Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Watch: Björk Performs Joy Division’s ‘Love Will Tear Us Apart’

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 05:50 PM PST

Björk was on hand to kick off a 3-day karaoke marathon (which was orchestrated in an effort to boost support for a referendum on foreign ownership of Icelandic natural resources) at The Nordic House in Reykjavík, Iceland and she blessed the assembled audience with a beautiful rendition of the classic Joy Division song Love Will Tear Us Apart. Björk performed other songs at the event but it is the Joy Division cover that is getting all the attention.

A karaoke marathon held last week by Icelandic singer Bjork helped double the signature count on a petition she hopes will lead to a referendum on foreign ownership of Icelandic natural resources, organisers said Monday. The Icelandic megastar held a karaoke marathon for nine hours a day Thursday, Friday and Saturday last week along with different Icelandic personalities such as the captain of the country’s handball team and comic-turned-Reykjavik-mayor Jon Gnarr. The aim was to bring more people to sign a petition calling for a referendum on the foreign ownership of natural resources in order to block the sale of Iceland’s HS Orka energy group to a Canadian firm. At the launch of the marathon on Thursday, Bjork’s petition had 21,000 signatures and as of 5:30 pm (GMT) Monday, 46,863 people had signed it. “It’s nice to wake up and see that more than 46,000 have signed the petition,” one of the heads of the campaign, writer Oddny Eir Aevarsdottir, told radio station Saga, adding the success inspired the group to organise karaoke marathons around Iceland next weekend. Campaigners were aiming for at least 35,000 signatures because Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir had said in a 2009 op-ed on democratic reform that a petition signed about 35,000 people should be enough to warrant a referendum on any given topic.

Amazing. Björk is amazing. I love how devoted she is to the protection of her homeland and how willing she is to use her musical talents to help raise environmental awareness. She is just … amazing. And, without further ado, here is video of Björk‘s performance of Love Will Tear Us Apart:

Man, I wish she would record this song and release it for sale … I would DIE. Here is more video of Björk performing another song (that I do not recognize) at the karaoke marathon event:

Go, Björk, Go!! I understand she is planning the release of a new album this year. 2011 is going to be a great year for music, count on that!

[Source; Source, Source]

Neil Gaiman Will Guest Star On ‘The Simpsons’

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 04:30 PM PST

My fave author Neil Gaiman, who recently married his rocker fiancée Amanda Palmer in San Francisco, CA to ring in the New Year, announced on his official Twitter profile last night that he will be guest starring on an upcoming episode of The Simpsons. Gaiman has been cast as a “Nail Gaiman: British author”, a role I think he can prolly handle. Gaiman also posted a few fun photos from the recording session for sharing.

About to do something really cool. Up there with writing a DOCTOR WHO level of cool. May post Twitpic clues / Went to the Marge Simpson Studios. Recorded my part as “Neil Gaiman”, a British author. The accent was the hardest bit to get right. / Apparently Hank Azaria did an excellent me at the table read.

So freakin’ cool!! I love Neil so much and I think he will be fantastic on The Simpsons. Amanda, Neil‘s blushing bride, had to jet off to Australia to start a tour down there and Neil was unable to go with her … and now we know why. I understand that Neil has finally reunited with his new bride in Oz. Happy Gaiman news all around. Woot!!


Are Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes Planning To Boycott The Academy Awards?

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 03:15 PM PST

Rumor has it that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, collectively referred to as TomKat, are planning NOT to attend the 2011 Academy Awards this year because the show is being co-hosted by Anne Hathaway. As you may recall, back in November, Anne hosted Saturday Night Live and she hilariously lampooned Katie Holmes in one of the skits. According to rumors going around this week, TomKat are pissed at Anne and, therefore, are boycotting Oscars this year.

Anne Hathaway’s ‘SNL’ impression of Katie Holmes was so good that it may actually keep Holmes and husband Tom Cruise away from the Academy Awards this year, The Daily Mail reports. Hathaway, this year’s Oscars co-host with James Franco, spoofed Holmes in a November episode of ‘Saturday Night Live,’ playing a gaspy, “complex,” and confused version of the former ‘Dawson’s Creek’ star. Apparently, it was either so insulting — or so spot on — that Holmes and Cruise are enraged enough to boycott the show, unwilling to run into Hathaway. The Daily Mail quotes a source saying that Holmes and Cruise felt betrayed by the nationally televised impression, given what they considered a solid friendship with the ‘Love and Other Drugs’ star. When Hathaway broke up with boyfriend Raffaello Follieri in 2008, Cruise and Holmes took Hathaway to a Tina Turner concert, the ultimate salve. “Katie feels they were really supportive at a difficult time so she feels let down that Anne took to national TV to make fun of her,” the source told the paper. Shortly after the show, Hathaway defended the impression, saying that she didn’t mean to make fun of Holmes herself. “I was a teenager when ‘Dawson’s Creek’ was airing, and I was a pretty avid fan, so it just sort of came from that,” Anne told The Hollywood Reporter (via Access Hollywood). “It wasn’t really Katie Holmes; it was more [her 'Creek' character] Joey Potter.”

