Cele|bitchy |
- Does Prince Harry tease Pippa Middleton about going “commando”?
- Entertainment Weekly’s new True Blood covers featuring Sookie and her men
- George Clooney dumped Elisabetta because “she drove him nuts”
- Linnocent flunked an alcohol test, she’s due in court today
- Jennifer Aniston, Justin Theroux & the Terry Richardson conspiracy
- Kirstie Alley claims she lost “90 pounds” to get down to her 22-inch waist
- Ryan Dunn’s alcohol level was 2x legal limit, he was going over 130 mph
- Nick Cannon: Baby Moroccan is “a tough guy” with muscles
- Long Island long ago lolita Amy Fisher gets a new face: melting plastic mess
- Did George Clooney dump Elisabetta just because she mentioned marriage?
Does Prince Harry tease Pippa Middleton about going “commando”? Posted: 23 Jun 2011 08:57 AM PDT Here are some new photos of Pippa Middleton, out and about in London today. I have absolutely no idea if she and Alex Loudon are really and truly done, because right after every media outlet "confirmed" that they were over, somebody close to the Middletons claimed that Pippa and Alex were still on. I suspect that they are broken up, but they're probably still talking, and they'll end up friends, perhaps even dating again at some point, if Pippa's duchess plans fall through. I don't think Pippa ever burns her bridges - she always keeps exes laying around, hoping that one of them will end up super-famous, rich and titled. By the way, earlier I talked about Catherine refusing free clothes - do you think Pippa adheres to that, especially now that she's being pap'd on a daily basis? I bet she's taking all the free stuff that comes her way. Smart girl. Did you know that people are still trying to make Pippa and Prince Harry happen? It's not going to happen. Not unless Pippa turns into a trashy blonde. So, even though it's not *really* going to happen, that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the coverage, right? Because this story cracked me up, especially the "Commando" part:
[From PopEater] Here's my prediction: Harry and Chelsy will go another few rounds, breaking up, reuniting, breaking, reuniting. In between all of that, Harry will start to be "introduced" to more suitable young women, many of them young, rich, connected blondes who would find an easier time "joining The Firm". Harry will flirt, he'll charm, and he'll even seduce many of them, but he won't make any of them his official royal girlfriend. Then, at some point a few years from now, Harry will get broody and he'll all of a sudden decide that he's ready to get married. Then it's on. Then the rules of the game change. Then it's every trashy, rich, connected blonde for herself. |
Entertainment Weekly’s new True Blood covers featuring Sookie and her men Posted: 23 Jun 2011 08:34 AM PDT
The advance details on Entertainment Weekly’s website have Alex being incredibly gracious and grateful to his fans, as usual. I just hear his voice in my head when I read these delicious quotes and I melt a little. Spoilers for this quoted text I guess, especially if you haven’t read the books yet:
[From EW.com] So the “sex with a Greek man” quote threw me a little, but then I realized that he was talking about when his character seduced Talbot so he could kill him and get back at Russell. I loved that plot twist and while I’ve read all the books I couldn’t tell you if it was in there or not. This show is incredible and so many of us are waiting for it to come back on Sunday. As long as Eric will be there, so will we. I hope he’s misleading us about the “quite innocent” part for this season, though. That would be highly disappointing. |
George Clooney dumped Elisabetta because “she drove him nuts” Posted: 23 Jun 2011 08:22 AM PDT Yes, another Clooney-Canalis post. Sorry, I just really, really do not want to write about a Kardashian today. If you'd like my first post-split summary on why and how Elisabetta Canalis got dumped, go here - it involves some speculation about her being into the cocaine-and-hooker scene in Italy, as well as one of Silvio Berlusconi's girls. Anyway, there are new details about why George Clooney finally decided to end things with his famewhore girlfriend. Us Weekly says Eli was just driving him crazy - a source claims, "She drove him nuts… [there was] non-stop bickering over little things…He would only