Tuesday, January 4, 2011



Victoria Beckham confirms to Vogue UK that she took out her implants

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 08:51 AM PST


Sigh… another year without an American Vogue cover. Victoria Beckham has to console herself with yet another Vogue UK cover. Instead of going for her usual jacked-up high-glamour look (if you want to call it that), Victoria's cover shot is suspiciously low-key. This, too, is forced. The Vogue UK writer Lisa Armstrong notes, "No French manicures. No torpedo bazookas, either. ‘Gone,’ she announces.” Why the change? Because Posh is going from WAG to fashion designer, and wants to be seen as low-key. Can I be honest? I rarely say this kind of thing, but Posh looks better when she's "unnatural" you know? I don't like this un-glamorous shot of Posh. It makes her look like she's got mental problems, especially with her mouth hanging open like that. Anyway, in the interview excerpts, Posh talks about her marriage, etc:

Victoria Beckham has been unwavering in her love and devotion for husband David after 11 years of marriage. But despite his athletic figure and metrosexual appearance, the former Spice Girl admits even he has his off days.

Just months after Posh declared her husband looked ‘naturally good all the time’, she appears to have changed her mind. In a new interview with the UK edition of Vogue magazine, the 36-year-old spoke frankly about her husband of 11 years.

Speaking in the February issue of Vogue - her sixth Vogue cover - she said: ‘The other morning I looked across at David just after he’d woken up and thought you look really crap. Thank God, because this is a man who always looked so perfect.’

Her remarks were in stark contrast to an interview she gave to Marie Claire magazine in October.

She said at the time: ‘He just naturally looks good all the time. He never looks like s*** in the morning. Never. So he's sitting there sending his e-mails, all ripped. Not an ounce of fat on him. And I thought, you done good, girl. I sure wasn't thinking of his high-pitched voice.’

Victoria’s appearance in Vogue is the sixth time she’s appeared on the cover of the magazine. She’s already graced the covers of Russian, Indian, Turkish, German editions, and the British edition once before in 2008.

Also in the Vogue interview, she admits she’s finally given up on her long hope for a baby girl. She also confesses to having her breast implants removed and admits the power balance between herself and David is changing.

[From The Daily Mail]

Yeah, I buy that she loves the hell out of David Beckham, and I'll also buy that he adores her. But not even his lawsuit against In Touch Weekly will convince me that David can keep it in his pants. He just has that problem, and it must be hell to deal with… that is, if Posh can even admit it to herself.


Photos courtesy of The Fashion Spot.

Kelly Osbourne covers Cosmo UK, talks about her ex, rolls out new boyfriend

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 08:26 AM PST


Was it last week? Yeah. Kelly Osbourne got into some huge Twitter rage rant about her ex, Luke Worrall. I was wrong when I initially wrote about the Twitter rant - I thought that Kelly was simply claiming that Luke was screwing around with multiple women. But no, she also claimed that he was boning dudes too. Which means it's totally possible that the blind item could be true - Luke and Jack? Eh. Anyway, Kelly is the cover girl for the February issue of Cosmopolitan UK, and… I think this interview was done before the Twitter meltdown:

Kelly Osbourne and Luke Worrall split up almost six months ago. But Osbourne says she’s still not over her ex-fiancĂ©, and hasn’t slept with anyone since.

“I think we need to spend time working on ourselves, but it doesn’t erase the fact that I’m head over heels in love with him … I haven’t been with anyone since Luke,” Osbourne tells the February issue of British Cosmopolitan, on newsstands Jan. 6.

But there is anger there, too – as evidenced by Osbourne and Worrall’s verbal spat on Twitter over the holidays, during which Osbourne wrote, “All he did was use me,” and added, “all girls beware!”

In the Cosmo interview, which presumably pre-dates the holidays, Osbourne is more magnanimous. “I’m 26, and Luke is 21,” she says. “We still have a lot to learn about life. A lot of mistakes were made, a lot of bad things were said.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Osbourne talks about how she gained weight after getting out of rehab – and then found the motivation to slim down while performing on Dancing with the Stars.

“I replaced drugs with food,” she says. “I was emotionally eating and hated the way I looked, but I couldn’t mask my self-loathing with pills anymore.”