LMAOOOO! Truth be told, I don’t believe this ridiculous rumor for one second … but it sure is funny as Hell. And, by passing along the report today, we get to take another look at Anne‘s BRILLIANTLY hilarious impression of Katie Holmes on SNL:

Hahahahahaha. I love pretty much all of the Hangin’ with Miley skits on SNL but this one is particularly good. Boycott or no boycott, this story is awesome. Yay Anne! You rule!!

[Source, Source]

First Listen: Michael Lohan’s Song For Lindsay Lohan, ‘My Rose’

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 02:22 PM PST

Earlier this month we learned that Michael Lohan commissioned a song to be written for his then-rehabbing daughter Lindsay Lohan as a tribute to her strength, or something like that. Lohan teamed up with former All-4-One singer Delious Kennedy for a song titled My Rose. Today we get to hear a short preview of the track … and I must warn you, it’s not pretty … at all.

Bwahahahahahahahahaha!! Lord have MERCY, this song is terrible … but at least it’s a club banger. What do y’all think … do you like this jam? Do you expect to be hearing it in the clubs?


David Beckham Begins Soccer Training In Tottenham

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 01:45 PM PST

Yesterday we got to see a few photos of David Beckham, who announced on Saturday that he and wife Victoria Beckham are expecting a 4th child together, as he made his way into London Independent Hospital for a routine fitness check-up as he tries to work out a loan deal with the Tottenham Hotspur Football Club. Today we get to see photos of Becks training with the Spurs as plans for his loan out deal move forward.

David Beckham has completed his first day’s training at Tottenham with manager Harry Redknapp still hopeful a loan deal for the former England captain can be resolved. The Los Angeles Galaxy midfielder was given the green light to join in with the Spurs squad on Monday after completing a series of fitness tests at the club’s training ground in Chigwell, Essex. Redknapp revealed Spurs had not yet given up all hope of brokering a deal to get Beckham into action on the pitch. “There is nothing at the moment, but we will see what happens, who knows?” Redknapp told Sky Sports News. “I am not dealing with that side, but it is good to have him here. David is a top player and a fantastic boy. Everyone respects David and looks up to him so it was good to have him here.”

HMMM … Becks‘s injury last year (the one that kept him from competing in the 2010 World Cup last Summer) must the the thing holding up this deal. It would be such a bummer if they decided not to take Becks on … but, then again, if he doesn’t play for the Spurs he’ll have more time to be with his newly pregnant wife here in the US. Honestly, I just want the best for Becks … if this deal is mean to be, it’ll happen.

[Photo credit: Splash News; Source]

Watch: Ricky Martin, ‘The Best Thing About Me Is You’

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 12:55 PM PST

Ricky Martin, who we learned last week celebrated his 39th birthday on the slopes in Canada last month, released the music video for his new single The Best Thing About Me Is You. On the track, Ricky duets with Joss Stone but she is not featured in the video. Instead, Ricky and his cast of “everyday people” be-bop around conveying a message of happy universal and equal love … or something like that.

Ricky Martin continued his comeback ascent today (Jan. 11), unveiling his first music video in several years — for “The Best Thing About Me Is You,” his duet with Joss Stone. Recently filmed in Miami under the supervision of critically-acclaimed Puerto Rican director Carlos Perez, the video portrays positivity and freedom from beginning to end — fully reflecting a proudly out-of-the-closet Ricky Martin hitting a mature point in his career. “The Best Thing About Me Is You,” which was released in early November, has already reached #1 in Billboard’s Latin Pop Airplay chart with its Spanish version, “Lo Mejor De Mi Vida Eres Tu.” The video for that version will be released later today via Spanish-language channel Univision and its website. The song is the first single off of Martin’s highly-anticipated album, “Music+Soul+Sex (Musica+Alma+Sexo),” set for release on Feb. 1. The album is Martin’s first studio release in more than 5 years, and includes contributions from Wisin y Yandel and Brazilian singer Claudia Leitte.

