Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

First Look: ‘Glee’ Does Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 05:40 PM PST

On Saturday we learned that Glee is planning a return of Gwyneth Paltrow, the debut of Lady Gaga‘s new single Born This Way and an ode to Justin Bieber in the upcoming second half of their season season. Today, courtesy of Spoiler TV, we get our first look at the cast of Glee filming a marching band performance of their version of Michael Jackson‘s classic single and iconic music video Thriller.

As I understand it, Glee‘s version of Thriller will be a mash-up performance featured in the upcoming Superbowl episode and the ep will NOT be Michael Jackson specific. Other songs reportedly featured in the ep will come from The Black Eyed Peas (ugh) and Katy Perry (ick). I have faith that Glee will do right by Thriller but … they better bring it. It would be a travesty to the memory of Michael Jackson if one of his biggest songs got lost among other, less impressive music.


Tom Ford & Partner Richard Buckley Do ‘Out’ Magazine

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 04:30 PM PST

Designer/Director Tom Ford and his partner of 24-years Richard Buckley are featured on the cover of the Love Issue of Out magazine. This special issue profiles the numerous loving relationships that exist in GLBT families and Tom‘s kiss for Richard makes for the PERFECT coverphoto.

Tom Ford takes to the cover of Out's February issue, enjoying an intimate kiss with his longtime partner, Richard Buckley. The portrait kicks off an issue dedicated to love, in which a series of striking photographs and stories celebrate gay couples and families, including artist Julie Mehretu and Jessica Rankin, Grizzly Bear musician Ed Droste and Chad McPhail, photographer Catherine Opie and her family of five, and supermodel Tasha Tilberg and Laura Wilson. In an accompanying first-person story, Ford recalls riding on an elevator with Buckley in 1986, 10 days after first spotting him at a fashion show. "I decided in that elevator ride that I was going to marry him. He ticked every box, and—boom—by the time we got to the floor, I was like, sold. He seemed so together. He was so handsome, he was so connected, he was so grown-up, so he was very intimidating. And he really chased me—not that he had to chase that hard." In the same piece Ford also recalls how AIDS overshadowed their burgeoning relationship. "One of the very first people to be diagnosed with what was then called gay cancer, in 1981, was a friend of mine. It completely flipped me out, and from then on, I was extremely safe. It probably saved my life, but it damaged the way I think about sex forever. You just associated sex with death—or at least, I did. If I made a list, I would say that half of our friends from the early '80s are no longer with us." Ford also criticizes the tendency of people to view gay relationships as less committed than heterosexual ones. "Often I'm at dinner parties with very close friends, straight, and they realize that Richard and I have been together 24 years, and the response is often, 'Wow, you guys have been together 24 years! That's so amazing. I don't think of gay men being together that long.' And I'm, like, 'Why? What are you talking about?' Some of the longest relationships I know of are same-sex couples. A lot of my straight friends have married and divorced and married and divorced in the time Richard and I have been together. I think that preconception, from even very liberal, educated friends, that being gay is possibly more sex-based than emotionally based is surprising and shocking in today's world." Ford's partner, Richard Buckley, recalls Ford's intense support and love when he was diagnosed with throat cancer in 1989. "There were people who Tom cut out of our lives because of the way they responded," he says. "My best friend and one of my mentors had died, both from AIDS, and there were a lot of people who just assumed I had AIDS, and there were some people who wouldn't come and visit me because they were sure they would catch it. I couldn't imagine being without Tom now. I couldn't imagine what I'd be like if something happened to him. There's only one Tom for me. He is still that man who I met 24 years ago."

24 years is an amazing feat for any couple, period. Before this Out magazine coverstory came out, I didn’t know much about Richard Buckley … but he sounds like an amazing man. Tom is very lucky to have him. You can read the full online version of Tom and Richard‘s coverstory HERE. In my mind, Out‘s annual Love Issue is always a must own.


