Cele|bitchy |
- Kate Winslet: Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” makes me want to puke
- Gwyneth Paltrow deigns to recommend English pharmacies and cosmetics
- Minka Kelly and Wilmer Valderrama “definitely not a couple.” Is she embarrassed?
- Is Anne Hathaway being forced to lose 16 pounds in three weeks for ‘Les Mis’?
- Lindsay Lohan will be allowed into Canada to work on ‘Liz & Dick’: WTF, Canada?
- Brad Pitt is crushing on Berenice Bejo and Angelina Jolie is super-pissed
- Casper Smart got Jennifer Lopez’s name tattooed on his “nether regions”
- George Clooney was “secretly horrified” with Stacy Keibler’s early style
- Alec Baldwin’s young girlfriend thinks he has anger management issues (LOL)
- Sarah Michelle Gellar is pissed that Freddie Prinze Jr. wants to drop Mr. Mom duty
Kate Winslet: Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” makes me want to puke Posted: 30 Mar 2012 08:36 AM PDT
Kaiser schooled me that they’re playing that song on heavy rotation during the Titanic 3D commercials, and that’s probably a good strategy for the reasons I just explained. It reminds us of Titanic, even those of us who hate the song. Well Titanic star Kate Winslet also hates that song, so much so that she says it makes her want to puke. I can see that. I don’t even think she’s disrespecting her work, since I share that opinion. Here’s more:
[From The Daily Mail] I found the video of Kate giving this interview (below), and she goes on to explain that she’s basically taunted with this song wherever she goes. “Near, far…” LMAO! Here’s what she said about it: “Everytime I go into a bar where there’s a live pianist or into a restaurant … it’s thrilling for people to surprise me with the Celine Dion song. I did a talkshow in Italy recently where they had a live pianist who started gently playing the theme song, and I was severely urged to go and sing it as if I had in fact sung it myself…. ‘I’m not going to.’ “It rather haunts me, the song.” She also said that “every time I get on any boat” people tell jokes about Titanic. It sounds like she’s annoyed with the film, but she went on to say a lot of nice things about how great the movie looks in 3D and how she’s excited to share it with another audience, including her children for the first time. So she may find the soundtrack annoying, but she knows which side her bread is buttered. Incidentally there’s video of Kate “singing” “My Heart Will Go On,” but it’s a spoof and it’s just overdubbed. I’ve never known this before, but she released a single in 2001 called “What If,” for an animated version of A Christmas Carol. Here’s a link to the video. She also sang in Heavenly Creatures and in Sense and Sensibility, and I think that’s her real voice since she sounds the same in those two movies. Here’s the interview: Get More: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog Kate is shown at the London premiere of Titanic 3D on 3-27-12. Credit: FameFlynet and WENN.com |
Gwyneth Paltrow deigns to recommend English pharmacies and cosmetics Posted: 30 Mar 2012 08:25 AM PDT This week's Goop newsletter is all about Gwyneth Paltrow being so very English and posh, and we American peasants simply do not understand what a pleasure it is to live with all of the civilized people in England. So Dame Goop has written a special letter to all of us, letting us know about all of the amazing beauty products she single-handedly finds in all of the "regular old English pharmacies." Ye Olde Pharmacies, I think she meant to write.
