Monday, January 10, 2011



Natalie Portman on her future career plans: “I’m cooking a child.”

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 08:39 AM PST


Well, it looks like this tragedy of a maternity dress was designed by Vionnet, usually a solid label. What would possess a hip fashion house to put gold bedazzling on a faux collar and cuffs? Ugh. Anyway, it's All Natalie, All The Time, and it will be through the awards season. She was at the Palm Springs International Film Festival with her fiancé Benjamin Millepied, although he's not in any photos from the event. Which is interesting, isn't it? He shows up for her, but she issued the memo: "No famewhoring. All of these events are about ME, not you." I guess we won't be seeing another "I'm a dancer-director-writer-producer-chef" interview anytime soon? Anyway, during her awards acceptance speech, Natalie gushed a bit about Ben:

Natalie Portman got a little verklempt about her husband-to-be on Saturday. Accepting the Desert Palm Achievement Award at the Palm Springs International Film Festival, the tight-lipped pregnant star couldn’t help gushing about Benjamin Millepied, the dancer/choreographer whom she met while making Black Swan.

As Frenchman Millepied, 33, looked on from the audience, Portman, 29, got teary-eyed as she thanked her fiance who “partnered me in the movie and who now partners me in life.”

About three months along with Millepied’s child, Portman concealed her baby bump with a Vionnet dress and proudly wore her stunning engagement ring — revealed the first pics on Friday — as she accepted her trophy.

[From Us Weekly]

At the film festival, Natalie did additional press too. When Parade Magazine got a hold of her and asked what her future career plans were, she replied "I’m cooking a child.” I guess meaning that she's taking time off? She also spoke about her Oscar dreams: “It’s obviously a big honor [to win an Oscar]. The company in which it puts you even to be mentioned among these other women is a huge, huge honor and a huge compliment. It’s just an extremely flattering, just meaningful to be among these people I really respect and admire." Wow, she REALLY wants it. More than any other potential Best Actress contender. I wonder what that means for her chances?



Photos courtesy of WENN.

Lindsay Lohan’s new “sober coach” is Tom Hardy. Ugh.

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 08:13 AM PST


Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson are likely already back together, or will be back together shortly, because they were spotted having dinner together over the weekend. The Plan worked. And now it's time to do a repeat - once Sam and Lindsay have any kind of stability in their relationship, Lindsay starts trying to have sex with men. And I have an idea for a great candidate: Lindsay's new (alleged) "sober coach". That dude would be everybody's favorite heartthrob Tom Hardy. If Hardy gets within six feet of Lindsay, I might have to start hating him.

Someone is trying to plant an idea in Lindsay Lohan’s head — about how to stay sober — and who better to do that than one of the stars of “Inception,” Tom Hardy.

TMZ has learned LiLo has struck a friendship with Hardy recently after the pair were introduced by mutual friends. We’re told they even met for dinner one night last week.

Sources tell us Tom is giving Lindsay advice on how to stay sober and Lindsay is seriously listening to him. Hardy famously battled addiction early on in his career and has been sober since 2003.

No word on if a totem is involved.

[From TMZ]

I'm honestly not sure if Tom is sober. I know he's talked about how he used to do drugs and drink a lot (and sleep with men), but was it something he just grew out of or is in some kind of program? Unknown. What is known is that Lindsay is going to try to jump on The Hardy Dong as soon as possible. Ugh, TOM! Oh, and before everyone starts yelling about how he has a girlfriend or fiancée… yeah. That’s never stopped Lindsay before, and I tend to think Tom is a bit of a man-whore.

Last thing - look at these photos of Lindsay last night at the Lakers game. She’s already back to tweaking before she goes out for the night. Sobriety my ass.



Photos courtesy of Bauer-Griffin.

Why is Keira Knightley so squirrelly lately?

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 07:43 AM PST


These photos are from a new pictorial Keira Knightley did for Vogue Italia, likely to promote Never Let Me Go in Europe. Keira never fails to photograph beautifully, and I like many of these images. I have to admit, though, ever since LaineyGossip wrote this piece, I've been wondering if Keira is due some scandalous story, and in these photos, I'm thinking the "scandal" may be drugs. She just… I don't know. It's not like a Brooke Mueller situation, but if you told me that Keira was a cokehead, I would believe you.

