Wednesday, January 12, 2011



Nicole Kidman finally admits it: “I have tried Botox.”

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 09:04 AM PST


Despite repeated claims that her crazy Botoxy marble-head was "completely natural", Nicole Kidman is finally coming clean about the 'Tox. Sort of. A little bit. Nicole Kidman claims in a new interview "I've tried a lot of things but apart from working out and a good diet most things don't help. I even tried Botox but I didn't like how my face looked afterwards. Now I don't use it anymore - and I can move my forehead again." Yes, Nicole "tried" Botox. For about EIGHT YEARS. She tried it and tried it and tried it again. And then she "tried" lip injections. And she also "tried" a boob job. And she "tried" a pillow-baby pregnancy. Too far? I apologize. I can't even see the computer screen, I'm laughing so hard.

Botox? Not me! That, at least, used to be Nicole Kidman's response to questions about how she kept her complexion so porcelain perfect. Now, however, she has performed something of an about-face.

The Oscar-winning actress, 43, has finally admitted to having Botox injections. But she insisted she no longer uses it, because she did not like the results. She wasn't the only one.

In 2008, one cosmetic surgery expert told a medical conference that Miss Kidman was so 'over-Botoxed' she was giving the industry a bad name.

Miss Kidman, 43, made her confession to a German magazine interviewer who asked her about keeping wrinkles at bay.

'I've tried a lot of things but apart from working out and a good diet most things don't help,' she replied. 'I even tried Botox but I didn't like how my face looked afterwards. Now I don't use it anymore - and I can move my forehead again.'

Her previous declarations on the subject included: 'I am completely natural. I have nothing in my face or anything.'

[From The Daily Mail]

THIS is why I love Nicole Kidman. She brings me so much joy. Pure joy. Not even those Jon Hamm photos gave me this much pleasure. I mean… does she think we'll stop bothering her about her Crazy Botoxface if she just admits that she "tried" it? God, I love her. This crazy bitch.





Photos courtesy of WENN.

Holly Madison: Hef could do better than Crystal, she’s using him

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 08:34 AM PST

Holly Madison
Life & Style has a new interview with Holly Madison in which she doesn’t hold back with her thoughts about her ex Hugh Hefner’s engagement to 24 year-old Crystal Harris. Holly has previously shown some restraint when asked to comment on her octogenarian ex boyfriend’s engagement, saying in part that she was “very surprised” and “have a lot of different feelings on it.” Now Holly is opening up about her feelings and she’s clearly angry that she didn’t score an engagement from Hef after riding his Viagra gravy train for seven years. In September, 2008, back when Holly and Hef were still together, Hef said that he loved Holly, but added that “she wants very much to get married and have children. That isn't very much in the cards for me.” Holly was pushing for a proposal their whole relationship, and spoke openly about her frustration that Hef had yet to propose. So it definitely comes as a surprise to her that Hef put a ring on the next, younger one to come along:

Holly Madison, shocked to find out about her ex-boyfriend Hue Hefner's marriage proposal to Crystal Harris over Christmas, is now breaking her silence in the new issue of Life & Style—on newsstands now—warning Hef to reconsider.

"I'd like to see Hef settle down," Holly told Life & Style during the exclusive interview on Jan. 6. "I just want it to be with the right person, and I feel like he's making a hasty decision. I'm not sure Crystal is the best thing for him."

While Crystal, 24, moved into the Playboy Mansion only in January 2009, Holly was Hef's right hand for six years until the two split in October 2008. "Crystal hasn't been around very long — she's a mysterious character," says Holly. "No one knows much about her. Plus, she's very young, probably too young to settle down. I've seen a lot of girls try to date Hef, and some have ulterior motives. I don't think it would be a bad idea for him to get to know her a little better. I think it's possible Crystal could break Hef's heart. They could end up divorcing, and she could take half his money."

