Friday, January 14, 2011

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Camille Grammer Won’t Let Kelsy Grammer Divorce Her So Easily

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 05:52 PM PST

Last month we learned that Kelsey Grammer was hoping to get a quickie divorce from his wife Camille Grammer (The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) because he really, really wants to get married to his much younger fiancée Kayte Walsh. Today we learn that Camille is not at all interested in letting Kelsey off that easily … and she plans to ensure that the couple’s divorce is no rushed and speedy matter.

Camille Grammer just fired off a legal response asking the judge to reject Kelsey Grammer’s request to get a quickie divorce — and estimates the estate’s value at $120 million … TMZ has learned. Camille says in her declaration, Kelsey is trying to bifurcate the divorce (get a quick decree now and work out the property settlement later) “…solely for the reason that he intends to remarry as soon as possible.” Camille continues, “I don’t believe this is a sufficient reason to prejudice my rights to the community estate.” In the docs, Camille also lists their assets — including “multiple real estate properties” and more than 25 vehicles. The rest of the declaration gets pretty technical, but the bottom line is this … it looks like Camille’s lawyers believe Kelsey’s papers don’t square with the legal requirements for a quick divorce decree. And get this — if the court grants Kelsey’s request Camille wants $10 million immediately … to hold her over until a final decision is made on the separation of the estate.

It was previously reported that Camille would likely get somewhere in the neighborhood of $50 million in the divorce, now that number is closer to $60 million? Dang. Truth be told, I don’t blame her at all for taking her sweet time with this divorce. She should ensure that the couple’s assets are divided evenly so that she is not cheated out of her share. Look, I may not be a big Camille fan but like it or not, she is entitled to half of the couple’s assets … and Kelsey knows that. Sure, he may want to run off and get married again but Camille would be dumb to let him rush things, especially with so much money involved. If you’re up for some light reading, you can read the legal paperwork that Camille‘s lawyers filed in court today HERE. Kelsey will eventually get to marry his new chick again … but not until Camille and her lawyers go over everything with a fine tooth comb to ensure that she gets her due.

Pre-nups, people. This is what pre-nuptials agreements are for.


Jordan Bratman Celebrates Max Liron’s 3rd Birthday

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 04:16 PM PST

Yesterday we saw photos from Max Liron‘s fun early birthday celebration at Disneyland with his mother Christina Aguilera and her new boyfriend Matthew Rutler. Today we get to see photos of Max doing a bit of birthday shopping with his father Jordan Bratman on his birthday yesterday. From the looks of that big box in that big bag, Max got himself an awesome birthday present from dear ol’ dad.

While it’s sad that little Max has to get shuttled around from parent to parent on his birthday, I’m guessing that he is still too young to really know for sure what is going on. Hopefully all the Disneyland fun one day and shopping fun the next is enough to distract the little guy from the sad fact that his parents have to pass him back and forth just so they can spend equal time with him on special occasions without having to spend anytime together themselves. Max looks happy to be with his dad in these photos and he looked happy to be with his mom in yesterday’s photos … I just hope he can continue to be happy with his parents despite the fact that they are working towards a total end of their relationship :/ Happy Birthday, Max.

[Photo credit: INFdaily]

First Look: Sketches For Lindsay Lohan’s New Line Of Shoes

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 03:22 PM PST

A couple of weeks ago we learned that the then-rehabbing Lindsay Lohan was planning to expand her 6126 collection to include a line of footwear (not unlike her mother Dina Lohan‘s failed attempt back in 2009 to launch her own line of shoes called Shoe-Han). Today, courtesy of People magazine, we get our first look at the first sketches from Lindsay‘s 6126 line of shoes … and, to be honest, they ain’t pretty.

Lindsay Lohan recently Tweeted that she planned to take things "one step at a time," and now she'll be doing that in shoes from her first-ever footwear line for her clothing brand 6126! "I took inspiration from old Hollywood glamour and added a modern edge," Lohan tells PEOPLE of the line. "It was key to make comfortable, timeless shoes that can easily go from day to night and feel cool, chic and glamorous." Lohan's business partner Kristi Kaylor says that means an update to classic styles including wedges and riding boots, adding modern accents like hardware and mixed leathers. And Kaylor tells PEOPLE that Lohan is involved in the creative process the whole way: "She comes to meetings with tears, photos, and fabrics. She brings her own shoes in to show specifics. She's ultra-prepared, all the time." Lohan's also a stickler for high-quality footwear, ordering all the materials straight from Europe and choosing "fashion-forward but not trendy" shoes, Kaylor says. "They're timeless — you're buying an over-the-knee boot to wear for years." Lohan fans can nab the shoes in stores this fall; they'll cost between $100-450.