I am ALL for positivity and the advocacy of universal love and acceptance … but it has to be done well. This video, as positive as it is, seems really … silly to me. The music is not really the kind of music that Ricky has released before and, well, the finger-snapping/hand-clapping/knee-slapping is just a bit much, IMHO. Check it out and judge for yourselves:

Altho the video really isn’t my thing, I’m really happy for Ricky‘s new found happiness and comfortableness with his sexuality. What do y’all think of the video … do you like it?

[Source, Source]

Friends Pho-Ever

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 12:39 PM PST

Last night I got together with my DEAR Adriana for a last-minute hang out session in Silverlake. I hadn’t seen her since before Thanksgiving so we were long overdue. We decided to meet at one of our fave eateries here in LA, a place that she introduced me to a couple years before I moved to LA almost 5 years go. Our restaurant of choice last night was the phabulous Pho Cafe.

OMG … there aren’t very many eating experiences that I enjoy more than a bowl of deliciousness at Pho Cafe. Absolutely everything they serve is to DIE for and nothing on the menu is over $10. I will bless Adriana’s feet for the rest of my days for introducing me to Pho Cafe, we had a blast.

After dinner, we sat in my car for almost an hour listening to music and just generally catching up. Adriana is about to start classes at University to get her teaching certificate and she is so excited. I know she will make a fantastic teacher and I cannot wait for her to get in the classroom. I just love that crazy girl.

Tonight, David and I are meeting up with friends for more hanging out. I’m telling you, life is good when you’ve got so many good friends that you have to space them out :)

Les News, 011111

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 11:16 AM PST

First Look: Hugo Weaving As Red Skull In ‘Captain America: The First Avenger’

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 10:50 AM PST

Back in July we got our first look a new concept art from Captain America: The First Avenger that showed us was actor Chris Evans would look like in costume as the superhero star. Today we get to see new concept art that shows us what actor Hugo Weaving will look like as the villainous arch-nemesis Red Skull.

We have yet to see what Hugo Weaving will look like as The Red Skull, but this may be our first glimpse as these concept designs have gone online. I have confirmation that this is indeed official concept art for Red Skull. But there is a bit of hulabaloo brewing about them being leaked so I’m not sure how long this will stay up. Captain America: The First Avenger hits theatres July 22, 2011

Ever since we learned that Hugo Weaving won the role of Johann Schmidt/Red Skull last May, I knew he would be PERFECT for the role. This concept art makes Red Skull look very much like he does in the comic book series, which IMHO is very important. To be honest, I’ve always felt that Red Skull is the most abhorrent comic book villain of all time (for very obvious reasons) but I understand his existence must come from a direct opposition to Captain America. I can’t wait to see how their epic battle plays out on the big screen. July 22 can’t get here soon enough for me.


‘The New Yorker’ Lampoons ‘Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark’

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 10:20 AM PST

Depite the fact that the troubled Broadway musical Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark managed to get thru a whole week without maiming or injuring any of its players, The New Yorker magazine decided to poke a little fun at the show with the cover of this week’s issue. Despite the calamities, tho, there is some good news for Turn Off the Dark. The show managed to out-gross Wicked to become the current most successful show on Broadway!

New Yorkers excel at Schadenfreude. They love to watch people fall, whether in public life (Eliot Spitzer, Jeff Zucker) or on a snowy patch of sidewalk. When hubris or large sums of money are involved, all the better. In the case of "Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark"—at sixty-five million dollars, the most expensive Broadway musical ever staged—those elements have been compounded by death-defying aerial stunts, which, despite safety tuneups by the director, Julie Taymor, have resulted in a stream of ghastly headlines … Through all [the accidents and injuries], ticket sales have soared, which raises an uncomfortable question: are people paying to see calamity? At a preview last Tuesday, members of the audience seemed conflicted. Outside the theatre, Alaina Schwartz, aged twelve, who had come from Long Island with her family, was asked if she hoped to see someone fall. "Yes! Yes!" she said. "I'm weird about that stuff. Like, there was a roller coaster and it kind of fell backwards, and I was kind of wishing that I was on that roller coaster at the time that it fell." Her father, Steven, looked concerned. "I hope somebody falls but they're O.K.," her sister Alexa, fourteen, said. A third sister, Stephanie, nine, objected: "If something goes wrong, that's bad luck for us!" In the lobby, Allie Bauer, a Yale junior, said, "There's a certain allure to this being a very dangerous performance." "You're more evil than I am," her classmate Will Moritz said, eating a Twizzler. After thinking it over, he added, "If I could see someone fall from the rafters but not go to the hospital—just magically get up—then I'd be down." (He's majoring in psychology.)