So she arranged a face-to-face with the duo on Jan. 5 to witness the duo's supposed joy for herself. "I wanted to check up in person," Holly says about of the emotional encounter, which was filmed for season two of her E! reality series, Holly's World (premiering on Jan. 23). "I told them that I wish them the best and that Crystal had better not do him wrong or else I'll kick her butt. It was definitely awkward."

In the end, Holly just hopes Hef has indeed found his perfect match. "I'm not jealous that he'd marry someone else. I just don't want it to be a girl who's using him to start her career," she tells Life & Style. "Basically, I think he could do better than Crystal."

Speaking via her manager, Michael Blakey, Crystal told Life & Style, “I’ve never been happier in my life. I’m so excited to be marrying Hef.”

[From Life & Style]

So Holly’s “not jealous” that Crystal scored an engagement from Hef after less than two years when she worked on him for seven with no success. She just thinks that Crystal has other motives and is using him. What were Holly’s motives then? Did she love Hef for his personality? I liked Holly on The Girls Next Door and I think she did love Hef and was better suited for him, given what little I know about Crystal, but she’s got some sour grapes going on. It’s not like Hef was going to take up with some woman half his age with her own career and ambitions. He’s a vehicle for these women and that’s why he’s able to score them so young. Holly may have loved Hef but she also loved what he could do for her.

Hefner recently re-purchased the majority share of Playboy, which is thought to indicate that he’s ready to leave the empire to his sons. Hopefully he’ll get an iron clad prenup with Crystal - if he ever does marry her.

Photo credit: PRPhotos. Check out Holly’s shoes. She looks ridiculous.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison

Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris

Hugh M. Hefner, Crystal Harris

Jake Gyllenhaal dumped Taylor Swift over the phone, just like Joe Jonas!

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 08:31 AM PST


Our New Jennifer Aniston gets treated like crap by men too! According to Us Weekly (via LaineyGossip), Jake Gyllenhaal dumped Taylor Swift just before New Year's… over the phone. JUST LIKE JOE JONAS. Is this the only thing Joe Jonas and Jake Gyllenhaal have in common? Discuss.

How Jakey dumped Swifty. It was over the phone. Just before New Year's. I hope it was more than 27 seconds. That's apparently how long it took for Joe Jonas to end things with her. On the phone too.

These are the details presented to us about the Jakey-Swifty break-up in the new issue of Us Weekly, with Taylor's heartbreak on the cover. It's a top seller. And pretty soon, she'll have more than John Mayer in common with Jennifer Aniston.

Jennifer, however, is much more experienced. And besides, Jennifer really isn't looking for love. If only Jennifer could admit to the fact that she's in it for a good f-ck. If only.

Taylor on the other hand at 21 is in love with love. So when Jakey pursued her, going through their agents to arrange a hook-up, of course it was like stars and rainbows. Jake of course has dimples and is delightful and hot. So it's easy to blame her for being a dumbass.

But then again, he invited her to spent time with his family on Thanksgiving. She held hands with his niece. So… I don't know… if I were analysing that over the phone and tears with a girlfriend post-split, that would have confounded me too. But if he wasn't into me, why would he ask me to spend the holiday with him?

You've had those conversations, right? You've picked apart everything he said? And now?

Us Weekly says now Swifty isn't eating. She's also supposedly working out like mad, to bury the pain, I guess, which will eventually transform itself into lyrical inspiration. Jake meanwhile is having dinner with buxom blondes. Because a player never stops playing.

[From LaineyGossip]

Lainey is too kind to Jake. But yeah, I've been wondering that too - who comes out of the Jake-Swifty debacle looking worse? Is it Swifty because she’s such an immature little thing, and if she hadn't gushed so much to everyone about Jake being the apple-picking, coffee-swirling love of her life, maybe he wouldn't have bailed? Does Swifty look bad because people are now calling her "The New Aniston"? Or does Jake look bad because he dumped Swifty so quickly and so douchily? Does it make him look gay? Or, gayer? Personally, I think Jake looks worse coming out of it. Swifty is a child. We know that. Jake knew that, and he dated her anyway. And he looks like either: A) An older dude who likes much younger women who act like little girls or B) A gay dude who manipulated a young girl into a PR relationship, and who dumped her when the charade didn't fool anyone.