Um … I don’t see anything even remotely resembling “old Hollywood glamour” in these sketches … what I see are sketches for bland, boring and terribly plain shoe designs that one might find at Big Lots! For Lindsay‘s sake, I hope these sketches are not representative of the best her new shoe line has to offer because … these are very unimpressive. That being said, I do applaud Lindsay for moving forward with her business plans (as painfully plebeian as they may be) and I think it’s wise to celebrate any of her endeavors that are positive and, well, legal. Will these shoes sell? I mean, I guess. Is designing a line of shoes enough to keep Lindsay out of trouble? Unlikely … but I hope so! Are YOU impressed by these shoe design sketches? Do these look like shoes that you’d like to wear … in public?


‘Skins’ Season 5 Releases A New Promo Video Trailer

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 02:57 PM PST

At the end of last month we got our first look at an artsy new promo video and the official opening title video from the upcoming 5th season of the amazing UK TV series Skins. Today we get to check out a new promo trailer for the show that not only gives us a look at the gang in action interacting with one another but also gives us a tease at what’s to come from the new season.

As cool as the other trailer is, I much prefer this new one. In this clip, we get to see how some of the relationships will play out among these new characters and it gives us a peek at some of the drama that we can expect from season 5. There seems to be a heavy emphasis on the Franky character (the girl with the short hair). I wonder if that emphasis will be important for the entire season or just in the first few eps. Check out the new trailer for Skins Season 5:

Squeeee!! I can’t wait!! I am really looking forward the the premiere of Skins 5 on January 27, especially now after seeing this promo video. It always takes a bit of getting used to knowing and caring about new Skins characters … but it is always worth the effort. Skins 5, can’t WAIT! What do YOU think of this new trailer?


First Look: Andrew Garfield In Costume As Spider-Man

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 02:28 PM PST

Last week we got our first look at actor Andrew Garfield (The Social Network) in costume as Peter Parker on the SoCal set of the as-yet-untitled Spider-Man reboot film. Today we get our FIRST LOOK at Garfield as Spider-Man IN the iconic red and blue costume.

There isn’t much information about this photo but it’s clear that Garfield as Spidey looks like he’s had a rough day. You can see that the new costume has been changed a bit from the one that Tobey Maguire wore in the first set of Spider-Man films of the early 2000′s. What do y’all think of this new Spider-Man? Based on this first photo, do you think Andrew Garfield makes a good Spidey?


Backstreet Boy AJ McLean Checks In To Rehab

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 01:35 PM PST

Troubled Backstreet Boy A.J. McLean has checked himself in to a rehab treatment facility for the third time this week because, according to sources, A.J. was “out of control” and was not able to control his substance abuse problems. As you may know, A.J. and the rest of the Backstreet Boys are due to go on tour with fellow boyband New Kids on the Block but it sounds like he has to take care of his personal problems before that can happen.

A.J. McLean from the Backstreet Boys has gone into rehab again … TMZ has learned. One source tells TMZ McLean has been “out of control” in the last few months because of substance abuse, and it was interfering with plans for the Backstreet Boys’ upcoming tour with New Kids on the Block. Sources say on a Backstreet Boys cruise last month … A.J. appeared under the influence much of the time. McLean has battled addiction for years. He was in rehab in both 2001 and 2002 for alcohol and cocaine abuse. McLean made a cryptic reference on his Twitter account, writing on January 9, “I love u all and wish me luck! I start my sober journey tomm!” On January 10, McLean tweeted, “See u on the other side!”

As sad as McLean‘s enduring substance abuse problems are, I think it’s very encouraging that he is aware of his demons and seems willing to put in the work to try and take control of his life. Addiction is a life long process that never truly goes away … with the ability to recognize when one needs help and the right support system, addicts can learn over time healthier living habits. I’ve met A.J. a couple of times and he always struck me as a really nice guy. I hope he is able to get a better handle on his addictions and will use this latest stint in rehab as a chance to get his life in order. Let’s send him our best wishes for a successful rehabilitation.


And The Winners Of The ‘Jersey Shore’ Season 2 DVD Sets Are . . .

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 01:14 PM PST

Last week I announced a Pink is the new Blog contest to give away four copies of the season 2 dvd set of Jersey Shore and I asked y’all to send in your best fist-pumping, party photos to enter for a chance to win. I have randomly selected 4 lucky Pink readers and am thrilled to post their winning photos right here on the blog.

