Thursday, January 13, 2011



Posted: 13 Jan 2011 10:48 AM PST

Mark Zuckerberg has a new home – And Gawker has the photos. It’s just a few blocks away from his old home and only slightly larger. Think billions of dollars, Zuck! (Gawker)

Post from: Crushable

The Best Of Gwyneth Paltrow And Friends' GOOP Advice For Ignoring Your Children

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 10:43 AM PST

The latest newsletter from Goop is out, hallelujah! This month, Gwyneth Paltrow took time out of her busy schedule of finding expensive olive oil to answer a question from November, when a “reader” asked the Country Strong actress how she manages to find “a good balance between having a career and being a mom.” To give you an idea of how good a mom she is: I’ve read 40 articles about Gwyneth this month, and even I had to stop for a moment and go “Gwyneth Paltrow has kids?”

But despite her amazing and busy career (go see Country Strong in theaters today!), Gwyneth is still full of condescendingly helpful tips on how to juggle paying the nanny while simultaneously doing a radio interview and being fitted for the CMAs. And just in case you wanted more than one entitled, self-congratulatory opinion on the matter, she’s also asked two other “extremely busy working mothers,”  venture capitalist Juliet de Baubigny and Stella McCartney, for their schedules as well! Lets check them out and then call child services together!

Post from: Crushable

The Best Of Gwyneth Paltrow And Friends' GOOP Advice For Ignoring Your Children

Will Taylor Swift's Jake Gyllenhaal Song Be Called 'Out Of The Blue'?

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 09:57 AM PST

This whole Jake Gyllenhaal/Taylor Swift fake-relationship is beyond tortured. This fall we all had to endure them prancing around together and taking photo ops at coffee shops together.

And now a source tells Us that Jake broke up with her “out of the blue.” Come on. Isn’t it a little early to start doing PR for her eminent Jake Gyllenhaal song?

According to the publicist source:

“It was a 180-degree turn and so out of the blue,” a source tells Us of 30-year-old Gyllenhaal’s decision.
Explains another insider, “Jake just told her it wasn’t working out…Taylor is really upset and hurt. She doesn’t know what she did for him to put a stop to it. She feels really burned by him.”

Sounds like the beginnings of a really great song, Tay!

Post from: Crushable

Will Taylor Swift's Jake Gyllenhaal Song Be Called 'Out Of The Blue'?

Gallery: The 10 Best Snooki Tribute Costumes

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 10:46 AM PST

When this photo of a group of pint-sized Jersey Shore casters came our way today, we kind of freaked out about that how cute that baby Snooki is. We want one of our very own! We’re pretty sure that kid’s the got the best Snooki tribute out there, but just to be sure, here are nine more variations on Nicole Polizzi.

  • Ellen DeGeneres dressed as Snooki's poof for Halloween.
  • This Snooki has a terrifying amount of attitude.
  • Snooki stopped by the Weekend Update desk on SNL.
  • Another baby Snook.
  • Mindy Kaling got Snookified on The Office.
  • Kind of a lazy rendition, but we appreciate the tutorial.
  • Someone went the pickle route.
  • Melissa Rycroft in her Nicole outfit.
  • NSP would totally be friends with the Joker.


Post from: Crushable

Gallery: The 10 Best Snooki Tribute Costumes

Terrific, Another Feel-Good Cancer Movie: Kate Hudson In "A Little Bit Of Heaven"

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 09:50 AM PST

The gist: Kate Hudson is a sexually confident, professionally successful wild child who doesn’t believe in love — and, oh yeah, she also has cancer. So she goes to visit her hot doctor (Gael Garcia Bernal) who makes her believe in both love and, um, cancer. The flick also appears to feature Whoopi Goldberg in some kind of afterlife angel role.

We like to imagine there’s some rom com name generator out there. Choose one from each category:
1. Pieces, A Little Bit, Remembering
2. Heaven, Distance, Truth, Life, Grace

Or maybe it’s magnetic poetry. Yeah, that’s it.

Post from: Crushable

Terrific, Another Feel-Good Cancer Movie: Kate Hudson In "A Little Bit Of Heaven"

What To Do If Your Girlfriend Has A 'Lord Of The Rings' Fetish

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 09:45 AM PST

This week’s best Yahoo Answers question comes courtesy of Buzzfeed, and begs the question, “Why is a dude complaining that his girlfriend is too into Lord of The Rings?”

