Friday, January 14, 2011



ITW: Empress Zahara demands Brangelina adopt a Namibian orphan girl

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 08:55 AM PST


What potentially could have been a great scoop for In Touch Weekly - if they're telling the truth - quickly turned into another "Angelina is hungry for babies, Brad is exhausted and gives in to whatever crazy demand Angelina makes" story. In Touch claims that when Brad and Angelina were in Namibia for Christmas, they visited the Unesco Center orphanage. This I will buy. Even if they are looking to adopt, Brad and Angelina have a history of visiting orphanages and passing out toys. But then In Touch spins a story about how Angelina and Empress Zahara met a little Namibian orphan girl and the Empress was all "Mother, you need to adopt her. I demand it." And Angelina was all "Okay, whatever you say, your highness." And Brad was all "Angie, ANOTHER BABY?!!?" Maybe that's not exactly what happened, but I like my version better.

During their recent trip to Namibia, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie visited the Unesco center orphanage. As they met with the children, Angelina and Zahara fell in love with a sweet 5-year-old girl.

"She was adorable," an insider reveals, adding that Zahara bonded with her immediately, and told Angelina that she thought the girl would "fit right into their home."

Angelina was so moved with Zahara's bond with the girl, she presented Brad with her most impulsive plan yet - adopting a seventh child from Africa as soon as possible.

"The problem is that Brad is just about to go to New Orleans to begin a new movie and Angelina is starting post production on the film she directed. It seems like a really bad time to bring another child into the family."

But while Brad suggested they postpone the paperwork until one of them is less busy, Angelina told him now's the time.

"She knows the timing is bad, but she told Brad, 'We need to bring home another child very soon.'"

Brad begged her to reconsider, but it looks like Angelina is about to get her way once again. Even though they are "overwhelmed" with their six kids, the insider says Angelina's "heart melted" at Zahara's request for a little sister who "looks like her… Angie says that Zahara has fantastic maternal instincts for a little 6-year-old girl."

"Brad suggested they wait a year," the insider reveals. He finds it difficult to keep up with all of their kids - "The twins are in their 'terrible 2s' and need a lot of attention."

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition]

The story just kind of falls off after that, like In Touch is unsure of whether or not to claim that Angelina did in fact begin the paperwork to adopt. Now, I've said it many times before - I do think they're adopt again. And hell, maybe they would even adopt from Namibia. I do tend to think they would do another African adoption if and when they adopt again. But I'll say this - the fact that ITW spun this tale about Angelina "getting her way" and Brad being sad and letting Angelina do whatever she wants… well, it makes me doubt all of it. Whatever.





Photos courtesy of WENN and Fame.

Hot Guy Friday: The Unbearable Hotness of Dong

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 07:52 AM PST


Idris Elba. Alas, not every week can begin with an open letter from the desk of Clive Owen. Even though you say that's what you want, you would tire of Clive, and Clive wouldn't want that. So here we have the black Clive Owen… or is Clive the white Idris Elba? Discuss. My love of Idris has grown by leaps and bounds, pretty much as soon as I heard him speak with his natural British accent. And then I took one look at his arms, and my love knew no bounds. Is Idris a sketchball? Yes. But he's a beautiful ball of sketchiness that I would like to spread on… wait, what? That got away from me. IDRIS.








Viggo Motensen. What is there to say about him? He's beautiful. He's sexy. He's challenging. He's an actor's actor. He's beautiful. Sigh… VIGGO.








Andy Whitfield. He's sick right now, but we can dream of the day when he's all better and he's smoldering like this in front of us and we can be all "I'm so glad you're feeling better, here are my panties, meet me in the bathroom." I went and did the extra legwork and found a couple of his half-naked photos from Spartacus: Blood and Sand. You know, for "research". I would "research" the hell out of this man.








Cory Monteith (By CB) We’ve had a lot of requests for this guy, and while I’ll admit to feeling a little pervy since I know him as a sweet highschooler on TV, he’s actually one of the older Glee castmembers at 28! He seems like good boyfriend material, like a solid guy who cooks you dinner and is a romantic. I’m confusing him with Finn again, but he does have that “decent guy” vibe about him. Plus, we’ve barely heard anything about his dating life, and you know he could have plenty of starlets. (OK, he dated Taylor Swift and maybe even Lea Michele briefly - there were rumors - but I’ll give him a pass for that.)






Chris Pine (By CB) This Star Trek hottie is another request, and holy crap has he grown on me since I’ve been staring at his photos. He looks cocky as hell, but that just means the boy knows what he wants. He’s pretty enough to be a model.







