Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Justin Bieber Is A ‘Gift From God’

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 05:20 PM PST

According to his mother Pattie Mallette, little popstar Justin Bieber is a gift from God. Yep, that’s right … the Bieber‘s mum revealed to Vanity Fair magazine that she truly believes that her money-making son was sent to Earth by God to, well, do whatever it is that he does. If there is anything that Pattie learned from her encounter with God, it’s that her son is Heaven sent.

"I put up a little video on YouTube [under the name "kidrauhl"] for Grandma and some relatives to see, and the next thing we knew, all these strangers were clicking onto it, probably because they recognized the song." Then, Mallette recalls, "it was 'Oh look, honey, you have a hundred views.' Then 'Oh wow, a thousand views.'… Next thing we knew, thousands and thousands of views. But it never once occurred to me that there would be a music career out of this." Mallette also tells [Vanity Fair] that, after a personal encounter with God, she believes that she and Justin have been put on earth to bring light and inspiration to the world. But Mallette is wary of show business and its potential consequences: "We don't have yes-men around him. I don't want him being a diva."

Ah, to clarify … both SHE and Justin are gifts from God. Welp, you heard it here first. Heaven help us all.


Newly Engaged Reese Witherspoon Steps Out Solo

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 04:16 PM PST

Just a few days before the New Year, we learned that Reese Witherspoon had gotten engaged to be married to Jim Toth, her boyfriend of almost a year. At the very start of the New Year, we saw the first photos of Reese and Jim out in public (doing a bit of jogging) as a newly engaged couple. Today we get to see a couple photos of Reese out by herself and wouldn’t you know it, she was NOT in the mood to show off her engagement ring ;(

As you can see, Reese had both of her hands shoved way down into her pockets. Now, it’s been chilly here in SoCal … but not cold enough to warrant such protection of one’s hands. I guess Reese is going to make us wait a bit longer before she shows off her sparkling diamond. She is such a cheeky monkey.

[Photo credit: INFdaily]

‘Jersey Shore’s Vinny Guadagnino Launches His Own Line Of T-Shirts

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 03:35 PM PST

Last week we learned that Vinny Guadagnino, from MTV‘s Jersey Shore, would be releasing his own line of t-shirts in an effort to raise funds and awareness for anti-bullying campaigns. Today we get to see photos from Vinny‘s t-shirt launch at Greenhouse in NYC, NY last night for his IHAV (I Have a Vision) line of shirts.

Vinny kicked off a new venture last night at New York City’s Greenhouse club (Mama G and Uncle Nino in the house!). On the carpet, the level-headed man of the house unveiled his plan to add more meaning to T-Shirt time, debuting his IHAV (I Have A Vision) line of tees, which aims to generate funding for anti-bullying–and apparently, Catholic schoolgirl smushing–initiatives. Way to kill two birds with one stone, Vin!

As I said before, I would be happy to support Vinny‘s endeavor to raise awareness and funds to combat bullying among young (and old) people. I know I wouldn’t be caught dead in one of Mike The Situation Sorrentino‘s DILLGAF shirts or reading Nicole Snooki Polizzi‘s new book but I’d be damn proud to wear one of Vinny‘s F@ck Bullies shirts from his IHAV line. T-Shirt Tiiiiiiiiime!!

[Photo credit: Wireimage; Source]

Jake Gyllenhaal & Taylor Swift Are Dunzo!

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 02:52 PM PST

You’ll have to pardon me whilst I type thru my sad tears but … it is with the heaviest of hearts that I must pass along the news that the barely relationship between Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift is over. Yes, it’s sad I know … but according to People magazine, the couple called it quits last month. Awww. Jake and Taylor are dunzo, y’all!!

Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal are starting 2011 single. “They’re over,” a source tells PEOPLE about the short-lived relationship. “It ended last month.” No reason was given for a split, and the stars reps didn’t have immediate comment, but the two spent the holidays – and their birthdays – apart. Swift, 21, rang in 2011 in Nashville, solo, at a party, while Gyllenhaal, 30, was in New York, where he attended a closing party for Broadway’s Fela! on Jan. 2. While in the Big Apple, Gyllenhaal was also spotted dining with his mother at the Spotted Pig. After spending Thanksgiving weekend together, the two were last seen publicly together on Dec. 9 in Los Angeles.

Let’s have a moment of silence over the death of this sham, er, romance. I guess those photos of Taylor Swift lookin’ super sad as she roamed the streets of Nashville, TN last weekend were our first sign that she was Jake Gyllenhalless … poor lamb, I’d be sad, too! Ah well … ’tis better to have loved and lost and all that jazz. At least now Taylor has at least an album’s worth of heartbreak (and an $11k guitar) to write a new album. Jake is a single man, y’all. Happy Days are here again!! Shall we dance?!

[Photo credit: INFdaily; Source]

Freed From Rehab, Lindsay Lohan Surfaces In A SoCal Hotel

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 02:10 PM PST

She’s free!! Lindsay Lohan is really free, y’all!! RadarOnline managed to get their hands on grainy, choppy, jittery cell phone video footage of Lindsay Lohan at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, CA that was filmed earlier today. L. Lo was spotted in the company of her father Michael Lohan and (strangely enough) her Freaky Friday film mom Jamie Lee Curtis. It’s confirmed, y’all … Lindsay is, once again, a free woman. has obtained footage of the newly-free actress at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills which was taken by an onlooker on Tuesday afternoon. What's more, the 24-year-old reformed wild child is seen hugging her Freaky Friday co-star Jamie Lee Curtis in the hotel's lobby. "I'm doing fine, it's so great to see you," she told Curtis. Her father Michael also embraces his daughter in the video. Wearing a checkered shirt and skin-tight black leggings, the star was in an upbeat mood as she chatted and laughed with several female friends before her father and Curtis arrived at the upscale hotel.

You know, I love that Jamie Lee Curtis is making herself available for Lindsay in her time of need … maybe L. Lo should’ve moved in next door to Jamie Lee rather than next door her ex-girlfriend Samantha Ronson? HMMM … mebbe Jamie Lee isn’t that good a friend.

In any case, this totally settles it … Lindsay Lohan is free! Now we wait for her either to show up at her new beachfront pad in Venice, CA or at court to answer charges that she violated the terms of her probation. I’m guessing Lindsay will very soon be throwing beach parties to celebrate her release from rehab. Free At Last, Free At Last … pray for help and protection from God Almighty, Lindsay Lohan is Free At Last!

Click HERE to watch this video of Lindsay at the Four Seasons.


Cristiano Ronaldo & His Girlfriend Holiday In The Maldives

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 01:27 PM PST

Soccer stud Cristiano Ronaldo and his Russian model girlfriend Irina Shayk have made their way to the tropical Maldives to enjoy a little R&R for the holidays. While the happy couple were bizzy sunnin’ their buns on vacay, new reports surfaced that the mother of Cristiano‘s baby boy is now fighting for access to the child she gave up to him last year. I’m thinkin’ that news of the babymama’s return is enough to put a damper on the happy couple’s happy holiday.

Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo is allegedly coming under pressure from the woman who had his baby – unveiled for the first time as an attractive British student – to give her access to the child. The 25-year-old former Manchester United player stunned the world last summer by announcing he had become a father. At the time he said his son would be raised under his ‘exclusive guardianship’ and it later emerged he had allegedly bought the 20-year-old mother’s silence in a £10million deal. But sources say she now bitterly regrets handing over her baby – said to be the result of a one-night stand after she met the Portuguese superstar in a London nightclub – and regularly phones him saying she has changed her mind and offering to pay the money back. The woman is understood to be so distressed at her decision that she has become deeply depressed and dropped out of her course. A clause in the contract drawn up by Ronaldo’s lawyers prevents her from discussing the situation with anybody, including her family and friends. She has explained her sudden wealth on an unexpected windfall. ‘She’s often calling him late at night. She cried down the phone to him and pleads with him,’ a source close to the woman told the Sunday Mirror. ‘He shouldn’t even be in contact with her but they have got into a twisted sort of routine. She even calls him after matches to congratulate him on how he played, hoping that one day she can appeal to his better nature. She feels like she has sold her soul. She has this millionaire lifestyle but can never tell her friends and family the truth about what has happened and that makes her feel incredibly lonely.’ A friend of Ronaldo, who moved to Real Madrid for a record £80million in 2009, said: ‘As far as he is concerned it was her choice, her decision.’ Ronaldo has apparently said of the woman ‘I’ve only spent time with her naked’ – a reference to their single night of passion in a hotel.

Waitaminute … I thought the babymama was American? Now we are learning that she is British? Hmmm. I’m not at all surprised by this report that the mother wants access to her baby again. While there are a lot of people out there who would be able to give away their child for a hefty sum of money, I imagine it’s not as easy as you might think. If the girl is young, yeah, she’s gonna wanna see her baby again. As you may recall, we recently saw photos of baby Cristiano Ronaldo, Jr. out and about in public … at soccer games watching his daddy play and on outings with his grandmother (and primary caretaker). It remains to be seen what will come of any of this … will the babymama just go away and leave the matter alone or will she move forward and fight for access to her child. Oh, Crissy, this is a fine mess you and your penis have gotten you into. We shall see if he is able to sort it all out … or not.

[Photo credit: Splash News; Source]

The Injured ‘Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark’ Actor Believes The Show Must Go On

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 12:55 PM PST

Christoper Tierney, the actor who suffered severe injuries due to a failed stunt during the December 20 performance of Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, gave a spirited couple of interviews yesterday and today about his accident (which we got a sneak preview of yesterday) and if you can believe it, he is championing the safety procedures of the show that injured him. In his interviews with WCBS-TV in NYC last night and Good Morning America earlier today, Tierney recounts the circumstances surrounding his accident … and he vehemently proclaims that he fully trusts the producers of Turn Off the Dark with his very life!

First up, Tierney‘s chat with WCBS-TV:

Here is Tierney‘s interview with Good Morning America:

HMMMM … this guy really loves the people at Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark don’t he? A skeptic might think that he was paid handsomely to say such wonderful things about the production. Others might think he was brainwashed by shadowy Spider-Man supporters while hospitalized. Whatever the case may be, it’s clear that Christopher Tierney is CLEARLY on Team Spidey. I’m glad to see and hear that the guy is doing well but, IMHO, he’s nuts for wanting to go back to that show. I’m utterly convinced there will be other injuries. I guess we’ll have to wait and see who falls next.

[Source, Source]

For The Record

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 12:29 PM PST

David and I enjoyed another quiet night at home last night, only venturing out for a couple of hours to grab some food together. Things have been relatively quiet around the ol’ homestead and, in all honestly, that’s just fine by me. There is something to be said about kicking back and just chillin’ out for a few days. I’ve been able to build up my meager vinyl collection (newly rejuvenated by my Xmas gift this year) and I spent some of my evening getting reacquainted with some of my fave records of all time.

I’m really having a blast with all these records … listening to music is fun again. In recent years, I haven’t really made a concerted effort to really spend any time with the music I love … the slowed down involvement of taking records out of their sleeves, carefully putting them on the turntable, positioning the needle over the grooves, flipping over the album from Side A to Side B and carefully putting the album back in it’s sleeve is a process … a process that makes you aware of the activity you are involved it. It’s so easy to just have music playing in the car while you’re driving, or in your ears while you’re working out (or whatever) but taking the time to be involved with the process of listening to music is … fun. I’ve been learning that songs on LP records are sometimes different from the edits that we get on CDs. I mean, yeah, I’m having a blast.