Lindsay Lohan Is Lookin’ To Nab Tom Hardy

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 03:20 PM PST

Now that Lindsay Lohan is OUT of rehab, she is in the market for a sober coach/mentor/sponsor/etc. Well, it just so turns out that L. Lo has reportedly reached out to hottie Inception star Tom Hardy for a little guidance because, apparently, the two are friends. HMMM. Could this mean that we will be seeing L. Lo and Tom out and about … behaving together?

Someone is trying to plant an idea in Lindsay Lohan’s head — about how to stay sober — and who better to do that than one of the stars of “Inception,” Tom Hardy. TMZ has learned LiLo has struck a friendship with Hardy recently after the pair were introduced by mutual friends. We’re told they even met for dinner one night last week. Sources tell us Tom is giving Lindsay advice on how to stay sober and Lindsay is seriously listening to him. Hardy famously battled addiction early on in his career and has been sober since 2003 … Tom’s publicist just confirmed with TMZ that Tom and Lindsay do indeed know each other, have been friends in recovery and had dinner together. Although Tom is helping her, the publicist says he is not Lindsay’s sponsor.

I would have to assume that the beer-looking drink in Tom‘s hand pictured above (at a recent LA Lakers game, NOT the same game that Lindsay attended last night) is not actually beer … cuz that would mean he hasn’t been sober since 2003. Irregardless, the real concern here is that Tom might be getting himself into more trouble than he realizes by teaming up with Lindsay … for anything. I mean, this is seriously worrisome. Lindsay, gods love her, is a mess and she is still a LONG way away from proving that she is not toxic goods … I’d hate for Tom Hardy to get wrapped up in anything … messy. Lord, I’ll be saying a prayer for Tommy boy, I hope you’ll do the same.

[Photo credit: Wireimage; Source]

Watch: Jim Carrey Do ‘Black Swan’ On ‘Saturday Night Live’

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 02:40 PM PST

On Saturday night, actor Jim Carrey hosted Saturday Night Live on NBC and was featured in a hilarious skit that lampooned the Darren Aronofsky film Black Swan. As you might imagine, it looked like Carrey had a fun time parodying the film … and his Black Swan impersonation had me laughing thruout the entire skit.

Perfect. See, this is a funny and entertaining skit, SNL … I’d love to see more like it. The rest of the ep was just OK but without question, this Black Swan skit was the best of the bunch. What do y’all think of this skit? Did you like the ep overall?


Britney Spears’s New Album Will Be Released On March 15, 2011

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 01:47 PM PST

Pink reader popazul gave me the head’s up that Sony Music‘s official website has announced a pre-order for Britney Spears‘s as-yet-untitled new album and in doing so has inadvertently revealed that the album will be released on March 15, 2011!!!

Pre-ordering the regular album or deluxe version will allow you to download the new single Hold It Against Me on January 18 (but you can hear the song IN FULL right HERE). I’m still reeling from the excitement over today’s release of Britney‘s HOT new single that I can’t even wrap my head around official news of the album’s release in March. You can place your pre-orders on the official website HERE. Happy Days ahead, Britney fans … we are going to be treated to a LOT of amazing Britney updates leading up to March 15. Who’s excited?!

[Source, thanks popazul]

Zac Efron Parties With Brittany Snow

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 01:14 PM PST

The newly single Zac Efron and the insanely beautiful Brittany Snow were spotted enjoying one another’s company at Cecconi’s Restaurant in West Hollywood, CA last night at a Golden Globes Week kick-off party sponsored by Audi. For the most part, Zac and Brittany looked like the best of BFFs on the red carpet together … but their hangout session didn’t end at the Cecconi’s event.

According to Pink reader Brian, Zac and Brittany kept the party going together at The Abbey nightclub afterward. Joined by Sophia Bush, Zac and Brittany were spotted whooping it up at the famous gay bar with tequila shots and vodka bottle service. I understand the BFFs did their fair share of dancing as well. Sounds like a really fun night, don’t it? Something tells me that Zac is not losing any sleep over his break-up with ex-girlfriend Vanessa Hudgens. I wonder if we’ll be hearing about/seeing Zac at The Abbey again any time soon?