More evidence that something's up with her - check out this interview Keira did with The Telegraph. The writer is trying to be honest with what a spectacular pill Keira was, and she just seems so, so squirrelly. The full piece is here, and here are some of the highlights:

On sex scenes: ‘It's a consensual thing,' she says in her head girl's voice. ‘You say what you're comfortable with and everybody's incredibly respectful. Certainly not what happens on a press day.' She shoots me a dagger.

On the story line of Never Let Me Go: When I mention that I've been having strange dreams since seeing the film – a haunting story set in an appalling (and frighteningly plausible) alternative reality – she tells me, ‘You're the third person who's said that today.'

Keira on her relationship with Carey Mulligan: She and Mulligan are close friends in real life, which made shooting the vicious scenes between their characters a challenge. ‘I just kept on having to say, "I'm so sorry,"' says Knightley. ‘And she'd be like,' she adopts a soothing tone, ‘"It's all right. It's just pretend. It's fine."

On taking smaller roles: ‘That was a choice,' she says. ‘I worked solidly from the age of 16 to 22 without a holiday. And then at 22 I took a year off – which was needed! And since then it's been supporting roles. I mean, time off in between is important; it was quite mental at one point.'

On being a child actor: The young Keira auditioned constantly – ‘Some kids did karate, I went to auditions' – including four fruitless attempts at the BBC One series Casualty. ‘They were humiliating,' Knightley says with feeling. ‘You walk in a room and they obviously think you're s—. So you walk out again. I mean the rejection level of anyone who does anything like that… It is quite a savage process.'

On whether Keira and Rupert Friend are still together: Her boyfriend of five years, the actor Rupert Friend, apparently gave out batches of her gluten-free brownies on the set of his latest film, The Kid. It's a very cosy, wifely image: sending your partner out to work with your foil-wrapped home-cooking in his knapsack. So I ask her, as she's telling me how therapeutic it is to make melanzane alla parmigiana, if she and Friend now live together. ‘I don't talk about my boyfriend,' she snaps, as fast and as sudden as a trapdoor slamming shut. ‘Not answering anything about it.' A moment passes in which she looks at me as though I've just asked the head of MI5 if I can have a go on his computer. 'Definitely not answering that. No!' she exclaims with a big, angry laugh.

[From The Telegraph]

Obviously, if she doesn't want to answer any questions about her personal life, she doesn't have to. I don't even have a problem with her way of shooting down questions about her personal life, although she might stop to think that journalists have their job, just the same as her, and it wouldn't hurt her to be a bit more professional. But it seems like she was just in a horrendous mood for this interview. Or maybe it's something worse.

Oh, and I do think Keira and Rupert probably split up. Eh.






Photos courtesy of Vogue Italia/The Fashion Spot.

Jessica Simpson is a really good tipper, and she’s really nice to waitresses

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 07:00 AM PST


Above is a very interesting Twit-pic photo of Jessica Simpson, courtesy of her publicist's Twitter account. Apparently, Jessica was taking part of some kind of "top secret" magazine photo shoot… and if it's "top secret" I've got to wonder if Jess is maybe getting another Vanity Fair cover? God, I hope not. She didn't deserve the first one. Maybe the photo shoot is just for a fashion magazine or something. Hopefully.

Jessica also flew into New York over the weekend. ALONE! Her official purse-holder/fiancé wasn't around, or at least he wasn't photographed with her at all. Why is that, I wonder? Perhaps because Jessica actually had to take care of some work for her clothing line. The photos (below) from Jessica's arrival at JFK are especially hilarious - she's laughing/guffawing at something or someone. Ridiculous. One last thing - Jessica is a good tipper! According to a recent report, while she was dining with her mom, her assistant and two friends at New York restaurant Lavo, Jessica tipped 60% on a $500 bill. She also left an inspiration message for her waitress: "You were amazing and make this world a better place, Love Jess.” Guess what she had at Lavo? "She ordered Macallan 18-year-old single-malt Scotch whisky, which she drank with ice and paired with an unusual dish of fried Oreo cookies as well as a veal parmigiano." Oh, Jessica. Never change.




Photos courtesy of Bauer-Griffin. Twit-pic courtesy of Lauren Auslander's Twitter.

Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds have been sneaking away to Wyoming together

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 06:53 AM PST

Here’s some more evidence that Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds are more than just “friends” who happened to spend New Year’s Eve together. Radar Online reports that they’ve been trying to keep a low profile and have been holing up together at a home Bullock owns in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. First of all, how romantic, and second - how incredible must it be to own homes around the world? From what I can find, Sandra also has homes in New Orleans, Austin, TX, and Tybee Island, GA.

Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds have been making top-secret getaways to her home in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, has exclusively learned.

The Proposal co-stars were very publicly spotted on New Year’s Eve at the restaurant Sandra owns in Austin, Texas. They’ve denied they’re dating, but a source with knowledge of the situation tells us exclusively that the two “are very much dating, and trying to keep a low profile.”

Fresh off her divorce from Jesse James and his surprise split from wife Scarlett Johansson, Sandra and Ryan are understandably media shy, which makes her Jackson Hole house a perfect getaway.

Sandy has owned her Wyoming home for a number of years, and loves that she’s left alone there. “She feels very comfortable having Ryan there with her,” the source told

“Sandy and Ryan are just enjoying spending time together. They have known each other for years and they have a built-in familiarity.

“It’s great to see Sandy with a true smile on her face. Ryan has made at least two trips to Jackson Hole during the holidays, and her friends expect more to come.”

[From Radar]

I know Ryan has a reputation for being an entitled ass, but he doesn’t have a reputation for cheating on his girlfriends. Plus I truly believe he has grown up recently. He seems like he’s loyal and commitment-minded, and Sandra needs that right now. She likes guys with an edge, and if she’s found one that’s a good match for her, I’m happy for her. I don’t think Ryan is a great guy by any stretch, but he’s not as awful as her ex and she probably knows what she’s getting into with Ryan. She’s been friends with Ryan for years and that really counts for something.

Photos are from 6/26/09 and 6/29/09. Credit:


Giada De Laurentiis: Your husband will cheat if you don’t treat him like a king

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 06:29 AM PST


Star chef Giada De Laurentiis is the cover girl for the February issue of Redbook, and she's talking up gender roles. Now, Giada comes from a huge Italian family, and I think that her idea of "traditional" is a little bit skewed, in general, but I'm not hating on her for it. Feminism means every woman gets to choose what's right for her. And Giada's choice is to never "upstage" her husband, and never reminding him that she's anything other than his wife and mother to their daughter:

Is a woman’s place really in the kitchen? Yes – in a manner of speaking, anyway, says feisty TV chef Giada De Laurentiis.

“I think it can be hard for any man to sometimes be upstaged by his wife,” she explains in the February issue of Redbook. “So when I’m home, I work very hard to be Todd’s wife and Jade’s mother. I have no problem going back to those traditional roles.”

The star of Giada at Home, 40, is married to Todd Thompson and mom to Jade, who turns 3 in March. She adds that it helps in the romance department to put the focus on her husband.

“I try to be Giada, the young girl that he met 20 years ago and fell in love with,” she says. “All men want to be treated like kings in a relationship, and I think if women don’t indulge that sometimes, their men are likely to stray and look for someone who can give that to them.”

De Laurentiis also tackles past rumors that she cheated on Thompson with notorious lothario John Mayer one weekend when both were staying at the same hotel in New York – along with her husband.

“The John Mayer incident was completely unexpected,” she says. “I was shocked. And not so much for me, but for my husband and family … Todd was embarrassed that his family in Michigan would see it and think, ‘What is going on over there in Hollywood?’ ”

Adding that she hasn’t had any contact in years and barely knows Mayer, she says, “Maybe we chatted for five minutes, but I wouldn’t consider that intimate.”

De Laurentiis also talks about the importance of food in her life, and makes no bones about her favorite restaurant. “Uh, my house,” she says. “It’s more intimate. Food can connect people in a forever sort of way.”

[From People]

Must. Not. Judge. UGGGHHH. Really, Giada? “All men want to be treated like kings in a relationship, and I think if women don’t indulge that sometimes, their men are likely to stray and look for someone who can give that to them.” Thank you, Mamie Eisenhower. All you have to do to keep your man happy is act completely subservient to his fragile little ego? And if you ever put your own needs or your own career ahead of your husband's, you're basically giving him permission to find subservience somewhere else? Suck it, Giada.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes to skip Oscars due to Anne Hathaway?