And the lucky winners are — Leigh, Kaity, Mario & Victor and their respective photo entries:

Congrats to these Pink readers on their wins and LOVE to you all who submitted your fun photos. I will be emailing the winners this afternoon and their DVD sets will be mailed out shortly. Thanks for playing along, y’all … and keep your peepers peeped for fun new contests in the near future :D

Partying Like It’s ’1999′

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 12:25 PM PST

Last night David and I met up with our beloved Gillian for dinner at The Counter in LA so that we could catch up and hang out with one another … while we stuffed our faces with delicious hamburgers. Hanging with Gillian is always a great time and we had a blast as usual. Afterward, we came home to relax … David in front of the TV, me in front of my turntable … so I decided to spend my night with Prince back in 1999.

Technically, I was transported back to 1982 when the iconic Prince album 1999 was originally released. I am a HUGE Prince fan, spanning the entirety of his long career, and 1999 is one of my fave albums … particularly because it is such a masterpiece. Early Prince music is so funky, so raw, so dirty … it’s the image of Prince that I fell in love with and still hang on to despite the fact that he is a much different man these days. I couldn’t even tell you how many times I’ve listened to songs from 1999 over the years but I think last night, on the 4 LP records that I spun, I really listened to the entire album as a whole. Just … Brilliant. Nights like last night are the reasons why I’m SO happy that I’m into vinyl records these days.

Tonight, I think I’ll have to set the vinyl aside tho because there is talk of hitting up the dance club so that we can boogie our asses off to Britney Spears‘s new song Hold It Against Me. Tiger Heat is THE biggest pop dance party of the week … they will surely play Britney tonight (very likely, many times thruout the night). I just want to dance to the song once so … that is prolly where you’ll be able to find me tonight ;)

Happy Thursday!!

Les News, 011311

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 11:41 AM PST

Adam Levine Gets Nekkid For A New Maroon 5 Music Video

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 11:12 AM PST

Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine and his Victoria’s Secret model girlfriend Anne Vyalitsyna were spotted in various forms of undress here in LA yesterday on the set of the band’s new music video for their song Never Gonna Leave This Bed. Because Levine cast his real-life girlfriend in the video, it appears that the couple really enjoyed getting semi-nekkid with one another on set. To be honest, after seeing the photos that were shot of the couple on set, I also really enjoyed their decision to get semi-nekkid together.

Please, try to avert your eyes from Adam‘s heinous UGGs boot slippers cuz they TOTALLY kill the sexy mood … focus your attention instead on Levine‘s lithe, trim and tattooed body :) As filming progressed, Adam and Anne got themselves comfy cozy in the bed that they are “never gonna leave” in the music video and they got down to biz:

Call me crazy but something tells me that this music video is going to be HAWT when it finally gets released. Thus far, I like what I see … and I can’t wait to see more :D

[Photo credit: Splash News]

Lindsay Lohan Finds Her Inner Beauty

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 10:57 AM PST

When last we saw photos of Lindsay Lohan out and about in public, she was sneaking off on a dinner date with new next-door-neighbor and ex-girlfriend Samantha Ronson at a restaurant in Venice, CA last weekend. Today we get to see new photos of L. Lo making her way out of her beloved gym in West Hollywood, CA wearing a very interesting message t-shirt.

That’s right, folks, according to Lindsay Lohan‘s stylishly messaged tee, True Beauty Is Within. True Beauty is not found in super-plumped/over-siliconed lips, no sir, True Beauty is found WITHIN. That is the lesson of the day … learn in, feel it and pass it on people.

[Photo credit: X17]

Rooney Mara, As Lisbeth Salander, Does ‘W’ Magazine

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 09:58 AM PST

Yesterday we got to see new photos of Rooney Mara showing off her Girl with the Dragon Tattoo-look on the red carpet at the Palm Springs Film Festival last weekend and I commented that I didn’t really see the character of Lisbeth Salander in the look. Today we get to see amazing photos of Mara IN CHARACTER as Lisbeth Salander on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of W magazine and I absolutely stand corrected … Rooney Mara absolutely has the look down for a new version of Lisbeth Salander, the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

