-news) is that Weir finally, explicitly comes out as gay: “With people killing themselves and being scared into the closet, I hope that even just one person can gain strength from my story.” In the People article, Weir talks about his childhood when he was often mistaken for a little girl. Also, his often being called a “homo” or “faggot” by middle school students. He also mentions a clandestine affair he had with another male skater he refers to only as “Alex.” Weir also discusses the pressure he felt from gay websites who “couldn’t figure out why I was such a jerk that I wouldn’t talk it [being gay].” “A lot of the gays got downright angry about my silence. But pressure is the last thing that would make me want to ‘join’ a community.” … Weir ends with… “I’m not ashamed to be me. More than anyone else I know, I love my life and accept myself. What’s wrong with being unique? I am proud of everything that I am and will become.” And at last, GLBT fans looking for out gay role models can be proud of him as well.

Being gay myself, I could NEVER fault anyone for choosing not to come out publicly. The process is such a personal one, I could never condone forcing my needs on anyone else when it comes to something as personal as their sexual orientation. I do applaud and commend Johnny for choosing to come out publicly, which is no small feat despite the countless number of people who have “always known” that he is gay. I sincerely hope that Johnny‘s coming out will inspire others to do the same … or, at the very least, make them feel not so alone. This is fantastic news, y’all … Yay for Johnny Weir!!

[Source, Source]

Jaime Pressly Busted!

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 08:53 AM PST

Unfortunately, we’ve got our first celebrity arrest for drunk driving for 2011 … and it hasn’t even been a full week yet. Actress Jaime Pressly got pulled over for committing a traffic violation in Santa Monica, CA last night and according to police she failed a field sobriety test. Pressly was then arrested and booked on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. She got busted, y’all!

Jaime Pressly was arrested late Wednesday night for suspicion of driving under the influence … law enforcement sources tell TMZ. The “My Name Is Earl” star was driving in Santa Monica at around 11PM when she was stopped. We’re told cops took notice of her vehicle after she allegedly committed a traffic violation. A field sobriety test was performed and Jaime was arrested and booked on suspicion of DUI. She was taken to the Santa Monica jail and held on $15,000 bail … Law enforcement sources tell TMZ there were no drugs in Jaime’s car. We’re also told no children were in the car. And, we know, there was no car accident. The only other circumstance in which bail is set at $15,000 — the normal amount is $5,000 — is when the driver’s blood-alcohol level is higher than .15. We have not, however, been able to confirm Jaime’s level.

Not that she needs to be commended for this but I am very happy to know that Pressly wasn’t stupid enough to drive drunk with any of her children in the car. Still, the fact that her bail was set at the much higher $15k rather than the normal $5k suggests that her blood alcohol level was pretty high. Drunk driving is among the MOST selfish crimes that people commit because they not only endanger their own lives but they endanger the lives of other innocent drivers on the road. While it’s extremely upsetting that we can’t go very long without a celeb getting busted for DUI, it’s even more upsetting to know that non-famous drunk drivers get busted (and sometimes tragically injure or kill others) every single day. Please, y’all, don’t drink and drive.


Courtney Love Gets Sued For Defamation

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 08:27 AM PST

Anyone who’s ever tried to follow Courtney Love on Twitter knows that it is very difficult to wade thru her barrage of senseless messages to find anything that remotely resembles sanity. BUT, it turns out that a selection of her tweets managed to grab the attention of a fashion designer who claims that C. Love publicly disparaging her good name online … so now she’s suing Courtney for defamation.

Courtney Love was very upset. The firebrand rocker had been locked in a dispute with Dawn Simorangkir, a fashion designer who was demanding payment for a few thousand dollars worth of clothes. So on March 17, 2009, Love took to her Twitter account and began hurling a stream of shocking insults at the designer known as the “Boudoir Queen.” Love’s tweets, which instantly landed in the Twitter feeds of her 40,000 or so followers (and countless others via retweets), announced that Simorangkir was a drug-pushing prostitute with a history of assault and battery who lost custody of her own child and capitalized on Love’s fame before stealing from her. “She has received a VAST amount of money from me over 40,000 dollars and I do not make people famous and get raped TOO!” Love wrote. That tirade, along with others the Hole frontwoman unleashed on social media platforms including MySpace and during the next four days, form the basis of a groundbreaking lawsuit headed to court in Los Angeles on January 18: the first high-profile defamation trial over a celebrity’s comments on Twitter. “There has never been anything like this case before,” says Simorangkir attorney Bryan Freedman, who will attempt to convince a Los Angeles jury that Love’s false statements destroyed his client’s fashion career, thus entitling her to potentially millions of dollars in damages … “We don’t believe there’s any defamation, and even if there were defamatory statements, there was no damage,” says James Janowitz, an attorney for Love. A key to the case, say First Amendment lawyers, could be whether an average Twitter user would interpret Love’s vicious tweets as facts rather than merely her opinion. “I’ll be interested to see if the court gives people posting on Twitter more latitude than other media,” says Alonzo Wickers, a defamation expert who has handled matters for such media clients as Comedy Central and TMZ. “The way Twitter is evolving, it seems to be more of a means to express opinion. I would hope courts give tweets the same latitude as they do an op-ed piece or a letter to the editor” … Love, who is scheduled to testify in court, already gave a deposition in the case, during which she argued that she was only repeating in her tweets what she had heard from Simorangkir herself. (Simorangkir denies truth in any of Love’s tweets.) She did acknowledge Love’s influence as a fashion icon, of sorts, and Simorangkir plans to use those statements at trial to demonstrate that Love was enough of a trendsetter to effectively kill her reputation. In addition, e-mails and phone calls made by Love to Simorangkir in the aftermath of her Twitter rampage, some of which purportedly exhibit remorse about the comments, will be introduced to jurors. Love’s attorneys have their own witnesses, including a medical expert who plans to testify that even if Love’s statements were untrue, her mental state was not “subjectively malicious” enough to justify the defamation lawsuit. That claim — something akin to an insanity defense for social media — suggests that Twitter was so appealing and addictive for Love that she had no appreciation for how the comments she posted would be received by others.