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 06:08 AM PST

Here’s a piece from The Daily Mail that could be total crap, but it’s still fun to repeat. Supposedly Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes aren’t going to the Oscars this year because Anne Hathaway is co-hosting with James Franco. Hathaway did a hilarious Katie Holmes impression on Saturday Night Live a couple of months ago, to which Holmes is said to have taken offense. The Holmes-Cruises are said to be avoiding the Oscars because they don’t want to run into Hathaway, who they used to be friendly with.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may boycott next month's Oscars ceremony because they don't want an awkward red carpet confrontation with the host, Anne Hathaway.

The 28-year-old actress, who will be presenting the 83rd Academy Awards alongside 127 Hours actor James Franco, upset Katie by mocking her on U.S.comedy show Saturday Night Live in November.

Anne was guest-presenting the comedy show when she mimicked Katie in a sketch, speaking in breathy tones and constantly tucking her hair behind her ear.
'Tom and Katie don't want to have to cross paths with Anne,' says a Hollywood source.

'They used to be friends and took Anne to a Tina Turner concert in 2008 when Anne split up from her boyfriend Raffaello Follieri.

'Katie feels they were really supportive at a difficult time so she feels let down that Anne took to national TV to make fun of her.
'Anne didn't even warn her it was going to be on TV.'

Anne's new film, Love And Other Drugs, is directed by Tom's old friend Ed Zwick, who directed him in The Last Samurai.

'The whole thing has left a sour taste with Tom,' adds the source.

A spokesman for Cruise said he had yet to decide whether he will attend the Oscars, adding: 'It's too early to confirm – it depends on shoot schedules.'

[From The Daily Mail]

This would be believable if Cruise and Holmes have ever actually gone to the Oscars together. From what I can find, Cruise hasn’t been to the Oscars in a few years and Holmes has never gone. (They went to the Vanity Fair Oscar party in 2007, but not to the ceremony that I can find.) Their Scientology buddies John Travolta and Kelly Preston go to the Academy Awards more than they do. Here’s why I think they don’t go to the Oscars - it has to do with Tom’s ex wife, Nicole Kidman, who is usually presenting or being nominated for something. Kidman goes basically every year. If Kidman is nominated for that Rabbit Hole movie Tom isn’t going to go and risk having to see her. It’s not like either Katie or Tom is going to be nominated for anything this year, but you know “Kate” would love to be a presenter if they’d have her. I doubt she consults Tom on anything lately.

Tom, Katie and Suri are shown out in NY on 12/20/10 and in Prague on 9/22/10. (Katie is carrying the doll carriage in those pics.) Credit:





46536, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Friday October 22 2010. Katie Holmes films Christmas scenes for Jack & Jill in LA. Adam was dressed in drag to shoot the lively night scenes. The cast and crew seemed to be in high spirits. Photograph:  Jeff Steinberg, Matt Smith,

Khloe Kardashian pregnancy rumors swirl again: is it for real this time?

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 06:07 AM PST


I spend way too much time thinking about Khloe Kardashian's womb. I do like the girl, and I would love for her to get pregnant, because I think she wants that too. She and Lamar Odom have been married for… like, 15 months? And Khloe announced that she went off her birth control one year ago - so what's the hold-up? Personally, my theory is that Khloe might have some fertility issues. No judgment, it happens to a lot of women, and before you start yelling at me about how that's her private life, I might remind of several things: Khloe puts everything - including her vagina - out there for public consumption, and she and Lamar have a new reality show. All of which makes me think that Khloe got her own show because she's got something big to announce: her pregnancy. According to Page Six, Khloe is totally knocked up. This isn't the first random pregnancy confirmation, although the buzz seems pretty strong this time, plus she's been looking kind of bumpy.

Not even her new red hairdo can distract from swirling rumors that Khloe Kardashian is pregnant. Khloe, wife of Lakers star Lamar Odom, “has been hiding a tell-tale bump behind flowing dresses and oversized handbags,” said one source.

Another source speculated that Kardashian and Odom, who have landed their own “Newlywed”-style reality show on E!, “will be followed by the cameras through her pregnancy and as they have their first child.”

Asked about a pregnancy, a Khloe rep declined to comment.

[From Page Six]

I think the fact that the rep is declining to comment is also telling. Usually Khloe is the first to shoot down a random report, and if she's gone silent, something could be up.