On a dark, icy afternoon in late November, director David Fincher was in a photo studio in Stockholm adjusting blood. The blood, which was of course fake, covered the hands of a young actress named Rooney Mara, but to Fincher's mind, which is prone to reimagining reality in cinematic terms, the bloody hands belonged to Lisbeth Salander, the heroine of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Salander—an androgynous, bisexual computer hacker with multiple piercings and a distinctive tattoo on her back—is the complicated star of Stieg Larsson's "Millennium" series, a trio of novels that have sold more than 50 million (and counting) copies worldwide. Larsson described Salander in opposites: slender but tough, "spidery" but elegant. Fincher, who is directing the American movie version of the first book in the series, has taken that gamine, biker-chick, downtown-girl template and tweaked it. Now she's his. The transformation began with the hair. Mara's long brown mane was dyed black and cut in a series of jagged points that looked as if she had chopped it herself with a dull razor. The bangs were cropped very short and uneven, and the rest of the hair was layered into an extended shag. The final result was a mash-up of brazen Seventies punk and spooky Eighties goth with a dash of S&M temptress. That look, which could also describe Salander's nature, was echoed in her wardrobe—a collection of ripped stockings, low garter belts, skintight leather, and heavy-soled boots. In all the angry, attractive darkness, Mara, who is 25, lithe, and petite, radiated an intriguing mix of menace and vulnerability. Fincher's Lisbeth Salander, as channeled by Mara, is unique—a brilliant but childlike avenging angel with an understanding and an appreciation of violence. In essence, she's a lot like her creator, David Fincher. "I think we need more blood," Fincher said as he stared at Mara's outstretched hands.

The rest of this FANTASTIC online article can be read HERE but it’s the accompanying photos that I want to draw your attention to. I have been having a hard time envisioning what a new Girl with the Dragon Tattoo would look like and would set her apart from the original character expertly played by actress Noomi Rapace in the 3 original Dragon Tattoo films (which were all released here in the US last year). For me, it would take more than a jagged haircut and shaved eyebrows to make any new version of Lisbeth Salander real. For me, the attitude would have to match the look. In these photos, shot by photographer Jean-Baptiste Mondino, I think both the look and the attitude of Rooney Mara‘s version of Lisbeth Salander comes thru … much to my extreme relief:

I really love these photos. I see Lisbeth Salander in these photos … a different Lisbeth, one that looks like she could hold her own against the original Lisbeth portrayed by Noomi Rapace. Now, I realize that these are only photos … and anyone can dress up in character in photos … but this is the first sign that tells me that David Fincher is on the right track in breathing new life into The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I’m now really excited to see more … and I am GREATLY relieved that Rooney Mara can at least pull off the Lisbeth Salander look. I cannot stress enough how important I think it is that YOU SEE THE ORIGINAL SWEDISH FILMS before you watch this US remake. The original films are just amazing (and are all available on DVD, Netflix now) and they will forever be true representations of the original source material novels. That being said, these photos give me great hope that David Fincher and Rooney Mara will do right by the novels and characters. THIS is a great first sign of what may come … and now I’m really, really excited.

So … thoughts? What do y’all think of Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander now?

[Photo credit: Jean-Baptiste Mondino, Source]

Rob Mariano & Russell Hantz Join The Cast Of ‘Survivor: Redemption Island’

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 09:36 AM PST

On Monday we got our first look at 16 castmembers from the upcoming season of Survivor: Redemption Island. Today we learn that Survivor alums Rob Mariano and Russell Hantz join the cast as the 17th and 18th castmembers … confirming rumors that the two popular Survivor stars would be coming back for redemption.

The 16 new contestants of Survivor: Redemption Island will have to battle more than the elements and each other. They'll also have two familiar faces to deal with as Boston Rob Mariano and Russell Hantz will be renewing their heated rivalry from Heroes vs Villains and returning to play the game once again. For Russell, it will be his third appearance in the past four seasons, while Boston Rob becomes the first person to ever compete four times on the show. Rob and Russell's feud in last spring's Heroes vs Villains helped make the season one of the franchise's finest, but could some fans be feeling a bit of Russell fatigue after seeing the polarizing player command so much screen time on both Samoa and Heroes vs. Villains? Host Jeff Probst doesn't think so. "I'm not concerned at all about any Russell fatigue — that people have had too much," says Probst. "If you've had too much of Russell, I dare say you're not really a Survivor fan. He embodies Survivor. He's polarizing. You hate him or you love him." The former players will each join a tribe after a drawing of concealed buffs and — contrary to internet rumors — they will not be offered any immunity, meaning either one of them could be voted out first (and sent to Redemption Island, where they would be forced to compete to reenter the game). But while Russell may seem like a shoo-in to be the first person out, Probst told while on location in Nicaragua just minutes after filming on the season began that he doesn't believe that will be the case. "I do not think Russell or Rob will be the first person voted out of this game. Because I think they bring too much experience — 156 days between the two of them. When you're playing a game, there's a lot to be learned." Probst also believes that Boston Rob — who transformed himself from a villain to a hero last year — may actually have a tougher time than Russell sticking around when the going gets tough. "Rob may have an easier time initially, but Rob's gong to have a tougher time long term because Rob could win," says the host. "Rob is likable enough. He could win. Russell's not going to win. Russell doesn't get that. He's not gonna win. Even if he was nice this season, the payoff for past seasons won't let him win. Rob is going to have a tough time if he makes it to the merge."

