Saturday, March 24, 2012

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Quote Of The Day

Posted: 24 Mar 2012 01:00 PM PDT

"All I get is grown men with my song lyrics tattooed on their arms or their body parts One guy even had my face tattooed on his arm which was strange. I don't get women throwing themselves at me or flinging their underwear. Maybe one day."

- Ed Sheeran to The Daily Mail

[Image via WENN.]

American Horror Story Gears Up For The Emmys … As A Miniseries?!

Posted: 24 Mar 2012 12:40 PM PDT

Ladies in the running for Best Actress in a Drama Series at this years Emmy Awards can all take a breath. You all stand a chance at winning ... now that Jessica Lange has been taken out of the equation. Oh, don't all you Constance fans fret. She's still going to walk away with one -- how could she not! -- but just in a different category.

The show producers have revealed that American Horror Story will compete in its first year on the air in the Miniseries category for this year's Emmys. As it has been revealed that the show will in fact change year to year, the series is considered more of an anthology, which would classify it by the Academy's standards as a miniseries.

Hey, the gold is still gold, no matter how you slice it and you can place out bets right now: the whole cast is all but guaranteed to be walking away with some statues come Emmys night.

Especially Jessica Lange!

Hey, is this here EGOT moment? Someone Wiki it and see if she's about to join the EGOT club!

New Breaking Dawn Teaser Trailer Here!

Posted: 24 Mar 2012 12:20 PM PDT

Run, Bambi! Vampire Bella's looking HUNGRY! LOL!

If you went to see The Hunger Games this weekend (and chances are, you did), then you were treated to a BRAND NEW teaser trailer for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part Two.

In it, we get a little action for Team Jacob (complete with shirt ON, sorry), Team Edward and the piece de resistance, one red-eyes, blood thirst, hopefully less whiny vampire Bella Swan!

Girl looks positiviely EVIL!

Check out the video (above) -- apologies for the less that high quality -- to see a glimpse of what is to come in the final installment of the Twilight franchise.

She's going to be biting a lot more than her lower lip in this movie! HA!

This Is Carrie Bradshaw Circa 1985!

Posted: 24 Mar 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Before her column, before Mr. Big, before Abu Dhabi, there was just a little blonde princess in the kingdom of Manhattan, who had her sights set on the future ... and everything fashion forward.

Though we won't get to see a lick of footage until the fall, production is already well underway for The Carrie Diaries, the much anticipated prequel to the beloved HBO show Sex and The City. Understanding that the world is on the edge of their seat to see the beginnings of New York's most famous fictional columnist, The CW has realeased first image of the show: AnnaSophia Robb as Ms. Bradshaw herself.

Gotta say, the resemblance to Sarah Jessica Parker isn't striking, but its noticeable. But what she lacks in the face, she makes up for in the wardrobe! We remember those shoes! And that skirt! And don't even get us started on the hair! Whoo! 80s in the house! Where ever did they find a crimper!

So far, looks good to us! Maybe our summer read will have to be The Carrie Diaries, just so we can be ready for the pilot!

[Image via The CW.]

Jersey Shore To Phase Out Snooki And The Situation In Season 6!

Posted: 24 Mar 2012 11:40 AM PDT

This is definitely the end of Jersey Shore.

Well, the original cast, that is....

The cast of the MTV reality show just signed on for a sixth season, which had us all going "huh?" considering one of its biggest stars is knocked up and the other one is in rehab.

With a show that basically revolves around alcohol and partying, how were producers going to work this one out?

Guys - now we know.

MTV plans on keeping things fresh by phasing out Snooki and The Situation and introducing new talent to the show.

But who will have food fights on the upper deck?!? WAAH!

They also plan on giving the other players more screen time, which, again, is a little weird considering J-Wowwwwww is doing her spin-off reality show with Snooks and Pauly D will be seen on HIS new show The Pauly D Project.

Oh, gawd. Please don't tell us the Shore will be The Ronnie and Sammi "Sweetheart" Hour?

We don't know if we can hear "RAAAAAHN!" being yelled into our ear drums any more!!