What. The. Eff. I mean … this is huge! The ruling in this case could set wide-reaching legal precedence in terms of the way people use Twitter. On the one hand, I find it hard to argue that calling someone a “drug-pushing prostitute” could be considered an “op ed” piece … on the other hand, referring to Courtney Love as a “fashion icon” is practically insane. I am VERY interested and curious to see how this court case lays out. What do y’all think? Based on what is reported here, do you think Courtney is screwed by or justified in her public comments?


Lindsay Lohan BUSTED . . . With A Parking Ticket

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 07:57 AM PST

Lindsay Lohan has only been out of rehab for a few days and she’s already suffered her first run-in with the law. Yes folks, Lindsay got busted again. Thankfully for her, this latest bust was only the minorest of traffic offenses but, as we all know, it’s a slippery slope from parking ticket to PRISON! Well, okay … maybe not … but for someone as calamitous as Lindsay Lohan, it’s not a good sign that homegirl is in trouble, no matter how slight, again.

She’s not stopped smiling since she was released from rehab. But it seems Lindsay Lohan may have hit her first hurdle in her return to real-life. The actress was slapped with a parking ticket as she visited a friend in Beverly Hills yesterday. It’s not long since she was allowed back behind the wheel after her driver’s license was restored. The fine certainly left Lindsay looking downheartened. But it didn’t depress her for long, as she headed off to the gym and hair salon. Lindsay is keeping up the sober living plan she began in rehab, with new activities to occupy her time.

Early last month we learned that L. Lo only just got her driver’s license reinstated … and she’s already collecting parking tickets … tsk tsk tsk. In her favor, tho, she does look really fantastic in this photo … so good for her on that count. We are still waiting to hear if Lindsay will be punished for her alleged probation violation so … these happy, carefree days at the gym, hair salon and visiting friends may be over very soon. See … told ya … only Lindsay Lohan could go from a parking ticket to a jail cell in record time.

[Photo credit: X17; Source]

First Listen: A Demo Of Britney Spears’s New Single Leaks To The Internets [UPDATE]

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 07:29 AM PST

I’ve got some possible new Britney Spears news to pass along today … last night, a demo track showed up on You Tube that purports to be the demo version of Britney Spears‘s new single Hold It Against Me. The electronic-sounding track features lyrics that have reportedly been linked to the song. Today there is NEW word that the leaked demo may be genuine!!

While the skeptic in at first doubted that this “demo” has anything at all to do with Britney‘s new single, there is growing likelihood that it could be the real deal (which we won’t know for sure until we get official confirmation). Considering how close to the vest Britney‘s people have been playing the release of her new music, I find it shocking that a demo of the song could leak online so easily. What do y’all think … could this be an actual demo of the song?

UPDATE: Popjustice is reporting that this track is the actual demo of Britney‘s single Hold It Against Me. According to the site, The next time you hear this song …the production, vocal and structure will sound very different. And you don’t have very long to wait. So … uh … there you go. Apparently the woman singing on this track is Bonnie McKee, the songwriter of the track (who also wrote California Gurls and Teenage Dream for Katy Perry and Dynamite for Taio Cruz). It’s sounding more and more likely that this is Britney‘s new single … now what do y’all think?

UPDATE 2: Producer Dr. Luke has finally chimed in about the demo, confirming that it is a genuine, early version of the song:

that version of hold it against me is really really old… it don’t sound like that anymore… it’s WAY better :-p

In other Britney Spears news, her manager Adam Leber posted a message on his official Twitter profile announcing that he met with the folks at iTunes to talk about the release of her new album. Oh and he also promises an official announcement about when we can hear the first single for ourselves:

As I reported yesterday, there is a plan in the works by Britney‘s record label to get fan participation involved in the release of the single … but we still don’t know when the blessed event will take place. Soon, y’all … I can feel it … we’ll be jammin’ to Britney‘s version of this new song very soon.

[Source, Source, Source, Source, thanks Tom]

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