We actually got a request from a Goop-fan for coverage of Gwyneth's list of products (which you can read here). The Goop-fan points out that on her list of 16 products, five of them can be found in any given Target or Walmart. HOW GAUCHE. I mean, Dame Goop thinks Yardley soaps are so special that she can only find them in the UK? By the way, I have a lot of relatives that live in Europe and India, and all of them spend a fortune on cosmetics and soaps and stuff whenever they come to America – they stock up on stuff for the year whenever they visit the US. It's because A) the average Walmart, Target and CVS has such a big variety of products and B) Everything is cheaper here, partly because of the weak dollar and partly because everything is just cheaper. In other Goop news, Our Lady of Smug Condescension has deigned to take another role in a peasanty film. A "moving picture" as Goop says. A "talkie". Gwyneth has taken the role of Pablo Picasso's lover and muse Dora Maar in a film that's about Picasso painting his seminal work Guernica. The film is called 33 Dias, and Antonio Banderas will play Picasso. Ooooh. That should be interesting. First of all, Antonio looks nothing like Picasso. Think Alan Arkin, honestly. And Dora Maar was more of a Jennifer Jason Leigh type. Plus, Anthony Hopkins and Julianne Moore already did this. |
Minka Kelly and Wilmer Valderrama “definitely not a couple.” Is she embarrassed? Posted: 30 Mar 2012 07:55 AM PDT
[From JustJared] Well at least Minka knows intellectually that it’s supremely stupid to date Wilmer, so much so that she’s denying it. She’s still sleeping with the idjit, though, and traveling with him. What is it about douches like that? All Minka needs to do is google to read about the way this guy has bragged about his conquests, and how he’s racked up countless more since. What kind of lines is Wilmer feeding Minka for her to fall for it? I just don’t see his appeal at all. Minka is in Sydney with other friends too, though. In some of these photos, taken today, she’s shopping in Sydney with Ashlee Simpson. I still don’t buy that she’s not getting with Wilmer. photo credit: WENN.com, Fame/Flynet and Pacific Coast News |
Is Anne Hathaway being forced to lose 16 pounds in three weeks for ‘Les Mis’? Posted: 30 Mar 2012 07:36 AM PDT I like Anne Hathaway's figure. I think her "default" body type is rounded, voluptuous, and probably pretty "normal" as far "what the average woman looks like." I think Anne works out a lot, and trains and diets extensively when she's doing physical, more action-heavy roles, like Get Smart or The Dark Knight Rises. She seems like the kind of girl who really has to fight her natural body type, but she also seems like a girl who eats normal food and probably hates that she works out so much – and that makes me like her. While I understand the need for an actress to train extensively for an action film (they need to be strong, and they need to look strong), I don't get why you would hire an actress of Anne's caliber (and body type) if all you needed was a tiny little slip of woman. Such is the case with Les Miserables. Annie was cast as Fantine, and producers are demanding that she lose 16 pounds in three weeks for the part. Ugh.
[From The Mail] Ugh. I mean, I understand WHY this is being done – to show the character's sickness and such. I understand the "method acting" part. Still, it's called ACTING – you don't actually have to starve yourself into oblivion to achieve what your character is going through. There's makeup. And costumes, corsets, Spanx and body slimmers. And CGI. There are a lot of ways to handle the "sickness" transformation without starving poor Anne. Anne might be all for it, though. These kinds of physical transformations always get noticed during the awards season. |
Lindsay Lohan will be allowed into Canada to work on ‘Liz & Dick’: WTF, Canada? Posted: 30 Mar 2012 06:03 AM PDT Here are some of the most unfortunate photos from Lindsay Lohan's court appearance yesterday. In some, she looks like a 40-year-old escort on her 15th bust, and in some photos Lindsay just looks oddly strung out. Jesus, her lips are so crazy. Why does she do that to herself? Anyway, as we were discussing yesterday, Lindsay was facing a lot of potential problems for the Lifetime movie Liz & Dick, which will be filmed in Canada. The problem? Lindsay is a cracked-out felon with multiple convictions, and Canadians don't hand out work visas to crackheads. Except they do! Because according to TMZ/Mother Crackhead, "Lindsay has just been granted a Canadian work permit to film an upcoming Liz Taylor movie in Toronto." According to TMZ's sources, "Canadian officials have realized Lindsay has been receiving positive marks from the court and her probation officer … and signed off on the permit hours after she completed her community service requirements yesterday." Can you imagine the poor Canadian bureaucrat who had to sign off on this mess? You know he's sending out his résumé right now. You know how I had concerns about whether this "Lifetime movie" was just some enormous crack hustle that probably didn't even exist, because only Lindsay and her crack team of drunken sycophants were the ones "confirming" anything about the project? Well, TV Guide has an answer to my misgivings:
[From TV Guide] Once again, I don't understand who makes that call and where things went wrong in his or her life. Can you imagine the producer of Liz & Dick, sitting there watching THIS FACE on TMZ's live feed and saying, "Yes! Finally, my Elizabeth Taylor!" Is everyone in Hollywood on drugs? Also: LL celebrated her court victory by going to the Marmont, of course. Page Six reports that LL went to the Marmont with her sister (Ali) for lunch, and Samantha Ronson happened to be there. A “spy” told Page Six, “neither [Samantha nor Lindsay] made eye contact, and Ronson — who friends say recently broke up with her girlfriend, Erin Foster — left 10 minutes after the Lohans arrived.” Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet. |
Brad Pitt is crushing on Berenice Bejo and Angelina Jolie is super-pissed Posted: 30 Mar 2012 04:54 AM PDT Tabloids are still running analyses of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's awards show activities. Because they've got nothing else, I guess. Because everyone spent too much time talking about The Leg, and they forgot to make up stories about Brad Pitt getting it on with Melissa McCarthy (sidenote: wouldn't you love that story?). Last week, we heard all about Brad Pitt's "infatuation" with 21-year-old Jennifer Lawrence, whom he obviously wants to sleep with and Angelina Jolie obviously wants to devour Brad's soul because of that. This Enquirer story is a lot like that, only they've changed up the actresses. Now Brad is infatuated with The Artist's Berenice Bejo. You know, the actress who is married The Artist's director, Michel Hazanavicius.