Ben Barnes (By CB) This 29 year-old British specimen is best known for his work as Prince Caspian in the Narnia films. I would say he’s not my type, but with his hair slicked back he reminds me of an English guy I dated in my 20s. The accent does it for me every time. Do you like him better clean cut or with shaggy hair? I know you’re going to say shaggy. When I see him in chain mail, I really get the appeal.






Mos Def. Mos Def is a request, and I'm kicking myself for not including him sooner - I friggin' love this guy! He's so talented, both musically and acting-wise. Plus, he's adorable. I don't even thing "Ooooh, I need to hit that." I want to actually date him, and maybe make out with him a little bit.






Mike Rowe. I really don't get the Mike Rowe thing. I mean, I "get" that he's rather sexy, in an average-guy-who-fixes-your-car way, especially because of his great voice and his arms. But I don't get why Mr. Average With A Sexy Voice is enough to merit multiple requests on Hot Guy Friday. You realize that you in these particular hot guy fantasies, you could be boning ANYONE, right? So why choose your mechanic? You could bone that guy any day of the week.





Matthew Gray Gubler. By request, because you Gube-nerds keep requesting him. You know what's weird? Even though I'm always on the look-out for "pillow weepers" (I should trademark that), I don't think The Gube is one. He's nerdy and rather femme and yes, he totally looks like the guy who would run out and buy your tampons for you, but he's not a pillow-weeper like, say, Jim Sturgess. Enjoy him, nerds.









Jesse Williams. By request. Apparently, he's on Grey's Anatomy and he's also done some movie work too. At first I thought he was kind of creepy-looking, but I think that's just his eyes. He has dog eyes - and I mean that as a compliment. To borrow a turn of phrase from Tom Ford, he has the eyes of a Husky.





Michael Fassbender. I had difficulties this week in deciding whether My Beloved should go at the beginning or at the end. I decided that Fassbender should go at the end… because he is our dessert. He is our brownie, our handful of peanut butter M&Ms, our pile of whipped cream… and now I'm think of a whipped-cream-covered Fassdong. Mm. Anyway, considering our new Hot Guy Friday policy is "less work for Kaiser", I only should have done a few photos. But I couldn't stop myself from pouring over the epic-ness of The Fassbender. This man would break my heart in a million pieces, and I would let him just for the opportunity to hear him say my name, just once. Okay, but I want him to say my name when he's whispering it in my ear as he's nailing me. Deal?











Photos courtesy of Fame, WENN, Vogue, The Telegraph, Fascinating Fassbender fansite, New York Magazine, Vanity Fair, GQ, GQ UK, Vogue, Details, Esquire, Entertainment Weekly, Google Images.

Donald Trump rejects Lindsay Lohan for Celebrity Apprentice

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 07:45 AM PST


Donald Trump knows how to make the most out of even the stupidest little interview. Life & Style got their hands on Trump, my guess is to discuss the upcoming season of Celebrity Apprentice. Instead of just talking about the "celebrities" who are on this season, Trump decided to name-drop. Specifically, he decided to name-drop the Lohans. Just wait… it gets good.

Troubled star Lindsay Lohan was rumored to be a part of this season's Celebrity Apprentice, but the Donald turned her down.

“[The Lohans] approached me, and we did talk about it. It's just not the right time," Donald Trump told Life & Style. "Lindsay has to straighten herself out first. And I know Dina, she's a really lovely woman. I don't think she gets very much credit — she's tried. I know Michael a little bit. It could happen in the future, but right now we need to see Lindsay get straightened out."

The new cast will include La Toya Jackson, Lisa Rinna, Hope Dworaczyk, Nikki Taylor, Star Jones, Dionne Warwick, Meatloaf, Gary Busey, Mark McGrath, David Cassidy, Richard Hatch, Jose Canseco, John Rich, Lil Jon, Nene Leakes and Marlee Matlin.

[From Life & Style]

First of all: hahahahahaha that Lindsay can't even book a gig on Celebrity Apprentice. That alone is hilarious. But add to that Trump's feelings on Dina - "I know Dina, she's a really lovely woman. I don't think she gets very much credit — she's tried" - oh, it's just a thing of beauty. Yes, Dina "tried". Just like Nicole Kidman "tried" Botox. Dina "tried" to make her daughter into a towering, epic, mind-blowing crackhead. It took effort, people!



Photos courtesy of WENN.

Natalie Portman’s friends worry her baby-daddy is “the ballet K-Fed”

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 07:30 AM PST


There's a hilarious story in this week's In Touch Weekly all about how Natalie Portman's friends are "concerned" that Benjamin Millepied is simple "the ballet K-Fed". While this has been discussed openly on blogs - I think LaineyGossip used a very similar turn of phrase - it's interesting to see tabloids really go after Natalie's baby-daddy like this. Is it a sign that the tabloids don't respect Natalie? Or is it a sign that Benjamin really is sketchy?