[Photo credit: Wireimage]

Pregnant Victoria Beckham Surfaces, Tweets Her Thanks To Fans

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 12:39 PM PST

Earlier today we got to see a few photos of new dad-to-be David Beckham as he made his way into a London hospital for a routine fitness test just hours after he announced to the world on his official Facebook profile that he and wife Victoria Beckham are PREGS with their 4th child. Right now we get our first look at Vicki B. out and about in public for the first time since the pregnancy news came out … plus we get to read her first official statement on her pregnancy.

While this is not the best first Bump Watch photo (particularly because we can’t see her body at all), it is the first photo of Posh out in public since news of her pregnancy came out. Her tweet message is very sweet, it’s clear that the entire Beckham family (and much of the world, me included) are excited for the arrival of their 4th baby! Girl or Boy, Baby Beckham will be a joyous gift … I can’t wait for Her/His arrival this Summer :D

[Source, Source]

A Day At The ‘Park’, A Night At The ‘Market’

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 12:25 PM PST

Yesterday was a really fun, relaxing day for David and me. I spent much of the day curled up on the couch with my Kindle reading an unpublished manuscript of a good friend’s debut novel (which I am DYING to tell you all about) but I did manage to get out of the house to see some very important people. For brunch, David and I met up with our good friends Irene, Ollie and Caleb. For dinner, we hung out with Darion.

We met Irene, Ollie and Caleb for brunch at Luna Park and then we met Darion at Night + Market. It really was a fun day of food and friends … and it don’t get much better than that :)

I’ve been invited to a really cool event tonight that I hope I can attend … I have a bit of important stuff to take care of so if I get that all sorted, I’m good to go. To be honest, I’ve been so preoccupied today with the release of Britney Spears‘s new single Hold It Against Me that I’ve been having a hard time focusing on anything else. I’m already trying to figure out a plan to go dancing this week just so I can boogie down to Hold It Against Me in the club. Tiger Heat, I’m talkin’ to you ;) Happy Monday!!

Les News, 011011

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 11:44 AM PST

Sad Taylor Swift Flies Solo In Nashville, TN

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 11:03 AM PST

On New Year’s Day we saw photos of a sad-looking Taylor Swift hanging out with some friends in Nashville, TN lookin’ about as disconsolate as I had never seen her before. Just a few days later, we learned that her blink-and-you-missed-it romance with Jake Gyllenhaal had come to a sudden end. Today we get to see more photos of sad Taylor out and about all by her lonesome on her way to band practice in Nashville. After reading the reported reason for Jake‘s split from Taylor, I TOTALLY get why she is lookin’ SO BUMMED these days.

Taylor Swift, 21, may be hard at work penning her next break-up ballad — sources confirm to UsMagazine.com that she and Jake Gyllenhaal, 30, have ended their brief romance. “Jake reached out to her and started all of this, but now he's not acting as interested,” a source reveals in the new issue of Us Weekly (on stands Wednesday). The previously inseparable pair called it quits just before New Year’s Eve, then rang in 2011 separately. “He said he wasn’t feeling it anymore and was uncomfortable with all the attention they got,” says the insider of the just over two-month romance. “He also said he could feel the age difference. Taylor is really upset. We told her not to move so fast with this but she didn’t listen.” Explains a Gyllenhaal insider, "Jake cares about her, but [the publicity] was a lot for him. He wants to keep his private life private, and that's hard to do dating Taylor."

Dude … getting’ dumped SUCKS hardcore. Getting dumped by someone as hot as Jake Gyllenhaal IN FRONT OF THE WORLD must be the biggest of bum out of ALL TIME. In all honesty, I really like Taylor Swift … I just never thought she was at all right for someone like Jakey poo. Now that she’s all sad and mopey (and on her way to band practice), I’m certain a song or two will come from her most recent heartbreak. Buck up, little one … you have a long life ahead of romance and lurve to look forward to.