hang out with his friends, and more or less left her to herself and her friends." Clooney spent his time "creating distance" for the past few months: "Work. [He] was knee-deep in pre-production on a couple projects.” When Eli went to Cannes by herself, that's when I started wondering if she and Clooney were having problems. Now it makes more sense - Clooney and Canalis only really had kinky sex in common. Beyond that, she's just some vapid chick who loves to shop and work on her tan (which is how Clooney likes them), while Clooney is Mr. Man-of-the-World. Of course they fought. Meanwhile, The Daily Mail put up a new story, and they're alleging that Canalis and Clooney were fighting non-stop towards the end as well. The Mail even gets lots of quotes from one of Eli's good friends:
[From The Mail] I can't wait to see what Eli does now. Not career-wise, but media-wise. How soon do you think she'll give an interview? I say it will probably be within the next few weeks. She's dumb as a box of hair, but something tells me that she's self-aware enough to know that there's only a small window of time where we're really going to give a crap. |
Linnocent flunked an alcohol test, she’s due in court today Posted: 23 Jun 2011 07:44 AM PDT This motherchucking DUMBASS. Linnocent has flunked an alcohol test! She's headed back to court today. This surprises me for several reasons, although I'm not sure why I even bother being "surprised" by the insane extent of Linnocent's crack shenanigans. First, I was just thinking yesterday how amazing it was that Linnocent's house arrest was relatively scandal free, and I wondered how long she would be able to keep the crack drama tamped down once it was over. Haha on me. I also thought that the probation department had pretty much given up on giving Linnocent random drug and alcohol tests, which was why her house arrest was going so well. Not so much! Also, it was just yesterday that we read Linnocent's Life & Style interview where she claimed that "alcohol is not in my house so it's just not a part of my life." Haha on the crackhead. According to Radar, Linnocent flunked her alcohol test on June 12 or 13, and Judge Stephanie Sautner has ordered Linnocent to the LAX Airport Courthouse this morning on a probation violation hearing. A source tells Radar: “Lindsay tested positive for alcohol. The judge in her DUI case, Judge Elden Fox said she couldn’t consume any alcohol while on probation. The probation department has prepared a report, and Lindsay will be in court tomorrow." Also, the company doing Linnocent's electric monitoring doesn't want to continue doing so. TMZ reports that "Lindsay was tested twice last week. Sources tell TMZ … Lindsay tested positive for alcohol on one of the tests and negative on the other. In both tests, she tested negative for drugs. One of the tests was administered just after Lindsay had a rooftop barbecue party." The probation department wants Linnocent yanked out of house arrest and put in jail. Also, here's a fun fact: the probation department tried to randomly drug and alcohol test Linnocent in May, but Shawn Holley pulled some stunt and Linnocent didn't have to take the tests. The probation department is also pissed that Linnocent has been throwing parties too. The hearing will be held at 10 a.m. PST (1 pm EST). Meanwhile, there’s another crackheaded story about Linnocent’s crack shenanigans floating around. Of course it involves her house arrest! We know that while under house arrest, she films budget commercials for budget auction sites, featuring her budget "acting". We also know that while house arrest, Linnocent has been "taking meetings" at her home, which I can only assume is some kind of code for "Mother Crackhead collects the credit card number and Linnocent 'performs her business'." We also know that Linnocent has been everywhere the past few days - it’s almost like she KNEW that she had flunked a piss test and she wanted to heighten the cracked-out controversy, right? Yesterday, we saw the photo shoot and interview she did with Life & Style. Well, as it turns out, Linnocent had something bigger in mind - she thought she was going to do her delusional crack act for the Today Show. Matt Lauer even flew out to LA and he was physically in her home, prepared to interview her… and then Linnocent kicked him out.