Does Natalie Portman have a Kevin Federline situation with her choreographer fiance Benjamin Millepied? Friends of the actress are concerned that Benjamin may not have the best intentions.

"He's a self-promoter who's loving the spotlight," says a friend of Natalie. "Her friends are worried she's in over her head."

"I don't think he even thought twice about leaving his girlfriend - which isn't a very good sign of character. He seems like a social climber who was all over Natalie the moment they met."

Amongst Natalie's friends, Benjamin is inviting comparisons to another dancer-turned-star-baby-daddy: "They're calling him the ballet version of K-Fed!"

"Unfortunately, he's the father of her baby, and her pals think that she wouldn't be getting married if she wasn't pregnant, and that it's all going too fast. They're nervous that Natalie will wake up one day and wonder what happened."

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition]

It's looking more and more like Benjamin is going to get the blame if and when the whole thing goes up in flames. But Natalie is old enough to know better - so what does it say about her IF Benjamin is such a K-Fed-esque tool?

In other Natalie news, she gave an interview to People Magazine about her baby superstitions and whether she's going to work after baby: "I'm very superstitious. I'm very Jewish that way. We don't do that." "That" being talking about what the gender is and plans for the nursery. She also says: "I'll be out of the public eye after [the baby's born]," Portman said, adding that she will be laying low for a while and will just take any future career opportunity "as it comes." But… but… she'll have to make the money! Ballet K-Fed must be supported financially!



Photos courtesy of WENN, Details and Google Images.

Hot Guy Bulgari: Gerard Butler, Jason Lewis & more at charity event

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 07:01 AM PST


Perhaps you can take this as a little appetizer to Hot Guy Friday, which we'll be publishing in an hour or two. These are photos of all of the dudes at that Bugari-sponsored event for Artists for Peace and Justice - for the girls' fashion shots, go here. This one is just about the dudes. Dudes like my beloved Gerard Butler, who seems to attempting to seduce the camera with his beautiful cauliflower head. His eyes say it all: "Scottish dong is best."


Speaking of Scottish dongs, Kevin McKidd! Scottish AND a ginger. He's so erotic!


Jason Lewis looks nice. I prefer him clean-cut, but I wouldn't kick this out of bed.


I always feel slightly ashamed for liking Josh Brolin and for being so attracted to him. I know he's probably a massive douche in real life, but he's a great actor, and he's got the cocky-smug-handsome vibe that is my Kryptonite.


Jon Tenney from The Closer! I love him. Fun fact: he was married to Teri Hatcher. They have a daughter together. As much as I love him, his suit is all kinds of wrong, though.


Ricky Martin looks okay. He should try to reintroduce himself to his razor, though.


I can smell Adrian Brody's douche from here. Is that the face of a man who is boning Jennifer Aniston? You decide. Also: I'm going to say something that will change the way you look at Adrian Brody forever: Ralph Macchio.


Photos courtesy of Fame.

Kristen Stewart’s Vogue cover preview: “It’s not my job” to talk about Sparkles

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 06:35 AM PST


I didn't know Kristen Stewart was the going to be the February cover girl for Vogue! That's very interesting. Anyway, this is just a preview of her cover piece - Vogue hasn't released the Mario Testino shots, but there are some interview excerpts floating around. As far as the cover shot - I think Kristen looks nice here. I like the lighter hair, but I don't care for the blouse. Her expression is cracking me up a little - slightly snotty, slightly scared, mouth open but not in a sexy way. It's oddly compelling. Here are some interview highlights:

Talking about going back to the Twilight Saga set after a long period off, Kristen said: “It was like going back to school…Twilight is a different beast.”

On starting out as a child actor: “I don’t think I would have ever have been able to be an actress had I not started at nine-years-old. I would have been the last person to stand up and say, ‘I’d like to star in the play.”

With the Twilight Saga being stupidly successful, Kristen admitted that she’s “bothered” that she can’t be “some girl” anymore. She said: “There’s no way to eloquently put this. I just can’t go to the mall. It bothers me that I can’t be outside very often. And also to not ever be ’some girl’ again. Just being some chick at some place, that’s gone.”

And no interview could be complete if the subject about why she’s staying schtum about her relationship with Robert Pattinson didn’t arise. But Kristen being Kristen just said: “It’s not my job.”

On finding a good part: "A compulsion absolutely fills you."