[Photo credit: INFdaily; Source]

Hillary Clinton Does ‘The Advocate Magazine’

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 10:41 AM PST

US Secretary of State and former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton is featured on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of The Advocate magazine. Since Secretary Clinton made her bold comment “Human rights are gay rights, and gay rights are human rights, once and for all”, she has brought the dialogue of GLBT rights to the forefront of political discussion around the world … much to the pleasure of The Advocate.

In spite of a wave of controversy washing over the U.S. State Department with the release of classified documents, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton granted The Advocate's Washington correspondent, Kerry Eleveld, an interview just two days before the February issue went to press. Arguably the Obama administration's most progressive and productive agency on LGBT equality, the State Department, under Clinton's leadership, overhauled discriminatory personnel policies while championing gay rights internationally. Soon after declaring that "human rights are gay rights, and gay rights are human rights, once and for all" at the State Department's pride celebration, Clinton began clarifying the department's LGBT human rights policy to U.S. embassies around the globe. "There is this rising global tide of violence against the LGBT community around the world," Clinton says, "and we are taking the lead in confronting the dangers of the lives and the livelihood of LGBT people as they go about their daily lives." Still, Secretary Clinton remains unchanged on the issue of full marriage equality. Clinton, recently caught off guard during a recent inquiry on the topic during a visit to Australia, supports civil unions but not full marriage equality. Despite her husband's recent announcement that he supports full marriage equality, having many committed gay couples among his friends, Clinton says, "Well, I share his experience because we obviously share a lot of the same friends, but I have not changed my position." Nevertheless, Clinton aims to stomp out inequities in her own federal agency and worldwide. "I just really have a strong negative reaction to prejudice, discrimination, hatred, violence–anything that tried to delegitimize or marginalize any of our fellow citizens," she notes. "So it fits into my long-term and personally felt commitment to expanding the circle of human rights for everyone."

Yes, the fact that Secretary Clinton does not support same-sex marriage does bother me greatly but I do commend her fierce support of GLBT rights in the larger, global sense. I get that not everyone can agree on everything but I also understand that working together on the issues that we do agree on will be of great benefit to all. President Bill Clinton supports same-sex marriage and that is perfectly fine with me. But same-sex marriage is not the only thing that the GLBT community is fighting for. I sincerely hope that Sec. Clinton will keep the discourse on HUMAN RIGHTS, including the rights of GLBT humans, on the forefront of her agenda. Click HERE to read the full online version of The Advocate‘s cover story on Hillary Clinton … what do you think about their decision to laud her by putting them on their cover?


Meet The Cast Of ‘Survivor: Redemption Island’

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 10:03 AM PST

Last month the winner of Survivor: Nicaragua was chosen and we learned that the hit CBS competitive reality TV series would revolve around Redemption Island. Today we get our first look at the cast of the new season of Survivor: Redemption Island and we learn a little bit about each of the competitors.

Sixteen of Survivor: Redemption Island’s 18 castmembers were announced today by CBS. The reality show’s 22nd season newcomers are joined by two former Castaways, to be named later this week, also competing for the million-dollar prize and “one last shot at redemption.” The delayed announcement is sure to fuel the campfire rumors that this season—the second in a row to be filmed in Nicaragua—would feature a showdown between all-timers Boston Rob Mariano and Russell Hantz. Also unclear is what role the two vets will play in the series’ new twist: instead of immediately leaving the game, a voted-off Castaway is sent to the isolated Redemption Island, living alone in exile until joined by the next person eliminated at Tribal Council. The two compete in a duel, with the loser of the showdown going home while the winner continues on for a chance to return to the game and vie for the title of Sole Survivor.