But the weight gain brought its own problems. “When you’re a fat girl in Hollywood, it’s not fun,” Osbourne says. “You never get looked at the way skinny girls do. I covered it up with my humor, but suddenly I found myself unfunny and hated what I saw.”

Things changed when she was asked to do Dancing with the Stars, which she ended up almost winning. “I only did it to lose weight,” she says. “I made a life change and re-educated myself about food and eating right. I didn’t know anything before about eating in moderation.”

Now, she says, she’s more confident than she’s ever been, despite the heartache she’s suffered. “People forget that I was 15 when I was thrown into the limelight,” she says. “The teenage years were the hardest of my life. I found that, as I’ve grown older, I’ve finally learnt what makes me comfortable.”

[From People]

Yeah, I don't believe she's learned from her mistakes, then or now. And I love that she's claiming in this interview that she hasn't been with anyone since Luke, and it's the same day she's rolling out her new boyfriend - go to Us Weekly to see the photo of Kelly and her new guy, Rob Damiani. They met a few days ago. Honestly, you just have to go look at the photo - it's awesome. The guy is beeping on my gaydar HARD. Even CB said "Why does Kelly always end up with the gay ones?" Sigh… poor Kelly.



Cosmo cover courtesy of In The Basement. Additional twit-pics courtesy of WENN.

Is Sienna Miller embarrassed by Jude Law’s “hammer pants” situation?

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 07:55 AM PST


HAMMER PANTS. Look at Jude Law's magnificent pants. CB thinks they are some kind of long underwear-as-outerwear, while I think they might be some take-home costume britches from Sherlock Holmes, perhaps. Whatever they are, they're kind of wonderful. The Daily Mail is trying to make this pants situation into "The Reason Sienna Miller is going to dump Jude" though.

You would have thought that somewhere in their four suitcases he could have found just one outfit that matched. But Jude Law made a serious fashion faux pas arriving at Heathrow airport yesterday, sporting a strange trouser and jacket combination. The 38-year old stepped out in a pair of cream jogging bottoms which he curiously teamed with a low cut white vest and grey jacket. He topped the outfit off with unlaced biker boots and displayed a stubbly face which made for a bizarre, and quite scruffy outfit choice.

As he canoodled with Sienna at the airport desk the crotch of his trousers were so low that it gave him a sagging bottom effect.

By contrast a make-up free Sienna Miller,29, was looking her stylish self sporting a simple but chic look. Sienna showed off her signature style in pair of skinny jeans, a navy jumper and a black leather jacket. She also donned a pair of brown military boots and carried a dark brown leather handbag.

The loved-up couple who bought an £8 million luxury London home last month appeared refreshed and relaxed after their African jaunt. The pair sauntered through the airport carrying their hand luggage as a number of helpers attended to their baggage.

They were initially helped out by a Virgin Atlantic staff member who pushed the trolley laden with their four bags. Dressed in the signature red uniform, she contained her composure escorting the celebrity couple, but couldn't help but take a quick peek at Jude's bizarre trouser choice. As they approached their car a smartly dressed man took charge of their luggage.

Jude and Sienna jetted back to London after holidaying in Nairobi in Kenya over New Year and the couple still seemed in holiday mode as they walked through the airport laughing and joking together.

[From The Daily Mail]

So… they spent New Year's in Africa, but the question I have is about whether Sadie Frost completely shut Sienna out of Christmas with Jude, like Sadie seemed to imply. I bet that's exactly what happened - Jude spent Christmas with his kids and his ex-wife, and Sienna wasn't allowed there.





Photos courtesy of Bauer-Griffin.

Hugh Hefner, Crystal Harris plan a small wedding, don’t want kids (video interview)

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 07:27 AM PST

Hugh Hefner and his bride-to-be Crystal Harris did an interview with Entertainment Tonight discussing their planned nuptials and surprise engagement. I was struck by how out of it Hugh seems, I mean the guy is 84 and is overdue for assisted living. Maybe he needs to adjust his meds. Crystal is totally oblivious and happy to be along for the ride. A lot of you have commented that she looks much older than just 24, but I think that’s because she’s Botoxed the hell out of her face and had some other work done. That really ages her and she looked younger right when she first hooked up with Hef.