OY! It is kinda sick to think that people are flocking to the show in the hopes that they will see someone get hurt but, I guess that’s entertainment here in America … entertainment that is working. As I mentioned above, Turn Off the Dark for the first time has sold more tickets than Wicked (the previous #1 show on Broadway) which means that all the “bad press” that the show has been getting is actually helping ticket sales:

For the first time, "Spider-Man" has knocked "Wicked" from its usual perch as the highest-grossing show on Broadway, claiming the top spot for itself last week. "Spider-Man" beat "Wicked" by just $58, with the teen-superhero musical grossing $1,588,514 while the revisionist Oz musical grossed $1,588,456. "Wicked," though, had 100 percent of its audience paying for tickets (with an average paid admission of $109.76) while "Spider-Man" was offering some discount and free tickets during its preview period; its average paid admission was $102.86. Still, "Spider-Man" … played to full houses last week, as did "Wicked." The Foxwoods Theater, Spidey's home, has 1,930 seats to sell, while the Gershwin Theater, home of "Wicked," has 1,809 to sell … could "Spider-Man" give "Wicked" a run for its money in the months and years to come?

Without question, people are going to the show for the spectacle … but if the show isn’t good, it won’t stand a chance of besting Wicked in the long run. Wicked is one of my all-time fave musicals, it would take A LOT for a new show to eclipse my love for the untold story of the witches of OZ. That said, I’m just as curious as anyone to see Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark and I am planning to see it for myself next month. Congrats are deffo in order for Spider-Man‘s ability to knock Wicked out of the top spot … tho, it remains to be seen if it can stay on top.

[Source, Source]

AnnaLynne McCord Brings ‘Avatar’ To ’90210′

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 09:55 AM PST

AnnaLynne McCord was spotted on the streets of SoCal yesterday filming new scenes for an upcoming episode of 90210. As I understand it, AnnaLynne‘s character Naomi falls in love with a geek and decides to try and impress him by dressing as a Na’vi character from Avatar … which is what ANY rich, beautiful and popular girl would do if she were trying to nab a nerd, right?

Do not adjust your screens — that’s a blue AnnaLynne McCord you’re seeing. The 23-year-old sexy star of the 90210 remake was painted Avatar blue — and given a tail — Monday while filming scenes for the show in Los Angeles, and has all the photos for you. The ravishing Atlanta native told TV Guide that in the episodes she’ll appear smurfy, she has a crush on a sci-fi geek and tries to impress him by showing up at an Avatar screening dressed like a character from the blockbuster hit. “It’s hysterical because Naomi shows up [at the theater] and none of the other nerds are in costume — I might get a whole new following after this!” she joked. “Nerds are awesome. I would totally go out with anyone in an Apple store!”

LOL! As weird and TOTALLY unbelievable as this sounds, I love it. 90210 is deffo one of my fave shows … I may not rave about it all the time but I never miss an ep and I really look forward to each episode. I’ve come to genuinely like the characters and really enjoy the storylines. This Avatar ep of 90210 will air on January 24, it really looks like an ep NOT TO BE MISSED :D

[Photo credit: Splash News; Source]

Jared Leto Lands In Los Angeles

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 09:16 AM PST

When last we saw photos of Jared Leto, he was all bundled up against the (marginal) cold weather here in SoCal last month and homie was rockin’ a fur-like hat that covered his hair in such a way that we couldn’t see what color his hair was. As you may recall, in early December Jared was rockin’ some bright blue hair in London. But these days, Jared is blonde again … and it’s a look that suits him very well.

These photos were snapped at LAX Airport earlier this week as Leto made his arrival back in LA ahead of a new round of 30 Seconds to Mars concert dates that begin in San Diego tonight. My friend Jenn and I will be attending the 30StM performance at The Fox Theater in Pomona, CA on Friday and we are very excited. It’s nice to have Jared Leto back here in SoCal … it’ll be even nicer to see him live in person on Friday night ;)

[Photo credit: Bauer-Griffin]

Andrew Garfield Does ‘Details’ Magazine

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 08:58 AM PST

Andrew Garfield, star of The Social Network and the upcoming Spider-Man reboot film franchise, is featured on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of Details magazine. In his coverstory interview, Garfield talks more about his upcoming role as Spider-Man and what it means to him to become the world’s most famous web-slinger.