Meh. I absolutely consider myself a Survivor fan and I am TOTALLY sick of Russell and his a-hole behavior. I find it hard to believe that he will change his game strategy, meaning he will irritate and alienate everyone on the show. That said, he’s the perfect kind of jerk you want to be compared to when the jury is giving away $1 million bucks so … he very well may stay in the game for a while. Boston Rob, on the other hand, bores me. He was so lackluster in the Heroes vs. Villains season that I don’t even care to watch him play again. I am MUCH more interested in meeting the new castmembers and finding people to love and loathe as the season progresses. The addition of Rob and Russell doesn’t make me want to watch the show any more than I already did … as a true Survivor fan, I’ll tune in no matter what gimmicks the producers toss in to try and make the show look more appealing.


Damon Salvatore, From ‘The Vampire Diaries’, Gets His Own Doll

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 08:55 AM PST

In December 2008 we learned that the Tonner Doll Company was releasing a set of dolls based on the Twilight characters Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. In February 2010 we learned that Tonner was releasing a doll based on The Twilight Saga: Eclipse character Jacob Black. Today we learn that Tonner is readying the release of a new vampire-related doll, this time from the hit TV series The Vampire Diaries. Anyone out there interested in playing with Damon Salvatore?

The smoldering DAMON SALVATORE debuts as Tonner®’s first VAMPIRE DIARIES™ TCF™! The conniving vampire sports a jersey t-shirt and dark denim jeans with a faux-leather jacket. Socks, faux-leather zip-up boots, and protection ring also included. Ian Somerhalder/Damon Salvatore Head Sculpt and 17″ Matt O’Neill™ Body; Blue Eyes w/ Brunette Wigged Hair and cameo skintone.

I mean, I don’t play with dolls but … swoooooooooooon! It bet it’s nice to just run your fingers thru Damon doll’s silky hair, to brush your fingertips against his smooth plastic skin … er, I mean … yeah, I’m sure this doll is fun to play with and stuff. There’s no word on whether or not Tonner is planning to make dolls for the other Vampire Diaries characters but I think they were smart to go with the bad guy first. Now Barbie has the option to play naughty if she really wants to … cuz we know that neither Ken nor Edward Cullen are the man dolls to get naughty with ;) If you are interested in owning your own Damon Salvatore doll, you can place your pre-order HERE. Any takers?


Johnny Depp, As Capt. Jack Sparrow, Does ‘Entertainment Weekly’ Magazine

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 08:26 AM PST

Johnny Depp, dressed in character as Captain Jack Sparrow, is featured on the cover and in the pages of this week’s issue of Entertainment Weekly magazine … which this week is devoted to the 2011 preview of movies, television, music, books and more. Considering that Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is among the most-anticipated films of the year, it makes total sense that Depp as Sparrow would be this issues coverstar.

When Johnny Depp appeared at a Disney fan convention in the fall of 2009 to hype the announcement of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, it looked like fair weather-sailing for the fourth movie in the blockbuster franchise. But as the cover story of this week's special 2011 preview issue reveals, the subsequent journey was anything but squall-free. Indeed, for a while, it looked like Depp himself was about to jump ship. "Things became a little creaky," admits the superstar. The Jerry Bruckheimer-produced operation also had to deal with bad weather of a literal stripe while shooting in Hawaii and the pregnancy of franchise newcomer Penélope Cruz, though Depp says the blooming actress could hardly have been more game. "It was funny to see a pregnant woman fucking sword-fighting," he laughs. Audiences will be able to see the end result of Depp, Bruckheimer, Cruz, and director Rob Marshall's endeavors when On Stranger Tides opens May 20. These days, Depp says he would be happy to play Captain Jack again, and that there have already been discussions about a fifth movie. "As long as we can put all the puzzle pieces together, I would most definitely consider it," he says. On Stranger Tides is just one of a veritable armada of projects featured in this week's issue. We take a look at forthcoming TV shows — including The X Factor, albums, books, and dozens of other films from Thor to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2. You'll also find an exclusive sneak peak at The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1. If it's hot and about-to-happen — and in the case of Tina Fey's forthcoming book of essays, features grotesque man-arms on the cover — then we've covered it.