“I don’t notice the age difference with Hef at all,” Harris tells Entertainment Tonight of couple’s the 60-year age gap. “If anything, I have to keep up with him!”

PHOTOS: More celeb couples with big age differences

“Last year for my birthday I wanted to go bowling,” the buxom blonde explains. “And last year for his birthday he wanted to go to Las Vegas and go to two different nightclubs at the Palms!”

Though Playboy editor Hefner, 84, hasn’t ruled out having more children with his bride-to-be (he has four kids from previous relationships), Harris isn’t necessarily ready for diaper duty.

PHOTOS: Stars who denied pregnancy rumors

“Ever since I was little I always told my mom I didn’t what children,” she says. “Just animals!”

In the meantime, the recently engaged couple has already begun planning for their low-key nuptials.

PHOTOS: Hollywood’s most romantic weddings

“It will be intimate with a close number of friends here at the mansion,” Hefner says. “No big blowout affair. Something very personal.”

[From US Magazine]

My grandma used to go to Vegas all the time too.

I don’t think Hef would care if Crystal had a kid as he said “We’ll see” and then looked at Crystal. It’s not like he’d be able to help anyway.

The dude needs a nurse, not a wife young enough to be his granddaughter. ET reports that they asked Hugh if he’s still having sex and he said “I’m doing my best. Dancin’ as fast as I can.”

As creepy as this seems, I was struck by how in sync these two seem. Don’t yell at me, but neither of them dominated the conversation and they both looked to each other to get feedback while they were talking. Maybe they are more suited to each other than Hef and Holly were. Or maybe he’s just so old at this point that he realizes it makes better sense to commit to one woman than to pay multiple women a thousand a week to live with him.

Here’s Hugh with Crystal, one of his boys and a date at the Iron Man 2 premiere. Credit: WENN.com




Justin Bieber covers Vanity Fair: “I’m crazy, I’m nuts… I’m not normal”

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 07:14 AM PST


Justin ("Justine") Bieber is the cover boy for the February issue of Vanity Fair. I hate to say it, but I think this one should have gone to a dead celebrity or a Kennedy fetishist. Anyway, Bieb + Vanity Fair = magic? Here is VF's slideshow on the boy, and here's the full online excerpt VF story. It's all… rather pathetic. I mean, do you know any 16 year old kids with ANYTHING interesting to say? I don't. Kids that age are really dumb. The end. But I think there are a couple of Bieber-loonies around here, so here's the gist:

"I'm crazy, I'm nuts," Justin Bieber tells Vanity Fair contributing editor Lisa Robinson. "Just the way my brain works. I'm not normal. I think differently—my mind is always racing. I'm just … nuts. But I think the best [musicians] probably are."

Robinson reports that Bieber considers the "best" to be the Beatles, Michael Jackson, and Tupac. "Music is music, and I'm definitely influenced by Michael Jackson and Boyz II Men and people who were black artists—that's what I like. But I like their voices and I like how they entertain—it's not about what color they are."

"Michael [Jackson] was able to reach audiences from young to old; he never limited himself," Bieber says of the King of Pop, of whom he has a sticker on his bedroom mirror in his tour bus. "He was so broad, everybody loved him, and that's what my goal is—to basically make people happy, to inspire them, and to have everyone root for me."

"It's hard to really balance myself. A regular kid, if he catches the flu, he just gets to go home," Bieber says of the challenges of trying to be a regular teenager. "But I can't do that…. Everything is important. But, you know, my sanity is important, too. Even if I'm angry, I'll just put a smile on my face and fake it. I don't often fake it—what's me is me….I know I have to give up a lot of myself, or a lot of a private life."

Robinson talks to one person who has the most access to Bieber's "private life" these days, his bodyguard Kenny Hamilton. "I feel like I've become an expert at covert operations," says Hamilton about "friends" (girls) who sneak in to visit Justin on the mandatory one to three days off a week that he gets to just "be a kid."