Oh, Swifty’s Jake Song is going to be EPIC.



Us Weekly cover courtesy of CoverAwards. Additional pics courtesy of WENN.

Michelle Williams: “The typical model of marriage is a little broken to me”

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 08:10 AM PST


As I mentioned yesterday, Michelle Williams is the February cover girl for Marie Claire. The above photo is an interesting one from the photo shoot - Michelle has nice legs, doesn't she? Too bad she usually covers them up in matronly cream of wheat gowns and little-girl dresses. In the previous excerpts from Marie Claire, we heard a little bit about how Reese Witherspoon basically told Michelle to stop whining. Now Marie Claire has released more of the interview (here), and while there are no more details about that Reese stuff, Michelle does spend much of the interview talking about Heath Ledger and her daughter

On why she gives bad interviews: “An interview is like a minefield,” Williams says, rubbing her eyes wearily. “These are all the questions I’m asking myself, and some things are just too personal. It’s funny how little lines get drawn and something just rubs a little too raw. I find it hard to know exactly what to say; I’ve gotten a pretty secure footing, but I feel like I don’t have all the answers yet.”

Filling the void: “Very obviously, for me and for her, there’s a hole in our life.” Williams says. “Of course the natural inclination is to want to fill it and make it disappear, but what I’ve come to recently is that it’s impossible. Nothing will fit in that hole because what we want back we can’t get, which is this one person. I’m not going to rush anything and scamper around like a mad person and make myself crazy. I’m trying to be respectful of the absence. I’m not trying to fill it up. It is what it is.”

On the rumor that she and Ryan Gosling are dating: With a rueful smile, Williams shakes her head. “My poor mom really wants me to meet someone. I think she wanted to believe the Ryan Gosling rumor more than anybody,” she says.

On not knowing what she wants out of a relationship: “I don’t know what my version of a relationship or marriage is yet, because the typical model seems a little broken to me,” she admits. “At the same time, I was raised on all those princess fairy tales and I’m a romantic; I want to be a one-man girl. I took Matilda to Disney World recently and we saw all the princesses, and then she turned around and said, ‘OK, now I’d like to see where all the princes are.’ The Disney person said, ‘Nobody has ever asked me that before. There aren’t any princes here, honey.'" Williams sighs. “The idea that you can get everything you want in one person is destructive, and maybe when you accept that the number is closer to 50 or 60 or 70 percent, that’s when you can start to make some progress in choosing the right person. I don’t want to make a mistake that big, and that saddens me, because it’s harder to let yourself go. I can inflict any kind of injury on myself, but with my daughter, that’s not an option.”

On going back to work after Heath's death: “I didn’t work for a year. I needed to gather myself and put my life back together. I had to be dragged back to work, basically, because I finally had my life in some kind of order, and I didn’t know what would happen if I introduced work into it. I had forgotten that it was worth it.” That discovery has been crucial. “With the last three movies I’ve made, I’ve had the feeling of working at the edge of my abilities,” Williams says. “That’s an exhilarating and terrifying place to live, and I don’t go there easily. It has its rewards, but it’s not a dinner party. I’m constantly pushed up against the wall of what I’m capable of doing, and that can be an excruciating place to confront yourself. But I don’t want to lose sight of the fact that work gives you a good feeling about yourself. My work has seen me through a lot of situations, and if not for work, I would have stayed stuck in the experience. I’ve had something outside of myself to attend to, and it’s carried me through. It’s been invaluable, and I want to pass on that lesson to my daughter.”

[From Marie Claire]

I have to admit, I like how well-spoken Michelle is here. She seems very thoughtful and not as… I don't know… "wispy" as she usually does. She seems stronger. Good for her.