[From The Enquirer, print edition] Bejo is completely lovely, and I wouldn't be surprised if many dudes spoke about her beauty with affection. That being said… it's not on. Bejo seems completely in love with Michel. Brad seems fine with The Leg. Oh, and was Angelina seething at the SAG awards? Was that why she got bombed on under-the-table-vodka with Tilda Swinton? It all makes sense now! You know how I just said Bejo is lovely? It's true. But I don't think she should be a redhead. Her skin tone and eye color demand a lush, rich brunette, I think. Also – she kind of looks like the kind of girl Clooney would go for, right? She's got a whiff of Elisabetta/Stacy/Sarah, right? |
Casper Smart got Jennifer Lopez’s name tattooed on his “nether regions” Posted: 30 Mar 2012 04:31 AM PDT These are some photos of Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart from about a week ago. I don't know why I'm just getting to them now…? J.Lo is wearing fur – is that mink? Chinchilla? And she and Casper were headed into a medical building. Dear God, please don't let her be pregnant. Please please please do let this doofus impregnate her. That's what I think whenever a celebrity is pap'd outside of a medical building – "OMG, preggo." It's not always the case. But… it happens enough that I'm concerned. You know what else concerns me? When Jennifer's 24-year-old, facially-challenged man-child gets her name tattooed on his dong. That's what In Touch Weekly claims:
[From In Touch Weekly, print edition] You know what's going to hurt? All of the laser treatments to this boy's delicates a year from now. You know what's going to cushion the pain spasms? The fact that Jennifer had to write him a fat check after marrying and divorcing him in the span of six months. And of course his mom loves it! WTF? I know some commenters have kids who are adults or almost adults – how would you feel about your early-20s son dating a woman twenty years older than him, with two kids and three ex-husbands (plus an ex-fiancé)? How would you feel if your son got that woman's name tattooed on his peen? So gross. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet. |
George Clooney was “secretly horrified” with Stacy Keibler’s early style Posted: 30 Mar 2012 04:15 AM PDT The Mail got their hands on these vintage Stacy Keibler photos a few days ago. I don't really understand why the photos are particularly newsworthy, but that being said, I enjoyed looking at a pre-George Clooney version of Stacy. I never paid any attention to her before she became George's official piece. Her face has changed since whenever these pics were taken (some say 2008-ish). Nose job? But something small… not a major overhaul at all. It seems like they just narrowed her nose a little bit, and yes, I do think she got implants after this shoot, which is too bad because her girls are a nice size in these photos. Other than that, it's just a difference in styling. Speaking of styling, remember how awful Stacy looked when she made her debut as Clooney's piece at the Toronto Film Festival last year? It was all bird's nest hair and black velvet cocktail waitress dresses. It was AWFUL. In Touch Weekly has a "Stacy Keibler: Pre and Post-Clooney" photo array this week, much of which I won't even try to duplicate. Suffice to say, even though I don't love Stacy's style at all these days, she has made significant improvements since getting with Clooney. And In Touch even has a theory as to how that happened:
[In Touch, print edition] Yes, it does sound "very Pretty Woman". How astute! But I won't yell at Stacy all the time. Yesterday, she did a photo-op – for a charity! She was raising awareness for One Day Without Shoes, a campaign to raise awareness of the importance of shoes in preventing childhood injury and illness. You can see some photos here, at The Mail. She almost flashed her beave in one photo. FOR THE CHILDREN. Photos courtesy of The Mail, additional pics by Fame/Flynet. |
Alec Baldwin’s young girlfriend thinks he has anger management issues (LOL) Posted: 30 Mar 2012 04:10 AM PDT Alec Baldwin has been dating 28-year-old Hilaria Thomas for nearly a year. Alec is 54, by the way. Which makes this… kind of gross, except that I think Hilaria looks older than 28, so it's not as gross as it could be, you know? Hilaria is a yoga instructor. Allegedly, that's how they met – Alec does yoga…? Soon after they got together, Alec bought a little Manhattan lovenest near her studio, and he brings her to all of his events. Unfortunately, their relationship might be going south. For why? Because it's taken Hilaria nearly a year to realize that Alec Baldwin has anger management issues. Shocking!