Robinson reports that Bieber says he wants to go to the moon, to outer space, but only when it's 100 percent safe—or maybe just 90 percent—and that he hated school, is tutored on the road, doesn't read much, but has the best-seller Rich Dad Poor Dad on his tour bus because Will Smith told him to read it. Robinson also reports that he sometimes suffers from insomnia, "I just turn over all night and think. My mind races," he says. "I think about all the things I didn't have time to think about during the day—like family and God and things that should be more important but you don't have time to think about, because you just get caught up [in everything else] during the day."

Such as the legions of screaming girls. Bieber tells Robinson that he knows girls scream for him because he's Justin Bieber, but he thinks they might also scream for him because he's cute. "Not trying to be arrogant, but if I walked down the street and a girl saw me, she might take a look back because maybe I'm good-looking, right?"

Bieber admits to Robinson that he's O.K. with having a predominantly female fan base.

"For younger guys, it's like [they think] they're not cool if they come to my concert. That'll [change], I think; it'll happen, maybe when I'm 18. But meanwhile all their girlfriends are coming to watch me." Bieber is also aware that despite his success not everyone will be his biggest fan. "Of course, I think that people are just waiting for that time when I make a mistake and they're gonna jump on it….There's gonna be haters," Bieber tells Robinson. "I know I'm not going to make a life-changing bad decision, as some people have. I've seen it happen too many times. I could be my own worst enemy, but I don't want to mess this up."

Robinson talks to Bieber's mom, Pattie Mallette. Mallette tells Robinson that, after a personal encounter with God, she believes that she and Justin have been put on earth to bring light and inspiration to the world. But Mallette is wary of show business and its potential consequences: "We don't have yes-men around him. I don't want him being a diva."

Robinson also speaks with Bieber's close friend and mentor, A-list musician Usher. "You could immediately tell that this [was] a kid who has style—he's a hip kid," Usher says of Bieber, who he says is like his "little brother." "It was the antithesis of Disney and Nickelodeon." A supporter from the beginning, Usher brought Bieber to Island/Def Jam executive L. A. Reid. "I knew what L.A. was gonna do—the same thing he did to me. Let's bring in employees and we want to see how he reacts to women."

"I see myself just growing. I didn't know that any of this was really possible," Bieber tells Robinson of his future. "I grew up in a really small town with not a lot of money, and I liked singing, but it was just something that was a hobby. As I get into it more, I want to grow as an artist, as an entertainer, and basically perfect my craft. I want to be the best that I can be."

He's not the only one who didn't see his fame coming. When asked if he ever envisioned this level of fame for his grandson, Bieber's grandfather Bruce Dale responds, "No. Never. He was supposed to be a hockey player."

The February issue of Vanity Fair is available on newsstands in New York and L.A. on Thursday, January 6, and nationally and on the iPad on Tuesday, January 11.

[From Vanity Fair]

While Bieb sounds relatively grounded (I guess) in this one interview, the thing that struck me the most was this: "Mallette tells Robinson that, after a personal encounter with God, she believes that she and Justin have been put on earth to bring light and inspiration to the world." I'm fine with The Bieb and his mom being Christians, and I don't even sniff at someone describing their personal encounter with God, I really don't (I live in the buckle of the Bible belt). But when you put the whole thing together - devout Christianity, a personal encounter with God, AND the belief that Bieb's music is part of some kind of holy mission… that scares me. It makes me think this boy child is at best proselytizing through bubble gum pop music, and at worst, cynically using his "faith" as an excuse to do anything he wants. Ugh.





Photos courtesy of Vanity Fair's slideshow.

Gwyneth Paltrow on Chris Martin: “He’s really appreciative of me.”

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 06:50 AM PST


Gwyneth Paltrow is the February cover girl for Good Housekeeping. Which is unusual, because Gwyneth generally doesn't deign to appear on any magazine cover other than the biggest fashion magazines. But she's sellin' her drunken Britney Spears twang to the heartland y'all, and people in Kansas don't read Harper's Bazaar (in Goop's mind). So… Goopy is sellin', and she's trying to talk about things she thinks hick peasants will enjoy. Which means talking AGAIN about her post-partum depression after she gave birth to Moses, and about how much Chris Martin loves her. Eat up, peasants.