Lastly… Michelle was at the National Board of Review Awards last night (photo below). She wore this black lace Oscar de la Renta… which I don't like on her. The fit is off, the Mia Farrow hair isn't good for the dress, and the skirt is too much for Michelle's frame. That being said, it's nice to see her showing some skin up top. She usually is covered up completely.



Marie Claire photos courtesy of Marie Claire. Additional pic courtesy of WENN.

Jon Hamm shines, plus: Ben Affleck’s (alleged) love triangle at the NBR Awards

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 07:35 AM PST


Isn't my Hamm lovely? I love it when he makes faces. Yes, Jon Hamm on the red carpet will never be quite as hot as Don Draper being slapped by a hooker, but it's still the highlight of my day. These are all photos from the National Board of Review awards ceremony last night. All of the A-listers showed up. Well, not ALL, but many. And Blake Lively was there too (hahaha). Before we get to the other stuff, let's just enjoy The Hamm.



Okay, and now the big scandal (if you believe it). The Town was being honored with something, and Ben Affleck, the director was there, as was much of the cast, like Jon Hamm up there, and Blake Lively. As you may remember, Ben and Blake were rumored to have an affair on set. Personally, I believed the rumors. Some of you didn't. That's fine. But it's interesting that at every public event in which Blake and Ben are promoting the film, Jennifer Garner shows up too. Like she's keeping her eye on things. All three - Blake, Ben and Jennifer - posed separately. Considering how desperate Blake has been lately, I think it was probably pretty smart for Jennifer to show up. Blake's charms seem to have fallen flat on Ryan Gosling (after a while, at least), and Leonardo DiCaprio, but Ben… well, I just have a feeling that Blake is exactly the kind of trashy blonde he prefers to the wholesome mother of his children. Let's see Blake first:



And Ben doesn't look happy that his wife and potential jumpoff are in the same room at all.



CB says Jennifer needs to stop Botoxing. I'm not seeing that so much as her out-of-control lips. She really needs to stop with the lip stuff, she's starting to look Nicole Kidman-esque.



Christian Bale isn’t involved in the new Bermuda Triangle, but I think he looks really nice here. I'm not a huge fan of the Jesus look on him (or in general), but this is one of his better red carpet looks.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

One of Charlie Sheen’s pornstar orgy entourage was Bombshell McGee?

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 07:34 AM PST

Here’s an interesting random detail about Charlie Sheen’s latest blowout in Vegas with hookers ‘n blow. One of the many porn stars that Charlie is said to have convinced (threw enough cash at) to join him in his room for an orgy is supposedly none other than the woman who kicked off the Jesse James cheating scandal, Michelle “Bombshell” McGee. At first this didn’t seem right to me, like Michelle is in no way Charlie’s type. He likes them young, nubile, sleazy and impressionable and she’s an old tatted up ‘ho. The story has it that another porn star invited Michelle up, and Charlie was already well on his way toward oblivion when she showed up. It’s not like he was going to kick her out.

Bombshell McGee was the number two chick in Charlie Sheen’s Las Vegas porntourage … TMZ has learned.

We’re told Bombshell and Bree befriended each other hours before their on-stage makeout session for Pauly Shore’s comedy show at The Palms on Sunday.

After the kiss, we’re told Bree invited Bombshell to come back to Charlie Sheen’s penthouse later that night … and lo and behold, she did.

Around 2 AM, we’re told Bombshell and a friend rolled over to Charlie’s room — only to discover a “trainwreck inside” … consisting of Charlie, booze, and a whole lotta women.

We’re told Bombshell — Jesse James’ former mistress — hung out for a couple of hours … but it’s unclear what happened behind closed doors.

[From TMZ]

So wait - Sheen was with more than just three porn stars that night? Color me shocked. He was probably so out of it when McGee walked in that she looked like a swatch of colorful vomit.

