Friday, January 14, 2011



The Daily WTF: Christina Hendricks' Scary Clown Shoot For 'Playboy'

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 10:52 AM PST

You know, this is some B.S. You can’t tell us that Hugh Hefner was rifling through old copies of Playboy and suddenly went, “Oh hey, the model from this terrifying, non-sensical clown shoot from the 90s looks a lot like that breasty chick from Mad Men.”

No, this stinks of a set-up. Obviously Hugh wants the heat off of him for getting engaged to that chick Crystal Harris instead of Holly Madison. Or maybe Christina Hendricks turned down an offer from Playboy to have Joan Holloway naked in a centerfold. Either way, the republishing of these photos is not random. The truth is out there!

Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: Christina Hendricks' Scary Clown Shoot For 'Playboy'

At Brooklyn College, Do Landlord Complaints Land You In The Looney Bin?

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 10:26 AM PST

At Brooklyn College, complaining about your landlord can land you in a mental hospital. At least that’s the claim of Chinemerem Eze. Chinemerem was an honor student at the school, but says that after she complained about cameras in her apartment, she was sent to Kings County Psychiatric Hospital for two weeks. But it looks like there’s a little more going on.

According to The Daily News:

“Eze went to the school’s security office for help after hearing “comments about her body” coming from a vent in her off-campus basement apartment in Flatlands.

She then discovered a hidden camera inside the space. She also suspected somebody had set up a defamatory website about her, the suit says.

When she approached school security guards, they were skeptical and notified college psychologist Sally Robles. Robles then asked “a series of personal questions pertaining to her psychological state of mind,” before calling an ambulance to take Eze to hospital, the suit says.”

That sounds incredibly intense, and Eze is now suing for a mental hospital stay that she says was against her will. But there are a few holes in her story.

Because there is a lawsuit going on, Brooklyn College spokesperson Jeremy Thompson cannot say much about the case. But he tells Crushable:

“EMS are the ones that are on scene in those situations, and they took her to the hospital. It wasn’t something that the college personel were involved with.”

Also, her MySpace page has some interesting things going on. It looks like Eze would like to change her name. And if these comments are from her, it does in fact seem like she has some paranoia issues:

“I hereby change my name legally from Chinemerem Ihuoma Eze to Sophia Abraham McWill. I wish to execute my will, Living Will and ower of Attorney using the name Sophia Abraham McWill. The general public should please take note!!! Signed : S.A.M.”


“I am BY FAR SANER than any of you dumbFucks will EVER BE at every point in time…so I would GLADLY destroy it all to make sure YOU PAY”

Unfortunately,  emphatically proclaiming your sanity doesn’t always work…

Post from: Crushable

At Brooklyn College, Do Landlord Complaints Land You In The Looney Bin?

Bad Newz Bearz: A 'Jersey Shore' Reenactment

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 10:23 AM PST

The Bad Newz Bears are as obsessed with Jersey Shore’s most depressing couple as we are! They’ve taken time out of their busy schedule of bickering about Demi Lovato to make a highlight reel from the “best” Sammi and Ronnie’s fights of the past 3 seasons. Enjoy?

Post from: Crushable

Bad Newz Bearz: A 'Jersey Shore' Reenactment

Would You Want To Lose Your Virginity On Camera? Exhibitionist Nicki Blue Does

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 10:07 AM PST

Nicki Blue is a 21-year-old aspiring porn actress who has always dreamed of being deflowered on camera. So Nick went to porn site with a proposal that she lose her virginity on-air. The ceremony she and the site devised is scheduled to involve audience participation: viewers will vote on the man Nicki they think should first have sex with Nicki. Kink director John Paul described plans for the live broadcast, which will first make use of Kink’s “official hymen-cam” to prove that Nicki’s hymen is, in fact, still intact. And what happens after that?

“We will start the evening by tightly binding Ms. Blue and introducing three legends: Mark Davis, Jack Hammer and James Deen. Fans will vote for which of them will take Nicki's virginity. Once the voting is complete, we will move to the sanctum, where the winner selected by fans will deflower her. The other two will then join the ceremony and make her airtight."

This is all scheduled to go down tomorrow night. Nicki tweeted about the event several hours ago:

Nicki’s a consenting adult here, so, legally, she and Kink are in the clear . But it does seem like a pretty traumatizing way to experience your first time. All we know is we’re glad the door was shut and the curtains were drawn the night we lost our virginity.