Gwyneth Paltrow had a blissful time during daughter Apple’s first few months of life in summer 2004. Two years later, when son Moses was born, things couldn’t have been more different. The actress found herself living a nightmare.

“I felt like a zombie. I couldn’t access my heart. I couldn’t access my emotions. I couldn’t connect,” Paltrow, now 38, says in the February issue of Good Housekeeping.

“It was terrible, it was the exact opposite of what had happened when Apple was born. With her, I was on cloud nine. I couldn’t believe it wasn’t the same. I just thought it meant I was a terrible mother and a terrible person.”

It was Paltrow’s husband, Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, who first thought she might be suffering from postpartum depression.

“About four months into it, Chris came to me and said, ‘Something’s wrong. Something’s wrong,’ ” Paltrow recalls. “I kept saying, ‘No, no, I’m fine.’ But Chris identified it, and that sort of burst the bubble.”

Paltrow says the hardest part was acknowledging the problem. “I thought postpartum depression meant you were sobbing every single day and incapable of looking after a child,” she explains. “But there are different shades of it and depths of it, which is why I think it’s so important for women to talk about it. It was a trying time. I felt like a failure.”

With those dark days long behind her, Paltrow has rebooted her film career – and begun a musical one – with her role in Country Strong. Her husband, supportive as ever, helped her learn guitar for the part – which came as no surprise.

“I can depend on him,” Paltrow says. “He makes me laugh. He’s really appreciative of me. You know, he makes me feel special.”

Although sometimes, she has to push him a little to talk about his feelings. “I definitely have to coax things out of him when we talk. You know, he’s British, so it’s a different lexicon totally,” Paltrow says. “But you have to communicate. Otherwise there’s no relationship.”

[From People]

Regarding Goopy's post-partum issues: I don't hate that she talks about it, and I'm only mildly annoyed that she brings it up in nearly every major interview. No, what really bothers me is that I get the feeling that despite her attitude that she's "speaking out" or "educating" about post-partum depression, she is in fact making the issue all about HER, and trying to tell us about the one time in her life that she "failed" (in her mind). Goopy is all about being holier-than-thou, and for being more elite than everybody else. In her mind, if she had post-partum issues, that is the one chink in her armor of smug superiority. She's trying to relate to us peasants, all of us who are failing and being average and not elite on a daily basis. It feels cheap and inauthentic to me. But - it's still all about her, of course.

Regarding what she said about Chris Martin: "He’s really appreciative of me. You know, he makes me feel special.” ALL ABOUT HER. Also, I don't buy it.


Photos courtesy of Fame.

More excerpts from Snooki’s mind numbing new book

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 06:37 AM PST

Snooki once told a reporter for the NY Times that she’d only read two books in her life, Dear John and Twilight. The orange wonder can add one more book to that list, because her new work of “fiction,” A Shore Thing, is out in stores today. I got a sample on iBooks and it’s just as bad as advance quotes and common sense would lead you to believe. Although Snooki told E! News she wrote the book herself, that doesn’t seem to be the case. In the acknowledgments section, she thanks her “collaborator,” writing “Thank you so much to Valerie Frankel, my collaborator, who helped translate my ideas onto the page.” The book is about a character named “Gia,” who is basically Snooki, and her cousin, who rent a “Seaside Heights beach house/dump” over the summer and try to get laid. It’s a vapid read with too many stupid details and a plot that’s lifted straight from Jersey Shore. My eyes started glazing over and my mouth was hanging open a few pages in. Here’s a segment where Gia tries to pick up a guy at a club.

A hot guido was staring at her - in a nice way - from across the room.

Gia smiled at him. His back against the wall, he stood just off the dance floor, thumb in a belt loop. His chest muscles strained the fabric of his black tank top. It fit across a tummy that was hard and flat enough to cut salami on. No tattoos, which meant plenty of empty space on his arms to ink PROPERTY OF GIA. He started as if he could see through her dress, right down to the zebra-print bra and thong set underneath.

“I found him,” Gia said to Bella, draining her Slippery Nipple in one long suck…

Right at that moment, a Deadmau5 mix came on. He was her fave; it was a sign. She stepped onto the dance floor. The music took her over. Dancing had to be Gia’s second favorite way to work up a sweat. It definitely beat going to the gym. For exercise, Gia cranked house music in her bedroom and danced until her legs felt numb. She loved dancing and was talented, too. Gia won a contest while in high school for shaking it the longest and hardest without spilling a single drop of her vodka tonic.