[From The Enquirer, print edition] I would think that part of the joy of living with Alec Baldwin is seeing his daily rage-stroke at various inconsequential things, like being told to turn off his phone game, or seeing some clouds that are untidy. "DAMN YOU CLOUDS!!! DAMN YOU STRAIGHT TO HELL!" Remember when he had a hissy fit at the National Enquirer's gossip columnist Mike Walker? Alec went out of his way to call Walker a "whore" and a "goat-footed, wheezy old queen." Of course, there's a not-so-funny side to Alec's rage: when he turns it onto a loved one, like his daughter Ireland. Still… you know what you're getting with Alec. Don't pretend like he's not some crazy, intemperate bastard who flies off the handle at anyone or anything. *shakes fist at cloud* Also, if Alec does end up single again, he should ask Adele out. She's got a huge crush on him. And they could be AMAZING together. |
Sarah Michelle Gellar is pissed that Freddie Prinze Jr. wants to drop Mr. Mom duty Posted: 30 Mar 2012 04:09 AM PDT In early February, Kaiser observed that Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr. (who have been married for 12 years) are very rarely photographed together. The above picture is from their last joint red carpet appearance, which was the London premiere of Hairspray in 2007. So they don’t make a habit of flaunting their relationship, which is certainly not the norm in Hollywood, but it probably works for them. Nonetheless, I knew it would be just a matter of time before the media started making noises about Freddie deciding to stay home “watching football” while Sarah attended the Globes in that amazing blue-and-white dress all by her lonesome. It only took about a week for that to happen, but Sarah’s rep denied that there was any trouble in the marital relationship. Personally, I’d be quite irritated if my husband left me alone to fend off those sorts of questions on the Globes red carpet, but Sarah seemed completely fine with it. Now the rumors are circulating again, but this time they revolve around Freddie growing tired of being a stay-at-home dad while Sarah is out earning a living. According to the Enquirer, Sarah is super pissed that Freddie is due to start work on a new sitcom because they previously agreed to have one parent home with their daughter. This hilariously reminds me of the “Friends” episode where Freddie played a male nanny, and who knows if this story is true or not, but it seems rather conveniently timed with the arrival of Freddie’s new job:
[From Enquirer, print edition, April 9, 2012] So Sarah’s now looking for “extra nannies“? That leads to an assumption that she and Freddie already have at least a part-time helper of sorts for Charlotte, and if that’s true, Freddie hasn’t really been on 24/7 toddler duty. Who knows if he and Sarah really had an agreement, explicit or implicit, to keep one parent at home with the kid every day while the other worked, but I could see why he might feel emasculated with Sarah earning all the dough these days. Don’t get mad at me for saying that — it’s how a lot of guys (but not all of them) would react. Still, I sort of doubt this story is true. Meanwhile, Freddie sure does keep a low profile. Here he is trying not to be noticed last April while ducking out of a doctor’s office. Here’s Sarah and Freddie at the Scooby-Doo 2 premiere in 2004: And here’s Sarah on her own doing promotional duties for “Ringer” in February of this year: Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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