[From TMZ] Since when is a 15-minute interview on Today not considered "in depth"? Matt Lauer can move fast, especially when he's calling out a Lohan on their crack delusions. Lauer has managed to make Dina sputter out of control in less than 15 minutes - he could for Linnocent as well. But I digress… obviously, NBC wanted to do some kind of "Dateline: Linnocent on Lockdown" piece and Linnocent needed to shut it down. BUT… in the wake of Linnocent’s failed piss test, doesn’t it seem like Linnocent did not want Lauer and the NBC people in her house for an extended period of time because she needs to keep up her crack schedule? 1 p.m. Blow. 2 p.m. Vodka shots. 3 p.m. Blow, tequila chaser. 4 p.m. Downers, back to vodka. Etc. Photos courtesy of WENN, Life & Style. |
Jennifer Aniston, Justin Theroux & the Terry Richardson conspiracy Posted: 23 Jun 2011 07:40 AM PDT Here are some new photos of Justin Theroux and photographer/pervert Terry Richardson, hanging out together yesterday in NYC. Theroux is getting pap'd now, which happens when you date Jennifer Aniston and her media team officially rolls you out. Richardson, as you remember, took those photos of Theroux and Aniston that we discussed yesterday. I have to thank all of you bitches for your comments and conspiracy theories yesterday on the Aniston post. I didn't even notice Aniston's hair - but in the Terry Richardson photos, supposedly taken two nights ago, Aniston's hair was much longer than it's been. Her hair looked pre-haircut, meaning the photos may have been taken BEFORE mid-February, when Aniston chopped off her locks during the European tour for Just Go With It. Of course, her hair in the Richardson photos could have been extensions. But she didn't have extensions yesterday, when she was photographed in a see-through skirt. So… what does this mean? Is there some kind of conspiracy involving some months-old photos taken by Terry Richardson, which Terry only released when Aniston and Theroux gave him the go ahead. And if they were taken months ago, is it proof that Aniston and Theroux were in the midst of a romantic relationship months before he officially ended things with his live-in girlfriend of 14 years? That's what Us Weekly's cover story is about this week - we had the first excerpts of the story yesterday, but Jezebel had even more:
[From Us Weekly via Jezebel] Meanwhile, OK! Magazine claims that Aniston doesn't want Theroux to live in the same apartment that he shared with his girlfriend of 14 years, so she's finding him a new apartment. She's also planning a vacation with him and introducing him to friends, etc. In Touch Weekly says that Aniston and Theroux had a public date in NYC WEEKS before he ended it with Heidi. Basically, there was an overlap. Did these Terry Richardson photos happen during the overlap? I think they might have. Also: Theroux has a bald spot. Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News and Terry's Diary. |
Kirstie Alley claims she lost “90 pounds” to get down to her 22-inch waist Posted: 23 Jun 2011 07:01 AM PDT Here are some new photos of Kirstie Alley and her 22 inch waist. Don't get me wrong - Kristie looks much better than she did one year ago, and I hope she's working hard to keep the weight off. But the bitch is delusional about her size, and nonsensical numbers and claims just pour out of her mouth on a regular basis. This story is only the latest in an epic Delusion Tour in which Kirstie claimed she was size 12 when she began Dancing With the Stars, and ended the show a "stretchy" size 4 or 6. Yesterday, on an appearance on The View, Kristie once again claimed a specific number, seemingly oblivious to the contradiction. She claimed that she had lost "90 pounds" since deciding to be on DWTS. She may well have lost 90 pounds (I would put the figure closer to 50-60 pounds, just eye-balling it), but the loss of 90 pounds does not equal the drop from a size 12 to a size 6. Kirstie's just horrible with numbers, right?