While we wait to find out which 2 Survivor alums are part of the cast of Redemption Island, here is a list of the just announced “regular people” castmembers:

Ometepe Tribe

Andrea Boehlke, 21, Random Lake, Wis.; former Marine
Matt Elrod, 22, Nashville; pre-med student
Francesca Hogi, 36, Washington D.C.; attorney
Kristina Kell, 46, Malibu; law student
Grant Mattos, 29, West Hollywood; yoga instructor
Phillip Sheppard, 52, Santa Monica; technology executive
Natalie Tenerelli, 19, Acton, Calif.; professional dancer
Ashley Underwood, 25, Benton, Maine; nurse

Zapatera Tribe

Mike Chiesl, 31, Del Mar, Calif.; student
Ralph Kiser, 44, Lebanon, Va.; farmer
Krista Klumpp, 25, Columbia, S.C.; pharmaceutical rep.
David Murphy, 31, West Hollywood; defense attorney
Stephanie Valencia, 25, Long Beach, Calif.; waitress
Sarita White, 36, Santa Monica; visual effects producer
Julie Wolfe, 50, Oceanside, Calif.; firefighter
Steve Wright, 51, Huntington Beach, Calif.; former NFL player

Okay … based on her name alone, I’m already rootin’ for Krista Klumpp to win the $1 million dollar prize! I am an unabashed Survivor fan, have been for years, so I am really excited to get back to the island and watch the drama unfold. To be honest, I’m not all that excited about the Redemption Island twist but, then again, at first I didn’t love the idea of Exile Island … and then it grew on me. I am really looking forward to a whole new season of Survivor, are you?

[Source via Source]

ABC Is Planning A TV Mini-Series Based On The Novel ‘Wicked’

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 09:24 AM PST

According to a new report from TVLine out today, ABC is teaming up with Salma Hayek to produce a television mini-series based on the Gregory Maguire novel Wicked: The Untold Story of the Witches of OZ (the book which the hit Broadway musical Wicked is based on). As you may know, Hayek and ABC previously teamed up to produce the series Ugly Betty … but this time around, they’re gonna bring us a shorter mini-series.

Sources confirm that the actress-producer is teaming with ABC to develop an eight-hour miniseries adaptation of Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, the Gregory Maguire bestseller that spawned the Broadway phenom. The insider stresses that it would be based on the novel and not the musical. As a result, this Wicked would be less of a prequel and more of a parallel story to The Wizard of Oz. (Universal, as you may know, is currently developing a Wicked film, and that would be based on the musical.) ABC Studios will produce along with Hayek and Jose Tamez through the duo's Ventanarosa Productions. The ex-Ugly Betty producer may also play a supporting role in the project, which is being penned by Erik Jendresen (Band of Brothers). Oh, and some juicy background: Two years ago, ABC — under then-president Steve McPherson — passed on a Wicked mini. But his successor, former ABC Family boss Paul Lee, resurrected it soon after taking the reins last summer.

Without question, Wicked is one of my favorite musicals of all time … hands down, top 5. That being said, the novel Wicked: The Untold Story of the Witches of OZ is one of the WORST books I’ve ever read in my life. Those of you who have read the novel and seen the musical know that they are very, very different. Except for the names and places used, the story and tone of are VERY different between book and musical. That being said, I am curious to see how a TV mini-series based on the novel will turn out. The story in the book is literally (and purposely) ugly, gross and disgusting. I can’t wait to see how true to the book this reported mini-series will stay. I’m curious only in a marginal way … as I said, I hated the book (I am MUCH more excited about the planned Wicked movie based on the musical) … but I’d check this out. I mean, the mini-series couldn’t be worse than the book … I hope.


Janet Jackson Announces US Tour Dates For Her New World Tour

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 09:05 AM PST

Last month we learned that Janet Jackson will tour the world starting in February on a 35-city outing called The Number Ones Greatest Hits Tour. Today we get our first look at the North American tourdates for her show, which will span the months of March and April … are you ready for some Janet, Miss Jackson if you’re nasty?