I’ve also been watching some amazing British TV, as well. After countless recommendations by Pink readers, I finally started watching the amazing British teen sci-fi drama Misfits … and am I in LOVE with this show:

Misfits is a show about a group of delinquents who get superpowers … and it is excellent. I wouldn’t say that I love it as much as I love the UK series Skins but it’s pretty close. I am just amazed a how superior British network TV is compared to US network TV. I’ve watched all the way thru season 2 and only have 2 more eps to go. LOVE this show! I’m telling you, if I lived in the UK I’d prolly never leave the front of my TV.

Les News, 010411

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 11:24 AM PST

Now That Lindsay Lohan Is Out Of Rehab Will She Go Back To Jail?

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 10:52 AM PST

Despite the fact that we don’t even know for sure if Lindsay Lohan is out of rehab yet, we may soon learn that her ass is getting thrown back in JAIL! It turns out that the Riverside County District Attorney believes that Lindsay violated the terms of her probation last month when she got into an altercation with Dawn Holland, a staffer at the Betty Ford Center in Racho Mirage, CA … where Lindsay was supposedly cleaning up her act. If the ruling judge in Lindsay‘s case agrees with the District Attorney, then L. Lo could conceivably be sent back to jail for yet another probation violation.

he Riverside County District Attorney believes Lindsay Lohan violated her probation in the altercation with a staffer at the Betty Ford Center … and if the Beverly Hills judge handling her case agrees … Lindsay could go to jail. As TMZ reported, Dawn Holland, a staffer at Betty Ford, claims Lindsay assaulted and injured her last month after allegedly violating her curfew. Holland — who has since been fired by Betty Ford — notified authorities by a letter obtained by TMZ that she had no interest in pursuing a criminal case. But the Riverside PD now says the case will be submitted to the District Attorney anyway because police believe Lindsay committed a battery and therefore violated her probation. One of the terms of probation is that Lindsay must obey all laws. The Riverside PD is forwarding its file on the case to the L.A. County Probation Office.

Earlier today, everyone was all abuzz about Lindsay‘s posh new beachfront condo in Venice, CA right next door to ex-girlfriend Samatha Ronson‘s condo. But all of that may be a moot point if Lindsay gets thrown back in jail for violating the terms of her probation — which she was still in rehab! I suspect the fact that Dawn Holland is no longer pressing charges against Lindsay will help her case but if the District Attorney is able to convince Judge Elden Fox that Lindsay did violate her probation … she could skip moving into her new condo and go directly to jail. Lindsay‘s life is a MESS! She’s barely out of rehab and she’s already facing the possibility of jailtime again? It’s like the poor girl is incapable of staying out of trouble. If all of this drama were playing out on a TV show I was watching, I’d scoff at how unbelievable all of it sounds. Lindsay Lohan‘s life is actually stranger than fiction.

Will her new home be on the beach or behind bars. Stay tuned …


Trent Reznor Talks About His Golden Globe Award Nomination

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 10:25 AM PST

Entertainment Weekly magazine has just released a new interview they did with Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails, How to Destroy Angels) about his recently announced Golden Globe award nomination for the score he composed with collaborator Atticus Ross for the film The Social Network. At the tail end of the interview, Reznor confirms publicly for the first time that he is a new father … news that, I’m sure, will come as a very happy surprise to many of his loyal fans.

EW: First off, congratulations on being nominated for a Golden Globe—you are now officially a multi-hyphenate.
Trent Reznor: Oh, thank you very much.