[From The Mail] So… all of these claims are just Kirstie shilling her dumb Scientology diet crap? While I think that Kirstie definitely thinks her crazy claims are helping her "sell" Organic Liason, I don't believe that Kirstie's only problem is a crappy sales pitch. Her real problem is that she is now (and has always been) focused on the WRONG part of weight loss. Instead of throwing out crazy numbers that no one believes, why not focus on having more energy, looking better in clothes, feeling better over all? You can't find happiness in the size six label that your assistant sewed into your size 16 dress, Kirstie. You will only keep the weight off when you embrace not only a healthy lifestyle, but a healthy mindset. That's my preach for the day. Photos courtesy of WENN & Pacific Coast News. |
Ryan Dunn’s alcohol level was 2x legal limit, he was going over 130 mph Posted: 23 Jun 2011 07:00 AM PDT
[From People] There’s local news video of Bam Margera at the crash site where his best friend Ryan died, and it’s really heartbreaking. He seems to have had a premonition that something happened to Ryan, because he explains that he was in Arizona and started freaking out around the same time that Ryan passed, punching out the windows and ripping out the stereo even though he didn’t know about the accident yet and had no reason to be angry about anything. Bam’s mom told the local press that she was always warning Ryan to drive slower, and his friends said the same. In the audio commentary for season 5 of their reality show Viva La Bam, Bam, his mom April and his friend Tim talk about what a bad driver Ryan was and how he was always driving too fast and getting in accidents. (You can hear their discussion on this video.) They said back then that Ryan would probably die in a car accident, and sadly he did. I’m not going to get into whether it’s ok to use this as a teachable moment when it just happened and people are mourning. I feel like if this was my friend I would be angry and upset if people brought it up so soon, and if a friend of mine was killed by a drunk driver I would be angry and upset if it wasn’t brought up or was somehow glossed over because the person died. It’s just sad and such a waste. |
Nick Cannon: Baby Moroccan is “a tough guy” with muscles Posted: 23 Jun 2011 06:21 AM PDT This is one of the weirdest things I've ever read from a new parent attempting to describe his or her babies. Nick Cannon was at some event last night in NYC, and he was asked by the press what life was like with little Moroccan and Monroe. Two outlets got a series of odd comments about the seven-week-old infants:
They're six weeks old! And Moroccan is deemed "a tough guy" with "muscles"? The most bizarre? "…So Moroccan was a perfect name for him!" What does that mean? How many dudes named Moroccan are there, and are they all tough guys with bulging muscles, even when they're infants? Moroccan better grow up to a be a tough kid, though. You know he's going to be teased like crazy for that name. Maybe he'll just go by "Rocky"? "MO-Rocky"? As for Monroe being a diva like her mom… yes, expected that. I wouldn't have it any other way. |
Long Island long ago lolita Amy Fisher gets a new face: melting plastic mess Posted: 23 Jun 2011 06:02 AM PDT
Here’s how she looked in 2009: |
Did George Clooney dump Elisabetta just because she mentioned marriage? Posted: 23 Jun 2011 05:58 AM PDT Even though many of you gave me credit for predicting the downfall of Elisabetta Canalis and George Clooney, I have to admit that I saw the relationship going through the summer, at the very least. Perhaps it was all too much for Clooney, what with Elisabetta giving smug interviews about how she sees herself as a married lady with kids, and how she and Clooney have something deep and real that no one else can understand. Maybe Clooney's limit was being implicated by association in the ongoing cocaine-and-hooker scandal in Italy, where Eli's name keeps cropping up. Maybe he didn't appreciate being implicated in the Silvio Berlusconi mess… which is looking more and more like Elisabetta might have been part of, especially considering Eli is just Silvio's type. Whatever happened, Eli and George are no more. But don't think Eli is going to play it like Sarah Larson, who just crawled back to her "job" in Las Vegas and licked her metaphorical wounds. Methinks Eli is going to make this breakup the launching pad for her new career. Even though Eli and George released a joint statement, Eli's rep later released Eli's own statement, which sounds vaguely threatening: "She will be taking some time… and then will face the press." Eli also pap'd herself in Italy yesterday - you can see the photo here. She’s going to talk. You know she will. Meanwhile, The Mail summarizes what went wrong, and their source claims that Clooney would have been happy to keep Eli around, but she was pressuring him for something more:
[From The Mail] What is it about Clooney's bimbos that they NEVER understand that Clooney is not a man who deals well with relationship pressure? Granted, if you're the kind of girl who likes a relationship to be "going somewhere" then you and Clooney won't have a future and you should just go now. But if you're just some dumb cocktail waitress/escort/model looking for a big break, for the love of God, don't talk about marriage or babies or any of it around Clooney. He will stick by you if everyone finds out you're a coke whore. He will stay with you if everyone finds out you were one of the many "girls" at the Italian president's orgies. He will stick by you if you can't act to save your life. But if you mention babies or marriage, he will dump you. The end. |
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