Janet Jackson will be bringing her JANET JACKSON Number Ones, Up Close and Personal Tour to North America. The legendary Icon took the suggestions of her fans to heart and after her start in Asia she will be bringing the tour to the United States and Canada. Janet will be performing songs from her 35 number one hits in 35 global cities. Fans submitted suggestions to www.janetjackson.com to have their city selected. The winning cities so far have been over seas including Singapore on February 7th, Hong Kong on February 14th, and Taipei on February 19th and Manila February 4th. This tour will differ from her previous concert schedules in that she will perform music exclusively from her chart topping CD NUMBER ONES. There will also be a focus on venues that will allow Janet to be up close and personal in a much more intimate setting. In each selected city JANET will offer something different to her performance so no show will be the same. This tour is JANET more revealed, more intimate, and more personal than ever before. Don’t look for special effects. Just listen to and look at Janet, as you have never seen her before. Janet has expressed her gratitude and excitement for the upcoming shows in North America with the following statement:

“I thank my fans who have voted and helped me choose the cities we are announcing today. Each of you are so important to me. These concerts will be different from anything I have ever done. I will be as up close and personal as possible. These concerts are not about special effects. This is a love affair between me and those of you who have supported me and my work for all these years. I’ll be singing and dancing from my heart. The music will all be songs that you’ve made number ones for me. Let’s go!”

In each city I want to meet 20 young leaders who are changing their communities for the better. Please contact janetjackson.com so that I will know who is making a major difference in your city. I'm asking my fans and their friends, Parents, relatives, neighbors and teachers to nominate five people to qualify as one of the 20 under 20 in each place I will perform. At each concert the 20 people chosen and the person who nominated them will be VIP guests at my show. I will invite the 20 sponsors and the 20 winners to the concert and backstage. There are many young people changing the world and I want them to be recognized during my tour. I want them to be my guest at my show and they will come backstage as I learn from them how young people are changing the world. You all know someone who is making a difference, so get in touch. I love you all and I can’t wait to be back on stage, I've missed you,” –Janet

The US and Canada Tour Dates are as follows:

Chicago, IL March 7 & 8 The Chicago Theatre
Toronto, ON, Canada March 12 Sony Centre for the Performing Arts
Uncasville, CT, March 16 Mohegan Sun Arena
New York, NY March 18 Radio City Music Hall
Washington, DC March 22 DAR Constitution Hall
Atlantic City, NJ March 25 & 26 Borgata Spa & Resort Event Center
Atlanta, GA March 29 Fox Theatre
Saint Louis, MO March 31 Fox Theatre
Grand Prairie, TX April 2 Verizon Theatre
Denver, CO April 6 Wells Fargo Theatre at the Colorado Convention Center
Phoenix, AZ April 8 Comerica Theatre
Santa Barbara, CA April 9 Santa Barbara Bowl
Los Angeles, CA April 14 Gibson Amphitheatre
San Francisco, CA April 19 Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
Las Vegas, NV April 22 & 23 Caesars Palace – The Colosseum

Janet will also be selecting the first fan winner of the contest in voting for the each of the selected cities. The winner will be announced on www.JanetJackson.com and they will receive an autographed copy of NUMBER ONES and an autographed copy of her upcoming book “True You” (on stands February 8th). In each of the 35 cities Janet will dedicate one of her number one songs to the city.

Wee!! The release of Britney Spears‘s new single Hold It Against Me earlier today has already ensured that 2011 will be a great year for pop music … having Janet Jackson on tour only solidifies that fact. I am SO excited to see JJ live. I have never been able to see her in concert before so you can bet I’ll be at at least on of these shows. Mark your calendars, get your tickets … Janet Jackson is coming!!