EW: How does it feel to be recognized in an area of entertainment you're not generally known for?
Reznor: It's been surprisingly nice to see this stuff go down. I'm really thinking about how to proceed from here, because the experience of working with David Fincher couldn't have been better. It was just working with a really smart guy with a really smart team that challenged us, the work was rewarding, and it was a cool experience not being the boss for a change, realizing you're working in a supporting role. David knows what he wants, and when we started this thing I went into it with that in mind—he's not winging it. [The feedback] wasn't all "yes yes yes yes great," there was some back and forth. But it was fun to witness, and it was an education.

EW: His next project of course is The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, and I'm sure that movie needs a soundtrack, too. You seem like you might be a good candidate…
Reznor: [Benevolent pause] Well, we'll see how that plays out.

EW: You are pretty much in charge of your own musical integrity at this point, now that you've had a few years to be a genuinely independent artist. Are you enjoying the freedom of being label-less?
Reznor: Overall, yes. My experience with record labels throughout my career has generally fallen into wishing I could do things that they're not built to do, whether it be arguing about having a nicer package—because I do believe some people care about that—to trying to always bank on art-versus-the-easy-commerce route, there's always been headbutting involved. So the luxury of being able to work on something and put it out exactly the way you want it to and not having to run it through this bureaucracy that feels out of touch, that's been magnificent. Now, on the other side of the coin, sometimes it feels like you're a tree falling in the forest. I've got my dedicated band of fans that have been there, and I think are there for the right reasons; it's not flavor of the moment. And I'm very grateful, but sometimes it can feel like you're preaching to the choir. I don't know that that's specifically because I'm not on a label though, because the world in general, audiences in general, have become much much more fragmented. I was just talking about this the other day: Back in the early '90s when we started out, you only had a few different portals. If you got your video on MTV, you had a built-in audience of millions of people who could at least be exposed to what you're up to and check it out. Radio was much more powerful then than it is now. Print media, you know, people would look to Rolling Stone or similar publications to be told "Hey, this is pretty good," or "This isn't good," or "If you're cool, like this." Now, if you're interested in some obscure sub-genre of music, there are websites and blogs and tons of bands that fill just that crevice, but I think it's much harder for bands in general to break through to more people. And I think being completely independent can contribute to some of that niche-iness because you don't have the big marketing mechanism that you might have on a label. And I don't think those big marketing campaigns are appropriate anymore, for the most part. But sometimes it's scary, it feels like you're just like, "Alright, I'm trying to do what I think is right here and … is anybody out there?"

The interview continues HERE and it is deffo worth your time … as always, TR gives thoughtful and very insightful answers to the questions posed to him. And isn’t it interesting that the remake of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was brought up? HMMM. Now … about that baby. The EW interviewer manages to casually bring up the fact that Reznor is now a father and the conversation goes on from there:

EW: Speaking of kids, do you feel different now that you're a father? Has that changed the way you look at music at all?
Reznor: Well, it's only been a couple months so I'm only becoming an expert at diaper changing, but ask me in a couple years, once I get a healthy dose of morning kids TV in my system.

EW: Artists like Kim Gordon and Courtney Love have talked about their kids loving pop culture, and essentially not thinking their parents are remotely cool for being outside of it… Are you prepared to be an embarrassment to your son?
Reznor: [Laughs] Well, if that happens, I'll have to teach him a thing or two. No, I'm prepared to be not cool.

Aww … and, at last, the happy news is out. As happy as I am for TR about the accolades he is getting these days for his work on the score to The Social Network, I am even happier that he is a new dad to a beautiful baby boy. Much LOVE and belated Congrats goes out to Trent and his beautiful wife Mariqueen on the birth of their son (who was born on 10.10.10). Obvs, news of their son’s birth is Trent and Q‘s alone to discuss. I know that since Mariqueen confirmed that she was pregnant last July, fans have been waiting to hear news of the baby’s arrival. And now we know that the Reznor family has happily expanded by one baby boy :D Life’s been pretty good for Trent Reznor in the past few months … I suspect that there will be more good news to come very soon once the Academy Award nominations are announced at the end of the month.