If it's on, congratulations to Khloe and Lamar! The baby will be huge. My sympathies to Khloe's vadge.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

Lea Michele made 14 year-old True Grit star Hailee Steinfeld cry

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 05:43 AM PST

It looks like Lea Michele’s bad reputation is catching up to her. We’ve heard that Glee’s ranking diva is a real piece of work in person, with stories that she acts like she’s better than the rest of the cast and is snotty even on the red carpet. In case you think we might be confusing her with her character on “Glee,” Lea has made comments that show just how full of herself she is. She recently told Marie Claire that her teachers in school “were threatened by the fact that [she] had worked before” and didn’t bother to teach her anything. Maybe they just couldn’t deal with her attitude.

Now Leah has crossed a young girl who is sure to score an Oscar nomination for her performance in box office hit True Grit. Hailee Steinfeld, 14, told the press that Lea snubbed her on the Fox lot and left her close to tears. Hailey tried to get an autograph from Leah, but Leah couldn’t be bothered. It sounds like Leah just totally ignored her. I love how Hailey told this story in a matter-of-fact way without any commentary about what a bitch Leah was. Hailey even complimented Leah’s talent. The circumstances speak for themselves.

s Hailee Steinfeld celebrates her sudden Hollywood success, the young "True Grit" star admits she had a less-than-successful run-in with an acting peer – "Glee's" Lea Michele.

"When I was auditioning for 'True Grit,' I was on the Paramount lot," the 14-year-old said in a recent interview with J-14 magazine. "I was wearing clothes from the 1800s that were big and uncomfortable. 'Glee' also films on the lot and I love the show.

"I saw Lea Michele just walking to her trailer and I was like, 'That's the girl from 'Glee.' I've got to go ask for her autograph!' So I walked up to her and asked for her autograph, but she walked by and a guy came and said, "Sorry, now's not a good time!" Hailee continued.

Though the embarrassing snub left the SAG Award nominee deflated, Hailee still counts herself a "Gleek."

"I had to walk all the way back to the car wearing what I was wearing. I was practically crying on the way home. I was so sad!" she told the mag. "But she's beautiful and she has an amazing voice."

In addition to her obvious acting chops – the ingenue held her own in the Coen Brothers' western opposite veteran Oscar winners Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon – Hailee enjoys spending her free time helping those in need.

"My mom and I are involved in the Mother/Daughter Organization — national charity work," Hailee told the mag. "Whenever I get free time, we volunteer. It's an organization so mothers and daughters can spend time together while volunteering."

As previously reported on, Hailee is earning rave reviews from critics all over town for her portrayal of Mattie Ross in "True Grit" opposite Matt Damon, Josh Brolin and Jeff Bridges. The young actress has been nominated for a Critic's Choice Award and a Broadcast Film Critics Award, as well as a SAG Award for Outstanding Performance By A Female Actress in a Supporting Role.

The Thousand Oaks, California native beat out 15,000 other girls to land the role of Mattie.

[From Access Hollywood, link has automatic music]

She sounds like such a nice kid. I can’t wait to see True Grit, but it’s not out here in Germany until February 10. I understand that dubbing takes time, but why can’t movies come out in their original language (English primarily) at the same time around the world? There are surely complicated distribution and promotion issues but we end up getting decent films about two months after everyone else, at which point I’ve read all the spoilers. Usually I can wait for films, but this one has me chomping at the bit.

True Grit was top at the box office this weekend, making it the first western since the 1990s to top the $100 million mark.

In related news about Lea Michele, she’s fronting a campaign for PETA to outlaw horse drawn carriages in New York city. It maybe wasn’t the best idea for her to pose right next to a horse like this. I’ll say something nice - the horse emphasizes her huge eyes, and I’m sure PETA wanted us to see horses as people too. Mission accomplished.

Photo Credit: True Grit photos via AllMoviePhoto









Brooke Mueller: This is your mind on drugs

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 05:35 AM PST


They should use these photos for the anti-drug campaign: "This is your mind on cocaine." Since Brooke Mueller's M.O. is to first claim to be completely clean and sober, and then instantly check into rehab again, I think it's HIGH time that someone start the cycle again. These are photos of Brooke and Paris Hilton out shopping yesterday. I think they're still filming their reality series together. Seriously, kids, this is what happens when you smoke the rock - you end up blitzed out of your mind, shopping with Paris Hilton.

Two more things: first, The Daily Mail is trying to make it sound like Brooke Mueller maybe got implants? Maybe those are implants, but if they are, she's had them for a while, because the chick has always been busty. Also: there's no word on whether or not Brooke and Dave Navarro spent any time together other then their (gross) Aspen hookup a few weeks ago.




Photos courtesy of Fame.

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