Andrew Garfield appears on the February cover of DETAILS magazine in a photo shoot with Norman Jean Roy that took place at the Alexandria Hotel, and its surrounding streets, in downtown Los Angeles. The 27-year-old Brit was the breakout star on 2010's defining movie, The Social Network. Now he's preparing to play Spider-Man – and hurtling toward Hollywood's A-list. And yet Garfield is reluctant to move on from a life of a struggling actor saying "I hope I never blow up. I hope that I have to audition for every single job I want. I hope that I'm always struggling, really. You develop when you're struggling. When you're struggling, you get stronger." This attitude was refreshing for longtime DETAILS writer Jeff Gordinier who said "You often hear about young stars: 'So-and-So is incredibly grounded,' but in Andrew Garfield's case, I think that might be true."

On the scene in The Social Network where he loses it: "That day and night of shooting was one of my favorite experiences. I was actually proud of myself because I didn't care what I was doing. I was literally not judging myself. And it was so fucking beautiful for a second….I felt more like a man than I've ever felt."

On his role in Spider-Man: "I see it as a massive challenge in many ways. To make it authentic. To make the character live and breathe in a new way. The audience already has a relationship with many different incarnations of the character. I do, as well. I'm probably going to be the guy in the movie theater shouting abuse at myself. But I have to let that go. No turning back. And I wouldn't want to."

On training for Spider-Man: "I want to feel stronger than I've ever felt, and I want to feel more flexible than I've ever felt. I want to feel powerful. You don't want to just be a pack of meat—it has to be an open body. It does something to your psyche, and it does something to the way you move."

On landing the role and becoming famous: "I realized immediately how much hard work it was going to be, and how much of a minefield it was going to be in terms of all the shit that comes with it. Stuff that I would like to not have any part of. I mean visibility and being recognized walking down the street. I'm holding out a naïve and ignorant hope that won't happen."

On red carpet events: "Those events that look like so much fun in the photos you see – it's mostly people looking over their shoulders at everyone. They're miserable, those parties."

Andrew Garfield is deffo one of those actors whose star is on the rise. The Social Network may have been his break-out film (and what a break-out it is) but Spider-Man will truly put him on the map as a household name. I admit, I don’t know much about the man himself but everything I’ve read or seen makes him come across as a genuinely nice guy. In Garfield‘s case, I hope he’s the kind of nice guy that will finish first. Here are some photos from Andrew‘s Details magazine photospead:

I am LOVING the Polaroid SX-70 photo … so cool. Garfield‘s work in The Social Network is just brilliant … I’m hoping he’ll be able to bring that level of talent to the new Spider-Man franchise. Garfield is a man to watch, y’all. Any fans in the hiz? What do y’all think of this Details feature?

[Photo credit: Norman Jean Roy/Details; Source]

Kylie Minogue Announces US Dates For Her ‘Aphrodite Live 2011′ Tour

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 07:58 AM PST

Back in October Kylie Mingoue blessed her North American fans with the news that she would be bringing her new World Tour to Canada and the US this Spring. Today we learn which Canadian city (yes, just one) and which US cities (15) she will be visiting this April and March with her Aphrodite Live 2011 Tour.

International Pop Star Kylie Minogue has announced North American dates for her Aphrodite – Live 2011 Tour beginning April 28th in Montreal through May 22nd where Kylie will close the tour at the legendary Colosseum at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, NV (full schedule below). The world tour starts February 19th in Denmark and will play in arenas throughout Europe & Japan before hitting Canada, U.S. and Mexico. The Aphrodite – Live 2011 tour promises to be an absolute landmark in the career of Kylie Minogue who is renowned for her groundbreaking live shows. Pre-sale tickets for the U.S. leg of the tour begin on January 14th for American Express card holders and Kylie's fanbase with public on sale beginning January 22nd … After the run-away success of the last tour Kylie will be presenting the North American version of Aphrodite – Live 2011 in more intimate rooms in the States, where possible, including a much anticipated return to the Hammerstein Ballroom in NY and the Hollywood Bowl in LA. The North American dates are being presented by Logo TV and produced by Los Angeles-based concert promotion firm Bill Silva Presents, who also produced the 2009 North American tour.