Victoria Beckham Does British ‘Vogue’ Magazine

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 09:57 AM PST

Victoria Beckham is featured on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of British Vogue magazine and in her coverstory interview, she talks about a range of topics from her work ethic, to participating in show & tell at school to giving up all hope for having a daughter. Additionally, VB opens up about the fact that — gasp — her insanely beautiful husband isn’t always perfect-looking. Can you believe?

VICTORIA BECKHAM admits, in her interview in the February issue of Vogue, that the power balance is changing between herself and husband David. As she sheds her former queen WAG status (“No French manicures,” writes Lisa Armstrong. “No torpedo bazookas, either. ‘Gone,’ she announces.”), Beckham is wholly focused on her flourishing career in fashion design. “The other morning I looked across at David just after he’d woken up and thought you look really crap. THANK GOD, because this is a man who always looked so perfect,” she tells Vogue. Beckham also talks about her work ethic, showing and telling at her son’s school and why she’s given up hope for a baby girl. The February issue of Vogue is on sale now.

LOL! Vicki B. has truly run out of things to talk about … I mean, seriously. And, for the record, I do not believe for one second that David Beckham could ever “look really crap” … no way, not buying. I mean … even with his kinda fug new hair’do, he still looks hot. Come up with something better to talk about next time, VB. Here is one of the photos of Vicks that is featured in this new issue of British Vogue:

Meh. Kinda boring interview, really bland photos. Color me unimpressed. How about you?


Hugh Jackman & Fam Enjoy A Fun Snow Day In NYC

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 09:19 AM PST

For the last couple of weeks we’ve been seeing photos of Hugh Jackman and his family enjoying the warm Summer days leading up to Xmas together down under in their Australian hometown. When last we saw photos of Hugh, he was getting cracked in the family jewels by a cricket ball hurled at him by Aussie sports star Shane Warne. Today we get to see new photos of the Jackman family back in their home in NYC partaking of all the mounds of snow they have there.

Summer fun one day, Winter fun the next … man, the Jackmans really know how to live:

As you can see, Hugh and the kids — Oscar Maximilian and Ava Eliot — were joined by mum Deborra-Lee Furness and new pet pooch Mochi on this fun family outing. Isn’t it nice when the whole family can find the time to play together? It’s nice to see the Jackmans back in their new home here in the US. Welcome back!

[Photo credit: Bauer-Griffin]

Photos Of Shania Twain’s Wedding Have Hit The Internets

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 08:58 AM PST

On New Year’s Day last Saturday we learned the happy news that Shania Twain and her fiancee Frédéric Thiébaud got married on a beach in Puerto Rico during a sunset ceremony that day. As you may recall, we got to see a photo that was snapped just after the nuptials took place … a day later we got to see some shaky video from the ceremony. Today, courtesy of US Weekly magazine, we get to check out a couple of photos that were snapped during Shania and Frédéric‘s beautiful wedding ceremony.

Shania Twain kicked off 2011 with a bang! The 45-year-old country superstar tied the knot with Frederic Thiebaud, 40, on New Year’s day in Puerto Rico. “They were married at sunset in Rincon, Puerto Rico, in front of 40 of their closest family and friends,” the singer’s rep told Saturday. Twain’s 9-year-old son, Eja, walked her down the aisle. The singer bought her dress at a small boutique in Lausanne, Switzerland, which she paired with Lorraine Schwartz jewelry and Calvin Klein shoes. Twain and Thiebaud enlisted photographer Robert Evans — who also shot Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s wedding, as well as Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ nuptials — to capture their special day.

Aww … so beautiful. I LOVE that Shania‘s son Eja walked his mom down the aisle … that is so cute. We are all well aware of the pain that Shania has gone thru in the past few years. It’s really fantastic to see her looking so happy again. I hope that Frédéric takes good care of his new bride and that the couple can stay this happy together for the rest of their lives.