On trusting her friends: "You build a perimeter of people that are really important to you."

[From Hollywood Life & Entertainmentwise]

If you remember, Kristen was supposed to have a Vogue cover last year, when she was promoting The Runaways and/or Eclipse. Something went down between Kristen and Anna Wintour, and Blake Lively ended up with a cover while Kristen was relegated to "The Steal of the Month" - one photo and a short write-up. So… it's good that Kristen and Anna has buried the hatchet.


Vogue cover shot courtesy of The Fashion Spot. Additional pic courtesy of Hollywood Life.

Melissa Etheridge is dating her ex wife’s best friend

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 06:19 AM PST

This is a really juicy piece of gossip when you take it in context. Melissa Etheridge is now dating her ex wife Tammy Lynn Michael’s former best friend, who served as the “best woman” at their commitment ceremony in 2003. (Tammy Lynn and Melissa never legally married when it was possible before Prop 8 passed, but they did have a traditional-type wedding.) We heard all sorts of drama about Melissa and her ex when they broke up last year. Michaels complained on her blog that Etheridge wasn’t providing enough support for her to feed and house their now four year-old twins, and Etheridge’s lawyer countered that his client was providing $2,000 a month and paying all the bills. When you consider how wealthy Melissa is, that really isn’t that much. Last year, Tammy’s lawyer told In Touch that Tammy suspected Melissa was cheating. He said, “There were all the usual signs. Strange comings and goings and lots of days and nights absent.” Now we may know who the other woman is.

[Melissa Etheridge] is “hot and heavy” with Hollywood producer/writer Linda Wallem, the creative force behind the hit cable TV series “Nurse Jackie,” according to an insider.

“Linda has been talking constantly on the set about how she and Melissa are in love and how they’re in a committed relationship,” the insider said.

Melissa and Linda - who are both 49 and were born on the same day, May 29, 1961 - have known each other for years. Linda was the best friend of the singer’s ex partner, Tammy Lynn Michaels, according to one of Tammy’s friends.

When Tammy and Melissa exchanged wedding vows in 2003 in a lavish ceremony at Dick Clark’s Malibu estate, Linda was in the wedding party.

“In lesbian terms, Linda was the ‘best lady,’” the friend said. “Now she’s taken Tammy’s place.”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, January 24, 2011]

So did Melissa wait until she ended things with Tammy before taking up with their mutual friend? From the way Tammy explained Melissa’s behavior before their split, it’s doubtful.

Meanwhile Melissa’s new girlfriend might create a sitcom in which Melissa will star:

Linda is planning to write a sitcom for Melissa, described as a reverse “Will & Grace,” where the singer would portray a gay teacher living with a straight man.

And the pair want to collaborate on a musical play that Linda is developing.

[From The National Enquirer, print edition]

We haven’t heard much lately about Melissa and Tammy’s court battle for custody and support. It looks like Melissa has moved on while she’s left the mother of her children high and dry.

Melissa Etheridge is shown on 10/6/10. Linda Wallem is shown below on 5/3/10. Credit:

Linda Wallem:

Tammy Lynn Michaels and Melissa in 2002 (credit: Fame)

Demi Moore in mottled grey: surprisingly good, or should she stick to jewel tones?

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 06:09 AM PST


Last night there was a big event in LA for Artists for Peace and Justice, the organization that is doing a lot of great work in Haiti. The event was sponsored by Bulgari, and lots of A-listers and B-listers came out. Demi Moore wore this oddly enchanting grey frock to the event - she's involved with Artists for Peace and Justice, and she's made at least one trip to Haiti that I know of. At first I really hated her dress - Demi belongs in jewel tones, not this weird, mottled grey, but the dress is kind of growing on me. Demi's face, however, was a different story. Do you think Demi will ever have a “YES I TRIED IT” moment like Nicole Kidman, where she admits to some of her crazy youth-chasing procedures? If Demi can't come clean about her husband screwing around on her, what are the chances she'll admit to the work she's had done?



Other stars in attendance - Olivia Wilde, another woman who has been very active in Artists for Peace and Justice. I like the simplicity of her black dress (I would wear it), and I like that her boobs aren't hanging out and all. But I hate the bangs trauma and the shoes. I'm so tired of these nude shoes.


I'm surprised with how much I like Kirsten Dunst's dress. Usually I hate everything she wears, but Kiki has been surprising me lately. She looks really pretty here.


Milla Jovovich: Hot Mess.


Photos courtesy of Fame.