Charlie of course made it to work on the set of Two and a Half Men the next day and walked in all nonchalant-like as if nothing happened. That’s what he’s always done, and as long as people continue to pay him obscene amounts of money to play himself on television, he’ll continue to do it. Until something really serious happens to him he’ll continue to live like this, as if it’s his life’s ambition to screw professionals and get wasted.

Images of McGee and Bree Olson are from 1/8/11. Charlie Sheen is shown on 4/18/09. Credit:



Ted Williams, golden voiced homeless guy, detained by police, drinking again

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 06:57 AM PST


I’ve read so many stories about the golden-voiced formerly homeless guy Ted Williams lately I don’t know where to start. After the video of Williams and his radio perfect voice went viral last week, it seems like he’s been everywhere. We’ve seen his reunion with his 90 year-old mom, his new commercial for Kraft, and interviews with him on multiple talkshows including The Today Show, The Early Show, The Tonight Show, The Late Show, Good Morning America and Entertainment Tonight. He’s been offered multiple jobs both in Ohio where he was discovered on a streetcorner and with national corporations like the NFL, MTV, ESPN and Oprah’s OWN Network.

After Williams was thrust into the spotlight, The Smoking Gun found that he has a lengthy arrest record, mostly for theft and drug possession. He also has a whopping nine children by different women, which were cared for by the ex he left behind and her family members. His ex wife is legally blind and took responsibility for not only her own children with Williams, but children he fathered with a “druggie girlfriend” while Williams was on the streets.

So this isn’t a clear cut story of a guy who found sobriety, faith and fame when his talent was discovered after a hard knock life on the streets. What’s more is that William isn’t sober, according to one of his daughters. He’s claimed to have been sober for about two years, but his daughter says he’s drinking again, and has consumed at least a bottle of Grey Goose a night, along with multiple beers and wine. Ted’s daughter told her story to Entertainment Tonight after the cops were called due to a loud fight she got in with him at a hotel in LA. Ted and his daughter were detained and released and neither decided to press charges. Ted claims that’s not true, that he’s not drinking, and that his daughter is “selling [him] out” due to his “fame and fortune.”

I saw the video of Ted’s daughter telling the story of their fight on Entertainment Tonight (you can watch it here) and I have to say I believe the daughter. This guy was homeless for nearly 20 years and all of a sudden he’s famous, living in hotels and being courted by the media. It’s a lot of pressure and a huge change and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was drinking again. I hope someone helps him out and is there for him. If he starts drinking and drugging again it’s not going to turn out well for him.

Dr. Phil is offering Ted his sobriety advice, though, and that might help for about 10 minutes. He told him to go to 90 AA meetings in 90 days. (You can watch that video here.)

And here’s a link to video of Ted reuniting with two of his kids, his first born son and his first daughter. He later fought with another daughter. This story is just ready made for the tabloids.

Header image credit: ETOnline

Katie Holmes is the new zombie-face of Ann Taylor

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 06:53 AM PST


Katie Holmes is the new face of Ann Taylor! This is the first ad from what I hope will be a major campaign for Katie. Not that I think the ad is much of anything - the clothes look nice, but Katie looks like she's mid-stroke. I think that's her "look" though. She's going to patent it. Some go with "Blue Steel" and Katie goes for "Half My Face Is Numb". As far as whether it's wise for Katie to associate herself with the Ann Taylor brand… sure. I know Katie likes to think of herself as high-fashion, but she's not. She wishes she was business-classy like Ann Taylor!

Ann Taylor has confirmed that Katie Holmes will be the face of the company’s spring 2011 ad campaign that will debut in March.

The images of Holmes wearing the brand’s updated classics (think perfectly tailored trousers, sleek jackets and plenty of navy-and-white stripes) were shot in Los Angeles by famed fashion photographer Tom Munro. The spring line is modern and nautical-inspired, and there will also be bright yellow and green citrine-shade handbags and shoes featured in the ads.

