Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Young, Black, and Fabulous

The Young, Black, and Fabulous

YBF Kids: Christina Milian Teaches Little Violet To Garden + Russell Simmons Takes Aoki, Ming and Kenzo SHOPPING

Posted: 10 Mar 2013 09:59 AM PDT

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Christina Milian and Russell Simmons were both spotted out bonding with their kids over the weekend.  Find out what they did inside....


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Young Money artist and "The Voice" correspondent Christina Milian hosted the Get Kids Growing event at the Americana in Glendale, Ca yesterday.

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Rocking a navy jumpsuit, Christina brought baby Violet out to the interactive gardening workshop which aimed to get kids excited about growing their own fruits and vegetables.  Cute!

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Early Saturday morning, she tweeted a pic of she and Violet saying, 'Headed to Americana Mall w my ball of sunshine #Voot #getkidsgrowing workshop.'

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And it looks like Christina's new boyfriend Jas Prince is getting along nicely with Violet. The couple took her to see Yo Gabba Gabba! recently.


In other YBF Kids news....

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Music mogul Russell Simmons was seen shopping with his kids in West Hollywood, CA yesterday.

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He was seen hugging his oldest daughter, Ming Lee Simmons during a trip to the American Girl store.  She knows how to get daddy to buy her all the dolls she wants.

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Russell's girlfriend, Hana Nitsche, was also along for the family day out.

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And he was seen being playful wih Kenzo, who has the cutest hair! We love their big blended family.


The Randomness:

1.  Beyonce and Adele set to play at Michelle Obama's 50th birthday at the White House next January.  Story.


Photos via Instagram/Splash

Photos And 911 Call From Chris Brown's February Car CRASH (AUDIO) + Chris Offers Sex "Advice" On How To Keep A Chick

Posted: 10 Mar 2013 09:22 AM PDT

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Scenes from Chris Brown's car crash from last month have been released.  See the photos and listen to the 911 call inside that likely prove even further the paps were in the wrong and here what advice Chris gives to the fellas to keep a woman from cheating....


TMZ has released the panicked phone call from Chris Brown to 911 after he crashed his Porsche following a car chase with the paparazzi last month.  On the call, Chris identifies himself as Christopher Brown" and describes a frightening scene where he was being chased by a burgundy Prius and surrounded by a swam of black cars.  

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You can tell from Chris' voice that he was a rightfully shook up by the indicident and was still rattled at the time of the call.  And of course, all the paps had fled the scene after the crash, so no charges were filed.

You'll recall that following this incident, Chris switched cars and eventually made it to Debbie Allen's Symphonic Love Foundation event.  

More photos from last month's accident:

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Listen to the 911 call here......



While Chris was clubbing at Emerson Theatre in Hollywood early Thursday, he hopped on the mic and gave some advice to the fellas in the audience about keeping a woman from straying. He said, "You GOTTA say that one thing to her ... Don't make me have to tell you again, that's my p***y baby! ... so you better not give it away!"

He continued, "So every person in this motherf**king building, if you got a bad bitch you better say that s**t to her, or she might f**k another n***a.

Interesting.  Especially because Rihanna said these same words when she posted a pic of herself wearing a new collar necklace we're sure Chris picked out for her.  These are also part of the lyrics from Miguel's "Pu**y Is Mine" song. 

Photos via TMZ


Terrence Howard Says Black Media ATTACKED Him For Marrying An ASIAN Woman, Hints At HIATUS From Acting

Posted: 10 Mar 2013 07:54 AM PDT

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Terrence Howard hinting at taking a break from acting and vented his frustration over the backlash he received for marrying an Asian woman during his Dead Man Down promos.  Watch the interview inside..........


While doing the promo rounds for his latest flick, "Dead Man Down" (which opened at the box office this weekend with a disappointing $1.8 Million) Terrence Howard hinted at an "acting" break and blasted how he was ridiculed for marrying outside his race.  

He spoke about taking a break from movie/tv roles for a while because "I feel maybe I've done enough, I've played enough in these field.  And I would like to see what other mediums that I can aspire towards."

And when it came to talks of his bitter divorce, Terrence felt like he came out on the receiving end of a lot of hatred because he married outside of his race.

"We have a crab mentality where we try to pull each other down because of choices we've made.  Because I chose to marry an Asian woman instead of a Black woman.  I think as Black people we have to start helping each other and congratulating each other for being morally strong. And doing the right thing by that.  If you dont have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all."

Somethng tells me that's not why he received hate. 

Watch the interview here:

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Justin Timberlake Brings On Jay-Z For "SNL "Suit & Tie" Performance

Posted: 10 Mar 2013 07:06 AM PDT

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Justin Timberlake served as both the host and musical guest on last night's episode of "SNL."  So he brought his good friend Jay-Z along for a performance of "Suit & Tie."


Check it inside...

As the twosome gear up for their upcoming stadium tour going down this summer, they're still doing their thing on big TV performances.  Jay-Z surprised the "SNL" crowd last night chiming in during the "Suit & Tie performance.

Check it out below:

And here's Veganville (Vegan Shake + Trinidad James spoof):


Here's the full episode in case you missed it:

JT's The 20/20 Experience album drops March 20th.

Photo: Mary Ellen Matthews/NBC

*UPDATED* Should Fabolous Have Posted This "NSFW" Photo Of A Mystery Woman's ASSets?

Posted: 09 Mar 2013 09:59 AM PST

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Rapper Fabolous posted a "NSFW" pic of a mysterious woman's ample ASSets in a thong yesterday....but we can't tell if it's Emily B or not. And even if it is Emily B, should he be posting these types of pics of his own chick? You decide.....

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Yesterday, Faboulous posted a very risque photo on Instagram saying, "is that the Empire State Building or nah..?"

Now...we can't tell who the young woman in the pic is, but it very well could be his girl Emily B....based on the hair and complexion and her shape. So this posting begs the question(s) this Emily B's ass and should a man in a relationship be sharing it with the world whether it's his girl or not. 

Meanwhile, Emily (who recently confirmed that she'll appear on the upcoming season 2 of "Chrissy & Mr. Jones") has been silent about the pic, but she did tweet on Thursday, "Prepping for a video on a fancy island for my favorite client lol :) #Ready" 

{*UPDATE* Emily reportedly did comment that this is NOT her, but deleted her Instagram comment soon after.  She said, "Now y'all know this aint me he wouldn't expose me like this & btw my hair stays done." So....nevermind.}

Hmmm....if Fab is posting pics of booty in front of the Empire State Building...and Emily B is somewhere on an island....  Giving them the benefit of doubt....Manhattan IS an island too.  So maybe things are still all good.

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We at least know he sent her birthday wishes in February (her birthday was the 16th) as he tweeted the above pics saying:

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So a month he up to no good?  You decide....

Photos: Instagram


1.  R.I.P. Biggie Smalls.

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