Oh yeah, now that Shania‘s got this wedding out of the way … I also hope she can get around to releasing some NEW MUSIC!

[Photo credit: Robert Evans; Source]

Will The Release Of Britney Spears’s New Single Be Delayed Another Week?

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 08:45 AM PST

Last week we learned from Entertainment Weekly magazine that the Z100 radio station in NYC announced that they would be premiering the new Britney Spears single Hold It Against Me this coming Friday January 7. A short time after that report came out, Britney‘s manager Adam Leber tweeted that we shouldn’t “believe everything [we] read”, suggesting that the single release date is incorrect. Today we are hearing from another radio station that the single won’t be released until Thursday of next week … so, at this point, we’re not entirely sure when our dear Britney‘s new single will drop.

Looks like the new Britney Spears single won’t drop til next Thursday, but we will premiere it soon as we get it!…

So, unless the single does premiere this Friday, the new date to look to for the single release is Thursday January 13. There are many radio stations all jockeying into position to try and debut the song first and as soon as possible … so it’s possible the song could leak at any time now. Considering how close to the vest Britney‘s people have been playing any news of her new music, I wouldn’t count on a leak happening too soon. I was really, really hoping that we’d get to hear Hold It Against Me by this weekend … but we may have to wait a bit longer. Leber has promised that the song will be released sometime in January and that an official announcement will come soon:

Lot of misinformation out there regarding the release of Brits 1st single. Don’t believe everything you read…. / Unless of course it’s an official announcement coming in January. STAY TUNED….. / That said, the single is DEFINITELY coming in January. PS- happy new years people

I must reiterate my annoyance with how all of this is playing out. There is no need to tease and jerk around the fans. Just release the song … and no one will get hurt ;) Ah well … at least we know the song is coming in at least the next 27 days. So must sit … and wait.


Amanda Palmer & Neil Gaiman Got Hitched!

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 08:03 AM PST

Congratulations are in order for rock goddess Amanda Palmer and amazing author Neil Gaiman because they got themselves MARRIED in a private ceremony in San Francisco, CA Sunday night. As you may recall, the couple got engaged in January of 2010 so it looks like they wanted to celebrate their engagement anniversary by gettin’ hitched! Amanda shared the happy news (and a cute photo) on her official Twitter profile and Neil followed up with a post (and another photo) on his official blog.

From Amanda: hey guess what we did last night (and this time it’s legal) / thank you thank you thank you all so much. the twitter community has been a beautiful-strange pillar of our love. / massive, impossibly huge, bigger-than-epic thanks to @ayeletw & co. for hosting pretty much the world’s perfect wedding last night…. / kept the last, added a middle. I’m now Amanda MacKinnon Gaiman Palmer. / btw, the beautiful wedding kiss picture was shot by @armisteadmaupin’s husband, christopher.

From Neil: Amanda and I married on Sunday night (actually and legally, this time) almost on the spur of the moment. The handful of people who were at the wedding were the people we were going to have dinner with on the Second of January anyway. They just got a little more than they were expecting. The evening was hosted and improvised with love and gusto by our friends the Chabon-Waldmans, and Daniel Handler played the accordion when Amanda came down the stairs wearing the dress she had worn as a human statue, so long ago. Rosie Chabon, cutest creature on earth, was our flower girl. Mexican food was eaten, and pie, pie in enormous quantities. Probably getting married in a friend’s parlour, with a dozen friends around who weren’t really expecting this but who threw themselves into making a wedding for us out of nothing, and a daughter and a son lending their support and love, isn’t how everyone would plan a wedding. But we’d been engaged exactly a year, and it felt incredibly right to improvise a wedding as we went along. So we did it. And were as happy as any two people had ever been. And then today, after a night together, Amanda went to Australia, and I went home to the cold. We won’t see each other for ten days, until we meet in Tasmania; and while everything else just happened and wasn’t organized, but just fell perfectly into place, I’ve decided there’s a lot to be said for organised honeymoons that immediately follow weddings. Losing your bride immediately smacks of carelessness.