Camille Grammer got dumped on Real Housewives, and I actually felt sorry for her

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 06:05 AM PST

Kelsey Grammer was on the Late Show last night, which happened to coincide with the episode of his wife’s reality show in which he broke up with her. At first he talked to Letterman about finishing his stint on Broadway in La Cage Aux Folles. Kelsey will be leaving the production in mid February, and he told Letterman it’s “really hard work” to do eight shows a week for a year. He said “it’s been a really hard time for me physically and emotionally and as you know there’s been all this other stuff going on.” Letterman asked him about his divorce and how his kids were doing.

The kids seem to be doing ok. We’ve been spending quite a bit of time with them - Kayte and I, Kayte’s my new girl and we’re planning to get married soon - sometime in February.”

Well that won’t happen if Camille has her way. She’s moved to block Kelsey’s petition for a quick divorce.

On last night’s Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, we got to see Camille react to Kelsey telling her it was over. He still let her come out to New York to be his date for the Tony Awards afterwards, and he acted like he might give her another chance. Before she went to the Tonys, Kelsey broke the news over the phone. She explained “My husband called me in the middle of the night and told me that he was done with our marriage. I begged him please don’t leave, and don’t leave the family. It’s devastating.”

Camille claimed that she didn’t want to go to the Tonys afterwards, but that Kelsey struck a bargain with her. “If you come to the Tonys, why don’t we spend some quality time together and see what happens? Maybe we can have a romantic weekend. Let’s just see if it works out.” We know of course that Kelsey already had a mistress at that point and was completely misleading Camille for his own purposes. He even put her up in a hotel because the other woman was already living with him. No wonder Kelsey went on Letterman. He looked like a cheating conniving bastard on Real Housewives. There was even a sad scene where Camille talked about having to break the news to the children that their dad wasn’t coming home. (She’s not an involved mother by any means, but that really tugged at the heartstrings.)

Camille recently told Popeater that she met Kelsey’s fiance and that it was uncomfortable but that she thought Kayte was “nice.” She added “It’s really important for me and Kelsey to be friends and amicable for our children’s sake. Because you know, we have to co-parent and that’s the correct way to do it.” She’s not sure if she’ll return to Real Housewives, and adds “I found out during filming that he wanted out and that he had moved another woman into our apartment in New York and she had gotten pregnant. And I ended up the bad guy!” Maybe, for this week, she’s not the villain for once. She’s still a self involved piece of work, but no one deserves to be treated like that.

Here’s a toast Kelsey made on Real Housewives. He toasted “to love” and said “I’m particularly thrilled with the love I’m getting from the British people.” His 29 year-old mistress is of course British. That was really cold, and I felt so sorry for Camille after seeing this. I never thought I would say that. E! Online points out that this is just like an episode of Frasier.




Photo credit: Tonys photo credit: and dated 6/13/10. Photo of Kelsey and Kayte credit: Fame and dated 10/14/10. Other photos credit: BravoTV

Was Kate Hudson really trying to get pregnant, or was she “surprised”?

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 05:42 AM PST


As we heard on Wednesday, Kate Hudson is with child. Apparently, she's already 14 weeks along, according to Us Weekly's sources, who seem to know everything about Kate's womb. The general consensus is that this was a "surprise" pregnancy too, unexpected but not unwanted, although I seriously doubt that. It might have been a "surprise" for Matthew Bellamy because Kate was all "Don't worry, I'm on the Pill!" but I don't think it was a surprise for Kate. Do you? I think she wanted to get knocked up. Perhaps because she really loves Bellamy, perhaps because she just wanted another baby, perhaps because she wanted attention. Who knows? People Magazine, as it turns out.

For Kate Hudson, getting pregnant fit in perfectly with her life, a source tells PEOPLE.

“Kate really wanted another baby,” the source says, adding that the father of Hudson’s unborn child, British rocker Matthew Bellamy, is “a great person to do that with. He’s a very good person.”

And what makes the pair tick? Another source says the two make sure to inject fun into their romance.

“He loves Kate’s carefree attitude,” the source says, “and [he] has a lot of fun with her.”

Hudson, 31, who has a son, Ryder, 7, with ex-husband Chris Robinson, has been dating Bellamy, 32, who fronts the band Muse, for about nine months.

[From People]

How long do you think Matthew will stick around? Honestly? I kind of like Kate (she was one of the best parts of Nine!), and I'll be generous: two years. Two more years, that is. So he'll stick around for the birth of the baby, and then maybe a year, year-and-a-half after that. Then it will all go to hell.

One last thing - Kate went out to dinner last night with friends in NYC. According to People, Kate was "relaxed, smiling and in good spirits… It was a nice, quiet, happy dinner among friends." Matthew wasn't there. Gasp!



Photos of Kate in December, courtesy of Fame.

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