Tonight, she aimed her gyrating hips straight at Salami Boy. The guy could take a hint. In two seconds, he creeped over to her. In five seconds, they were grinding, her butt pressed against his thighs.

She turned around to introduce herself. “I’m Gia,” she screamed in his ear above the music.

“Rocky,” he said, putting a bear paw on her waist and holding her against him.

Rocky in his jeans, thought Gia.

Even in the dark room, his blue eyes dazzled Gia. Ice blue. Something about light eyes on dark skin always made Gia’s body temperature rise. The music was too loud to talk, not that it mattered. Gia wasn’t interested in making a deep soul connection. Tonight was all about the three D’s: Drinking, Dancing, and Duh.

“Are you from around here?” she yelled.

“You got a nice rack,” screamed Rocky in reply.

Well, yeah, she thought. Okay, not a supergenius. That was fine. Gia didn’t judge. She was glad he approved.

“Come here,” he said, lifting her off her heels to bring her lips to his. She had to wrap her legs around his hips to stay up there. Here we go, thought Gia. Twenty minutes from club entry to hookup. This might be a record, even for her.

“Bitch, get away from him!” pealed a shrill voice from behind.

Bony fingers grabbed Gia’s shoulder and yanked her out of Rocky’s arms. She hit the floor on her heels like a cat, but then stumbled and landed on her ass embarrassingly. A few guys stared, jaws unhinged, at her sprawled on the dance floor. One started drooling.

“Oops,” she said, realizing her dress was pushed up around her waist. Full-frontal thong exposure….

Gia met the eyes of the seething blonde bimbo who’d thrown her to the floor. The girl’s arms were in battle position, ready to go. Rocky stood behind her, grinning as innocently as a choirboy.

The blonde lowered her arms suddently. “Gia friggin’ Spumanti.”

“Oh my freakin God,” said Gia. “Linda Patterson.”

[From Shore Thing]

It goes on, and Linda and Gia were co-captains of the cheerleading team in high school and had a falling out or something before this fated meetup in a seedy club where Gia snagged Linda’s Neanderthal boyfriend. There were plenty of lines in the excerpt that made me roll my eyes, and a couple that were funny, maybe unintentionally so. Like these:

Trouble shouldn’t be his nickname, thought Bella. It should be tattooed on his forehead.

Gia said, ‘The club will not run out of tequila before I get my hair right. So shut the f*ck up‘”

“‘But we’re hot girls,’ Gia pointed out. ‘We don’t need to pay for anything.‘”

I’ll spare you more detail. You get the point, but no one expected a masterpiece. I just hope that this POS book doesn’t sell at all. It doesn’t need a sequel or a movie version, although Snooki might be counting on it. She told E!’s Mark MalkinI feel like it could definitely be a movie.” And I feel a spontaneous hangover coming on. That’s what I think of when I see Snooki, hangovers, spray tans and clouds of Aquanet. The details of her numbingly boring life don’t interest me, but I’ve never been able to watch Jersey Shore either.

Photos credit: WENN.com

snooki 040111





Lindsay Lohan has moved next to Samantha Ronson, who is “disgusted”

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 06:24 AM PST


I sent out the high alert yesterday - Lindsay Lohan is back on the streets, stealin' yo' Gandhi quotes and clippin' babies. You were warned. I'm surprised California hasn't shut down already. Anyway, as was previously reported, Lindsay did not return to her West Hollywood crack den, the site of so many hustles and sleepless crack nights (and God knows what else). Instead, Lindsay moved directly into her new digs in Venice Beach. TMZ has photos here - the rental is a "3,100 sq. foot place in Venice, CA for just under $7,100 a month — and it comes with 4 bedrooms, 4 toilets and an awesome view." But that's not all the property offers - Stalker Lindsay also moved in next to Samantha Ronson. Oh, this is going to get GOOD.

Lindsay Lohan may be moving to a new pad — but she’s not leaving her old friends behind!

