Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Superficial - Because You're Ugly

The Superficial - Because You're Ugly

Kate Gosselin Has a Tattoo. Guess Where.

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 02:23 PM PST

Kate Gosselin was spotted in a bikini this morning in Australia, and apparently she has a tattoo. Leading to her vagina. I don’t know if it’s always been there, or if it’s part of her metamorphosis into believing she’s some sort of sexpot now, but I do know this: Kate Gosselin has a built-in fanny Read More ...

Snooki Wakes Up in Trash Cans

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 01:30 PM PST

To promote her book, “A Shore Thing,” Snooki appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres show today (above), and the good people at Warner Bros. were kind enough to send me over an excerpt of their conversation. What follows is pretty much everything you’d expect from an alcoholic midget who somehow keeps being shoved in front of Read More ...

Reese Witherspoon Definitely Works Out and Other News

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 01:15 PM PST

- Montel Williams was riding dirty. - Joe Jonas asked if he is gay on video. -Ryan Gosling and Blake Lively are probably hooking up. *sets fire to Gossip Girl posters* - Nicole Scherzinger likes to swim. - Heidi Montag is remorseful. For cash. - John Mellencamp and Meg Ryan Read More ...

Police: Lindsay Lohan Was Drunk or High in Rehab

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 12:29 PM PST

Palm Desert police are adamant that Lindsay Lohan violated her probation the night she allegedly attacked a Betty Ford employee and are now certain she was definitely drunk – or even high – at the time, because they’re rational human beings with functioning logic centers. TMZ reports: Sources say the cops believe Lindsay was under the Read More ...

Justin Bieber is Grounded

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 11:15 AM PST

NOTE: Yes, I know these pics are from June, but I’d literally have to sell my body and five of yours to afford the exclusive rights of Justin and Selena kissing over the weekend. I mean, I’m willing to do it, but I get first pick of the johns if we’re going to do this. Read More ...

The Other Pages Have Posts On Them

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 11:10 AM PST

Welcome to a new feature on The Superficial where I direct you to other posts that happened during the day because a surprisingly large amount of you think the posts on the front page are the only thing I’ve written, and an even frighteningly larger amount think the old posts fall off the page into Read More ...

Taylor Swift Was ‘Too Young’ For Jake Gyllenhaal

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 10:15 AM PST

While the nation spent most of last night and this morning crying in bed over the end of Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal’s one month long relationship, Us Weekly has tackled the tough question of, “How, Jake? How could you do it?” *sobs into Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper*: “Jake reached out to her and started all Read More ...

♫ There She Is… Miss Crack America… ♫

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 09:18 AM PST

Seen here for the first time since leaving rehab, Lindsay Lohan is already going into spin control after it was reported she moved next door to Samantha Ronson who was legitimately caught off guard, unlike Lindsay who wants you to believe it was all pure coincidence. TMZ reports: Sources close to Lindsay tell us … Lohan Read More ...

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