What do U think of changes? Should they go on or just let the show out of its misery already??

The Hunger Games Scores $68.3 Million At The Box Office In One Day!

Posted: 24 Mar 2012 11:20 AM PDT

The odds are very much in you favor this weekend, Lionsgate. CHA-CHING!

As anticipated, The Hunger Games was a massive success at the box office yesterday, raking in a massively impressive $68.3 million at the box office. With that haul, The Hunger Games earns the honor of the best opening day ever for a nonsequel and the fifth highest of all time.

A good junk of the dough made yesterday came from the midnight showings, which earned $19.7 million. While it didn't quite beat the records set by its collegues Harry Potter and Edward Cullen of Twilight, according to analysts, the film is headed for a record-breaking $140 million to $150 million debut, securing it's place among the other franchises.

In other words, this is just the beginning! Just wait until the weekend is over! And then NEXT YEAR, wait and see how Catching Fire does!

This is gonna be BIG!

Did U see the Hunger Games this weekend? Did it live up to the hype for U? Were you super impressed with Jennifer Lawrence and the team?

Charlie Sheen Responds To His Recent Drunk Fest: 'I'm Just A Lightweight'

Posted: 24 Mar 2012 10:40 AM PDT

If this is the future of Charlie Sheen, we want to live in the past!

JK! We actually never want to relive those insane warlock days!

So, we all were a little concerned for the Ma-Sheen when he was seen hammered up the wazoo at a Guns N' Roses concert earlier this month - especially since Charlie could NOT stop making drug references!

Turns out, according to the actor, he's just a lightweight!

Oh, um, okay.

Charlie claims that he NEVER gave up alcohol, so technically, he didn't fall of the wagon.

He's just not used to drinking and partying as much anymore so all that booze hit him "pretty hard."

He told a pal:

"This is what happens when you don't drink very often."

Hmm. Okay, then, lesson learned. Hopefully.

[Image via WENN.]

Lindsay Lohan's Car Shows No Evidence Of Hit-And-Run

Posted: 24 Mar 2012 10:20 AM PDT

This is really looking good for Lindsay Lohan.

Not only has Thaer Kamal, the hookah lounge manager that's accusing her of a hit-and-run, been accused of insurance fraud, but now cops are saying that there are no signs of damage on her Porsche after completing a full investigation.

Kamal's lawyer Mark Geragos claims that there is actual video surveillance that shows Lindsay struck him and two cars. But, according to eye witnesses, the allegations are completely bogus. And now that the LAPD have done a full body inspection on LiLo's ride and have come up with nothing, it looks like Lindsay is in the win here.

Which is why she's now decided to speak with the cops about that night - something she initially refused to do.

In any case, this will likely be brought up during her probation hearing next week, but until then, Linds can pretty much just sit back and breathe a sigh of relief.

Lucky, lucky girl.

[Image via WENN.]

WATCH Juanes' La Señal Music Video Here!

Posted: 24 Mar 2012 09:40 AM PDT

Mmmm, Juanes.

The seksi latino superstar is about to release his first ever live album with JUANES: MTV Unplugged and finally, we have a teaser of the full concert video.

His latest single La Señal (so pretty, BTW) debuted as the most added new track at Latin pop radio last week - and now U can watch Juanes show off his softer side in his new MTV Tr3s music video (above).

How we love watching him strum his guitar...

And don't forget to check out his Unplugged special on Sunday, May 27 on MTV Tr3s!

These Celebrities Said WHAT?!

Posted: 24 Mar 2012 09:20 AM PDT

Horrible, HIGHlarious, and sometimes both, we can't believe the things that have come out of these people's mouths!

Ch-ch-check out a photo gallery of celebrities who have said absolutely ridiculous things...HERE!

Ch-ch-check out a photo gallery of celebrities who have said absolutely ridiculous things...HERE!

Ch-ch-check out a photo gallery of celebrities who have said absolutely ridiculous things...HERE!

Ch-ch-check out a photo gallery of celebrities who have said absolutely ridiculous things...HERE!

Ch-ch-check out a photo gallery of celebrities who have said absolutely ridiculous things...HERE!

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