Saturday, January 8, 2011

Best Week Ever

Best Week Ever


Posted: 07 Jan 2011 02:32 PM PST

A dog in China has made hoards of people curiously uncomfortable by adopting two orphaned kittens. According to Splash News Online:

The dog has the same owner as the kittens’ mother and had been “inseparable” from her until she was killed in a fight with wild dogs. The kittens were desperate for milk and turned to the dog, who had given birth to three puppies months earlier, for help. Owner Wang Weiwen said: “The kittens were quite miserable, screaming for milk all day long and sometimes rubbed the dog’s nipples for milk. I thought the dog can’t feed them as it had stopped producing milk for two months since her puppies were given away, but magically the dog has milk again, and voluntarily acts as the mother to the kittens.” Weiwen gave one of the kittens to his son who lives at the other side of their village, Dongchen, in Hebei Province. But the dog now runs between the two homes to carry on feeding both kittens.

Aww. It’s a 2011 Miracle :’(

10 Photos Of Natalie Portman Thinking About Food

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 01:27 PM PST

No performance of 2010 holds a candle to Natalie Portman’s pirouette in Black Swan, which, in my humble opinion, was the best comedy of last year. And no matter which way you slice it, you really can’t slice a single piece of food Natalie ate during the shoot, as she was so delicately waifish as to be a science class skeleton. A gorgeous science class skeleton.

So, how did Natalie do it? The old-fashioned way, of course: Not eating!! Portman gives The Daily Mail a step-by-step account as to what contributed to her 80-pound frame: “I was barely eating. I was working 16 hours a day. I was almost method acting without intending to. I do wonder now how people can do this kind of role when they have a family.”

We’ve gone back into the internet’s unforgiving database to check out photos of Natalie while she was filming Black Swan back in 2009, and one thing is clear: She spends most of it thinking about food. Here are ten photos to prove our case:











[Photos: Splash News Online, Getty Images]

So I Met Tron‘s Garrett Hedlund…

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 02:01 PM PST

As has now been made public, this morning saw the return of Best Week Ever on VH1′s Jump Start Live. Producers asked me to be on the show live this morning to introduce the package, which meant having the honor of sitting in the green room for an hour and watching whichever celebrities were booked for the day get their hair and makeup done. No big thing.

First up, the inimitable British crooner James Blunt, who was very mild-mannered, sweet, and has really nice hair. On the other hand, he also did not personally serenade me, which means that #17 on my Bucket List is still very much a goal:

But the fun didn’t end there. Because whispers round the green room kept reminding me that actor Garrett Hedlund was headed in, following a taping of Live with Regis and Kelly. Now, if you’re like me, you’re probably like “Garrett WHO-dlund?!” because you’re an assh*le who loves a good pun. To which everyone was like “Um, duh, Tron. He’s in Tron.” So then you shut up because you still haven’t even seen Tron. In other news, how was Tron? I digress.

So there we are, me, some producers, a table full of bananas, James Blunt, and all of a sudden, who walks in but Garrett Hedlund. THE Garrett Hedlund. And forgive me for not knowing this beforehand, but holy. sh*t. I am in love with Garrett Hedlund. Wearing a tuxedo jacket, mustache, and boots ripped off of the old shovel man in Home Alone, he was the perfect combination of “elegance on a snow day.” And that mustache… made me wish for the fine days of prohibition.

Lucky for me and my extremely long arms, I daintily unfurled my ulna bone in his direction and introduced myself. He graciously accepted my lilting palm and made his way round the room saying hello. I’ve met my fair share of celebrities in my time, but it’s rare that I get really super f*cking nervous around one. Yet here I was… affected… by the guy from Tron.

He clearly had other things on his mind, like, you know, everything else, so I knew I had to act fast. So, I asked him the first thing I could think of:

“Soooo… how was Regis?” ps Read that as Jewy as possible, like an old grandmother trying to feel young again. “Soooo… how was Regis?”

“He wasn’t there. It was Neil Patrick Harris!” Garrett smiled.


That was it, basically. I asked about Regis Philbin. Though, not fully true, when I was done with my segment, he did say “That was really funny.” To which I replied:

In conclusion, I wrote this post to assure all of you out there that Garrett Hedlund is, in fact, extremely dreamy. Shockingly so. And so I figured I’d write all about it so that I may one day read this post to my grandchildren. Also, according to this probably spammy website, “OMG he’s single.” As the kids these days say, WTF*ck? Sooooo who wants to see Country Strong with me? No big deal, he’s in it. Love you bye.

REEEEEMIX!!!!: Kate Walsh Sings Neil Patrick Harris’ Name At The People’s Choice Awards

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 12:06 PM PST

Neil Patrick Harris won the People’s Choice Award for Favorite TV Comedy Actor the other day and his speech was very nice. But what struck me most was how presenter Kate Walsh decided to sing his name when she announced that he won. It was reminiscent of Claire Danes’ "David Strathairn” moment. Anyway, it called for a REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMIX!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe she felt pressure to sing because Taye Diggs was there? Anyway, you’re welcome for getting that in your head for the rest of the day. And thank you, Pete, for cutting this together for me.

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