EW mag is, hands down, my fave entertainment magazine. I’ve been a happy subscriber for years and always look forward to their regularly scheduled Preview Issues. Yes, I am looking forward to the release of Pirates 4 (and can’t wait to read all about it) but EW always does a fantastic job of dishing on all the other things I’m looking forward to in the realm of movies, tv, music, books, theater, video games, etc. I generally learn about forthcoming things that I didn’t even know were forthcoming. I can’t wait to get my hands on this issue … especially with Capt. Jack on the cover.


Britney Spears Goes To Dance Rehearsal, Gets Her Nails Did

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 07:56 AM PST

Despite the fact that Britney Spears‘s people DENY that she will perform at the 2011 Grammy Awards next month (which the Grammy Awards confirmed this morning), our dear Britney has been workin’ hard at dance rehearsals anyways in order to prepare for the filming of her music video for her just-released/#1 in 16 countries single Hold it Against Me. Brit Brit was spotted making her way out of dance rehearsals yesterday and then at the nail salon gettin’ her French Tips reapplied. All in a days work for the legendary Britney Spears.

As I understand it, the dance routine for Britney‘s Hold It Against Me music video is going to be SICK! I have no doubt that Britney is working her ass off to make sure her video is the HOTTEST vid of 2011. It is still *possible* that her dance rehearsal schedule might include time for a *possible* upcoming live performance … somewhere … but I’m certain we won’t know for sure if any such performance will actually take place until it’s actually taking place. For now, Britney is hard at work on her dance moves … I cannot WAIT for her to unleash them upon the world.

[Photo credit: X17]

The 2011 Grammy Award Performers Have Been Announced

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 07:23 AM PST

In the wake of rampant rumors going around that Britney Spears will be performing next month on the 2011 Grammy Awards telecast, we learned yesterday that Britney‘s people have DENIED that she is performing. This morning, the Grammy Awards announced which performers will be performing on the show and the list includes Eminem, Arcade Fire, Cee Lo Green, Lady Gaga and more … unsurprisingly, Britney Spears is NOT listed among the performers.

Eminem, Lady Gaga, Arcade Fire, Miranda Lambert, Cee Lo Green and Katy Perry will perform at the 2011 Grammy Awards on Feb. 13, it was announced Thursday (Jan. 13). Eminem, who leads the 53rd annual awards with 10 nominations and has 11 wins already under his belt, is a frequent Grammy performer who graced the stage as recently as last year, performing with Drake and Lil Wayne. For Lady Gaga, it will be the second consecutive year she performs, after the pop star made an impressive debut at the 2010 ceremony with an opening duet accompanied by Elton John. Nominated for album of the year for “The Fame Monster,” Gaga is expected to perform her forthcoming album’s lead single “Born This Way,” which happens to be slated for release on Feb. 13, at the ceremony. Arcade Fire and Miranda Lambert, meanwhile, will make their Grammy debuts as performers. Both are also nominated in the lead categories, with Arcade Fire’s “The Suburbs” up for album of the year and Miranda Lambert’s “The House That Built Me” vying for song of the year. Cee Lo Green, up for four awards including record of the year and song of the year, and Katy Perry, up for album of the year, have both performed at the Grammys before. Additional performers are expected be announced in the coming weeks. The Grammys will be broadcast on CBS live from Staples Center in Los Angeles.

There isn’t a single name on this list that should come as a surprise to anyone … and that is the point. If the Grammy Awards are planning on pulling out any big surprises, A.) they’re not going to announce them so soon and B.) they’re gonna make it seem like any surprises that happen were pulled together at the last minute. At this point, Britney Spears is NOT performing on the Grammys … but that doesn’t mean that things can’t change in the coming weeks. It’s entirely possible that Britney could be added as a “last minute” performer in order to drum up hype for the show. Am I holding my breath? No. Will I tune in to the Grammys just to be sure? Absolutely … and that, my friends, is the point ;) So what do y’all think of this batch of performers? Are these people alone enough to get you to tune in?


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