The starlet, who finished her 90-day rehab stint at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, California on Monday, is leaving her old West Hollywood apartment behind for a new four-bedroom beach house in Venice, California right next door to ex girlfriend Sam Ronson!

Unfortunately for Lohan, 24, her former paramour is none too pleased with her new neighbor.

When Lohan’s dad, Michael, was moving things into her new place, “Samantha walked out of the building next door,” a source tells UsMagazine.com. “She was shaking her head and looking disgusted. She kept saying, ‘I didn’t plan it this way.’”

And while Lohan Tweeted an inspirational quote from Gandhi on New Year’s Day, writing “Today is the first day of the rest of my life,” her ex is far less thrilled with the fresh start.

When photographers asked the DJ if she had any New Year’s resolutions, she replied simply, “No. I’m too pissed off right now.”

[From Us Weekly]

That is incredible. I know exactly what happened. In Lindsay's drug-damaged mind, she thought to herself, "I'll move right beside Samantha! She'll be so happy to be so close to me! But I won't tell her, I want it to be a surprise." This isn’t even the first time that’s happened! Lindsay used to rent a house down the street from Samantha’s rental too - I think that was back in 2009, and that was when Lindsay’s crack tweeting was a daily occurrence. Poor Samantha. Well… not really. That's what you get, Sam, for playing in the land of misfit vaginas, for dating girls with extreme emotional issues. You'd think Sam would have learned her lesson, but chances are that Christina Aguilera is going to moving in to the other property next to Sam shortly.

Oh, but Radar reports that Lindsay didn't immediately move into the beach house yesterday - apparently, she stayed at a hotel. And not the Chateau Marmont either. Progress! So Sam still has time to move all of her crap out in the middle of the night. Get on it, Sam.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

Is Jennifer Aniston rubbing up on Adrien Brody?

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 06:23 AM PST


Oh, Jennifer Aniston… why do you do this to yourself? Scratch that. Why do you do this to us? So it seems like the big rumor making the rounds is that Jennifer Aniston and Adrien Brody have been rubbing all over each other lately. This has not been confirmed or denied, and from my insubstantial digging, everybody seems to be sourcing a report from Showbiz Spy, who claimed to be quoting from The Enquirer. I read the Enquirer every week - and I don't remember this story, neither does CB. Which makes me wonder where this rumor really did originate.

But all of that is a discussion for another time… Adrien and Aniston. What do you think? He's a 37 year old Oscar winner, and he hangs out with Gerard Butler and Paris Hilton (not all at once). Aniston is 41 years old, an Emmy winner, and she hangs out with people like Chelsea Handler and Joe Francis. They both should be somehow above their douchey associations, and yet, they're not. Somehow, they kind of make sense together. Here's a happy thought: imagine Adrien's "soul patch" going follicle for follicle with Aniston's crowning glory. Ah, good times.

JENNIFER Aniston has a crush on actor Adrien Brody. Aniston — who's divorced from Brad Pitt – apparently got cozy with Brody at a recent Christmas bash.

"Jen and Adrien were flirting with each other outrageously — you could totally tell that they're an item," a source told American tabloid the National Enquirer. "At one point, Adrien was leading Jen away in hand. She was rubbing her hands down his back and gazing into his eyes like she was totally smitten. Jen is definitely very taken by Adrien, who has been a close acquaintance of hers for a long time."

"He's a charming, intelligent guy who has no pretensions about him whatsoever, so Jen always feels at ease in his company. And besides the fact he isn't insecure about her success, she loves the dangerous, edgy side to him. He exudes this rugged sex appeal that Jen gravitates towards. But she needs to be careful."

Meanwhile, it's been claimed that Aniston's new perfume isn't doing very well.

"Jen chose her perfume. But other than launching it at Harrods in London, she's done no promotion," a source told Britain's Now magazine. "No-one knew where to find it and now everyone's lost interest. The people behind the scent are bound to be disappointed. They can't figure out why no-one wants to smell like Jen. Marketing shows most people believe Jen smells 'natural and clean', which is the opposite of why you'd buy a perfume, so maybe that's it."