New Dad-To-Be David Beckham Makes His Way To The Hospital

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 08:33 AM PST

Yesterday David Beckham announced the AMAZING news on his official Facebook profile that he and wife Victoria Beckham are PREGS with their 4th child! Today, we see that Becks has put the baby news aside so that he can focus on his career as a soccer player. Becks is in London this week reportedly working out a deal where he will play soccer for the Tottenham Hotspur Football Club (the Spurs) during the US Major League Soccer off-season this Winter and was spotted at the London Independent Hospital for fitness testing earlier today.

David Beckham took a fitness test at Tottenham on Monday before starting his monthlong training stint with the Premier League club. Despite talks collapsing over a two-month playing loan from the Los Angeles Galaxy, the midfielder and Spurs are still hopeful that a deal can be revived. Beckham’s spell with Spurs is due to end on Feb. 10, with the Galaxy expecting the former England captain back to prepare for the Major League Soccer season opener at the Seattle Sounders on March 15. After undergoing medical tests at Tottenham’s training ground east of London, Beckham left inside two hours wearing a club tracksuit top and shorts. The 35-year-old Beckham is hoping to play for Tottenham to boost his chances of being recalled to the England team, having made 115 appearances — the most by an England outfield player. The Galaxy is reluctant to allow Beckham to go to Europe during a third consecutive Major League Soccer offseason, because of concerns he may get injured. An Achilles’ tendon injury sustained while at AC Milan last March kept him out until September. Beckham’s management remains hopeful that Tottenham’s talks with the Galaxy can be revived. The stumbling block is over the length of the player’s deal and what proportion of his contract is paid by Tottenham.

I say, Yay! for Becks!! I get that he wants to keep playing professional soccer during the off-season of his official soccer team the LA Galaxy … and with a new baby one the way, well, one can never make too much money ;) I am still on Cloud 9 regarding the news of Posh and Becks‘s new pregnancy. I cannot WAIT for Vicki B. to make her first public appearance (since the news broke yesterday) so her Bump Watch can really get underway.

[Photo credit: X17; Source]

Lindsay Lohan Goes To An LA Lakers Basketball Game

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 08:12 AM PST

Lindsay Lohan, freshly sprung from rehab, made an appearance at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles last night and was spotted sitting courtside at the LA Lakers basketball games. L. Lo wasn’t rooting for the home team, tho, as her loyalties lie back in Long Island, NY … so she was actually rootin’ for the New York Knicks.

Unfortch for Lindsay (and Knicks fans everywhere) the Lakers were the victors last night by a score of 109-87. Ah well, better luck next time. Lindsay, I must say, looks bright and happy in these photos. See, it is possible to have good clean fun … and stay OUT of trouble. After the game, Lindsay made her way to her waiting car so that she could be whisked away into the night:

It took almost a week but last night Lindsay finally busted out her trademark finger-in-the-mouth pose for the waiting paparazzi. I guess this settles it … Lindsay is back, y’all. Let the shenanigans of 2011 get underway.

[Photo credit: Wireimage, X17]

First Listen: Britney Spears, ‘Hold It Against Me’

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 07:03 AM PST

It’s here! The official version of Britney Spears‘s new single Hold It Against Me has leaked its way to the Internets (much like the demo version did last week). Altho the song will be available for purchase on iTunes at midnight tonight, you can hear what the song sounds like — with Britney‘s vocals — right now!

If the above embed does not work, listen to the song HERE at Britney.com. F yeah! The song sounds MUCH better produced and with Britney‘s trademark vocals. It is exactly the kind of upbeat single that I was hoping would be the first release from her new album. Hot HOT is that breakdown?! This song will be massive, I just know it. Now we just have to wait for the release of the HOT music video :) I am SO excited!! You can bet your sweet buns that I will be jamming this song for the rest of the day … oh, who am I kidding … for the rest of my life!! DON’T FORGET, you will be able to BUY THIS SONG at the stroke of midnight ET TONIGHT on iTunes! Let’s do the damn thing and make Hold It Against Me a smash hit!

So … I gotta know … now that you’ve heard the Britney‘s final version of the song, what do YOU think?


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