I couldn’t be happier for any two people on Earth. I also can’t think of any two people who are so well-suited to spend the rest of their lives together in happily wedded bliss. When I first heard that Amanda and Neil were dating, I had a sneaking feeling that they would end up gettin’ hitched. They always struck me as made for one another. She is such a talented musician, he is such a fantastic writers … artists in love … does it get any more perfect than that? It also seems very much like the two of them to get married and then immediately fling themselves to opposite ends of the Earth. They are so perfect for one another. Please join me in sending the happy couple our heartfelt love and congrats on their joyous union. May they live an impossibly long and exceedingly happy life together filled with music, poetry and above all LOVE.

[Source, Source]

Lindsay Lohan Moves Out Of Hollywood & In To Venice, CA

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 07:36 AM PST

Due to conflicting reports as to whether or not Lindsay Lohan is actually out of rehab right now, we aren’t entirely sure where in the world the troubled starlet is at the moment. I, personally, think that she is holed up in a hotel somewhere but the fact that she has not been spotted in the wild leads me to believe that she may actually still be in rehab. Even tho we don’t where where she is, I can tell you where her personal belongings are … in her new Venice, CA swanky beachfront apartment. Her belongings were moved from her old Hollywood home to her new Venice home yesterday … and you will NEVER guess who her new next door celebrity neighbor is.

As you can see, Michael Lohan was on hand to help move some BIG boxes from Lindsay‘s old apartment into the moving trucks … but don’t be fooled. Lohan showed up at the last minute so that he could be photographed lifting boxes … in fact, I understand he only moved a few boxes so that he could put on a show for the paps. Typical.

As for Lindsay‘s new place, well, it’s a pretty posh little pad right on the beach … check out some interior shots:

Lindsay’s renting the 3,100 sq. foot place in Venice, CA for just under $7,100 a month — and it comes with 4 bedrooms, 4 toilets and an awesome view. The place is practically brand new — it was built in 2007.

Oh … and her new neighbor? Why, it’s none other than celebrity DJ Samantha Ronson … who, wouldn’t you know it, used to date Lindsay Lohan a few years ago. BUT, lest you think there is a romantic reconciliation going on, think again … according to Samantha — who appeared PISSED off to learn that L. Lo was moving in next door to her — this move was not planned by her and she is not happy to be living next to Loca Lohan:

The starlet, who finished her 90-day rehab stint at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, California on Monday, is leaving her old West Hollywood apartment behind for a new four-bedroom beach house in Venice, California right next door to ex girlfriend Sam Ronson! Unfortunately for Lohan, 24, her former paramour is none too pleased with her new neighbor. When Lohan’s dad, Michael, was moving things into her new place, “Samantha walked out of the building next door,” a source tells “She was shaking her head and looking disgusted. She kept saying, ‘I didn’t plan it this way’” … When photographers asked the DJ if she had any New Year’s resolutions, she replied simply, “No. I’m too pissed off right now.”

While it is in the REALM of possibility that this whole Lindsay moving next to Samantha thing is a coincidence, I find it very unlikely to be the case. BUT … now that Lindsay and Sam are neighbors, I suppose it’s also in the realm of possibility that the ladies could become friends again … maybe more (perhaps the rebirth of L. Ron). I’m certain that Sam‘s anger comes from the fact that her home will be inundated with gawkers, looky-loos and a constant presence of paparazzi. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next set of moving photos we see are of SamRo gettin’ moving out of her Venice apartment. As for Lindsay, I’m sure she can’t wait to move into her new digs … I’m sure it won’t be long until we see her arriving at her new home.

What do y’all think about ANY of this? Does this circus sound like a safe, healthy environment for a rehabbing addict to live in?

[Photo credit: Bauer-Griffin, X17; Source, Source]

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