[From Showbiz Spy]

"He exudes this rugged sex appeal that Jen gravitates towards. But she needs to be careful." First of all - Adrien wears Ed Hardy. And he has a soul patch. His sex appeal is not "rugged" it's "douche supreme". Second of all, "she needs to be careful"? Really? Even some suspiciously well-placed source promoting this new boyfriend has to emphasize the pity party, like she's a vulnerable little girl? Please. She's 41 years old, and she likes to get laid, and she likes to screw the most high profile guy she can get. She's not a trembling, delicate flower.

Anyway, LaineyGossip has a rundown on how she thinks this is going to play out. It's kind of funny:

Jen's next film Just Go With It, alongside Adam Sandler, opens in February.

Here's what a roll-out (for the movie and the relationship) might look like:

* Aniston and Sandler present at an awards show (perhaps the Globes) to kick off promotion for Just Go With It. The Brange is there too. They successfully avoid each other and she's "seen" with Brody at an afterparty by a People Magazine "exclusive source". No photos yet.

* Two days later, Jen and Adrien go out for dinner at the Sunset Tower. One blurry (but you know it's them) shot of them leaving the restaurant makes headline news. 3 out of 6 tabloids put her new romance on their covers.

* The next weekend, Jen hits up Mexico for a quick tanning trip before heavy travel begins on the Just Go With It press tour. Long lens paps shoot her and Adrien embracing on the patio of her resort. Her ass is primes. His abs are tight.

* Brody is seen sneaking into the LA premiere of Just Go With It.

* Just Go With It opens. Solid numbers.

* Both Jen and Adrien are invited to present at the Oscars on February 27th. They arrive separately at the Kodak, but show up at the Vanity Fair afterparty together holding hands. No one cares the next morning who won or lost. It's all Jen's New Love all over.

* Adrien books a new movie.

Let's see how this plays out.

[From LaineyGossip]

I think there will be some variations on this one, actually. You know that Adrien and Gerard Butler are tight, right? Adrien might be better at following orders then Gerard (if you remember, Gerard seemed to be fighting against the studio/publicity campaign to make he and Aniston a couple, especially towards the end of the Bounty Hunter tour). Will Gerard "warn" Adrien? Eh.

And I honestly get the feeling that Aniston is really trying to change up her game a little bit so she's not so predictable. Will she come to the Globes when she's not even nominated? Eh. Is it worth the trouble to ask her to present? Didn't that game already get played… when was it? Last year? And the year before, at the Oscars. Do a more original rollout, Aniston. Move out of your comfort zone.





Photos courtesy of WENN.

Does Khloe Kardashian have a baby bump, or is it just a food baby?

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 06:22 AM PST


I spent much of 2010 on high alert, not only because of Lindsay Lohan's unceasing crack drama, but because nearly a year ago, Khloe Kardashian announced she was off of birth control. I believed it at the time, and I still believe it. I think Khloe and her husband Lamar Odom have been trying to get pregnant for the past year with no luck. Considering Lamar is already a baby-daddy with some exes, I tend to think Khloe is the one with fertility issues. That makes me even more sympathetic towards her - and she's already my favorite. God bless giants, you know? Plus, she's the smartest and funniest of the Kardashian girls, although that's by no means some great achievement. Khloe is the one I'd want to get drunk with, the one I'd want to be friends with - that's what I'm saying. So I feel bad for her that she hasn't gotten pregnant yet, and I hope this is her year. It could be - Fame Pictures is trying to make Khloe's small "bump" into a Code Red BABY situation.

TV personality Khloe Kardashian did some shopping this afternoon with a girlfriend on January 3, 2011 in Los Angeles, California. Khloe wasn't too happy to see the shutterbugs at the first shopping location but after she cleaned up she allowed images to be taken. It has been rumored in the media that Khloe and her NBA star husband Lamar Odem would be the stars of their own reality show this year. Khloe looks as if she has gained weight over the holidays or could it be she and Lamar are expecting?

[From Fame Pictures]

Yeah… I think it's a food baby. Plus, she's a giant, and she needs lots of food to sustain her giant frame. But here's hoping she's pregnant or will be soon.

Actually - do you think Khloe's maybe-fertility issues will be a big part of her new reality spinoff show with Lamar? I do.



Photos courtesy of Fame.

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