Post from: Crushable

Would You Want To Lose Your Virginity On Camera? Exhibitionist Nicki Blue Does

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 09:33 AM PST

Want to win an iPhone4? — We’re giving one lucky fan of Crushable on Facebook an iPhone — all you have to enter is become a fan of Crushable here and then tell us what song is your go-to when you need to put yourself in a happy mood. You have until Thursday, January 20 at 5 p.m. EST to tell us your song choice! Don’t wait.

Post from: Crushable

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 09:15 AM PST

A photo blog of tiny things - Tiny monkeys! Tiny hippos! Tiny polar bears! But no pictures of T.I.’s wife, Tiny. (Things That Are Tiny)

Post from: Crushable

Video: Trevor Sayers' Proclaims There's A 'New Dance In School'

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 09:07 AM PST

Do you need to see a large Trinidadian man in a skirt singing and dancing while graphics of cars explode in the background to get your day started off right? Well then lucky for you, we have just the thing! In the form of Trevor Sayers and his glorious rendition of “New Dance In School.” Whadap, whadap.


Post from: Crushable

Video: Trevor Sayers' Proclaims There's A 'New Dance In School'

Who Would You Rather: Donald Glover or Andrew Garfield As 'Spider-Man'?

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 09:05 AM PST

Yesterday, Marvel unveiled the first photo of Andrew Garfield looking super sexy as the new Spider-Man. You’ve come a long way, Eduardo Saverin! Still, a large contingent of the Internet is still disgruntled that their campaign to put Community star Donald Glover in the role of Peter Parker didn’t pan out. Donald’s taken it in good stride though: posing for photos with Garfield and going so far as to comment on the new Spider-Man image.

"It's kinda dope. You know what the coolest part of it is? He has a backpack, which I think is sick. The part of Spider-Man I always loved [is]: He's young, and he's dealing with everybody hating him and he's got all this weight on his shoulders. [The backpack] reminds you of how young he is."

But even though Donald’s no longer in the running, that doesn’t mean 4chan forums members can’t mock up their own images of Donald as Spidey. And damn…we kind of see their point!

And here again, is the original still of Garfield from yesterday:

Post from: Crushable

Who Would You Rather: Donald Glover or Andrew Garfield As 'Spider-Man'?

Tracy From 'Jerseylicious' Gets Into A Nasty Fight - With A Door

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 09:00 AM PST

Tracy DiMarco, the mean girl stylist from the Style Network’s Jerseylicious, got into a nasty fight this week. But not with mortal stylist enemy Olivia Blois Sharpe. Actually, it was a swinging metal door that left Tracy with this nasty gash.

According to TMZ, the altercation happened as Tracy was going to see Black Swan. But instead of watching the violence on screen, she ended up with 20 stitches herself. At least she got some free movie tickets out of it?

From TMZ:

DiMarco tells us, the door not only cut open her eyebrow — it also sliced two nerves in her face … as well as some muscle tissue.

DiMarco was immediately rushed to the hospital — where doctors sewed her back together with 20 stitches … and put her on extra-strength Excedrin.

Meep! Sliced nerves? Hopefully some excessive Jerseylicious eye makeup can cover that up!

The movie theater is going to pay for her medical bills. And offered her free movie tickets. But chances are, they’ll have to pay for more than that. Tracy isn’t afraid to go after people when she’s been slighted. And chances are the same holds true for inanimate objects….

Post from: Crushable

Tracy From 'Jerseylicious' Gets Into A Nasty Fight - With A Door

'The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills' Doll Recap: Divorce In Drag

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 08:38 AM PST

We’re coming close to the end of this inaugural season of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and there are a lot of complicated feelings going on! Join Crushable’s Barbie Repertory Theater as we take a look at all of the cross dressing, wine fueled divorce drama from last night’s episode.

  • Ladies who lunch alone
  • Three's a crowd, ladies
  • What's the opposite of a booty call?
  • Fighting makes the heart grow...something
  • Lisa always has her nose in a glass of wine
  • Sisters...what are they good for?
  • Kim's entourage is her
  • Camille and Kelsey's pending divorce is a formal affaire

Post from: Crushable

'The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills' Doll Recap: Divorce In Drag

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