Aphrodite – Live 2011 North American Dates

April 28 Montreal Bell Centre
April 29 Boston, MA Agganis Arena at Boston University
April 30 Washington DC GMU Patriot Center
May 2 NYC, NY Manhattan Center's Hammerstein Ballroom
May 3 NYC, NY Manhattan Center's Hammerstein Ballroom
May 6 Atlanta, GA Fox Theatre
May 7 Fort Lauderdale, FL Bank Atlantic Center
May 8 Orlando, FL Hard Rock Live Orlando
May 10 Houston, TX Verizon Wireless Theatre
May 12 Mexico City Sports Palace
May 14 Guadalajara, Mexico Auditorio Telmex
May 16 Monterrey, Mexico Arena
May 18 Dallas, TX Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie
May 20 Los Angeles, CA Hollywood Bowl
May 21 San Francisco, CA Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
May 22 Las Vegas, NV Colosseum at Caesars Palace

And now for the bad news … as you may have noticed, the North American leg of Kylie‘s tour has been titled the Aphrodite Live 2011 Tour … which is different from the Les Folies Tour 2011. Essentially, we will be getting a smaller, pared down version of her tour. As you may remember, last Sunday we learned that Kylie‘s elaborate Les Folies Tour 2011 stage would feature a special stage with a VIP Splash Zone section for fans. All indications point to the sad fact that that stage will NOT come here to the US. As I understand it, Kylie promises that the Aphrodite Live 2011 Tour will be more intimate (due to venue size) and different & special in its own way (presumably with a different setlist, stage props, etc.). As excited as I am that Kylie is touring the US again (visiting many more US cities than she did on her last tour), I’m really bummed that we will not be getting the massive stage set-up that the rest of the world is getting. Thankfully, David and I will be traveling in Europe in March and we will get to see Kylie‘s Les Folies Tour 2011. Additionally, we plan to attend a couple of her US dates here in the Spring. It’ll be great to welcome Kylie back, tho, no question … especially when you consider that we North American fans will get to see Kylie up close and very personal in small venues that her international fans can only dream of ;)


Lindsay Lohan & Samantha Ronson Reunite For A Dinner Date

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 07:35 AM PST

It was only a matter of time … despite what we heard about protestations to the contrary, it was really only a matter of time before we learned that ex-girlfriends and new next door neighbors Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson got together to break bread. Last weekend, L. Ron reunited for a quiet dinner together in Venice, CA lookin’ about as friendly as ever. Might this be the beginning of a new relationship?

Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson put away their differences and walked to a girl friendly dinner date at a restaurant near their Venice Beach homes on Saturday night. Believe it or not, Lilo and Sam get hungry for more than just drama.

And there you have it … the accidental neighbors are now tight BFFs again. Keep in mind, Samantha did show up a few times to lend her support to Lindsay during all the drama she was involved in late last year, it’s clear that the ladies have stayed friends despite their break-up. Their new living situation and Lindsay‘s alleged sobriety may pave the way for the blossoming of a new, perhaps romantic, relationship down the road. I guess we’ll have to wait and see how this L. Ron reunion plays out … one ting’s for sure, this is not the last that we’ll be hearing of these two. Does their reunion sound like a good idea to you?


‘Hold It Against Me’ By Britney Spears Goes Straight To #1

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 07:14 AM PST

At the stroke of midnight Eastern Time last night, Britney Spears‘s fantastic new single Hold It Against Me became available for sale digitally on iTunes and within hours the song surpassed all other singles to become the new #1 song on the chart. Last night, just before the single went on sale, Britney posted a message on her official Twitter profile directly to her fans. ‘Twas a very good night for our dear Britney last night.

As you are prolly well aware, Hold It Against Me leaked in full online to the Internets early yesterday but still Britney fans made sure to buy digital copies from iTunes in a show of support for the release (in the middle of the night, when a majority of the country was asleep). Without getting into specifics, I’ve been jamming to the song almost non-stop since the song became available to me … I really love it. Additionally, we learned yesterday that Britney‘s new album (as yet untitled) will be released on March 15, 2011 and is available for pre-order HERE.

If you head over to iTunes right now, you will see this Top Selling Singles Chart:

Naturally, our dear Britney is on top … as always … where she belongs. The new era of Britney Spears music has begun … I can’t wait to see what else Brit Brit has in store for us :D

[Source, Source]

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