First of all: obviously fake. No dude, in the history of Middle Earth, has ever had this problem. I mean, the Gandalf part is a little weird, but the White Wizard is also kind of the man, you know? And think of all the ways it could be worse , like if she wanted you to incorporate Smeagol into your role-playing,  and had you hopping around cackiling “My precious!” to your cock ring.

So suck it up, grab your staff, and just be glad she’s not asking you to talk like Yoda.

Post from: Crushable

What To Do If Your Girlfriend Has A 'Lord Of The Rings' Fetish

Don't Forget To Enter Our iPhone4 Giveaway, Become Our Facebook Fan

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 09:35 AM PST


Don’t forget to get in on our awesome giveaway offer — exclusively for our Facebook fans — before it’s too late. We’ve gotten our hands on an iPhone4 thanks to innovative music app Moodagent, and one fan of Crushable on Facebook will win it plus a special code to download Moodagent on their new phone.

What’s Moodagent you ask? It’s a music app that bases song selection on your mood. Trust us, it’s pretty cool. There’s actual science behind it. And once you get your iPhone you’re sure to upload all your music (we’ll give you the 32 GB phone, retail value $299, although a 2-year contract is not included). The app has free and paid versions (only $0.99), and Moodagent also has a music recommendation service for Winamp — find out more about Moodagent here.

To enter to win, you just head over to Crushable’s Facebook page, hit the “Like” button, and then tell us: What is your go-to song when you’re sad or upset? What song always puts a smile on your face? Leave a comment on our page about your favorite get happy song, and you’ll be in the running for the iPhone. Click here and hit the “Like” button to start.

Already a fan? You'll have until Thursday, January 20 at 5 p.m. EST to go here and leave a comment. One comment per person.

Winners will be announced on Crushable and notified on Friday, January 21 via Facebook message. Entrants must have a U.S. mailing address in order to be eligible to win (no PO boxes). No purchase necessary. You must be 18 to enter and a resident of the United States. (Full terms and conditions here.)

Not on Facebook? Just tell us your favorite get happy song in the comments below. You'll have until 5 p.m. EST on January 20 to leave a comment and be eligible to win.

You can become a fan of Crushable on Facebook for access to more great giveaways like this in the coming year. And, while you’re at it, why don’t you follow Moodagent on Facebook and Twitter, too to get updates and more from this awesome app.

Post from: Crushable

Don't Forget To Enter Our iPhone4 Giveaway, Become Our Facebook Fan

This Is Why Your State Is Fat: Infographic Assigns Foods To States

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 09:14 AM PST

(Click to enlarge image)
I Can Haz A Cheeseburger, a site normally dedicated to non-food memes, lives up to its name today by posting Food By State, a picturegraphic tutorial that gives your home town an edible mascot. Some of them make sense, like California and grapes, or New York and pizza. And some of them are just a little bizzare. Check out our favorites below, and don’t forget your side order of outrage!

Minessota - Fried Food on a stick

North Dakota -Knoephla

Kansas - Wet Barbeque

North Carolina – Dry Barbeque

Delaware – Crab Puff (Editor note: Oh, so what? We just get defined by whatever food they’re serving in Maryland now?!)

Utah - Green Jello

Nevada - Buffets

Post from: Crushable

This Is Why Your State Is Fat: Infographic Assigns Foods To States

Crushable Quotable: Chris Harrison Knows He's Useless On 'The Bachelor' OK?

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 09:09 AM PST

Oh, poor Chris Harrison. His most dreaded job requirement might be making small talk with the mentally slow contestants on The Bachelor every season. But yesterday, Ellen Degeneres called him out for his remedial counting skills on the show. As if anyone gets confused when The Bachelor hands out the final rose.

Chris knows his countdown is silly. But he also knows that if you take away his counting to one rose, he basically wouldn’t have a job. So he’s just fine with it:

“I wanted to get rid of that very early on,” he says. “Eight years ago, I’m like, ‘This is ridiculous.’ ”

Still, it does serve a purpose, he says, in adding to the tension just before the crucial moment when someone gets sent home.

“It’s not about the math,” he says. “It’s not saying, ‘Ellen, there’s a coffee cup between us.’ You know that. It’s kind of like, ‘Oh my gosh. One of us is going home.’ It’s really about setting that moment. It’s silly. There’s really no way I can explain that it’s not silly.”

Translation: Step off Ellen! You trying to get my fired?

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Quotable: Chris Harrison Knows He's Useless On 'The Bachelor' OK?

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 08:46 AM PST

What TV Tells Us About Smart People – It’s OK to be a dick, as long as you are a walking supercomputer who solves every problems with a sudden epiphany! (Cracked)

Post from: Crushable

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