“I’ve been a fan of Ann Taylor since I was a young girl — I grew up loving the clothes,” says Holmes. “I’m thrilled to be a part of a brand I believe in.”

Other celebrity fans of Ann Taylor include Naomi Watts (who appeared in the company’s fall ads), Halle Berry, Rachel Bilson and supermodel Heidi Klum (who has been the star of the company’s past two holiday campaigns).

This isn’t the first time Holmes has posed for a major fashion brand. She appeared in J. Crew’s catalog in the fall along with Josh Duhamel and her other The Romantics co-stars.

Holmes also appears on the cover of the current issue of Elle. The news of her Ann Taylor deal comes just days after History decided not to air her controversial series The Kennedys, in which Holmes was to portray Jackie Kennedy.

[From The Hollywood Reporter]

So… modeling seems like a nice way for Katie to supplement her income, considering she's not getting a lot scripts sent her way. And Katie Holmes: Model isn't that laughable. I'm just a sucker for a slim navy suit though.


Natalie Portman’s pregnant premiere style: adorable or disappointing?

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 06:30 AM PST


As I said in the Ashton Kutcher-Demi Moore post, I'm splitting up the photos from the No Strings Attached premiere. This is the Natalie Portman post - because just like I could talk about Demi's hair forever and a day, I could also talk about how much I'm enjoying Natalie Portman's bad pregnancy style. Granted, this Vena Cava dress is probably one of the better things she's worn since her belly "popped" but that's not really saying much. I don't mind loose-cut black gowns on pregnant women. Ladies have earned the right to be comfortable, and to not shove their "bumps" in our faces. My problem with Natalie's dress is whatever the hell is happening at the neckline. Nude fabric and red halter/piping? The hell? I'm just going to say it: Natalie has a piping problem. There. It's out there.



Here's a closeup of Natalie's engagement ring - it's very fancy. Not my style, but I appreciate the craftsmanship.


And if you're worried about Natalie doing to much in her condition, first of all, hahahahaha. She loves doing all of this. This is her Oscar campaign. Second of all, these events are all that she's doing. Natalie told reporters: “I’m just doing these events, and then I’m going to try to take it easy." She also said: "I told [director] Darren Aronofsky, I was like, ‘First you got me skinny, and now you’re getting my fat,’ because he introduced me to my fiance. It’s the greatest gift he ever gave me.”


One last Portman thing - her ad for Miss Cherie Dior has come out. It's pretty sexy - she's topless and throwing a little sexy bitchface. Nice.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

Kate Hudson is pregnant with Matt Bellamy’s baby, say Us Weekly’s sources

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 06:22 AM PST


With Matt Bellamy's baby! I guess he wasn't trying to dump her after all (or maybe he was and this is Kate Hudson’s reaction: get pregnant). Even though Us Weekly's announcement just comes from a "source" I tend to believe it. Us Weekly always has good Kate Hudson gossip, and it turns out to be true most of the time. Plus, if she was going to get pregnant again, you know it would be with Matt Bellamy. So the only question I have is… why announce it now? Oh, right. Owen Wilson and his baby.

Owen Wilson is expecting a little one — and now his ex is, too!

A source confirms exclusively in the new Us Weekly, out Wednesday, that Kate Hudson, 31, is 14 weeks pregnant with boyfriend Matthew Bellamy’s baby.

“It was not planned, but they are excited and embracing it,” the source reveals to Us.

The insider adds that the actress, who has been dating the Muse frontman, 32, for nine months, is stoked for her 7-year-old son Ryder (with ex-husband Chris Robinson, 44) to have a little playmate.

“She is happy for Ryder to finally have a brother or sister,” says the source.

[From Us Weekly]

Well, if it's true (likely), congrats to the happy couple! Mazel tov, etc. Just think… when Kate had Ryder, she gained so much weight - it will be fun to see her get heavy again. I can't wait.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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